Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 Speed, which allows it to outspeed and threaten common Pokemon like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. Being a fast pivot makes Raikou hard to wear down and allows it to bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert and threaten them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing that can make up for it being slower than Raikou.
name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk
Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch, like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill with a burn chance, as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being Raikou's best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, forcing a chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazard damage, which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon using Dark Pulse.
Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego, which are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, can switch into Ground-type moves for Raikou.
Other Options
Extrasensory hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, as offensive threats like Zarude can negate status with options like Jungle Healing. Calm Mind + Substitute makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen block Volt Switch from Raikou and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.
**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, and it easily tanks any other move.
**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, can easily take attacks from Raikou while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.
- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [DC, 449990]]
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