UU Raikou (QC 3/3) (GP 2/2)


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Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 Speed, which allows it to outspeed and threaten common Pokemon like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. Being a fast pivot makes Raikou hard to wear down and allows it to bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert and threaten them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing that can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch, like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill with a burn chance, as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being Raikou's best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, forcing a chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazard damage, which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon using Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego, which are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, can switch into Ground-type moves for Raikou.


Other Options
Extrasensory hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, as offensive threats like Zarude can negate status with options like Jungle Healing. Calm Mind + Substitute makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen block Volt Switch from Raikou and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, and it easily tanks any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, can easily take attacks from Raikou while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429], [DC, 449990]]
Last edited:
- Raikou is an excellent fast pivot in the UU metagame due to having a base speed of 115, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows Raikou to speed tie or outspeed most of the prevalent Pokemon in the tier. This allows Raikou to be hard to wear down and bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to walbreak. pivot into teammates that want to take hits when face to face with breakers or KO frailer Pokemon that do not want to take hits from Raikou's attacks.
- Raikou has a plethora of coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. can help break checks that want to stop Volt Switches. Scald can do a lot of super-effective damage to ground types that like to switch into electric moves while also having a chance to burn them, while Aura Sphere or Extrasensory can threaten the grass and dragon types in the tier that take minimal damage from electric moves. I reworded this point to make it easier, in general try to be specific when bringing up types
- Despite being slower, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having versatile coverage, and a better typing. Still, Raikou's main competition for a spot on a team is Thundurus-T who has a more versatile move pool while also being immune to ground and electric moves. Raikou's main attraction over Thundurus-T is its speed tier. Raikou still has good damage and enough move coverage to make it a viable option for speed control and a pivot.

Name: Offensive Pivot
Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Thunderbolt
Move 3: Scald
Move 4: Aura Sphere/Extrasensory/Toxic Aura Sphere Aura Sphere should solely be the 4th move
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk

all of these should be lowercase (name, move 1, item, nature, etc)


Paragraph 1
- Volt switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that consistently can make progress. the powerful pivot that it is due to the STAB typing on top of a base 115 Special Attack stat
- Thunderbolt gives Raikou a powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. that doesn't force it to switch out allowing Raikou to change late game from a pivot to a sweeper, or allows Raikou to pick up KO's if extra damage is needed. extra info, aim to get straight to the point
- Scald scares ground users from coming in on volt switches in fear of having to take a water type move. Scald can also burn a lot of physical offensive threats to Raikou to weaken them. (like what? Give examples. Say which Ground-types it hits and what offensive threats it can burn)
- Aura Sphere is hits coverage move option 1 for hitting Dark-types like Hydreigon and or Zarude for super effective damage to not get walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion and a weakened Chansey steel types like Cobalion or Excadrill for super effective damage
- Extrasensory is mainly for amoongus switch ins who can take Raikou's other moves with ease. Can also hit fighting types like Conkeldurr harder if needed.
- Toxic is mainly for bulkier grasses or grounds that can take Raikou's other attacks or recover health through scalds. Not as powerful of an option out the gate, but can help chip walls for the rest of one's team.

sent these to other options, see that section for what to say
-mention how Heavy-Duty Boots lets Raikou pivot around without worrying about entry hazard chip

Paragraph 2
- Raikou still has trouble with bulkier ground types that can take a scald hit and KO with earthquake or earth power. Swampert, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon especially like switching in on Raikou, so grass types that can handle these Pokemon make good teammates (Tangrowth/Amoongus).
- Tangrowth/Amoongus can also have an easy time switching into Raikou's attacks. Pokemon like Moltres/Nidoqueen/Celesteela can appreciate coming in on these pokemon as a pivot. (Maybe put a note about being careful of spore/knock here?)
- Dragon types like Hydreigon and Zygarde-10% can be troublesome for Raikou. Answers like Primarina or Hippowdon could be helpful.

these points largely feel incomplete and I don't want to write them in for you. Here are the teammates that should be covered, I'll do one as a sample to show you how to word it

-Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it.
-Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for it to come in on. Zarude also blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss.

other points to include are down below, try your best to write them on similar quality to the ones above in green
-how entry hazard support with Spikes from Skarmory and Stealth Rock from Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou, mention how it wears down certain Pokemon allowing Raikou to get past them

-Water-types like Primarina and Keldeo to pressure Ground-types and Nihilego. say how Primarina also answers Dragon-types like Hydreigon.
-Switch-ins to Grass-types like Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, add how Mandibuzz checks Zygarde-10%

Other Options

-bring up extrasensory here instead and how it hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage
-same with toxic, say how it cripples Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon but typically Raikou can just Volt Switch on the former
-bring up Substitute + Calm Mind as a fast sweeper that takes advantage of Amoonguss with Pressure stalling, but mention how it is hard to get going when Hippowdon, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Zarude are common presences

- Shadow ball to hit ghost types like aegislash more effectively, but as ghosts are normally frail and don't resist Raikou's attacks, it is usually not needed.
- Extreme Speed is an option to finish off low health pokemon, but as one of the fastest pivots in the tier Raikou usually prefers the extra coverage move that will hit harder instead.
- Maybe the toxic set should go here?

shadow ball and extreme speed are not viable really, remove them and acknowledge the other points in OO

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky ground types can usually take scald damage from Raikou and OHKO Raikou in return with earthquake or earth power. like what? Specify. I'd say something along the lines of "Bulky-Ground types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch, take Scald well, though they hate getting burned, and heavily damage Raikou." Offensive ground types like Zygarde-10% or Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their respective ground move.

**Water-types with Ground-typing**: The biggest pain for Raikou is the dual typing of water and ground in the tier. Gastrodon and Seismitoad have Water Absorb which makes them immune to 3/4 of Raikou's attacks. Swampert is also extremely hard to break through due to Raikou being frail and being KO'd after a few earthquakes even if Swampert is burned. combine this point with the above and bring up Seismitoad and Gastrodon there

add a section on Grass-types- Amoonguss, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth should all be noticed

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. KO Raikou first. Especially specially defensive walls that can recover health will make Raikou feel like it is not doing any damage.

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Great effort for your first analysis, excited to see your future. I'm gonna check this a second time after you implement all that's been said since it's a lot and I want to make sure you got it all
add remove comment

add is directly write in word for word
remove is just cut out
comment is me telling you to do something or justifying a change, it's up to you to properly do the former!
Last edited:
- Raikou is an excellent fast pivot in the UU metagame due to having a base speed of 115, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows Raikou to speed tie or outspeed most of the prevalent Pokemon in the tier. This allows Raikou to be hard to wear down and bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to walbreak. pivot into teammates that want to take hits when face to face with breakers or KO frailer Pokemon that do not want to take hits from Raikou's attacks.
- Raikou has a plethora of coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. can help break checks that want to stop Volt Switches. Scald can do a lot of super-effective damage to ground types that like to switch into electric moves while also having a chance to burn them, while Aura Sphere or Extrasensory can threaten the grass and dragon types in the tier that take minimal damage from electric moves. I reworded this point to make it easier, in general try to be specific when bringing up types
- Despite being slower, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having versatile coverage, and a better typing. Still, Raikou's main competition for a spot on a team is Thundurus-T who has a more versatile move pool while also being immune to ground and electric moves. Raikou's main attraction over Thundurus-T is its speed tier. Raikou still has good damage and enough move coverage to make it a viable option for speed control and a pivot.

Name: Offensive Pivot
Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Thunderbolt
Move 3: Scald
Move 4: Aura Sphere/Extrasensory/Toxic Aura Sphere Aura Sphere should solely be the 4th move
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk

all of these should be lowercase (name, move 1, item, nature, etc)


Paragraph 1
- Volt switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that consistently can make progress. the powerful pivot that it is due to the STAB typing on top of a base 115 Special Attack stat
- Thunderbolt gives Raikou a powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. that doesn't force it to switch out allowing Raikou to change late game from a pivot to a sweeper, or allows Raikou to pick up KO's if extra damage is needed. extra info, aim to get straight to the point
- Scald scares ground users from coming in on volt switches in fear of having to take a water type move. Scald can also burn a lot of physical offensive threats to Raikou to weaken them. (like what? Give examples. Say which Ground-types it hits and what offensive threats it can burn)
- Aura Sphere is hits coverage move option 1 for hitting Dark-types like Hydreigon and or Zarude for super effective damage to not get walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion and a weakened Chansey steel types like Cobalion or Excadrill for super effective damage
- Extrasensory is mainly for amoongus switch ins who can take Raikou's other moves with ease. Can also hit fighting types like Conkeldurr harder if needed.
- Toxic is mainly for bulkier grasses or grounds that can take Raikou's other attacks or recover health through scalds. Not as powerful of an option out the gate, but can help chip walls for the rest of one's team.

sent these to other options, see that section for what to say
-mention how Heavy-Duty Boots lets Raikou pivot around without worrying about entry hazard chip

Paragraph 2
- Raikou still has trouble with bulkier ground types that can take a scald hit and KO with earthquake or earth power. Swampert, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon especially like switching in on Raikou, so grass types that can handle these Pokemon make good teammates (Tangrowth/Amoongus).
- Tangrowth/Amoongus can also have an easy time switching into Raikou's attacks. Pokemon like Moltres/Nidoqueen/Celesteela can appreciate coming in on these pokemon as a pivot. (Maybe put a note about being careful of spore/knock here?)
- Dragon types like Hydreigon and Zygarde-10% can be troublesome for Raikou. Answers like Primarina or Hippowdon could be helpful.

these points largely feel incomplete and I don't want to write them in for you. Here are the teammates that should be covered, I'll do one as a sample to show you how to word it

-Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it.
-Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for it to come in on. Zarude also blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss.

other points to include are down below, try your best to write them on similar quality to the ones above in green
-how entry hazard support with Spikes from Skarmory and Stealth Rock from Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou, mention how it wears down certain Pokemon allowing Raikou to get past them

-Water-types like Primarina and Keldeo to pressure Ground-types and Nihilego. say how Primarina also answers Dragon-types like Hydreigon.
-Switch-ins to Grass-types like Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, add how Mandibuzz checks Zygarde-10%

Other Options

-bring up extrasensory here instead and how it hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage
-same with toxic, say how it cripples Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon but typically Raikou can just Volt Switch on the former
-bring up Substitute + Calm Mind as a fast sweeper that takes advantage of Amoonguss with Pressure stalling, but mention how it is hard to get going when Hippowdon, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Zarude are common presences

- Shadow ball to hit ghost types like aegislash more effectively, but as ghosts are normally frail and don't resist Raikou's attacks, it is usually not needed.
- Extreme Speed is an option to finish off low health pokemon, but as one of the fastest pivots in the tier Raikou usually prefers the extra coverage move that will hit harder instead.
- Maybe the toxic set should go here?

shadow ball and extreme speed are not viable really, remove them and acknowledge the other points in OO

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky ground types can usually take scald damage from Raikou and OHKO Raikou in return with earthquake or earth power. like what? Specify. I'd say something along the lines of "Bulky-Ground types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch, take Scald well, though they hate getting burned, and heavily damage Raikou." Offensive ground types like Zygarde-10% or Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their respective ground move.

**Water-types with Ground-typing**: The biggest pain for Raikou is the dual typing of water and ground in the tier. Gastrodon and Seismitoad have Water Absorb which makes them immune to 3/4 of Raikou's attacks. Swampert is also extremely hard to break through due to Raikou being frail and being KO'd after a few earthquakes even if Swampert is burned. combine this point with the above and bring up Seismitoad and Gastrodon there

add a section on Grass-types- Amoonguss, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth should all be noticed

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. KO Raikou first. Especially specially defensive walls that can recover health will make Raikou feel like it is not doing any damage.

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Great effort for your first analysis, excited to see your future. I'm gonna check this a second time after you implement all that's been said since it's a lot and I want to make sure you got it all
add remove comment

add is directly write in word for word
remove is just cut out
comment is me telling you to do something or justifying a change, it's up to you to properly do the former!
Finally added it all in. Thanks for being patient and sorry for the wait!
- Raikou is a solid an excellent (excellent hypes it up too much it's still like B+ at best) fast pivot in the UU metagame due to its base 115 Speed having a base speed of 115, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows Raikou to be hard to wear down and bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak.

- Raikou has a plethora of coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon.

-add a point about raikou having limited defensive utility because of its average bulk and typing, which is worsened by the fact it is not too strong and struggles to break past foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego as well as just not being able to get past amoonguss, chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth.

- Despite being slower, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having versatile coverage, and better typing. Still, Raikou's main attraction over Thundurus-T is its Speed tier, and Raikou still has good damage and enough move coverage to make it a viable option for speed control and a pivot.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Paragraph 1
- Volt switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that consistently can make progress and bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss.

- Thunderbolt gives Raikou a powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor.

- Scald scares Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and or Excadrill from switching into Volt Switch, 2HKOing the latter two. These two examples along with other ground types are threatened to be 2HKO’d by scald without proper investment, and can also risk getting burned by Scald which would greatly weaken their ability to KO Raikou with earthquake in return. I would replace this point by mentioning Scald hits Nihilego and Rotom-H super effectively and is Raikou's best method of hitting Thundurus-T as well. Then, mention how it can cripple switch-ins like the aforementioned Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss with a burn.

- Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting to not get walled by them. It Raikou can also hit Cobalion and a weakened Chansey for super effective damage.

-add the point about heavy-duty boots letting Raikou pivot around without getting worn down by entry hazards

Paragraph 2
- Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it.

- Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss.

- Spike support from Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear ware down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth who have regenerator to stop them from regaining their HP back on switch in. This also goes for other Specially Defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego making their switch-ins limited while also making it hard for them to recover if paired with strong Fighting-type wallbreakers like Cobalion and Keldeo also can pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego (decided to make this a seperate point)

- Water-types like Primarina and the aformentioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types (specify which Ground-types. Is it Hippowdon? Nidoqueen? Mamoswine?) and Nihilego that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also completely stop Hydreigon which can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check.

- Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat.


Other Options
- Extrasensory is an option for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere since Raikou can Volt Switch on both Pokemon and has less versatility against common Pokemon seen on teams.

- Raikou can also run Toxic as its last move to weaken Pokemon like Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon, but Raikou can also Volt Switch on Tangrowth and hit Scald Hippowdon with Scald.

- Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it and substitute is another set option for Raikou to set up as a late game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Raikou’s ability Pressure, but with the presence common answers of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth this set can be unreliable and hard to get going.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all have the option to block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald hits. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do big chunks of damage to Raikou to heavily weaken it. Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% or Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their super effective attacks. respective ground move.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth and Amoonguss (grammar thing but i switched the order because current writing indicates that both of them are AV mons when only tangrowth uses it) like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with Sludge Bomb. Choice Scarf Zarude can also tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou while also being able to easily tank any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status.

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
QC 1/3
great job with the implementation, I'm expecting a good future for you in analyses with enough practice
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A lot of this seems fine, though you need to remember to capitalize certain things like abilities and items.
you can get rid of the bullet points now and make them into paragraphs now
View attachment 425819

- Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows Raikou to be hard to wear down and bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak.

- Raikou has a plethora of coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon.

- Raikou has limited defensive utility on teams due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities can struggle as it has a hard time breaking foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego while also not being able to break Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. add that this also limits Raikou's ability to trade with offensive threats

- Despite being slower, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having versatile coverage, and better typing. Still, Raikou's main attraction over Thundurus-T is its speed tier. Raikou still has good damage and enough move coverage to make it a viable option for speed control and a pivot. already mentioned this so no need to go over it again

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Paragraph 1
- Volt Switch capitalized makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently make progress to bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss.

- Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor.

- Scald scares punishes Ground-types switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill from switching into Volt Switch, 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while also being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T all of which can easily take or block Raikou's Electric-type moves. Scald can also cripple switch-ins like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss by burning them which will make the former two's attack weakened while also negating some recovery from leftovers or regenerator.

- Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion and a weakened Chansey for super effective damage. it isn't impossible for chansey to be weakened given the amount of hazard chip it can rack up but realistically the threshold where aura sphere would be able to kill it before it softboils is way too unreliable.

- Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots capitalized as its item in order to negate hazard damage which allows it to come in more frequently and keep momentum for the team.

Paragraph 2
- Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it. be more specific, these teams also enjoy its speed tier for revenge killing Pokemon like Keldeo and Thundurus-T

- Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss.

- Spikes support from Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth.

- Fighting-type wallbreakers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Keldeo can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that are hard for Raikou to break.

- Water-types like Primarina and the aformentioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill as well as Nihilego that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also completely stop Hydreigon which can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check.

- Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat.


Other Options
- Extrasensory is an option for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere since Raikou can Volt Switch on both Pokemon and has less versatility. I mean u can say the same for hydreigon and zarude, the thing is that aura sphere does more to them than extrasensory does the Amoonguss

- Raikou can also run Toxic as its last move to weaken Pokemon like Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon, but Raikou can also Volt Switch on Tangrowth and hit Hippowdon with Scald. it's more like toxic is difficult to fit on Raikou's moveset given that zarude is a pain without aura sphere and scald is better at pressuring foes like excadrill

- Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it a late game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoongus with Pressure, but with the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth this set can be unreliable and hard to get going.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all have the option to block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald hits. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do considerable big chunks of damage to Raikou to heavily weaken it. Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% or Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their super effective attacks.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with Sludge Bomb. Choice Scarf Zarude can also tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou while also being able to easily tank any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status.

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
A lot of this seems fine, though you need to remember to capitalize certain things like abilities and items.
you can get rid of the bullet points now and make them into paragraphs now
View attachment 425819

- Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows Raikou to be hard to wear down and bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak.

- Raikou has a plethora of coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon.

- Raikou has limited defensive utility on teams due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities can struggle as it has a hard time breaking foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego while also not being able to break Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. add that this also limits Raikou's ability to trade with offensive threats

- Despite being slower, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having versatile coverage, and better typing. Still, Raikou's main attraction over Thundurus-T is its speed tier. Raikou still has good damage and enough move coverage to make it a viable option for speed control and a pivot. already mentioned this so no need to go over it again

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Paragraph 1
- Volt Switch capitalized makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently make progress to bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss.

- Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor.

- Scald scares punishes Ground-types switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill from switching into Volt Switch, 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while also being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T all of which can easily take or block Raikou's Electric-type moves. Scald can also cripple switch-ins like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss by burning them which will make the former two's attack weakened while also negating some recovery from leftovers or regenerator.

- Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion and a weakened Chansey for super effective damage. it isn't impossible for chansey to be weakened given the amount of hazard chip it can rack up but realistically the threshold where aura sphere would be able to kill it before it softboils is way too unreliable.

- Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots capitalized as its item in order to negate hazard damage which allows it to come in more frequently and keep momentum for the team.

Paragraph 2
- Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it. be more specific, these teams also enjoy its speed tier for revenge killing Pokemon like Keldeo and Thundurus-T

- Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss.

- Spikes support from Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth.

- Fighting-type wallbreakers like Swords Dance Cobalion and Keldeo can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that are hard for Raikou to break.

- Water-types like Primarina and the aformentioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill as well as Nihilego that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also completely stop Hydreigon which can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check.

- Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat.


Other Options
- Extrasensory is an option for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere since Raikou can Volt Switch on both Pokemon and has less versatility. I mean u can say the same for hydreigon and zarude, the thing is that aura sphere does more to them than extrasensory does the Amoonguss

- Raikou can also run Toxic as its last move to weaken Pokemon like Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon, but Raikou can also Volt Switch on Tangrowth and hit Hippowdon with Scald. it's more like toxic is difficult to fit on Raikou's moveset given that zarude is a pain without aura sphere and scald is better at pressuring foes like excadrill

- Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it a late game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoongus with Pressure, but with the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth this set can be unreliable and hard to get going.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all have the option to block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald hits. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do considerable big chunks of damage to Raikou to heavily weaken it. Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% or Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their super effective attacks.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with Sludge Bomb. Choice Scarf Zarude can also tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou while also being able to easily tank any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status.

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Got it done, appreciate the work!
add in green
delete in red
comment in blue

This is an amateur check, please defer to QC. Very, very few substantive comments, only three are 1) explain inner focus, 2) talk about ground resists/immunes for partners, and 3) ask QC if volt cm is a set or not in other options. Most everything else is on style. Superb analysis and superb job done by previous QC!!!

View attachment 425819

Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This allows makes Raikou to be hard to wear down and lets it bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has a plethora of multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility on teams due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities can struggle as it has a hard time breaking foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego while also not being able to break and it struggles even more versus Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. This also causes Raikou to have limited trading capabilities with offensive threats as it can easily be whittled down and out damaged by the likes of Nidoqueen and Zarude. Not too clear what "this" refers to in "this also causes raikou to have..." Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and providing better typing which can make up for it being slower than Raikou. parallel structure

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Paragraph 1
Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill, 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Scald can also cripple switch-ins like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss with a burn. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion for super effective damage. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots as its item in order to negate hazard damage which allows it to come in more frequently and keep momentum for the team. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Gyarados' Waterfall after Dragon Dance and Celesteela's Air Slash after Automize. Ability isn't too intuitive especially because inner focus might be associated with stopping intimidate

Paragraph 2
Raikou best fits on offensive teams that provide many pivots to synergize with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats blanks Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Spikes support from Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. This also makes Volt Switch more potent. Wanted some sentence length variety too...Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that are hard for Raikou to break. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill as well as Nihilego that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also completely stop Hydreigon which can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check. Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, can absorb Ground moves Raikou is weak to.


Other Options
Extrasensory is an option for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere since Raikou can hit more Pokemon that threaten Raikou for more damage overall. Raikou can also run Toxic as a covering move to weaken Pokemon like Assault Vest Tangrowth and Hippowdon, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere as offensive threats like Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status. Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it a late game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoongus with Pressure, but with the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth, this set can be unreliable and hard to get going. Ask QC if Volt Switch + CM should be mentioned (and if so, what is CM over?)

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do considerable damage to Raikou. Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby have the possibility to outspeed and OHKO Raikou with their super effective attacks.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with STAB or coverage moves Sludge Bomb. Zarude can also tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou while also being able to easily tank any other move. Technically AV Tang doesn't sleep Raikou nor does it use Sludge Bomb vs it (always pwhip or eq) so I made your Sludge Bomb mention STAB or coverage moves which covers Sludge Bomb amoong, eq tang, and whip tang.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially Defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou while simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. Chansey and Assault vest Galarian Slowbro in particular have access to reliable recovery. I don't think it's right to put Nihilego in the same tier as Chansey and AV Glowbro. Double check in any case that regen counts as reliable recovery with QC

- Written by: [[Permission Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
AMGP Check, implement what you want
add remove comment || AC = Added Comma, RC = Removed Comma, AP = Added Period
Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing it Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This makes Raikou hard to wear down and lets it bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that annoy hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility on teams due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities are also limited in that can struggle as it has a hard time breaking foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego, (AC) and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Raikou's offensive It also struggles to trade struggles also causes limited trading capabilities with common offensive threats, (AC) such as Nidoqueen and Zarude, both of which easily outdamage Raikou. as it can easily be whittled down and out damaged by the likes of Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and providing better typing, (AC) which makes up can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill with a burn, whilst also 2HKOing the latter two. It Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage, (AC) while being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Scald can also cripple switch-ins like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss with a burn. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, (AC) both of which otherwise wall Raikou. for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion for super effective damage. (<- not too fond of this; coba never wants to switch in anyways and if raikou is healthy, a reasonable person will switch it out. I'd personally remove this.) Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots as its item in order to negate hazard damage, (AC) which allows it to come in more frequently and retain keep momentum for the team. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon’s Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores provide many pivots to synergize with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and (not sure if sciz really pressures amoong that well, I'd remove it but up to you really) Moltres pressures Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard Spikes support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert, Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, (AC) as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that are hard for Raikou to break. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, (AC) as well as Nihilego, (AC) all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also check also completely stop Hydreigon, (AC) which offensively checks Raikou. can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check. Grass-type switch-ins, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, are all good teammates for Raikou, as they can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from opposing Amoonguss, can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, are also considered good teammates (misspelt teammates) for to Raikou, (AC) as they can switch in absorb (I think absorb implies that they still take damage from the Ground-type moves, which isn't true.) Ground-type moves Raikou is weak to.


Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hit for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere, (AC) since Raikou can hit more of what threatens it. Pokemon that threaten Raikou for more damage overall. Raikou can also run Toxic as a covering move to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere as offensive threats like Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status. Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it a late-game (added hyphen) sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss (misspelt Amoonguss) with Pressure, but with the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth (RC) makes this set can be unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Calm Mind varient Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed as the extra damage isn't enough to break Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald, (AC) though they hate taking a burn. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do considerable damage to Raikou. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both have the possibility to (I think its more of a risk for the Raikou user to stay in since none of your moves OHKO/do enough to threaten it out. Diggersby, if its Choice Scarf, will always outspeed, so I wouldn't say "have the possibility to" here.) outspeed and OHKO Raikou. with their super effective attacks.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with STAB or coverage moves. Zarude can also take an tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, (AC) while also easily tanking being able to easily tank any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou, (AC) while also simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy access to recovery that makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down. Raikou's task of chipping them down very difficult.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
AMGP Check, implement what you want
add remove comment || AC = Added Comma, RC = Removed Comma, AP = Added Period
Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing it Raikou to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This makes Raikou hard to wear down and lets it bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that annoy hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility on teams due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities are also limited in that can struggle as it has a hard time breaking foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego, (AC) and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Raikou's offensive It also struggles to trade struggles also causes limited trading capabilities with common offensive threats, (AC) such as Nidoqueen and Zarude, both of which easily outdamage Raikou. as it can easily be whittled down and out damaged by the likes of Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, superior to Raikou due to it being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and providing better typing, (AC) which makes up can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill with a burn, whilst also 2HKOing the latter two. It Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage, (AC) while being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Scald can also cripple switch-ins like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Amoonguss with a burn. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, (AC) both of which otherwise wall Raikou. for super effective damage and keeps Raikou from getting walled by them. It can also hit Cobalion for super effective damage. (<- not too fond of this; coba never wants to switch in anyways and if raikou is healthy, a reasonable person will switch it out. I'd personally remove this.) Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots as its item in order to negate hazard damage, (AC) which allows it to come in more frequently and retain keep momentum for the team. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon’s Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores provide many pivots to synergize with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and (not sure if sciz really pressures amoong that well, I'd remove it but up to you really) Moltres pressures Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard Spikes support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert, Skarmory and Stealth Rock support from Pokemon like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nihilego help Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, (AC) as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that are hard for Raikou to break. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, (AC) as well as Nihilego, (AC) all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. that threaten to stop Raikou from making progress against teams. Primarina can also check also completely stop Hydreigon, (AC) which offensively checks Raikou. can be problematic for Raikou as an offensive check. Grass-type switch-ins, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, are all good teammates for Raikou, as they can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Switch-ins to Grass-types that wall Raikou are good options as teammates. Amoonguss and Mandibuzz are good options as they can both sit in against Grass-Types like Tangrowth and Zarude. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from opposing Amoonguss, can also make it more difficult for opposing Amoonguss to get off a Spore thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, are also considered good teammates (misspelt teammates) for to Raikou, (AC) as they can switch in absorb (I think absorb implies that they still take damage from the Ground-type moves, which isn't true.) Ground-type moves Raikou is weak to.


Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hit for Raikou to hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere, (AC) since Raikou can hit more of what threatens it. Pokemon that threaten Raikou for more damage overall. Raikou can also run Toxic as a covering move to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere as offensive threats like Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status. Calm Mind + Substitute is a set for Raikou that makes it a late-game (added hyphen) sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss (misspelt Amoonguss) with Pressure, but with the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth (RC) makes this set can be unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Calm Mind varient Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed as the extra damage isn't enough to break Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take Scald, (AC) though they hate taking a burn. Even though these Pokemon do not like being burned, they can still threaten to do considerable damage to Raikou. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, Other Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon can also be big hurdles for Raikou as their abilities negate Scald damage. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both have the possibility to (I think its more of a risk for the Raikou user to stay in since none of your moves OHKO/do enough to threaten it out. Diggersby, if its Choice Scarf, will always outspeed, so I wouldn't say "have the possibility to" here.) outspeed and OHKO Raikou. with their super effective attacks.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. like to switch into Raikou and wall its attacks while simultaneously putting Raikou to sleep or chipping it down with STAB or coverage moves. Zarude can also take an tank a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, (AC) while also easily tanking being able to easily tank any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can easily take attacks from Raikou, (AC) while also simultaneously threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy access to recovery that makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down. Raikou's task of chipping them down very difficult.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Implemented. Thanks for all the hard work boss I appreciate it a lot!
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Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing Speed, which allows it to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This pivoting makes Raikou hard to wear down and lets it bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities can struggle its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, due to it being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing, (AC) which can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill by risking giving a chance to burn them, whilst also as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall raikou. Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, (AC) as if the Pokemon is chipped, then it is forced forcing chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots as its item in order to negate entry hazard damage, (AC) which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. (I imagine this works?) Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon’s using Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores to synergize with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressures pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert, help Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Entry hazards especially help since Raikou comes in and out often, forcing these checks to repeatedly switch in and get chipped. (I imagine this makes sense?) Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that Nihilego, which (if you meant "specially defensive walls in general", keep this change. if you meant "specific specially defensive walls like these two", ignore this change.) are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from makjing making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Grass-type switch-ins, Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, are all good teammates for Raikou, as they can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus (RC) thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, are also considered good teammates for Raikou. as they can switch into Ground-type moves, which Raikou is weak to.


Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere, since Raikou can hit which hits more common threats for more damage. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, (AC) as offensive threats like Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status. negate status with options like Jungle Healing. (you could also do "as a major check in Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status" or something like that instead) Calm Mind + Substitute is a set that makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, (AC) as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald damage. entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, while also being able to easily tank and it easily tanks any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, (AC) like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, (AC) can easily take attacks from Raikou (RC) while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy access to recovery that easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [username2, userid2]]
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma

Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 speed, allowing Speed, which allows it to outspeed common threats like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. This pivoting makes Raikou hard to wear down and lets it bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert, threatening them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by the fact that Raikou's offensive capabilities can struggle its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, due to it being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing, (AC) which can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a more powerful stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill by risking giving a chance to burn them, whilst also as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being its best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall raikou. Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, (AC) as if the Pokemon is chipped, then it is forced forcing chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots as its item in order to negate entry hazard damage, (AC) which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. (I imagine this works?) Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon’s using Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores to synergize with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressures pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert, help Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Entry hazards especially help since Raikou comes in and out often, forcing these checks to repeatedly switch in and get chipped. (I imagine this makes sense?) Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego that Nihilego, which (if you meant "specially defensive walls in general", keep this change. if you meant "specific specially defensive walls like these two", ignore this change.) are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-Types Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from makjing making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Grass-type switch-ins, Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, are all good teammates for Raikou, as they can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus (RC) thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, are also considered good teammates for Raikou. as they can switch into Ground-type moves, which Raikou is weak to.


Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hit Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere, since Raikou can hit which hits more common threats for more damage. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, (AC) as offensive threats like Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status. negate status with options like Jungle Healing. (you could also do "as a major check in Zarude can use Jungle Healing to negate status" or something like that instead) Calm Mind + Substitute is a set that makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, (AC) as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou while also being able to take and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald damage. entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, while also being able to easily tank and it easily tanks any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, (AC) like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, (AC) can easily take attacks from Raikou (RC) while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have easy access to recovery that easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [username2, userid2]]
View attachment 4458161/2

Thank you for the time to do this! Implemented
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AC = Add Comma, RC = Remove Comma, AH = Add Hyphen, RH = Remove Hyphen

View attachment 425819

Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 Speed, which allows it to outspeed and threaten common Pokemon like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. Being a fast pivot makes Raikou hard to wear down and allows it to bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert,(RC) threatening and threaten them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing which that can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch,(AC) like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill by giving a chance to burn them with a burn chance, as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being its Raikou's best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, forcing a chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazard damage, which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon using Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego, which are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, can switch into Ground-type moves for Raikou.
- Some of the stuff here is a bit repetitive imo

Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though it is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere,(RC) which hits more common threats for more damage. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, as offensive threats like Zarude can negate status with options like Jungle Healing. Calm Mind + Substitute makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, and it easily tanks any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, can easily take attacks from Raikou while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have access to easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [username2, userid2]]
GP 2/2. [DC, 449990]. Finland also changed her name too!
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AC = Add Comma, RC = Remove Comma, AH = Add Hyphen, RH = Remove Hyphen

View attachment 425819

Raikou is a solid fast pivot in UU due to its base 115 Speed, which allows it to outspeed and threaten common Pokemon like Keldeo, Nihilego, and Cobalion, giving it a niche over other Electric-type pivots like Thundurus-T. Being a fast pivot makes Raikou hard to wear down and allows it to bring in threatening Pokemon like Keldeo to wallbreak. It has multiple coverage moves that hinder switch-ins; Scald chips Ground-types like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Swampert,(RC) threatening and threaten them with a potential burn, while Aura Sphere nails Zarude and Hydreigon. However, Raikou has limited defensive utility due to its average bulk and typing. Its frailty is also worsened by its offensive limitations, as it has a hard time breaking through foes like Hippowdon and Nihilego and gets completely stopped by Amoonguss, Chansey, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. It also struggles to trade with common offensive threats, such as Nidoqueen and Zarude. Because of this, Thundurus-T is generally the superior choice, being stronger, having more versatile coverage, and also providing better typing which that can make up for it being slower than Raikou.

name: Offensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Scald
move 4: Aura Sphere
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk


Volt Switch makes Raikou a powerful pivot that can consistently bring in teammates like Moltres against switch-ins like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Thunderbolt gives Raikou a stronger STAB move to break past targets that shrug off Volt Switch,(AC) like Slowking, Salamence, and Scizor. Scald punishes Ground-type switch-ins like Hippowdon, Nidoqueen, and Excadrill by giving a chance to burn them with a burn chance, as well as 2HKOing the latter two. Scald also hits Nihilego and Rotom-H for super effective damage while being its Raikou's best coverage move for Thundurus-T. Aura Sphere hits Dark-types like Hydreigon and Zarude, both of which otherwise wall Raikou. It can also heavily threaten Cobalion, forcing a chipped Cobalion to switch out. Raikou runs Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazard damage, which allows it to come in more frequently and retain momentum with pivoting. Inner Focus is used to prevent flinches from faster threats like Choice Scarf Hydreigon using Dark Pulse.

Raikou best fits on offensive teams that can form pivot cores with it. Zarude, Scizor, and Moltres all make great partners for Raikou, forming VoltTurn cores with it and luring in the likes of Skarmory and Primarina for Raikou to come in on. Zarude also beats Ground-types like Hippowdon and Swampert, while Scizor and Moltres pressure Grass-types like Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Entry hazard support from Pokemon like Skarmory, Hippowdon, Nihilego, and Swampert helps Raikou wear down switch-ins like opposing Hippowdon and Nihilego, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Fighting-type wallbreakers like Keldeo and Swords Dance Cobalion can also pressure specially defensive walls like Chansey and Nihilego, which are hard for Raikou to break through. Water-types like Primarina and the aforementioned Keldeo pressure Ground-types like Hippowdon, Mamoswine, and Excadrill, as well as Nihilego, all of which otherwise stop Raikou from making progress with ease. Primarina can also check Hydreigon, which offensively checks Raikou. Switch-ins to Grass-types, such as Amoonguss and Mandibuzz, can annoy Tangrowth and Zarude, giving Raikou a much easier time. Mandibuzz also dissuades Spore from from opposing Amoongus thanks to Overcoat. Flying-types like the aforementioned Mandibuzz and Skarmory, in addition to Salamence, can switch into Ground-type moves for Raikou.
- Some of the stuff here is a bit repetitive imo

Other Options
Extrasensory is an option that lets Raikou hits Amoonguss and Conkeldurr for super effective damage, though it is usually outclassed by Aura Sphere,(RC) which hits more common threats for more damage. Raikou can also run Toxic to weaken Pokemon like Hippowdon and Assault Vest Tangrowth, but it is hard to justify over Aura Sphere, as offensive threats like Zarude can negate status with options like Jungle Healing. Calm Mind + Substitute makes it a late-game sweeper that can also stall out Pokemon like Amoonguss with Pressure, but the presence of Hippowdon, Zarude, and Assault Vest Tangrowth makes this set unreliable and hard to get going. Calm Mind + Volt Switch is another set Raikou can run, but it is usually overshadowed, as the extra damage isn't enough to break through Raikou's counters while also keeping up good momentum.

Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon, Swampert, and Nidoqueen all block Volt Switch from Raikou and can take a Scald, though they hate risking a burn from Scald. Seismitoad and Gastrodon both essentially counter Raikou, as their abilities negate Scald entirely. Offensive Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Choice Scarf Diggersby can both outspeed and OHKO Raikou.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Amoonguss and Assault Vest Tangrowth can switch in on Raikou and chip it down easily. Zarude can also take a hit from Aura Sphere and deal massive damage to Raikou, and it easily tanks any other move.

**Specially Defensive Walls**: Specially defensive Pokemon, like Nihilego, Chansey, and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro, can easily take attacks from Raikou while also threatening to chip it or hinder it with status. The latter two also have access to easy recovery, which makes it very difficult for Raikou to wear them down.

- Written by: [[Slip, 566907]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118], [pokemonisfun, 56643]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [username2, userid2]]
GP 2/2. [DC, 449990]. Finland also changed her name too!

Got it covered! Thanks so much I'm happy to have this finished up!