Monotype Porygon-Z



* With the help of Normalium Z, Porygon-Z can utilize Z-Conversion as a way to change its typing and get a boost in all of its stats barring evasion and accuracy, making it a great late-game sweeper.
* Porygon-Z's impressive Special Attack stat and access to a variety of coverage moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam allows it to function as a great wallbreaker and check several types in the metagame.
* It has access to two good abilities in Adaptability and Download, allowing it to either hit harder with its STAB move or possibly gaining a Special Attack boost. Additionally, when Z-Conversion is paired with either of these abilities, Porygon-Z gains an Adaptability boost to any STAB attack of its choice in the first moveslot or hits even harder at +2 Special Attack after Z-Conversion and Download.
* Unfortunately, Porygon-Z requires team support in order to sweep the opposing team, as it relies on them being weakened by entry hazards or its teammates.
* Porygon-Z lacks bulk, which means it can't take multiple hits in order to set up Z-Conversion.
* Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't too great either, as it's outsped by faster threats such as Mega Alakazam, Victini, and Terrakion, as well as Choice Scarf users like Xurkitree prior to setting up with Z-Conversion.

name: Z-Conversion
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Conversion
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Normalium Z
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Shadow Ball allows Porygon-Z to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types super effectively such as Gengar, Mimikyu, Mega Alakazam, and Latios.
* Conversion along with Normalium Z is necessary as it changes Porygon-Z's typing and grants it an immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type attacks. Shadow Ball is chosen as the primary move thanks to Ghost being a great offensive typing and because it is necessary to change Porygon-Z's type.
* Thunderbolt is a nice coverage move that hits Flying- and Water-types such as Celesteela, Toxapex, and Mantine.
* Ice Beam OHKOes most Dragon- and Ground-types such as Dragonite, Landorus, and Gliscor.

Set Details

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment along with a Timid nature allows Porygon-Z to hit hard and be as fast as possible, outspeeding important threats like Choice Scarf Excadrill after a Z-Conversion boost.
* Normalium Z is used in conjunction with Conversion in order to boost all of Porygon-Z's stats by one stage, increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities as well as increasing its Speed.
* Adaptability is preferred over Download as it's a more reliable damage increase, especially after a Z-Conversion boost.
* Download can be used instead of Adaptability to gain a possible boost in Special Attack while doing more damage with all of its other coverage moves; however, Download is not very consistent due to Porygon-Z gaining a useless Attack boost thanks to many Pokemon such as Keldeo, Azumarill, and Hydreigon running 4 EVs in Special Defense to prevent it from getting a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

* This set should usually be used for the late-game when all of Porygon-Z's checks have been weakened or eliminated because it can't afford to take unnecessary damage early- or mid-game; however, Porygon-Z can also be utilized to wear down the opposing team for its teammates to finish off more easily.
* Remember that Z-Conversion can only be used once so Porygon-Z has only one chance to sweep.
* With that in mind, Porygon-Z should be careful when setting up against Haze users such as Toxapex, as they're able to eliminate stat boosts with relative ease.
* Porygon-Z should almost always use Shadow Ball because it gets an Adaptability boost from it after Z-Conversion unless it's against a target that exploits a huge weakness to its coverage moves such as Thunderbolt on Mantine and Ice Beam on Garchomp.
* Porygon-Z isn't that bulky so use the opportunity to bring it in from a slow U-turn or a fainted teammate.
* Try to avoid switching Porygon-Z into entry hazards because it becomes more difficult for Porygon-Z to set up.
* Porygon-Z should also avoid status such as burn, poison, and especially paralysis because they can shorten its longevity and ruin its capability of sweeping the opposing team.
* Porygon-Z relies on entry hazards such as Stealth Rock to OHKO targets such as Jirachi so it's always best to have them out in the early-game in order to aid a possible sweep.

Team Options

* Chansey can sponge special attacks for Porygon-Z thanks to its high Special Defense and HP. It's also able to cripple the opposing team with Toxic or Thunder Wave and act as a reliable cleric.
* Porygon2 can tank physical attacks for Porygon-Z and spread status with Toxic or Thunder Wave while also checking physical attackers with Foul Play.
* Both Chansey and Smeargle can set up entry hazards such as Stealth Rock and Smeargle can set up Sticky Web, slowing down foes for Porygon-Z to outspeed. Smeargle should only be used for more offensive teams.
*Staraptor can weaken blows from physical attackers with Intimidate and check Bug-, Fighting-, and Grass-types such as Buzzwole, Infernape, and Mega Venusaur. Staraptor's Flying typing also allows it to switch into Ground-type attacks for Porygon-Z. Additionally, Staraptor can provide Defog support to remove entry hazards and its access to U-turn can bring Porygon-Z in safely.
* Heliolisk is best used more on offensive teams and can pivot Porygon-Z in safely thanks to Volt Switch.
* Diggersby can apply offensive pressure to special walls such as Chansey and Alolan Muk and compliments Porygon-Z's special attacks. In return, Porygon-Z can take on physical walls such as Skarmory for Diggersby.
* Ditto can be a reliable asset to Porygon-Z, as thanks to Imposter it can punish setup sweepers and offensive threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Magearna.
* Meloetta can wallbreak alongside Porygon-Z and be a good check to Fighting teams thanks to its Psychic typing.

Other Options

* Normalium Z along with Thunderbolt in the first moveslot grants Porygon-Z immunity to paralysis and a resistance to Steel-type attacks via an Electric typing; however, Porygon-Z prefers Normalium Z used in conjunction with Shadow Ball because it hits almost every type for neutral damage besides Dark- and Normal-types, while Dragon-, Electric-, and Grass-types resist Thunderbolt and Ground-types are immune.
*Normalium Z along with Psychic allows Porygon-Z to defeat Fighting-types more easily; however, it's still vulnerable to priority moves such as Extreme Speed from Dragonite.
* Psyshock can be used to hit specially defensive threats especially after Z-Conversion activating such as Chansey and Cradily; however, Psychic deals more damage than Psyshock to most targets.
* Nasty Plot doubles Porygon-Z's Special Attack, allowing it to break through walls without the use of Psyshock; however, it doesn't provide Porygon-Z with other stat boosts and it prefers to outspeed its threats.

Checks and Counters

**Chansey**: Chansey isn't bothered by any of Porygon-Z's attacks even after a Z-Conversion boost. Chansey can also poison Porygon-Z with Toxic while stalling with Soft-Boiled.

**Dark-types**: Dark-types such as Assault Vest Alolan Muk and Tyranitar can tank Porygon-Z's attacks very well and KO it with their STAB Dark-type attacks; however, Bisharp is 2HKOed by Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt, but Bisharp can use Sucker Punch against Porygon-Z.

**Fighting-types**: Porygon-Z will find it very difficult to set up against Fighting teams because several common threats such as Keldeo, Infernape, and Terrakion and are fast and can OHKO it with their Fighting-type STAB moves prior to a Z-Conversion boost.

**Faster Threats**: Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't enough to outpace Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Victini, Nihilego, Kyurem-B, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko, and they're able to either deal a lot of damage or OHKO it. Mega Alakazam and Tapu Koko need to be wary of Porygon-Z setting up Z-Conversion, however.

**Priority**: Porygon-Z 's bulk isn't great, which make it susceptible to priority attacks. Mega Scizor and Bisharp are the most notable threats that carry priority moves and deal significant damage to it even after a Z-Conversion boost. Dragonite and Breloom also carry Extreme Speed and Mach Punch, respectively, that can deal heavy damage prior to Z-Conversion.

**Paralysis**: Paralysis ruins Porygon-Z's chance of sweeping and makes it more vulnerable to being revenge killed.
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AM QC check, you're QC so implement what you agree with.


* Porygon-Z's impressive Special Attack stat and access to a variety of coverage moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, allowing it to function as a great wallbreaker honestly most games its more of a sweeper and check several types in the metagame.
* Porygon-Z can utilize Z-Conversion as a way to change its typing to get a boost in all of its stats, making it a great late-game sweeper.
* I has access to two good abilities such as Adaptability and Download, hitting harder with its STAB move or possibly getting a Special Attack boost. Download isn't on the set and thus should not be in the
* Unfortunately, Porygon-Z requires team support in order to sweep the opposing team, as it relies on them being weakened from either damage taking damage from entry hazards.
*Porygon-Z lacks reasonable bulk, which means it can't take multiple hits.
* Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't too great either, as it's outsped by Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Terrakion, Victini, Xurkitree, and Mega Alakazam prior to setting up Z-Conversion. it's outsped by some of those choice scarf users after z-conversion as well.

name: Z-Conversion
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Conversion
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Normalium Z
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Shadow Ball allows Porygon-Z to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types super effectively such as Gengar, Mimikyu, Mega Alakazam, and Latios. It also grants Porygon-Z immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type attacks. as you say below, conversion does this; all shadow ball does is let z-conversion make porygon-z ghost
* Conversion is necessary thanks to Porygon-Z changing its typing, granting it immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type attacks.
* Thunderbolt is a nice coverage move in hitting Flying- and Water-types such as Celesteela, Toxapex, and Mantine. some mention of this or ice meme hitting normal and dark types
* Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus, and Gliscor.

Set Details

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment with a Timid nature makes Porygon-Z hit hard and be as fast as possible. I'm of the opinion that these two should be seperate, as while they're two different things that go in tandem to give one effect of sweeping (like how ice beam and thunderbolt give bolt beam), they fundementally seperate things.
* Normalium Z is used with Conversion to boost all of Porygon-Z's stats by one stage, increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities, and making its Speed even more great.
* Adaptability is preferred over download, as it makes Shadow Ball stronger. It's preffered because it's more reliable. +1 adapt shadow ball=+2 nonadapt shadow ball in damage.

Usage Tips

* This set should usually be used for late-game when all of Porygon-Z's checks have been weakened or gone because it can't afford to take unnecessary damage early- or mid-game; however, Porygon-Z can also utilize it to wear down the opposing team for its teammates to finish off easier.
* Porygon-Z would almost always want to go for Shadow Ball because it gets an Adaptability boost from it after Z-Conversion, to hit threats that don't resist it.
* Porygon-Z isn't that bulky so use it as an opportunity to bring it in from a slow U-turn or fainted teammate.
* Try to avoid Porygon-Z from switching into entry hazards because it hinders its chance of possibly surviving an attack. This is kinda vague, and +1 porygon-z is decently bulky anyway.
* Porygon-Z should also want to avoid status such as burns, poison, and especially paralysis because they can shorten its longevity and ruin its capability of sweeping the opposing team.
* Porygon-Z relies on entry hazards to KO the opposing threat (it doesn't need it for all foes+this is just really unclear) targets like... so it's always best to have them out early-game for the opposing team to take chip damage upon switching in.

Team Options

* Chansey can sponge special attacks for Porygon-Z thanks to its capability in being a special wall. It's able to cripple the opposing team with Toxic or Thunder Wave and act as a great Heal Bell user.
* Porygon2 can tank physical attacks for Porygon-Z and spread status with Toxic or Thunder Wave, while also checking physical attackers with Foul Play.
* Both Chansey and Smeargle can set up entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, while Smeargle can set up Sticky Web, allowing Porygon-Z to gain Speed control allowing it to gain speed control is really oddly worded for what seems like no reason, wouldn' "to slow down foes" be better?.
*Staraptor can cripple physical attackers with Intimidate and check Bug- ghost Pory-z doesn't mind bug attacks, Fighting-, and Grass-types such as Buzzwole, Infernape, and Mega Venusaur. Staraptor's Flying typing allows it to switch into Ground-type attacks for Porygon-Z. Additionally, Staraptor can provide Defog support to remove entry hazards and its access to U-turn can bring Porygon-Z in safely.
* Diggersby can apply offensive pressure to special walls, which compliments Porygon-Z's special attacks.
* Ditto can be a reliable asset to Porygon-Z, thanks to Imposter it can punish setup sweepers and offensive threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Magearna. Ditto's really more important for discouraging setup.
* Meloetta can wallbreak alongside Porygon-Z and be a good check to Fighting teams thanks to its Psychic typing.

Other Options

* Download can be used instead of Adaptability to gain a possible boost in Special Attack while doing more damage with all of its other coverage moves. The problem being is that Download is not very consistent due to Porygon-Z gaining a useless Attack boost and many tend to run 4 EVs in Special Defense to prevent it from getting a Special Attack boost.
* Normalium Z Thunderbolt grants Porygon-Z immunity to paralysis and resistance to Steel-type attacks and more power; however, Porygon-Z prefers Normalium Z STAB Shadow Ball in better most (better is meaningless here) matchups.
*Normalium Z Psychic allows Porygon-Z to defeat Fighting-types a lot easier; however, it's still vulnerable to priority moves such as Extreme Speed Dragonite any psychic is a generaly worse defensive type.
* Psyshock can be used to hit specially defensive threats, especially after Z-Conversion activating such as Chansey, Volcarona, and Cradily.
* Choice Scarf makes Porygon-Z a great revenge killer; however, it prefers to utilize Normalium Z and hit with any of its coverage moves instead of being locked into a move. Since there is
* Choice Specs allows Porygon-Z's to function as a wallbreaker but similar to Choice Scarf, it's locked into a move.

Checks and Counters

**Type Disadvantages**: Depending on what type you have first for Porygon-Z to change into from Z-Conversion, it'll have trouble checking specific types. For example, Ghost and Psychic Porygon-Z will have a huge problem going against Dark-types; especially Psychic Porygon-Z being vulnerable to more priority moves than Ghost. Electric Porygon-Z will struggle against Grass-types such as Mega Venusaur. Just list the ghost MU's in more detail, OO options never get mentioned in C&C. If they're worth mentioning, give them their own set. List normal types here as well plz, that's huge vs porygon z

**Fighting-types**: Porygon-Z will find it very difficult to set up against Fighting teams because several of them such as Keldeo, Infernape and Terrakion and are fast and can KO it with their Fighting-type STAB moves.

**Faster Threats**: Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't enough to outpace Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Victini, Nihilego, Kyurem-B, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko, and they're able to either deal a lot of damage or OHKO it. +1 poryz outspeeds alakazam and Tapu Koko

**Priority**: Porygon-Z 's bulk isn't great, which make it susceptible to priority attacks. Mega Scizor, Dragonite, Breloom, and Bisharp are the most notable threats that carry priority moves and deal significant damage to it. Honestly specify that this and the fighting type matchup (bar bisharp ofc) are only pre-conversion, as otherwise priority is useless.

** Specially Defensive Threats**: Chansey isn't bothered by Porygon-Z's attacks as it can tank them very well even after a Z-Conversion boost and can inflict status moves such as Thunder Wave or Toxic. Assault Vest Alolan Muk is 4HKOed by all of Porygon-Z's attacks after a boost and can retaliate with its own attacks. Put chansey in type disadvantage; chansey is such a major threat that it should 100% be in the top C&C slot

**Status**: Once inflicted by burns, poison, or paralysis, Porygon-Z becomes hindered because relies heavily on staying healthy throughout the battle to sweep the opposing team much more efficiently. Elaborate, as Para doesn't deal damage and burn isn't really that much of an issue.
Quantum Tesseract mostly great stuff. Only a few comments. Implement everything else Misaka.
* Thunderbolt is a nice coverage move in hitting Flying- and Water-types such as Celesteela, Toxapex, and Mantine. some mention of this or ice meme hitting normal and dark types It's going to do 0 unless it's super effective, so no.

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment with a Timid nature makes Porygon-Z hit hard and be as fast as possible. I'm of the opinion that these two should be seperate, as while they're two different things that go in tandem to give one effect of sweeping (like how ice beam and thunderbolt give bolt beam), they fundementally seperate things. Doesn't matter

* Try to avoid Porygon-Z from switching into entry hazards because it hinders its chance of possibly surviving an attack. This is kinda vague, and +1 porygon-z is decently bulky anyway. Eh I think the point is that it's harder to safely set up.

* Normalium Z Thunderbolt grants Porygon-Z immunity to paralysis and resistance to Steel-type attacks and more power; however, Porygon-Z prefers Normalium ZSTAB Shadow Ball in bettermost (better is meaningless here) matchups. No idea what's happening here.
*Normalium Z Psychic allows Porygon-Z to defeat Fighting-types a lot easier; however, it's still vulnerable to priority moves such as Extreme Speed Dragonite any psychic is a generaly worse defensive type. If all goes well, Porygon-Z isn't taking hits in the first place.

**Faster Threats**: Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't enough to outpace Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Victini, Nihilego, Kyurem-B, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko, and they're able to either deal a lot of damage or OHKO it. +1 poryz outspeeds alakazam and Tapu Koko Yep. This should separate between before and after using Z-Conversion.

- Might want to just revisit these lines and touch them up a bit.
- The first line should be talking about Z-Conversion and how Porygon-Z is the best sweeper Normal has.

- Should note that Ghost is a very good offensive typing, which is another part of why it's chosen.

Set Details:
- Move Download here. It's less reliable but a +2 Porygon-Z is much more powerful with its coverage options.

Usage Tips:
- Add something about how it only has one chance to sweep.
- This might be a bit niche, but maybe something about using Z-Conversion as the foe tries to Rapid Spin?

Team Options:
- Differentiate Chansey for balance and Smeargle for HO
- Heliolisk is actually really good on offense right now, and the pivot into Porygon-Z is amazing.

Other Options:
- Remove Choice items.
- Move Download to Set Details
- +Nasty Plot
- Why would you use Psychic > Psyshock for Psychic-type Z-Conversion?

Checks and Counters:
- Dark-types should be added. Those that don't get hit by coverage wall and KO Porygon-Z pretty easily.
- I'd just remove Status. If you really want to keep it, make it only Paralysis.

Nicely done both of you QC 1/3


* With the help of Normalium Z, Porygon-Z can utilize Z-Conversion as a way to change its typing to get a boost in all of its stats this isn't necessarily correct because accuracy and evasion are not boosted. I get what this is saying, but it should be worded so there is confusion for the reader, making it a great late-game sweeper.
* Porygon-Z's impressive Special Attack stat and access to a variety of coverage moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, allowing it to function as a great wallbreaker and check several types in the metagame.
* It has access to two good abilities such as Adaptability and Download, hitting harder with its STAB move or possibly getting a Special Attack boost. Additionally, Z-Conversion when paired with either of these abilities, Porygon-Z gains an Adaptability to any STAB attack of its choice that's first in its moveslot or hit even harder while at +2 Special Attack after Z-Conversion and Download.
* Unfortunately, Porygon-Z requires team support in order to sweep the opposing team, as it relies on them being weakened from either damage taking damage from entry hazards or its teammates.
* Porygon-Z lacks reasonable bulk, which means it can't take multiple hits, otherwise it won't be able to set up Z-Conversion.
* Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't too great either, as it's outsped by Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Terrakion, Victini, Xurkitree, and Mega Alakazam prior to setting up Z-Conversion. Victini and Terrakion outspeed without a Choice Scarf I think this part might need some rewording

name: Z-Conversion
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Conversion
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Normalium Z
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Shadow Ball allows Porygon-Z to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types super effectively such as Gengar, Mimikyu, Mega Alakazam, and Latios. Shadow Ball is chosen as the leading move thanks to it being a great offensive typing. maybe put this on Conversion bullet because it applies more there
* Conversion is necessary thanks to Porygon-Z changing its typing, granting it immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type attacks. I would say how this is z move not conversion itself so a newer player isn't confused
* Thunderbolt is a nice coverage move in hitting Flying- and Water-types such as Celesteela, Toxapex, and Mantine.
* Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Ground-types such as Garchomp, Landorus, and Gliscor. Maybe put a Dragon type that isn't also a ground-type here Dragonite would be great

Set Details

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment with a Timid nature makes Porygon-Z hit hard and be as fast as possible.
* Normalium Z is used with Conversion to boost all of Porygon-Z's stats by one stage, increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities, and making its Speed even more great.
* Adaptability is preferred over Download, as it's more reliable in making Shadow Ball as strong as possible, especially after a Z-Conversion boost.
* Download can be used instead of Adaptability to gain a possible boost in Special Attack while doing more damage with all of its other coverage moves. The problem being is that Download is not very consistent due to Porygon-Z gaining a useless Attack boost and many tend to run 4 EVs in Special Defense to prevent it from getting a Special Attack boost. maybe an example of a Pokemon that does this because this doesn't always apply

Usage Tips

* This set should usually be used for late-game when all of Porygon-Z's checks have been weakened or gone because it can't afford to take unnecessary damage early- or mid-game; however, Porygon-Z can also utilize it to wear down the opposing team for its teammates to finish off easier.
* Remember that Z-Conversion can only be used once and Porygon-Z has only one chance to sweep.
* While there's a Rapid Spin user on the opponent's side, Porygon-Z can take advantage of its Ghost typing to block Rapid Spinners from removing entry hazards after a Z-Conversion.
* Porygon-Z would almost always want to go for Shadow Ball because it gets an Adaptability boost from it after Z-Conversion, to hit threats that don't resist it. This doesn't always apply for example something like Mantine Thunderbolt would be better to use and Ice Beam would be better against Garchomp
* Porygon-Z isn't that bulky so use it as an opportunity to bring it in from a slow U-turn or fainted teammate.
* Try to avoid Porygon-Z from switching into entry hazards because it becomes more difficult for Porygon-Z to set up.
* Porygon-Z should also want to avoid status such as burns, poison, and especially paralysis because they can shorten its longevity and ruin its capability of sweeping the opposing team.
* Porygon-Z relies on entry hazards to KO targets such as Jirachi so it's always best to have them out early-game for the opposing team to take chip damage upon switching in. What entry hazard exactly does it need to OHKO Jirachi Stealth Rock? Spikes?

Team Options

* Chansey is used on balanced teams and can sponge special attacks for Porygon-Z thanks to its capability in being a special wall. It's able to cripple the opposing team with Toxic or Thunder Wave and act as a great Heal Bell user. Fluff
* Porygon2 can tank physical attacks for Porygon-Z and spread status with Toxic or Thunder Wave, while also checking physical attackers with Foul Play.
* Both Chansey and Smeargle can set up entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, while Smeargle can set up Sticky Web, slowing down foes for Porygon-Z to outspeed. Smeargle should only be used for more offensive teams.
*Staraptor can cripple physical attackers with Intimidate and check Bug-, Fighting-, and Grass-types such as Buzzwole, Infernape, and Mega Venusaur easier for Porygon-Z. Staraptor's Flying typing allows it to switch into Ground-type attacks for Porygon-Z. Additionally, Staraptor can provide Defog support to remove entry hazards and its access to U-turn can bring Porygon-Z in safely.
* Heliolisk is used more on offensive builds and can pivot Porygon-Z in safely thanks to Volt Switch.
* Diggersby can apply offensive pressure to special walls, which compliments Porygon-Z's special attacks. examples of walls it breaks because Digga breaks most special walls that Porygon-Z would otherwise struggle against
* Ditto can be a reliable asset to Porygon-Z, thanks to Imposter it can punish setup sweepers and offensive threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Magearna.
* Meloetta can wallbreak alongside Porygon-Z and be a good check to Fighting teams thanks to its Psychic typing.

Other Options

* Normalium Z Thunderbolt grants Porygon-Z immunity to paralysis and resistance to Steel-type attacks; however, Porygon-Z prefers Normalium Z Shadow Ball in better matchups. how is it better in most matchups is because of the fighting immunity the ghost stab
*Normalium Z Psychic allows Porygon-Z to defeat Fighting-types a lot easier; however, it's still vulnerable to priority moves such as Extreme Speed Dragonite.
* Psyshock can be used to hit specially defensive threats, especially after Z-Conversion activating such as Chansey, Volcarona, and Cradily; however, Psychic deals more damage than Psyshock and Psyshock is mainly used for specially defensive walls. bulky volc isn't really that relevant anymore, so doesn't apply
* Nasty Plot doubles Porygon-Z's Special Attack, allowing it to break through walls; however, it doesn't provide Porygon-Z with other stat boosts and it prefers to outspeed its threats.

Checks and Counters

**Chansey**: Chansey isn't bothered by any of Porygon-Z's attacks even after a Z-Conversion boost. Chansey can poison Porygon-Z with Toxic while stalling with Soft-Boiled.

**Dark-types**: Dark-types such as Assault Vest Alolan Muk and Tyranitar can tank Porygon-Z's attacks very well and KO it with their STAB Dark-type attacks. Bisharp is 2HKOed by Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt, while Bisharp can Sucker Punch it.

**Fighting-types**: Porygon-Z will find it very difficult to set up against Fighting teams because several of them such as Keldeo, Infernape and Terrakion and are fast and can KO it with their Fighting-type STAB moves. Fighting-types aren't good checks after Z conversion should be mentioned and emphasized

**Faster Threats**: Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't enough to outpace Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Victini, Nihilego, Kyurem-B, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko, and they're able to either deal a lot of damage or OHKO it. However, Mega Alakazam and Tapu Koko need to be wary of Porygon-Z setting up Z-Conversion.

**Priority**: Porygon-Z 's bulk isn't great, which make it susceptible to priority attacks. Mega Scizor and Bisharp are the most notable threats that carry priority moves and deal significant damage to it. Dragonite and Breloom also carry Extreme Speed and Mach Punch, respectively prior to Z-Conversion.

**Paralysis**: Paralysis ruins Porygon-Z's chance of sweeping and being vulnerable for revenge kill.
Nice Work!!
QC 2/3
Set Details

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment with a Timid nature makes Porygon-Z hit hard and be as fast as possible.
- Notable Pokemon it outspeeds?

Usage Tips

* Remember that Z-Conversion can only be used once and Porygon-Z has only one chance to sweep.
- Mention Haze being able to get rid of the boosts. Try not to set up when there's a Pokemon capable of eliminating your stat boosts.
* While there's a Rapid Spin user on the opponent's side, Porygon-Z can take advantage of its Ghost typing to block Rapid Spinners from removing entry hazards after a Z-Conversion.
- This is kinda awkward? Porygon-Z can't block Rapid Spin when it hasn't used Z-Conversion yet or has switched out after using it so that means it can't switch in on Rapid Spin users and no sane Rapid Spin user would spin on a Ghost-type Porygon-Z. The only possible way of this happening is when Porygon-Z sets up a Z-Conversion on a slower Rapid Spin user and that just doesn't seem good enough to justify this bullet.

Team Options

* Diggersby can apply offensive pressure to special walls such as Chansey and Alolan Muk, which compliments Porygon-Z's special attacks
- Diggersby loves Porygon-Z's ability to beat physical walls like Skarmory, mention that.

QC 3/3

* With the help of Normalium Z, Porygon-Z can utilize Z-Conversion as a way to change its typing and to get a boost in all of its stats barring evasion and accuracy, making it a great late-game sweeper.
* Porygon-Z's impressive Special Attack stat and access to a variety of coverage moves such as Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, (RC) allows it to function as a great wallbreaker and check several types in the metagame.
* It has access to two good abilities in such as Adaptability and Download, allowing it to either hitting harder with its STAB move or possibly gaining getting a Special Attack boost. Additionally, when Z-Conversion is when paired with either of these abilities, Porygon-Z gains an Adaptability boost to any STAB attack of its choice in the that's first in its moveslot or hits even harder while at +2 Special Attack after Z-Conversion and Download.
* Unfortunately, Porygon-Z requires team support in order to sweep the opposing team, as it relies on them being weakened by from either damage taking damage from entry hazards or its teammates.
* Porygon-Z lacks reasonable bulk, which means it can't take multiple hits, (RC) otherwise it won't be able in order to set up Z-Conversion.
* Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't too great either, as it's outsped by faster threats such as Mega Alakazam, Victini, and Terrakion, as well as Choice Scarf users like Xurkitree prior to setting up with Z-Conversion.

name: Z-Conversion
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Conversion
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Normalium Z
ability: Adaptability
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Shadow Ball allows Porygon-Z to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types super effectively such as Gengar, Mimikyu, Mega Alakazam, and Latios.
* Normalium Z Conversion along with Normalium Z is necessary as it changes thanks to Porygon-Z's changing its typing, (RC) and grants it an immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type attacks. Shadow Ball is chosen as the primary leading move thanks to Ghost it being a great offensive typing and because it is necessary to change Porygon-Z's type.
* Thunderbolt is a nice coverage move that hits in hitting Flying- and Water-types such as Celesteela, Toxapex, and Mantine.
* Ice Beam OHKOes most hits Dragon- and Ground-types such as Dragonite, Landorus, and Gliscor.

Set Details

* Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment along with a Timid nature allows makes Porygon-Z to hit hard and be as fast as possible, outspeeding important threats like Choice Scarf Excadrill after a Z-Conversion boost.
* Normalium Z is used in conjunction with Conversion in order to boost all of Porygon-Z's stats by one stage, increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities, (RC) as well as increasing and making its Speed even more great.
* Adaptability is preferred over Download, (RC) as it's a more reliable damage increase in making Shadow Ball as strong as possible, especially after a Z-Conversion boost.
* Download can be used instead of Adaptability to gain a possible boost in Special Attack while doing more damage with all of its other coverage moves; however, The problem being is that Download is not very consistent due to Porygon-Z gaining a useless Attack boost thanks to and many Pokemon such as Keldeo, Azumarill, and Hydreigon tend to running 4 EVs in Special Defense to prevent it from getting a Special Attack boost.

Usage Tips

* This set should usually be used for the late-game when all of Porygon-Z's checks have been weakened or eliminated gone because it can't afford to take unnecessary damage early- or mid-game; however, Porygon-Z can also be utilized it to wear down the opposing team for its teammates to finish off more easily.
* Remember that Z-Conversion can only be used once so and Porygon-Z has only one chance to sweep.
* With that in mind, Porygon-Z should be careful when setting up against Haze users such as Toxapex, as they're able to eliminate stat boosts with relative ease.
* Porygon-Z should would almost always use want to go for Shadow Ball because it gets an Adaptability boost from it after Z-Conversion, (RC) to hit threats that don't resist it, (RC) unless it's against a target that exploits a huge weakness to its coverage moves such as Thunderbolt on Mantine and Ice Beam on Garchomp.
* Porygon-Z isn't that bulky so use the it as an opportunity to bring it in from a slow U-turn or a fainted teammate.
* Try to avoid Porygon-Z from switching Porygon-Z into entry hazards because it becomes more difficult for Porygon-Z to set up.
* Porygon-Z should also want to avoid status such as burns, poison, and especially paralysis because they can shorten its longevity and ruin its capability of sweeping the opposing team.
* Porygon-Z relies on entry hazards such as Stealth Rock to OHKO targets such as Jirachi so it's always best to have them out in the early-game in order to aid a possible sweep for the opposing team to take chip damage upon switching in.

Team Options

* Chansey can sponge special attacks for Porygon-Z thanks to its high Special Defense and HP capability in being a special wall. It's also able to cripple the opposing team with Toxic or Thunder Wave and act as a reliable cleric and Wish passer (not sure if the latter is relevant in this meta, feel free to leave it out if it's not) great Heal Bell user.
* Porygon2 can tank physical attacks for Porygon-Z and spread status with Toxic or Thunder Wave, (RC) while also checking physical attackers with Foul Play.
* Both Chansey and Smeargle can set up entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, (RC) while and Smeargle can set up Sticky Web, slowing down foes for Porygon-Z to outspeed. Smeargle should only be used for more offensive teams.
*Staraptor can weaken blows from cripple physical attackers with Intimidate and check Bug-, Fighting-, and Grass-types such as Buzzwole, Infernape, and Mega Venusaur easier for Porygon-Z. Staraptor's Flying typing also allows it to switch into Ground-type attacks for Porygon-Z. Additionally, Staraptor can provide Defog support to remove entry hazards and its access to U-turn can bring Porygon-Z in safely.
* Heliolisk is best used more on offensive teams builds and can pivot Porygon-Z in safely thanks to Volt Switch.
* Diggersby can apply offensive pressure to special walls such as Chansey and Alolan Muk, (RC) which and compliments Porygon-Z's special attacks. In return, (AC) Porygon-Z can take on physical walls such as Skarmory for Diggersby.
* Ditto can be a reliable asset to Porygon-Z, as thanks to Imposter it can punish setup sweepers and offensive threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Magearna.
* Meloetta can wallbreak alongside Porygon-Z and be a good check to Fighting teams thanks to its Psychic typing.

Other Options

* Normalium Z along with Thunderbolt in the first moveslot grants Porygon-Z immunity to paralysis and a resistance to Steel-type attacks via an Electric typing; however, Porygon-Z prefers Normalium Z used in conjunction with Shadow Ball because it hits almost every type for neutral damage besides Dark- and Normal-types, while Dragon-, Electric-, and Grass-types resist Thunderbolt and Ground-types are immune.
*Normalium Z along with Psychic allows Porygon-Z to defeat Fighting-types more easily a lot easier; however, it's still vulnerable to priority moves such as Extreme Speed from Dragonite.
* Psyshock can be used to hit specially defensive threats, (RC) especially after Z-Conversion activating such as Chansey and Cradily; however, Psychic deals more damage than Psyshock to most targets and Psyshock is mainly used for specially defensive walls.
* Nasty Plot doubles Porygon-Z's Special Attack, allowing it to break through walls without the use of Psyshock; however, it doesn't provide Porygon-Z with other stat boosts and it prefers to outspeed its threats.

Checks and Counters

**Chansey**: Chansey isn't bothered by any of Porygon-Z's attacks even after a Z-Conversion boost. Chansey can also poison Porygon-Z with Toxic while stalling with Soft-Boiled.

**Dark-types**: Dark-types such as Assault Vest Alolan Muk and Tyranitar can tank Porygon-Z's attacks very well and KO it with their STAB Dark-type attacks; however, Bisharp is 2HKOed by Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt, while but Bisharp can use Sucker Punch against Porygon-Z it.

**Fighting-types**: Porygon-Z will find it very difficult to set up against Fighting teams because several common threats of them such as Keldeo, Infernape, (AC) and Terrakion and are fast and can OHKO it with their Fighting-type STAB moves prior to a Z-Conversion boost.

**Faster Threats**: Porygon-Z's Speed stat isn't enough to outpace Choice Scarf users and faster threats such as Victini, Nihilego, Kyurem-B, Mega Alakazam, and Tapu Koko, and they're able to either deal a lot of damage or OHKO it. However, Mega Alakazam and Tapu Koko need to be wary of Porygon-Z setting up Z-Conversion, (AC) however.

**Priority**: Porygon-Z 's bulk isn't great, which make it susceptible to priority attacks. Mega Scizor and Bisharp are the most notable threats that carry priority moves and deal significant damage to it even after a Z-Conversion boost. Dragonite and Breloom also carry Extreme Speed and Mach Punch, respectively, (AC) that can deal heavy damage prior to Z-Conversion.

**Paralysis**: Paralysis ruins Porygon-Z's chance of sweeping and makes it more being vulnerable to being for revenge killed.