RU Porygon-Z


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Tri Attack
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Although outclassed in power and defensive utility by Toxtricity, Porygon-Z's Speed tier and powerful Tri Attack give it a small niche in RU as a revenge killer and stallbreaker. Shadow Ball hits Ghost-types and lets Porygon-Z consistently revenge kill Mimikyu, but Adaptability-boosted Tri Attack hits just as hard as Shadow Ball against most Steel- and Rock-types. Trick cripples Pokemon like Registeel and Steelix if Porygon-Z's Choice Scarf is no longer needed, and allows it to set up with Nasty Plot to break through slower teams. Porygon-Z should be paired with Pokemon like Necrozma, Darmanitan, and Obstagoon that can help it pressure bulky Steel- and Rock-types. Alternatively, Seismitoad, Milotic, and Suicune are good defensive answers to the likes of Metagross, Rhyperior, and Steelix. Assault Vest Reuniclus and Galarian Slowbro easily shrug off Tri Attack, so checks to them like Zarude, Incineroar, and the aforementioned Obstagoon also make for good partners.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[zizalith, 410251], [EonX, 91480]]
- Grammar checked by: [[NixHex, 40064]]
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name: Choiced Attacker Scarf
move 1: Tri Attack
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Porygon-Z has a small niche in RU as a Choice Scarf user revenge killer and stallbreaker (more specific) thanks to its speed tier and powerful Tri Attack; not sure abt semi colon here however, Toxtricity outclasses it in any other roles as it has a similarly powerful Boomburst and generally provides more for a team this is too vague. say something abt better typing . Shadow Ball hits Ghost-types and lets Porygon-Z consistently revenge kill Mimikyu. perhaps consider dark pulse on teams that do not struggle with mimikyu? its not a huge deal but the flinch chance is useful if its trying to clean and its not like youre clicking it vs psychics so colbur isnt a concern Because Adaptability causes Tri Attack to hit just as hard as Shadow Ball against most Steel- and Rock-types, it is the better option due to its secondary chance to inflict status effects this seems pretty long winded for what essentially boils down to "adaptability tri attack hits as hard against normal resists so its for ghosts". Trick cripples Pokemon like Registeel and Steelix if Porygon-Z's Choice Scarf is no longer needed, and allows it to set up with Nasty Plot to break through slower teams. A Choice Scarf is used so that Porygon-Z can revenge kill most threats. fluff, readers already know what scarf does Porygon-Z should be paired with Pokemon that can help it pressure bulky Steel- and Rock-types like Necrozma, Darmanitan, and Obstagoon this part is worded weirdly. my immediate thought was that you were referring to necrozma darm goon as steel and rock types which is uh; alternatively, bulky Water-types like Seismitoad, Suicune, and Milotic can be used to defensively answer them. Assault Vest Reuniclus and Galarian Slowbro easily shrug off Tri Attack, so checks to them like Zarude, Incineroar, and the aforementioned Obstagoon also make for good partners.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
qc 1/2
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Tri Attack
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Porygon-Z has a small niche in RU as a revenge killer and stallbreaker thanks to its sSpeed tier and powerful Tri Attack; however, Toxtricity outclasses it in any other roles as it has a similarly powerful Boomburst and provides greater defensive utility and wallbreaking power. Shadow Ball hits Ghost-types and lets Porygon-Z consistently revenge kill Mimikyu, though Adaptability-boosted Tri Attack hits just as hard as Shadow Ball against most Steel- and Rock-types. Trick cripples Pokemon like Registeel and Steelix if Porygon-Z's Choice Scarf is no longer needed, and allows it to set up with Nasty Plot to break through slower teams. Porygon-Z should be paired with Pokemon like Necrozma, Darmanitan, and Obstagoon that can help it pressure bulky Steel- and Rock-types. Alternatively, Seismitoad, Milotic, and Suicune can help in defensively answering the likes of Metagross, Rhyperior, and Steelix. Assault Vest Reuniclus and Galarian Slowbro easily shrug off Tri Attack, so checks to them like Zarude, Incineroar, and the aforementioned Obstagoon also make for good partners.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[zizalith, 410251], [EonX, 91480]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

[QC 2/2]
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Tri Attack
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Porygon-Z has a small niche in RU as a revenge killer and stallbreaker thanks to its Speed tier and powerful Tri Attack;.(period) hHowever, Toxtricity outclasses it in any other roles,(comma) as it has a similarly powerful Boomburst and provides greater defensive utility and wallbreaking power. (Consider swapping the first two sentences [and rewording appropriately] so that the comparison to Toxtricity doesn't break up P-Z's advantages and its movepool. Something like "Although outclassed in power and defensive utility by Toxtricity, Porygon-Z's Speed tier and powerful Tri Attack give it a small niche in RU as a revenge killer and stallbreaker." If Toxtricity is objectively better than P-Z in RU, mentioning it first establishes that idea. I don't know the tier though, so that's up to you :blobthumbsup:) Shadow Ball hits Ghost-types and lets Porygon-Z consistently revenge kill Mimikyu, thoughbut Adaptability-boosted Tri Attack hits just as hard as Shadow Ball against most Steel- and Rock-types. Trick cripples Pokemon like Registeel and Steelix if Porygon-Z's Choice Scarf is no longer needed, and allows it to set up with Nasty Plot to break through slower teams. Porygon-Z should be paired with Pokemon like Necrozma, Darmanitan, and Obstagoon that can help it pressure bulky Steel- and Rock-types. Alternatively, Seismitoad, Milotic, and Suicune can help in defensively answeringare good defensive answers to the likes of Metagross, Rhyperior, and Steelix. Assault Vest Reuniclus and Galarian Slowbro easily shrug off Tri Attack, so checks to them like Zarude, Incineroar, and the aforementioned Obstagoon also make for good partners.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[zizalith, 410251], [EonX, 91480]]
- Grammar checked by: [[NixHex, 40064]]

GP 1/1