Porygon-Z Vote


the pastor of disaster
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This thread is moderated, so you won't be able to see your post after you post it. This is for integrity purposes in case the vote is very close. The proper format for voting is

Porygon-Z is UU


Porygon-Z is BL

The voters eligible to vote for Porygon-Z are:

Lonewolf9196 (UU)
Leman (BL)
SJCrew (BL)
Iluvtogekiss (BL)
Coronis (BL)
august (BL)
Minato. (BL)
capefeather (UU)
Philip7086 (BL)
Scofield (BL)
Narulyg (BL)

Edit: in the interest of time to give people time to prepare for the UU Tour, the decision has been made to simply reveal the intended vote of each voter and announce the results. Consequently,Porygon-z has been voted BL by the vote of 10-2; this meets the 2/3+1 supermajority, and thus Porygon-z will be banned permanently from UU.