Tournament PUWC V - Finals [Won by China]


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Hosted by DugZa, Art by AmirAlexander.


Admin Thread | Replays

Courtesy of Ticken

  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when we can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your captains know ASAP so they can communicate that to the hosts or the other team's captains for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag the hosts, the captains of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Post replays. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later. Your win won't be counted without a replay
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.


US South (0) vs. (6) China

SV: Danny vs. Metallica126
SV: Tenebricite vs. Separation
SV: Stories vs. 691
SV: asa vs. emoxu9
SV: gulch vs. cen344uu
SV: Taka vs. yingzhi4896
SV: The Strap vs. Indulge in dreams
SV: tom holland vs. Suzukaaa

SV: Danny vs Metallica126
SV: Tenebricite vs Separation
SV: Stories vs 691
SV: asa vs emoxu9
SV: gulch vs cen344uu
SV: Taka vs yingzhi4896
SV: The Strap vs Indulge in dreams
SV: tom holland vs Suzukaaa

DEADLINE: Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 at 11:59 PM GMT-5.
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Oh god I'm back.
US SOUTH(happy now asa.)(4) Vs. (3) China
SV: Danny vs Metallica126
Another incredible MU and shocker metallicas in it AGAIN..but yea I have just, heavily preferred metallicas stuff this year. Incredible players on both sides tho ofc
SV: Tenebricite vs Separation
Truly think this is 50/50
SV: Stories vs 691
I did not know who this was before this PUWC but holy heat. I think 691 has what it takes here.
SV: asa vs emoxu9
an ACTUAL 50/50. Theyve shocked me before but i rate asa too highly to bold against em.
SV: gulch vs cen344uu
GULCHHHH SWEEPP, but actually i think thisll be pretty close.
SV: Taka vs yingzhi4896
I know better. But seriously tune into this game itll be great.
SV: The Strap vs Indulge in dreams
indulge is nuts, next
SV: tom holland vs Suzukaaa
Tom is in his prime rn and suzukaaa has kinda slowed down since the midway point of this tour imo.
SV: Danny vs Metallica126 - Already hype matchup, both have been solid throughout the whole tour but I still think Danny has the upper hand here
SV: Tenebricite vs Separation - another good match, as Tenebricite seemed a bit more shaky than Separation, I'd bold the latter, nothing's decided though
SV: Stories vs 691 - truly two proficient players, prep-wise, 691 might get it, Stories can still win it for sure
SV: asa vs emoxu9 - asa has been on a tear on this tour, going undefeated so far, I don't think emoxu can stop them
SV: gulch vs cen344uu - haven't been convinced by gulch's performance, can surprise me in here
SV: Taka vs yingzhi4896 - this guy has been so solid since the start
SV: The Strap vs Indulge in dreams - I have a soft spot for Indulge, bolding him solely on this
SV: tom holland vs Suzukaaa - tom is going hard atm, suzuka hasn't been shining as much as in the beginning of this tour, he has to bounce back or else tom's gonna win it for sure

The first 3 pairings are gonna be the turning point of the match, talented players on both sides and lots of unpredictable results
Overall rooting for China, they got my respect already in pools and even more when we faced them in quarters, they really have what it takes to win it all
wanna say first and foremost congrats to team china, and especially congrats to Metallica126, he's one of the hardest working people i know on this site and i have nothing but respect for him as a manager, player, and friend

to the rest of us south: we did good! didn't take it all but sometimes the game just says no. it was a pleasure getting to work with you guys and i'm glad we could make some magic happen.

thanks to Stories for managing with me, you were super easy to work with and also did great on the playing end of things, sorry we couldn't get the second lowtier wc ring this year but i hope you had fun!

also huge thanks to asa for pretty much being our third manager and doing a lot of heavy lifting with a 6-1 (!!) record and a ton of building for all of our slots, always a pleasure

tom holland is a prep machine and a super ultra tryhard, i know some of your games didn't go the way you wanted but you were so instrumental in making sure this team worked and i appreciate you a ton

Tenebricite what a fucking run you went on, 4-1 is nothing to sneeze at and i'm glad we finally got to team up after a while.

The Strap roxie Gray Shengineer Kingler Danny Taka thank you all for coming along for the ride!! love u always
wanna say first and foremost congrats to team china, and especially congrats to Metallica126, he's one of the hardest working people i know on this site and i have nothing but respect for him as a manager, player, and friend

to the rest of us south: we did good! didn't take it all but sometimes the game just says no. it was a pleasure getting to work with you guys and i'm glad we could make some magic happen.

thanks to Stories for managing with me, you were super easy to work with and also did great on the playing end of things, sorry we couldn't get the second lowtier wc ring this year but i hope you had fun!

also huge thanks to asa for pretty much being our third manager and doing a lot of heavy lifting with a 6-1 (!!) record and a ton of building for all of our slots, always a pleasure

tom holland is a prep machine and a super ultra tryhard, i know some of your games didn't go the way you wanted but you were so instrumental in making sure this team worked and i appreciate you a ton

Tenebricite what a fucking run you went on, 4-1 is nothing to sneeze at and i'm glad we finally got to team up after a while.

The Strap roxie Gray Shengineer Kingler Danny Taka thank you all for coming along for the ride!! love u always
>joins PUWC
>plays a single game last-minute
>rides all the way to the finals on the coattails of his teammates

Is this what it's like to be the GOAT?