Welcome to the playoffs of Pokemon Showdown Premier League XI!
The format is simple: there are eight groups of four teams, in which round robin matches will take place (every team faces one another once). After three weeks, the teams will be ranked according to a point system: 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss. The top two teams from each group will advance to the playoffs, with goal average as the primary way to handle ties in points (and tiebreaks if both teams are completely equal).
Thereafter, the Top 16 Playoffs will be conducted in knockout format until a winner is decided in the finals, with the succession being top 16 -> quarterfinals -> semifinals -> finals. Replays are encouraged but not mandatory. For following weeks, if managers don't submit any changes to us, the lineups will stay the same throughout the tournament. All basic tournament rules apply. Please take a moment to read these, ESPECIALLY if you are new to forum tournaments.
- Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to us hosts. This includes spectators in battles as well, using /modchat + as the player in a battle should stop such if it happens. The punishment for this could be a forum infraction or disqualification. Think before you type, please.
- Activity wins and scheduling: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS too. Unfortunately, We'll have to make some activity calls - We'll be making these based on activity posts (make these detailed, please, and explain why you deserve an activity win) and VM conversations, so be active and schedule as early as you can with your opponent. If neither party makes an activity post, we'll declare unplayed games as dead games. Use VMs and you will be fine. No extensions, sorry.
- Disconnections and timer: A timer loss is a loss. No ifs, no buts. If you disconnect and your opponent's nice enough to replay that's fine, but they're free to take the win.
- Substitutions: Managers, you're free to sub in players for inactive ones for room auth or a non-auth if you have a slot available. Substitutions have to be made by a manager or a room owner.
Deadline: Sunday July 2, 11:59PM GMT -4
Reminder: Random Battle follows a best-of-3 format and SV 1V1 follows a best-of-5 format
If there is an issue or an error please contact us hosts Swiffix, ironwater, Mitsuki.

Managers: RSB, sharpclaw --- neycwang, KarpeSan
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): pokeblade101 vs. teresbahji
SV OU: Sylveon used calm mind (Sylveon is so cute) vs. Separation
SV Ubers: crying vs. LouisIX
SV UU: MichaelderBeste2 vs. 691 (xujing691691)
SV RU: Roginald vs. Raceding
SV LC: CMDoge vs. Shou Dui
SV Monotype: jasprose vs. cscl
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): frostyicelad vs. KawaiiiiPotato
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): pokeblade101 vs. teresbahji
SV OU: Sylveon used calm mind (Sylveon is so cute) vs. Separation
SV Ubers: crying vs. LouisIX
SV UU: MichaelderBeste2 vs. 691 (xujing691691)
SV RU: Roginald vs. Raceding
SV LC: CMDoge vs. Shou Dui
SV Monotype: jasprose vs. cscl
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): frostyicelad vs. KawaiiiiPotato

Managers: TheJesucristoOsAma, Elian --- Kris, spoo
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): Lets In The Sun vs. Kate
SV OU: Elian vs. Redgoop115
SV Ubers: Edgar vs. Taka
SV UU: Javi vs. dex
SV RU: Guille vs. SHSP
SV LC: Exi0022 vs. hidin
SV Monotype: Tarre25 vs. Ryuji (Ryuji-Sensei)
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): Wonter vs. Lumii
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): Lets In The Sun vs. Kate
SV OU: Elian vs. Redgoop115
SV Ubers: Edgar vs. Taka
SV UU: Javi vs. dex
SV RU: Guille vs. SHSP
SV LC: Exi0022 vs. hidin
SV Monotype: Tarre25 vs. Ryuji (Ryuji-Sensei)
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): Wonter vs. Lumii

Managers: Lalaya, -Howkings --- susciety, Waves
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): LoSconosciuto vs. SuperEpicAmpharos
SV OU: procorphish vs. DAHLI
SV Ubers: Inder vs. Mashing
SV UU: Mihowk vs. Monai
SV RU: Punny vs. BluBirD
SV LC: paolode99 vs. Links
SV Monotype: AtraX Madara vs. TDR
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): gorilaa vs. Arai
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): LoSconosciuto vs. SuperEpicAmpharos
SV OU: procorphish vs. DAHLI
SV Ubers: Inder vs. Mashing
SV UU: Mihowk vs. Monai
SV RU: Punny vs. BluBirD
SV LC: paolode99 vs. Links
SV Monotype: AtraX Madara vs. TDR
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): gorilaa vs. Arai

Managers: avarice, Estarossa --- SetsuSetsuna, Srn
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): gum vs. JJ09LIE
SV OU: Garay oak vs. Mimikyu Stardust
SV Ubers: hariyana grande vs. Pinecoishot
SV UU: Sage vs. TPP
SV RU: Lily vs. Finchinator
SV LC: Meru vs. georgiethefirst
SV Monotype: avarice vs. Scarlet Stars (Starfire Scarlet)
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): KM vs. Murman
SV Random Battle (Best of 3): gum vs. JJ09LIE
SV OU: Garay oak vs. Mimikyu Stardust
SV Ubers: hariyana grande vs. Pinecoishot
SV UU: Sage vs. TPP
SV RU: Lily vs. Finchinator
SV LC: Meru vs. georgiethefirst
SV Monotype: avarice vs. Scarlet Stars (Starfire Scarlet)
SV 1v1 (Best of 5): KM vs. Murman
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