Metagame Post CAPCL Set/Team Dump


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Posting this early cause why not. Post all the fun sets you came up with CAPCL, and thoughts on how to answer some top meta threats. ORAS, BW, Mono, SS CAP are all welcome.

Chromera @ Throat Spray
Ability: Color Change
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Blizzard
- Scald
- Recover

Here's one, perhaps my fave set I made this CAPCL.
Build for fc during the first 2 weeks and another week idr which 1 but dumping it just for the case of it

Suggested stuff that just got ignored

S/o to quziel Fc cy was fun teaming with yall and gl to the remaining teams. Not to forget that i would have rather been drafted by another team, 0 activity besides from quz, cy and me build most of the teams together when she got subbed in, and then avery doing her thing in oras and reach doing his in bw with the help of me during w5. Tnx for making me cancer after w2 those 3
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breaking this up into two posts for more likes cause it'll end up being pretty long and i want to go more in depth with oras stuff

w1 vs spitfire (W)
i was very rusty building for oras cap going into this game, so i kinda just wanted to use something solid and landed on malt + zone. i had a lot of different versions i was trying out, but funnily enough i ended up just running with the same 6 from an spl team.

here's what my prep looked like for the week, you can sort of get an idea for the structure i was going for:
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w3 vs cbrev (W)
i like this team a lot, it's a ton of fun to use and also just looks really cool which is always important. i think the concept started with clohm + serperior -- serp is a strong wincon but struggles with steels / av torn, which clohm is perfect for dealing with. clohm is a lot stronger than people give it credit for imo, as its physical bulk, resistances, and ability are all so vital against a ton of the tier's insane breakers like mmeta, mlop, and common ho mons like necturna azu scizor talonflame etc etc. anything that abuses av torn is also incredible right now due to its presence on the huge majority of competent BO builds. for example i think something like keld / kerf + clohm is strong because of clohm's ability to fish for paralysis on torn. anyways, i liked clohm + serp and the rest of the team is mostly me trying to be safe against HO which i expected was likely

this week i was also looking really seriously at bringing mlop BO. i came up with fewer sketches / drafts of teams to use compared to w1, but i like all 3 of these builds a lot:
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for the first two i was basically going for the structure of mlop + serp + torn, with the last slots being dedicated to steel type + ground type + filling defensive holes, utility i needed, wincon support, etc. i looked a lot at SPL games to get inspired to build, and i want to share this screenshot because it's actually pretty interesting:
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some of these SPL teams wouldn't hold up in cap (mostly the ones w/o AV torn), but the similarities and thought process behind them should all be pretty clear. mlop BO is a very strong archetype that i later used in w5 a little differently, but yeah, this is definitely sorta how you go about building it


w4 vs kaede (L)
didnt feel like building so i brought an ou sample team 6-0d by specs kerf lol. still won the week 5-1 tho :pimp:


w5 vs omi (L)
for some reason i was really in a rut with building this week and it took me a long time to find something i liked, but this is a team i'm fairly happy with as well. the game was definitely a bit weird though, especially considering both of these teams were out of poffs so i didn't have a ton of motivation and idk how much omi had either. bit of an annoying loss too, bc i felt like i got a somewhat difficult matchup to navigate - tomo 2hkod everything (insane mon btw), cruci dealt w talon and clef, lop struggled w slowbro and tomo - and played a very strong early game, then turned around and got outplayed just as much in the end lol. the match was still very fun though, and while a 2-2 record isn't incredible, i'm still overall happy with how i performed and happy i got the chance to play this very cool tier

i built a lot of drafts this week, and i didn't really feel good about any of them like i said. there are probably ~5 teams id load between all of these but i thought the talon one was the coolest so that's what i went with. here's what most of the prep looked like though:
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Built a fair bit for a fair few metas. Sharing a few sets that I think are worth noting.

ORAS Cyclohm

Cyclohm @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Static
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Slack Off

Frankly has a great matchup into a ton of the common trends in the meta. Excadrill can't KO you at all and just gets Fire Blasted, Tornadus-T is complete bait, and can't even u-turn spam cause it will get Static'd, Serperior literally cannot meaningfully harm you given the immunity to Glare. Its sorta a lure into Ground types, but like, honest it sorta just forces damage cause the coverage you carry is very difficult to switch into barring literally AV Colossoil, Clefable, and Blissey.

ORAS Air Balloon Heatran

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Turns out AB tran is still sorta usable in ORAS. Main advantage is really letting you be way more aggressive into stuff like AV Colossoil. Taunt / HP Ice / etc are all viable in last slot.

BW Tomohawk

Tomohawk @ Flying Gem
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 176 Def / 140 SpA / 192 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Rapid Spin
- Aura Sphere
- Hurricane

Very minor change compared to standard set. Flying Gem Hurricane does 82 min to Latios, SR + Sand ensures that it dies on a switch in. You could double to ttar to do this same kinda thing, but this way is more immediate. This also ensures KOs on stuff like Zam, and a 2HKO on Jellicent.

SS NP Rotom-Wash

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 20 SpA / 180 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Pain Split

Evs OHKO Pex, useful to come in on, set up on, and make Venomicon-P sad. Weaker into Ferro, so you need to pair with a scarf Kartana, Clef, or your own Ferro to deny recovery.

SS LO CM Chromera

Chromera @ Life Orb
Ability: Color Change
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Dark Pulse
- Recover
- Calm Mind

+1 252 SpA Life Orb Chromera Dark Pulse vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Heatran: 222-263 (68.7 - 81.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+1 252 SpA Life Orb Chromera Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 156+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 250-294 (65.4 - 76.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Another Chromera Variant, this time more focused on immediately punching holes in a team. The immediate power offered by both LO, and the coverage on this set make it significantly harder to pivot around than other sets. Pair with mons that want Heatran + Lando weakened, eg Specs Pult. Also make sure to help it out by carrying solid answers to opposing Lando.

Scizor @ Muscle Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Psycho Cut

Example good partner, cannot tell you why its Muscle Band, but I think it put some moves over some thresholds without self-chipping.

SS Timid Kartana

Kartana @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 19 Atk
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off
- Synthesis

Its Kartana but it has more defensive presence. Given that people are running checks that are sorta chippable, and how Kartana wants to stay around to emergency check stuff like Lando, I sorta like this on some teams, esp with FS Support.

SS SD Rillaboom

Rillaboom @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch

Not a new set, not even remotely a new set, but the mon is still fairly solid atm. Yes, Venomicon makes it hate life, yes, pyroak makes it hate life, but its hardly impossible to provide support for those mons, and a +2 Glide can still nearly OHKO some resists. Shit, get Venomicon-E a tad below half and it dies at +2.
I built a ton of old gens this tour, SS feels really ass right now between Pyroak and the books but hey! I'll nerf both soon. If it's a team we used, the link to the replay is right beneath the team. All teams have imports by clicking on the mons.

SS teams:

none of these teams was used, first two were built for Scizivire vs. Raj.Shoot

Idea was to just abuse physical attackers to overwhelm physical checks, Melmetal felt like a must-bring in my head at the time. Toxic Spikes on Pajantom is a really cool tech and I'd definitely bring it more often, facilitates a ton of things if you don't face Toxapex or Slowking-Galar. Team's a bit slow but otherwise solid.

"zamn bro you brought Cyclohm? You must be so hot haha". Choice Scarf Urshifu-R is quite cool with dealing with book and the Blissey in the back means you can Surging Strikes the Dragapult while they U-turn. Clown is busted and real easy to bring in, double bird because I am terrified of losing momentum. Honestly, if Cyclohm had a move I could run to hit exactly Zapdos I'd run it.

I brought this for CAP Stour vs pannuracotta today, I think Garchomp + Pyroak is a really good combination right now. Choice Scarf Landorus-T is a funny way to take down Epipen since it lives one hit and you then revenge with Stone Edge. Double Dark has always been a cool combination in my opinion, team could definitely do with a better Steel-type, though.

ORAS teams:

(small preface: me and gorex got lazy so we re-used a ton of ORAS OU teams which I will still post)

Week 1 gorex vs Avery (W)

Wow, birdspam! I will not explain this besides "gorex loves this team and I think we will continue bringing it until people learn the paste". It's an RMT, go look it up.

Week 2 gorex vs. Dugza (L)

Hardest bot I've ever seen this match-up, with UNVIABLE Mollux being brought against a team with Toxic Spikes+ Suicune as the wincon. Team is straight up ORAS OU but it's good even in this metagame because the only real spinner in this tier Excadrill (loses to Suicune) and every Defogger gets Pursuit trapped. I felt that it was a good bring vs random fat which is what me and gorex scouted for, due to Toxic Spikes putting a ton of pressure on those type of teams. Things didn't pan out, but this OU team is still great. Btw this marks my "I am forced to build with AV Torn-T because Kerfluffle has no checks" arc which made being my player very unpleasant as I bitched daily.

Week 3 cbrevan vs spoo (L)

This is one of my favorite teams I've built. While a lot of pressure is put on Azelf setting up screens, it can easily overwhelm foes with Life Orb Volcarona + Life Orb Necturna. EVs are mostly standard, Excadrill lives some dumb hit from Mega Metagross even after Stealth Rock (lol) and Necturna outspeeds Mega Swampert in rain and Bisharp while OHKOing Amoonguss which I honestly expected more people to bring vs. my type of builds because it's fan-freaking-tastic vs what I build. Manaphy outspeeds Mega Manectric at +1 and Mega Altaria lives like, 2 Hydro Pumps from Keldeo or something. In the game we got crit early on Azelf which was extremely unfortunate because with rocks up Manaphy cleaned but what you can do. Definitely a team that I am close to perfecting and amazing vs everything not named exactly SD Talonflame + Mega Aerodactyl. Name of team is "ignorance is bliss" because it's one of the easiest teams to spam with very little thought put in.

Week 4 scaldburns vs JayHeaven (L)

Another offensive team, this time with a core of the three most busted (imo) mons in the metagame: Kerfluffle+Weavile+Manaphy. Added Mega Metagross because it's straight up the best Mega now that Crucibelle is banned-it checks Kerfluffle, can situationally Pursuit trap and even gets Rocks! How fun. Anyway, Mega Medicham was brought by our opponent and our Tornadus-T was sacked turn 3 so the Fighting resist was... lacking. Still, a team I'd bring again.

Week 5 gorex vs Kaede (W)


With the power of stolen EVs from electricity caticity, I created this... abomination. I refused to have a 0% win rate with Weavile so I pushed on through and used every trick I had. Mega Lopunny is one of the few things that actually outspeeds entire metagame (spoiler: we faced a Mega Manectric which ties us) and Jho Offler swears Tomohawk is top 1 so I thought "might as well". Choice Scarf Latias is the best utility Scarfer in ORAS by a LOT and has just enough bulk to take 1 Moonblast from LO Kerfluffle (don't calc this). My belief that Excadrill is the only hazard remover persists here. Match-up came down to gorex being the best pilot in the tier and clutching with busted Talonflame.

Semi-finals gorex vs JayHeaven (W)

Motivated by Snorlax man quziel, I attempted to build something that utilized his aforementioned Cyclohm set. Between Kitsunoh being a 1 time check to Kerfluffle, CM Clefable being honestly an underutilized wincon in CAP and me wanting to NEVER be outsped, Mega Aerodactyl was added to lure as many things as possible so that Choice Scarf Keldeo can click buttons. I don't think this team has a particularly bad match-up outside of like, Mega Diancie which absolutely 6-0s. In the game itself, Gorex tried to get damage on Colossoil ASAP so that we could keep Stealth Rock up and Jay sacked Medicham for some reason in the mid game which meant nothing was stopping Keldeo once Tornadus-T took enough chip.

teams we didn't bring:

BW teams:

Week 1 Sagisolar vs Trade (L)

I've been a big fan of rain offense in BW ever since it was current gen and BW CAP rejuvenated my need to click Thunder in sand/sun and call hax when I don't hit them. Pretty straightforward team with double status Ferrothorn and Substitute Thundurus-T dropping bombs. Kitsunoh is chosen because of how dumb I felt in playtests vs Stratagem and it's a pretty good Spinblocker. Unfortunately, the sun match-up is horrendous when you can't hit your foes, so we got tilted and died. Oh well, funny team. Expect to see a lot of Croak here.

Week 2 tier vs Micaiah (L)

I have nothing interesting to say about this team other than "Latios Draco Meteors my firstborn but Syclant can kill it back". Use abuse and lose.

Week 4 tier vs Danny (W)

Funny story! With weatherless, rain, and sun having failed I put a dagger in my heart and decided "yeah, no, this isn't gonna happen" so I built double Psychic Sand with BUSTED Reuniclus. Thunder Wave Reuniclus just kind of ignores mons like Ferrothorn and spreads status because no one goes Excadrill on it because ZOMG WHAT IF THEY CLICK FOCUS BLAST! Sand Force Exca can actually 2HKO the likes of Celebi so it was a fun bring and Trick Scarf Latios just kind of picks off teams if you don't face Tyranitar. In the match itself, tier did this after being super ahead in tempo just to make me contemplate flying out to the US and murdering him, but we haxed through :]

Week 5 GBlaze vs pannuracotta (W)

The standard rain makes a comeback! Honestly, Syclant became a fan favorite of the Staryus and I can't quite explain why. Substitute Croak felt fantastic vs what we assumed was gonna be brought (rain). The team we originally planned to bring was more of an HO build and GBlaze wanted something he felt more comfortable with, so this was produced. VoltTurn core, good breakers and Ferrothorn. Definitely think that having only 1 mon that "loses" to Tomohawk is a blessing and I flip flopped a ton on the Syclant coverage move, trying to decide whether hitting Ferrothorn/Kyurem or hitting exactly Ninetales was more important. Figured that Tales can be pressured easily through chip + Superpower anyway so... yeah.
Pannu sucks so MU was won before preview.

Didn't end up bringing this but Torn-I is good and Krilowatt is funny.

Big thanks to everyone in Staryus for bearing with my... interesting activity. Of course I want to thank Voltage for being a great assman and proofreading a ton of the teams when I was too busy and generally making sure the team had a fantastic atmosphere throughout. tier I will forever haunt you with that story from your palm.


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I can't express how awesome CAPCL was as a first-time manager. Shoutouts to every Breezi who got us here, especially Darek for being my day 1.

I went on an absolute building spree in this tour. I built an armada of teams for SS and Monotype, and I am more than happy to give y'all a peek behind the curtain. Some of the teams are a bit outdated considering the Venom-E and Roak changes, so use at your own risk.

SS is fun to build in, not to play in. I think that is a big issue. There are loads of mons that are viable, which is super cool, and you can easily get away with off-meta shit like Stratagem (which I think is actually quite good now) and Equilibra. That being said, it doesn't fix the fact that a lot of SS now just feels like a race to see who loses control vs. offense first, and the tier is just too highly-saturated with threatening sweepers and breakers. I think SS relies incredibly heavily on Weavile, Landorus-T, Tapu Fini, and Ferrothorn to just sorta hold everything together. The tier is precarious to play, to say the least.

1646633705523.png:tapu fini::zapdos::ferrothorn::astrolotl::landorus-therian:
In week 1, both Raj and The Strap wanted to bring base book to see what all the fuss was about. The team itself is fairly straightforward balance, and it gives away what I think is the best balance core in the game atm, that being fini/astro/ferro. Those three together can make most teams perform adequately.

Raj came up with the idea of book+colossoil to punish Zapdos seeking to check book, and I gotta say the concept worked well. Urshifu-R and Dragapult break for an eventual book sweep, while ferro and zap handle the bulk of the physical attackers in the meta.

:astrolotl::landorus-therian::tapu koko::corviknight::dragapult::slowking:
This team is fully based around chipping and denying lando to the point where Tapu Koko can sweep, hence the seemingly outdated core of Astrolotl+Slowking. Corviknight was used to get Dragapult in freely on Venomicon-E, and the hazard stack of Astro+Lando does the rest.

:tapu lele::landorus-therian::volcanion::dragapult::magnezone::tornadus-therian:
The breaking core of Tapu Lele, Volcanion, and Bandapult is a fucking terror and a half. In retrospect, zone is not totally necessary on this team, and should probably be a Ferrothorn to allow Tornadus-T to run AV, but all in all I think this team can work magic.

:Weavile::corviknight::landorus-therian::astrolotl::tapu fini:1646634521436.png
This team was based around the breaking core of Bandvile+Venomicon-E, and I think this is one of the better teams I crafted this tour. The two break for each other really well, and while they are both rock weak, we have double defog for that.

Originally, Raj asked me to build him Naviathan. I went and did that, pairing it with CM Glowking as a sort of insurance. Turns out, Navi is 9/10 times not the choice, so we replaced it with I think Ferrothorn? Either way, this team ended up playing pretty well, despite the fact that I think Glowking is just not as good as it once was.

Double The Strap, Double The Spooky. This team is my absolute favorite of anything I made this tour. Pajantom+Blacephalon can just rip apart any team without a Blissey, especially with Balloon Frog backing up their breaking power. I wanted to challenge myself to make ghost-spam without Dragapult, and the result was surprisingly not only viable, but actually quite good. If you want to take any team from this dump, this is the one I would suggest.

:Tapu Fini::zapdos::ferrothorn::dragonite::astrolotl::landorus-therian:
This team was the beginning of what I think is going to be a defining trend in CAP for the foreseeable future of SS. You can simply stack 2-3 bulky wincons that offer some modicum of defensive utility, and one of them is going to hit the right matchup. This time, I went with CM Fini + DD Dnite, and the result was a team that is incredibly easy to pilot and just play to your win condition. I even brought an altered version of the team to OST and won despite going against Nihilego+Celesteela.

:dragapult::melmetal::landorus-therian::tapu fini::zapdos::heatran:
We uncorked an Indian tech for this team: Expert Belt Dragapult. I cannot remember what exact matchup we were fishing for with this set, but the set itself has a decent amount of surprise factor with catching stuff like lele, melm, and weavile off guard. Pretty straightforward team with one wack set.

SS CAP has come to the point where you can stack threats/sweepers and bank on one of them being able to break through. This team really shows that: Zeraora and Venomicon-E provide two, fast as fuck sweepers that can take off at a moments notice, while the rest of the team is just doing their best to open up the game for them.

:reuniclus::ferrothorn::landorus-therian::dragonite::tapu fini::tapu koko:
What do you know, I stacked bulky sweepers again. This team was explicitly designed to break the standard TNM balance that he had been bringing pretty much nonstop every week. Obviously Weavile is the main thing that stops double dance reu from just winning, so we ran Shed Shell ferro to prevent zone from trapping it. We went with Specs koko, which honestly is an underrated set atm, to more quickly break for one of our 3, yes, 3, sweepers to win.

:dragapult::landorus-therian::toxapex::tapu lele::heatran::melmetal:
Honestly, my brain was fried come tiebreaks from building non-stop for 8 weeks, so this is not my best work. It's really just 6 good mons, nothing really special about it. Probably works in the hands of a good pilot, which I am not.

Before we get into the Mono teams, I do want to say that monotype and ORAS were easily the most fun metas in the tour. I know there were doubts about monotype being a matchup based tier, but so is SS CAP and BW CAP, so I don't think that is really a valid knock. I had an absolute blast cooking up teams for monotype, and it is probably one of, if not the, most fun CAP OMs out there. Matchup will always play a role in monotype, but with good prep and scouting, the tier becomes something really special.

I played CAP Monotype back in MOMPL (yes, that is the name of the tour), and this exact team ran absolute train there where most people playing the tier had no idea what a Revenankh did, let alone what Necturna was capable of. I do want to say that I no longer think Ghost is the best type (it is absolutely Flying fyi), and I don't even think Rev is the best mon on Ghost. Rev is undoubtedly strong, and it takes a B-tier ish type and boosts it noticeably, but Necturna is up and away a much bigger threat. Many types cannot deal with Geo Nect, and it was THE defining mon for when we were building. If you haven't seen this Ghost team before, try it out next chance you get. Fuck it, bring it to a CAP room tour, it will probably win.

:caribolt::tapu koko::raichu-alola::zapdos::rotom-wash::zeraora:
Electric is a very strong type in monotype in general due to how dumb Alolan Raichu is with terrain up. Caribolt frees the team to run the much better Rotom-W over Rotom-C, and is an absolute threat vs. Ground.

:klefki::clefable::azumarill::tapu lele::tapu koko::tapu bulu:
This is literally just standard SS Fairy with one difference: Unaware Clefable. Unaware Clef is necessary so you dont get rolled by Necturna. Otherwise, completely standard team.

Now this is probably the best, most consistent CAP Monotype team. Book fixes (or fixed, depending on how the nerf plays out in this tier), a lot of Flying's iffy matchups. This team is so good we brought it twice, and it notably matches up exceedingly well into Ghost (surprise surprise, we ran into ghost with it and won).

Fire is such a wack type in monotype. It alone has access to a weather extending item, and fucking Cinderace is legal. I've run a team similar to this in MOMPL with Screens astro, but Scarf simply felt better and more in-line with what the team does. HWish lets you play omega aggressive with Volcarona and Victini, and honestly with sun up, this team can feel unstoppable at times.

Venomicon gives Poison teams an actual setup sweeper that fits on the bulky semi-stall style the type plays, and I think the mon makes this type wholly annoying to play against. This team came so damn close to winning an otherwise not good matchup that I do think the team works well.

This team is not one we brought, but is one I built for the Chomps at the request of one spoo Sr. Just as Venomicon provides that missing piece to Poison and Venomicon-E to Flying, Krilowatt gives Water Balance an incredibly important tool as an offensive pivot with outstanding coverage, notably matching up well against Poison due to the type's reliance on Amoonguss and Toxapex forcing things out. The move selections are a bit wacky and probably need some more fine tuning, but Kril Water Balance is definitely a solid, if unexciting, build.

Maybe it was me being cocky, maybe it was the fact that I couldn't stand going a team tour without bringing Gravity Sand, maybe it was my monotype genius overflowing, but this team is without a doubt the most fun, the most crazy, the most "me" CAP, let alone monotype, team I have ever made. Gravity sand is not a new concept to monotype (landorus-t regularly runs it), but Fidgit adds a whole new level to the archetype, and frees Landorus to run coverage and Bulk Up. It also lets drill run rock slide over spin, and it gives the team Knock Off support, which can be absolutely massive. Adamant Band Drill with Gravity up actually has no switch-ins, while Mamoswine revenges half the notable offensive threats the tier has to offer. Even though this team features my boi the spider, I think the funnest part of this team is Float Stone Gastrodon, which was designed to beat Tapu Koko/Alolan Raichu trying to sweep with Grass Knot. All in all, this team is a fucking blast to play with, and I can't believe I finally got to see Gravity Sand win in a team tour. Bless Monotype CAP, I don't deserve you.

For the record, I think this tier is absolute buns (hehe). It's more matchup-based than SS (and way more than monotype), and there is just fucking threat overload out the fucking ass. Tomohawk is oppressive as shit, but the main problem with this tier is that it is BW. This gen is not fun in my opinion, and while CAP adds some interesting stuff like Mollux and Kril, they don't fix what is an inherently anti-fun metagame. Most weeks, we just brought Smurf HO cause none of us really knew BW, but for Tiebreaks, I put on my big boy building pants, called in a favor from Ophion, and with some help from D2TheW, crafted the team that would win it all.
Micaiah had been spamming sand balance at a ridiculous level of consistency, so I asked Ophion how to beat it given that there is a mon in the tier that has Prankster Haze. The response was the first five mons and Weavile/Garchomp, which felt good but not great in tests. However, the team was notably weak to opposing Garchomp and Sash Alakazam, so D2 suggested that the final mon be Scarf Mamoswine, which, turns out, was an excellent call. CM Dark Gem Keldeo was for breaking through the omnipresent Jellicent, and in conversation before the game, we thought it was actually very good at bluffing Scarf, which we would then use to bluff band on Mamo. Thundurus is incredibly important to this team for punishing Ferrothorn and Tomohawk consistently. Ferro is Ferro, this is BW after all; it has a Rawst berry to heal off Burn specifically and not give trickers a more helpful Lum berry. SpD Cruel was our designated Hawk switch-in, with Sludge Bomb over Toxic to hit Breloom. All in all, the prep that went into this team paid off, and we finally fielded an actually not-braindead BW team for the first time in the entire tour. Too bad it took until tiebreaks for it to happen, but that's what happens when very few players play a tier, I guess.

CAPCL was a blast from start to finish, can't wait to break the meta once again with CAP 31. Thank you all for making this an absolutely great experience!
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Excited to show what I cooked up building for myself mostly in this tour. Thanks to dex and co for being super helpful with iterating a lot of this.

W2 vs Rabia:

Balloon Tran was just kind of catching on at this point, and I really just wanted to run it before it was super popular. Other than that, it felt pretty standard, though I do feel like I got a really good matchup into rain (but not molt-g, which almost bit me in the end).

W3 vs Kate:

I had to use the washer after the 70000 washed jokes I was making earlier this tour. AV Torn I fell in love with during this build, it felt like it made so much more of what I wanted to do so much more achievable. Ended up getting a god MU and just sleepwalking here. (May not match up 1:1 don't have the proper paste on this machine so I rebuilt it)

W4 vs RSQ:

Dex and I worked through this one with a fun Volcanion set- trapping with Fire Spin lets you beat stuff like Pex and Astro even. Took a lot of tweaking to get it to a proper state, and I might revisit some of our old ideas, but it ended up a pretty brutal beatdown.

W5 vs Pyush:

Wanted to use base book for this week, don't feel like it was a great final product looking back tbh. Kind of a frustrating one.

Semis vs RSQ:

Got so actually fed up with SS and getting matchup'd that I loaded HO for the first time in this tour. I hard robbed RSQ here, sorry buddy

Finals vs Spitfire:

This one goes out to Binacle Pinnacle actually. I'd heard him gassing up this clant set, gave it a shot, enjoyed it and figured it'd be a really good bring. Really love this team despite the result (especially my endgame with it).
Now that the Tournament is over I figured I'd share my teams as well. Apart from my Week 4 (Which was just embarrassing) I think I performed decently well in the tour and surpassed my personal expectations, even if my record wasn't as good as it could have been.

W1 & W2: Benched

W3: vs Steam Buns (W)
:Pelipper: :Barraskewda: :Cawmodore: :Regieleki: :Tornadus-Therian: :Garchomp:

Rain Team featuring Cawmodore and Regieleki. Originally Garchomp was a hazard setter, but Nalo suggested that I change it to SD Aqua Tail, which ended up working out pretty well in my match. Regieleki was given just enough Speed EVs to outspeed Barraskewda in Rain after using Rapid Spin once while the rest were invested into Special Attack and bulk (I do not remember what specific benchmarks the Defense and Special Defense EVs hit). Tornadus was given Weather Ball over Heat Wave so it can use it to get some surprise KOs and figured that it losing out on being a potential Cawmodore check wasn't a big deal since Skewda already acts like one if Rain is up. Overall I think this team was quite good and is pretty fun to use.

W4: vs neomon (L)

W5: vs D2TheW (L)
:Weavile: :Kartana: :Dragapult: :Astrolotl: :Landorus-Therian: :Tapu Koko:

Team designed to use Adamant Beat Up Weavile and Kartana to break through Sturdy Special Walls and allow for Tapu Koko to set up and sweep. All mons have 100+ Base Attack for Beat Up to be as strong as possible. Dragapult's EVs are the minimum amount needed for it to be able to check Cawmodore after Stealth Rock. In hindsight, I wish I either put Aerial Ace on Kartana or replaced Dragapult with ebook since the Buzzwole matchup was pretty rough (Wasn't really a mon I was considering when I built the team and that bit me in the ass when D2 ended up bringing it), but I still think that the team was still fairly solid overall.
breaking this up into two posts
and ya'll thought I forgot ..

now that I'm finally out of every tour I was participating in (eliminated TRAGICALLY AND UNFAIRLY), I want to dump all my SS shit BUT I cba to write up descriptions for CL teams I built like three months ago so just going to dump the builder

do note that a lot of stuff in here, especially more recently (ladder tour...), is probably fairly specialized for certain ppl / matchups I was expecting and a bit wack for general use, while the earlier stuff going back to venom's release is obviously dated at this point

oras for those interested

use responsibly