PS! Model Mod & Fixing Thread

So, the best as I can reconstruct what happened:

You only fixed Scyther's shiny sprite, and left Scyther's regular sprite (and female sprites) unfixed.

Ridaz got confused, and uploaded these as regular sprites.

Anyway, these look kind of weird on darker backgrounds. I think I would prefer these wings to be the correct color of yellowish-white, rather than transparent:


I've reverted these, since they look out-of-place without a full set. To be clear, a full set should be eight images:

a full set should be eight images:

Arceus doesnt have the full set, missing the shinys frontsprites that I made, they are somewhere in this thread.

on the other hand, there are still errors in the gender differences, it seems that what I reported to ridaz has been fixed in part, but not all.

First of all: many sprites have their forms switched, I mean, the female form is named with xxxx.gif and the male form with xxx-f.gif. Why? because the guy from pkparaiso was capturing sprites as he wanted and in some of them he captured a male sprite and the shiny captured the female.

Next I leave the list of wrong pokemon by folders:

xyani-back-shiny /
Pokémon that we have switched forms:

Butterfree, Beautifly, doduo, girafaring, giglar, goldeen, hypno, ledian, milotic, piloswine, ratatta, shiftry, ursaring, vileplume, roselia

Other errors: politoed-f is a frontsprite.

xyani-back /
Pokemon that we have switched forms:

butterfree, beautifly, dodrio, girafaring, gloom, hypno, ludicolo, xatu

xyani-shiny /
Pokemon that we have switched forms:
Girafaring, zubat

xyani /
Pokemon that we have switched forms: zubat

I think there are no more mistakes.
I don't think gyarados' forehead is supposed to do this.
Aipom-f is moving slower than Aipom-m.
The opposite is true for Ambipom: the male sprite is moving slower than the female.
Is it just me, or does Buzzwole's sprite look a bit... small?
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Hello !
Some informations about missing or switched sprites :
- Shiny Alolan diglett and dugtrio's back aren't shiny.
- Unown F shiny's back is replacing Unown G shiny's back
- Unown G shiny's back is missing
- Shiny murkrow female's back is replacing Shiny murkrow male
- Shiny murkrow male's back is missing
- Missing female murkrow's back
- All the other than normal Arceus shiny forms front are non shiny
- Shiny Passimian's back is replaced by the non-shiny version

Edit :
- Shiny Snover female's back missing
- There is one non shiny Sprite of Popplio in sprites/xyani-back-shiny/
- There is also the shiny sprite but with an incorrect name (Poplio)
- Non shiny sprite of yungoos in sprites/xyani-shiny
- Non shiny sprite of sandyghast in sprites/xyani-back-shiny
- Missing totem sprite of Ribombee in sprites/xyani
- All Pheromosa sprites have a really bad transparency problem
I saw other bugs, like some female and male sprites switched but I have to remember :)
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Hey I am not sure if this is the right thread but I am going to post it here:

So in my builder whenever I create a team or already created a team the sprite wont show up and in the pokemonname section everythings kinda fucked up. Unless I nickname the mon and fill out every possible things that I can fill out in the builder for each mon. and I f i dont do that, even tho I clicked on "save" the progress didnt save and I dont know why. I got a screenshot for reference. Also I am using the downloaded pc version, but this occurs on pc (downloaded) and online version for me. Any ideas why? It didnt do that a year ago
I think I posted about this a while ago, but it never got fixed. There are a few stray pixels in the top-right corner of Archeops's sprite.
...............................................................right here

Shiny Magcargo moves faster than regular Magcargo.

Also can someone please fix Archeops? I first pointed it out in March of last year (almost 21 months ago), and even provided the fixed version myself.
Are the new sprites for Cinderace suppose to be this huge? I think they were put in this morning but wasnt sure where to actually put this question? It's also huge when you're the one using it.

Are the new sprites for Cinderace suppose to be this huge? I think they were put in this morning but wasnt sure where to actually put this question? It's also huge when you're the one using it.

View attachment 307141
Whoops. That's my fault it looks like. Inteleon is also a bit tall too. I'll create a hot-fix for those two to shrink them down a bit. I admit it's a bit tricky to get the scale right, especially for as inconsistent as it is already for existing 3DS style gifs.
Whoops. That's my fault it looks like. Inteleon is also a bit tall too. I'll create a hot-fix for those two to shrink them down a bit. I admit it's a bit tricky to get the scale right, especially for as inconsistent as it is already for existing 3DS style gifs.

New scale for Cinderace. All the other sprites for Cinderace and Inteleon are in this thread, which is the thread to go to if anyone has any feedback for me specifically regarding any of my renders that are on showdown (Like all of the recently added 3DS Style Gen 8 Pokemon, as well as a few other Pokemon I rendered with new animations for Showdown like Gardevoir and Typhlosion).
Hello the shiny form of Necrozma-Dusk-Mane does not appear in the teambuilder while the shiny form of Necrozma-Dawn-Wings appears well. Can you fix this bug?
the wings and eye at the claw is broken from the back and front of the sprite can someone fix this issue please this bug is really bothering me to use mega scizor, also the back sprite of scizors body is kinda dark (idk if this is also a bug)
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Small thing I happened to notice in my last game (thanks to Misty Terrain) but Deoxys-Attack's eyes are transparent on the Showdown 3D model. I tested the other formes and this seems to be the case for Normal and Defense formes too. I don't think they're transparent on Deoxys-Speed.