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If you're thinking of making a topic that can be answered with one post, please post it here instead. New threads should be for discussion!

When posting in this thread, follow the following guidelines:

1. Your answers should contain at least a brief explanation, even if it was the simplest of questions.

2. When answering a Yes / No question, please quote the question you're referring to. It gets confusing otherwise.

3. At least do a simple google search before asking the question here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does PU stand for?
- Nothing; it's meant to imply that these Pokemon "stink" in the regular tiers.
Were there any other mons considered for quickbanning at the start of beta aside from Sawk?
Most of the top-tier threats at the time, Malamar, Aurora Veil, and Typhlosion moved up in usage, which were the other main threats people were concerned about banning. Although I wasn't part of the quickbanning process, Sawk was the one gigantic threat remaining.
Is there any niche Electivire has in this current metagame? I mean, it and Alolan Golem seem to be the only viable physical electric types, so I was curious if Electivire can deal with any notable threats (Alolan Golem may be too slow and its only niche seems to lie in Galvanize explosion).

Thanks a lot, I just need an electric type or a Pokemon that hits hard physically.
Is there any niche Electivire has in this current metagame? I mean, it and Alolan Golem seem to be the only viable physical electric types, so I was curious if Electivire can deal with any notable threats (Alolan Golem may be too slow and its only niche seems to lie in Galvanize explosion).

Thanks a lot, I just need an electric type or a Pokemon that hits hard physically.
Electivire definitely has a strong niche in current meta being a mixed special attacking electric type that can break Lanturn and other common electric checks. It's best set unfortunately is mostly specially-biased and since you said you wanted a physical attacker this might not be the best pick. Other hard physical hitters include Flame Orb Hariyama, Choice Banded Stoutland, Gallade, and Choice Banded Aggron. In case you wanted an electric type you could try Raichu-Alola, Oricorio-Pom-Pom, and Lanturn. If you want full sets you can ask the PU chat on Showdown. Hope you can find the right member for your team :).
When should the VR be up?

The PU beta tier has far from settled. Because of this there is still many things to do before we can start creating staple Tier resources. If I had to take a guess I don't think the VR will be up until around October

zard edit: it'll be more a matter of weeks not months, wouldn't expect it that late
Are any of the Oricorios good in PU? I haven't played the tier very much and I wanna build around one of them
Are any of the Oricorios good in PU? I haven't played the tier very much and I wanna build around one of them

Hey, yes the only viable Oricorio forms are Oricorio-Pom-Pom (used to check Vivillon with Safety Goggles) and Oricorio-Sensu which usually runs Scarf with Revelation Dance, U-turn, Hurricane, Hidden Power Fighting, or Tailwind. Sensu can also run CM with 3atks or Sub CM, and the item of choice is Flyinium Z or Lifeorb. No reason to use Oricorio-Baile because its outclassed by Charizard and other viable Fire-types. Same thing goes for Oricorio-Pa'u.
Are any of the Oricorios good in PU? I haven't played the tier very much and I wanna build around one of them
The only two of the oricorio's are any good those being oricorio-electric and oricorio-ghost. Oricorio-fire and psychic are both outclassed by stuff like charizard, mr mime, and pretty much any other viable pokemon of the same type.
Edit: TJ Sniped me, but he did miss some of oricorio-electrics other sets. Oricorio-Electric can run Taunt, Toxic, Revelation Dance, Toxic sets and also scarf sets. The scarf set runs revelation dance, hurricane, u-turn, hp-grass. Sub CM with flyinium-z can also be messed with but I wouldn't recommend it in a meta-game where Lanturn is very common.
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What would be some good checks to rain? Abomasnow loses to Kabutops, Hippopopotas is not viable, and Gastrodon loses to Ludiocolo.

Ferroseed and Cradily seem to be generally good defensive options against rain, as well as Lanturn. Scarf Raichu and Tauros are able to outspeed Ludicolo, Poliwrath, Beartic, etc. but can be fairly weak. Additionally, Pokemon such as Kangaskhan are pretty solid because of priority options + ability to spam out the rain. Vanilluxe seems like a really solid answer based on its access to Snow Warning, Blizzard, and Freeze-Dry. AV Guzzlord is a niche Pokemon but will be able to take attacks from Ludicolo pretty easily. There's not many Pokemon that can check an entire Rain team but there are a lot that can check some of the sweepers effectively.

edit: AV Eelektross is a solid blanket check for the special sweepers
I'd really love to use Crabominable, but how do I do so? It doesn't seem very good outside of Trick Room, but its listed as viable in the PU Resources thread.
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I'd really love to use Crabominable, but how do I do so? It doesn't seem very good outside of Trick Room, but its listed as viable in the PU Resources thread.

Yeah, its only really good on Trickroom at the moment unfortunately. If Stall becomes Popular like it did in ORAS, then it might be used as a stall breaker outside of trickroom.
I'd really love to use Crabominable, but how do I do so? It doesn't seem very good outside of Trick Room, but its listed as viable in the PU Resources thread.
To add on to what TJ said (again). I feel as crabominable fits well I'm volturn balance or offense. Due to its poorly defensive typing it really just struggles to come in on anything moderately offensive at all. So it really appreciates slow or fast momentum to bring it in and usually net a kill or put your opponent in a bad situation. So, if you were to want to use crabominable outside of TR I'd say the best place for it would be volt-turn teams.
This is only sort of a question, but... Why haven't people used CB Giga Impact Slaking? Giga Impact doesn't need to recharge because Truant already does it.
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This is only sort of a question, but... Why haven't people used CB Giga Impact Slaking? Giga Impact doesn't need to recharge because Truant already does it.

Slaking isnt viable because it gives a free turn to the opponent, despite its power. Tauros, Zangoose, and Stoutland are the better options for Normal-Types in the meta.
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Even Kangaskhan is superior as thanks to Scrappy it can wreck Sableye on the Switch and has Sucker Punch for priority. Don't use Slaking the opportunity cost just isn't worth it. Same with Regigigas - they were that close to making an awesome Mon.
Is Toucannon worth using? I know it faces stiff competition from other normal types like the aforementioned Zangoose and Tauros, but it has Flying STAB and skill Link boosted Bullet Seed and Rock Blast for coverage.
Is Toucannon worth using? I know it faces stiff competition from other normal types like the aforementioned Zangoose and Tauros, but it has Flying STAB and skill Link boosted Bullet Seed and Rock Blast for coverage.
The only place where Toucannon can operate efficiently is on Sticky Webs, and even then, it faces a lot of competition from the Pokemon you mentioned. In my opinion, it doesn't really have a solid use over those Pokemon, even with its coverage, although it does have a niche with Webs support.