hiiii since signups are closing this weekend i wanted to do a quick post about players i think deserve a shot!! you may be asking yourself "gulch, why are you, a manager, making this post? wouldn't you want your 3k steals to stay under the radar?". and yes, while this may be true, there are unfortunately just not enough slots in this tour for me to get everyone i would want to :( so, without further ado now that ishtar has graciously assured me this is NOT pricefixing, here are some of my scouting picks:
Jojen - i can assure you this guy will put in work, teamed with him in RUBD and managed him in UUFPL and can confidently say he's a great teammate to have around. will probably need squads built for him, but since he's definitely a pass-and-play as far as PU goes that means you can probably slot him into any tier he's signed for and get results.
zoowi - somehow went undrafted last pupl which is nuts, but can click and cook and test in a variety of tiers and from the past tours we've teamed together they're always ready to provide input on what's happening. ended avarice's winning streak last pubd too!
Baddy - the bw lowtier goat, he just shows up and gets insane wins and dips. that's not to say he's a bad chat presence though, quite the opposite. dude was prepping like a million slots when we teamed up back in bdsppl and i could not have made heads or tails of that meta if it weren't for him.
Ineros - managing altpl and we tossed this poor son of a bitch into rby ubers headfirst when he knew next to nothing about it. he's still managed to stomach playing it for four weeks and hasn't gone winless either! the tier knowledge may not be there but the dedication certainly is. he forgot rby mechanics like one time but as long as you have someone who can catch him up to speed everything should be alright.
Tizio Potente Ao - claims he hates this tier and keeps signing up for it. despite this, he made finals of holdovers with some... questionable team choices. if you pass this guy good teams he will probably mop the floor. apparently he also knows ball on dpp too, if you're worried about not getting value off of him in a 2SV tour.
Blue YM - this dude is my oras goat even if he has pretentious (read: still good) taste in movies. in a pool that's historically very weak and furthermore tends to lack people who can build AND pilot the tier, you're going to want pretty much anything you can get. he's also not too out of the loop i believe? did captain benelux this puwc so. take that as you will for how much he does/doesn't know ball on SV. he locked himself out of playing it but maybe he can help cook or pass some teams or something.
Tidal - shoutout to my bestie who will literally never ever stop talking and is like, always available for tests and shit. no clue what she knows about PU (her only DPP knowledge afaik is watching me prep for dpppl and looking at stolen jabbathegriffin teams) BUT she will be a huge help to literally anyone who asks.
DD Joe - a fairly new face to the PU scene but he's done like every suspect since he joined and i can tell that there's a spark behind those eyes that will push him to put in the work. we were all new once, take a chance on the guy.