Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow to be re-released for the 3DS Virtual Console

I think a lot of people are treating this like a full remake and not merely a virtual console release. Playing this game on virtual console should be pretty much the same as playing it on the original GameBoy; with the 3DS's wireless replacing the functionality that the Link Cable had. That means no removal of glitches, no Easter eggs, no Wi-Fi capabilities.

When it comes to proper remakes (ie the same game on a more modern engine), you can make substantive changes to improve the experience. Even when you do, you're likely to face criticism from people who wanted to play a faithful copy of the original (see the recent shitstorm over the FFVII remaster replacing the traditional turn-based combat with a real-time battle system). But when you're being sold a straight re-release, you should expect nothing more from it.
People are worried because of how they worded the announcement. They said they would try to recreate the originals as closely as possible, implying that some changes have been made. They could admittedly be very minor changes or just the addition of wireless trading (and battling?), but it's not unreasonable to believe that they decided to remove some glitches or axe the Game Corner to keep the rating from getting raised. TPCi has been known to be paranoid with their brand's representation, even when it seems totally unreasonable (no Mon sounds in Mario Maker, for instance).
Kanto is a novel experience.
Jhoto is a suburb from hell.
Hoenn is water hell.
Sinnoh is mountain hell.
Unova is, well, okay by Sinnoh standards.
Post-apocalyptic Future Unova is redundant hell.
Kalos has yet to be played.
I rank Kanto as a lesser evil, at least in terms of an in-game story experience.
If you want an engaging geography, go play Minecraft.
I always personally found Kanto to be my favourite region to go through, probably purely because I enjoyed the non-linearity and I find myself preferring settings where the majority is urban.
Japanese are going to get special 2DS with Red/ Green/ Blue/ Yellow installed.
Pre orders start from 26th December


Personally speaking, I do still have functioning cartridges of each Red, Blue, and Yellow. I even played through Red the summer before last. So despite the nostalgia that would come from playing one of those games again, I think the novelty of playing Green could be worth choosing it over one of the other three, if it was offered in America. Green was a game that I didn't even consider as more than a rumor or a myth when I was originally playing Red as a child, and being able to finally play now it would be an actually novel experience, and it would be one of the two actually new experiences that could possibly come from playing these re-releases.
HelenTheHer post: 6588219 said:
So, this kinda confirms that Japan will get Green version as an option too, but us Americans won't?

Bit of a bummer, because I would really enjoy doing Green.
Japan Green is the same as English blue
It's Japan blue that's different, where you can catch wild jynx in Seafoam caves.