Rage Powder

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I think that's the name of the move? Rage Power? Powder Rage? Whatever.

Pokemon that get it: (in no particular order; fully evolved only)








From what I understand, it's a Bug type, 20 PP non-damaging move that directs attacks to the users in Doubles and Triples(?), and has +3 Priority. So, It's another Follow Me, only a bit more distributed. The big winners here are probably Tangrowth, Urgamoth(?), and perhaps Jumpluff; Pokemon that can either outpace Fake Outers under the sun, or just be bulky enough to annoy the opponent a few turns. However, with making Fake Out +3 Priority as well, and most of the recipients of the move being slower than some Fake Outers (read: Weavile), as well as 6 of the 9 Pokemon are weak to Rock Slide (a fairly common multi-hit move), it will take some work and some team arrangement to pull it off correctly.

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Too bad most everything that got this can't really take a physical hit, and those who can are generally slow, so they won't be able to outpace most Fake-out users.

I can see a bulky Urugamoth having it in tandem with Flame Body causing a few problems, I guess, but it's pretty gimmicky.
Too bad none of them get Miscievous Heart. It would give Rage Powder +4 priority and would beat Fake Out. Out of those, I think Jumpluff and Tangrowth would be best for it. Jumpluff is the fastest user of it and can still outspeed some Fake Out users like Infernape and Kojondo. Tangrowth can use it allong with a Trick Room user to reek havock.

I don't know exactly what you would set up with this, but Jumpluff outspeeds everything in the Sun, so you could pair it with Ninetails and outspeed all of the Fake Out users and get it off before they Flinch you.

Edit: I just realised that Venomoth could possibly be a good user of this. Even though it's slower than most Fake Out users, Shield Dust prevents Fake Out from flinching it.
lucariojr said:
Rock Slide (a fairly common multi-hit move)
Not multi-hit, last I checked. Unless they changed it a lot. Though it does have quite the distribution - is that what you meant?
Squid Ninja said:
Um, if they aren't hit by Fake Out, they won't flinch.
If the Fake Out user outspeeds the attack magnet (Read: Weavile can do that), they they won't not get hit. (Or, to avoid double negatives, they might get hit by a fast user of Fake Out)

Aside from that, I think this has potential to be used in conjunction with, say, DD Gyarados with Earthquake or SD Garchomp, etc. Really handy for the set-up sweepers, and possibly GameFreak's gift to weaker stat-up sweepers.
You could pair Ninetails and Tangrowth together. Ninetails could Nasty Plot up while letting the Sun boost Tangrowth's speed (it gets Chlorophyll as I recall) so it moves before any of the Fake Out users.

In Triples you could have the same combo, just throw in something else that benefits from the Sun (or any is at least not bothered by it) and have fun.
No. The biggest winner is Amoonguss. Have you guys seen the VGC 2011 metagame? Amoonguss screws over EVERYTHING there where it can abuse the lack of sleep clause the Spore the fuck out of EVERYTHING and protect its teammate with rage powder. I've been using Wide Guard Mienshao and Rage Powder Amoonguss to help my Crustle to setup and sweep, and it works pretty well depending on what I see on the oppo's team.
Amoonguss is possibly the bulkiest thing in 5th gen...Rage powder, spore, giga drain, stun spore, clear smog...defiantly an effective stall.
Tangrowth could make good use of it as well. Follow Me users are in general better though.

Oh, don't forget Eviolite too! Since Rage Powder/Follow Me users are generally just made to take hits, Tangela and Togetic could possibly manage something.
I recall getting swept in Doubles by an OTR Belly Drum Marowak.
Marowak was paired with a focus sash Combee who used Rage Powder while he BD'd. And then he protected while Porygon2 used Trick Room. T_T What do you do when a 4x resist is OHKO'd by Rock Slide?
talk about necro

recall that the first few posts were back in the VERY early days of gen 5, when the awesomeness of amoonguss (and its name) in vgc was not yet discovered
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