Thread Rules
1. No hacked or edited pokemon please.
2. Please state in clear English what you would like. I like good English.
3. Courtesy goes a long way.
4. Please do not redistribute my pokes without permission.
5. My trade times are usually on afternoons once I am not working.
6. Only trading in Gen 7 for now.
7. Any previous gen pokemon that I may have added is purely Retail Cart RNG abused. No emulator used.
8. All pokes in the thread are mine, either caught or bred by me.
Cloning Methods
1. Powersave- I use Powersave to clone pokemon, clone items and revert save files.
My Whitelist
1. Hozu- Traded with me a while back his 3rd Gen Chansey, so helpful and taught me 3rd Gen RNG
2. Zari- Traded me a shiny Roamer and did not take nothing huge for it.
3. Cereza- Very kind and always provides me with help.
My Wants
1. Would like 5 IV Pokes in Nice Balls in Gen 7 . I do not like beast balls however, I think they look very weird.
2. Looking for Gen 7 Good IV Soft Resetted Legends.
3. Non English Origin 5 IV Pokes.
Trainer Information
1. Pokemon Moon IGN- Kirin 604633
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