Pretty decent UU team

I more or less whipped this team together, decided to take the stars of UU in gen 5 with a gen 6 twist on them, I used a couple of lowered tier Pokemon because it can throw people off guard and they don't know what their strategies are. Here's the team


Winged Rape (Aerodactyl) @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spd / 28 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Iron Head

Aerodactyl is my lead. It's excellent speed and attack make it a good attacker. It can survive Mega Manectric volt switches, Froslass Ice Beams, and many other super effective special attacks. Stone Edge for my powerful STAB, OHKOing many other leads. Taunt to disable stealth rocks from setting up, either forcing a switch or giving me the chance to kill the opponent's lead. Earthquake and iron head gives me general coverage.

Oh fuck, he (Mienshao) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Fake Out
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

Mienshao is one of my favorite scouts out there. Fake out plus U-turn is great, plus the life orb boost does incredible damage. It's HP is situated so I can take life orb recoil 11 times as oppose to ten times. I can also get rid of the life orb recoil by U-turning out and recovering 30% of my health. Hi Jump Kick is my powerhouse move, dealing major damage to even the most defensive Pokemon. Stone Edge KOs most flying types. I also love his nickname.

Almost Pseudo (Flygon) @ Choice Band
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Outrage
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake

Flygon is one of my favorite dragon types. Its ability levitate can let me switch in on the earthquake and get in a pretty decent swep. Crunch gets general coverage. Outrage is my most powerful STAB, hitting many pokemon hard. Rock Slide KOs ice types like froslass. Earthquake is great for coverage and STAB, at least 2HKOing magnezone, aggron, metagross, and other bulky pokes

Genwunner h8 (Chandelure) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Psychic

This bad boy is my powerhouse sweeper. Few pokemon can outspeed a scarfed Chandelure. Fire Blast incinerates the foe. Shadow Ball for coverage and STAB. Energy Ball for water types thinking they can block my attacks. Psychic is a filler move and provides more general coverage.

Pin head (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defense Curl / Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

Holy tank, this thing can take hits. Special attacks do virtually nothing to him. Defense curl lets me survive more hits, nicely taking mega medicham's drain punches and other fighting moves. Soft-Boiled gives me insta-recovery. Toxic lets the foe force some switches. Seismic toss can get in an extra chunk of damage.

Her across (Heracross) (F) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Facade
- Earthquake

You may be wondering why I'm not using mega Heracross, here's the reason why, I HATE MEGA HERACROSS NOTHING YOU SAY CAN OR WILL MAKE ME CHANGE MY MIND. I prefer the guts boost more anyway. Close combat boost gets me powerful STAB KOing Chansey and other threats. Megahorn OHKOs psychic types. Facade is for Pokemon I can't hit super effective, with a base 210 power after burn, which is tremendous. Earthquake is for general coverage, hitting fire types super effective and hitting metagross hard. I used to use toxic orb but he utilizes flame orb nicely, I don't switch him very often and he would take less damage from burn anyway


Metagross- With access to bullet punch Aerodactyl can't take more than two and Flygon is my only reliable guy to take care of him, once he's out I have trouble dealing with him, even with Chandelure it's difficult

Flogres- Its special defense makes Chandelure pretty much useless and Mienshao, Heracross and Flygon are weak to its fairy moves. I can't stall it out with Chansey very well since it gets heal bell, so Aerodactyl is the only real guy who can handle her, and he's usually my first pokemon out

Slowbro- It's the perfect counter for me. Heracross, Flygon and Chandelure have moves that can deal tremendous damage to him, but Slowbro retaliates tremendously with a powerful Psyshock, Ice Beam, and Scald. Chansey can stall him out with toxic but she's vulnerable to psyshock. Plus what ever health I take from him he recovers with a slack off or two

Crawdaunt- Adaptility is nothing to mess with. Aerodactyl gets OHKOed with Aqua Jet. Knock off makes Chansey vulnerable, and OHKOs Chandelure. Again, it's all up to Heracross with megahorn, which has shaky accuracy so I sometimes fail in killing it

Any suggestions help, thanks
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This is a good team, just a few points...
1. I love mega aerodactyl its design is cool,but it does have flaws. I ran a hone claws set with stone edge and 252 atk evs and even at +2 chanzey refused to die. I dont want to say hes lackluster but he kind of is. I think youd be better off with a different mega tbh.
2. Change scarf chandy ti timid nature and replace psychic with trick.
3. Flygon has been taking a beating gen after gen. I dont think it has it to stay uu this gen tbh especially with haxorus and hydreigon in the tier. You want something powerful that can hit hard and take hits ie aerodactyl and flygon. Have you considereed mrga aggron? He hits hard and can tank even se hits. Replacing aero for aggron, woukd free up a space for a possible sweeper like dd haxorus
4. On shao, drop fakr out for knock off. Youll find it more useful and safe against ghosts.
5. Chansey is good, but with knock off everywherr, i thi.k youd be better off with florges tbh. Especially if you take my advice on mrga aggron
6. I thi.k youd be betteter off with banded hera with sleep talk.with no sleep absorbers besides chansey, youre just asking to be put to sleep. A choice banded guts boosted move hits way harder than flame orb. You need to putadamant too not jolly. More power!!!!
This is a good team, just a few points...
1. I love mega aerodactyl its design is cool,but it does have flaws. I ran a hone claws set with stone edge and 252 atk evs and even at +2 chanzey refused to die. I dont want to say hes lackluster but he kind of is. I think youd be better off with a different mega tbh.
2. Change scarf chandy ti timid nature and replace psychic with trick.
3. Flygon has been taking a beating gen after gen. I dont think it has it to stay uu this gen tbh especially with haxorus and hydreigon in the tier. You want something powerful that can hit hard and take hits ie aerodactyl and flygon. Have you considereed mrga aggron? He hits hard and can tank even se hits. Replacing aero for aggron, woukd free up a space for a possible sweeper like dd haxorus
4. On shao, drop fakr out for knock off. Youll find it more useful and safe against ghosts.
5. Chansey is good, but with knock off everywherr, i thi.k youd be better off with florges tbh. Especially if you take my advice on mrga aggron
6. I thi.k youd be betteter off with banded hera with sleep talk.with no sleep absorbers besides chansey, youre just asking to be put to sleep. A choice banded guts boosted move hits way harder than flame orb. You need to putadamant too not jolly. More power!!!!
Tho meggagronn gets rid of chanseys knock off weakness. And you could try swapping hera for AV machamp its pretty much the conk of uu, hone claws aero would prolly be better too.