Hopefully this isn't too baseless, but I have a theory. I think the new games will have an offense defense mechanic. When the match starts, one player will be skewed more towards defense, with some buffs going to def and spd, maybe even a little hp regen, and the other player getting atk and spa boosted and maybe speed. I'm not as well versed in competitive as most users here are I'm sure, but I feel like it would be pretty cool, making hyper offense and defense a little harder to use as you'd have windows for your weaknesses to be exploited.
The reasoning behind this is the logo for the new movie, mewtwo returns evolution (logos similar to it have been the mega evolution symbol and a z crystal for the past few gens) is the same as the logo on the players uniform when he enters the stadium and the logo on the gyms themselves. It also fits with the titles of course, and the coloring matches too.
The reasoning behind this is the logo for the new movie, mewtwo returns evolution (logos similar to it have been the mega evolution symbol and a z crystal for the past few gens) is the same as the logo on the players uniform when he enters the stadium and the logo on the gyms themselves. It also fits with the titles of course, and the coloring matches too.