Pokemon Home - Shiny Meltan (LGPE) and Keldeo (SwSh) dex rewards

Does evolving Stantler, Scyther and Ursaring in SV work now somehow?
That requires an update in SV proper (same with Overqwil) and I don't believe the last patch touched them at all.

But hey Stantler can get Psyshield Bash now, which is nice? Since it's been an Egg Move since launch but no one could teach it to it.

(for a few Pokemon in BDSP, at least)

The new move tutor allows you to reteach moves across games. This isn't just for moving stuff to SV. If your Pokemon knows a move in SWSH and can use it as an egg move or TM in another game, you can relearn it. The BDSP Head Smash Nosepasses are unlocked!

Taught a Spiritomb from SWSH Foul Play. Moved it to BDSP. I could teach it the previously once inaccessible Foul Play no problem with the move relearner!



(for a few Pokemon in BDSP, at least)

The new move tutor allows you to reteach moves across games. This isn't just for moving stuff to SV. If your Pokemon knows a move in SWSH and can use it as an egg move or TM in another game, you can relearn it. The BDSP Head Smash Nosepasses are unlocked!

Taught a Spiritomb from SWSH Foul Play. Moved it to BDSP. I could teach it the previously once inaccessible Foul Play no problem with the move relearner!

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I can actually see the people who actually bothered with the battle facilities in bdsp rejoicing to this one.

The simplest way to put it is basically the way the move reminder works in Home is it checks moves in the memory vs moves in the learnset of that game, then.
Yeh at this point I think that's how it works, egg move / TR / TM moves are likely shared, and the "move reminder" picks up a given game's level up moveset + memorized moves that are learnable by that pokemon in that game, skipping the others.

Btw, since for whatever reason the EU Home is still on maintenance for me, does this "relearner" work for entire moveset, or only "up to that level"?
Aka, can i teach moves that they'd normally learn at higher level that arent in TM/Egg move memory?
Btw, since for whatever reason the EU Home is still on maintenance for me, does this "relearner" work for entire moveset, or only "up to that level"?
Aka, can i teach moves that they'd normally learn at higher level that arent in TM/Egg move memory?
To that level. Basically it works just like the actual move reminder.

(for a few Pokemon in BDSP, at least)

The new move tutor allows you to reteach moves across games. This isn't just for moving stuff to SV. If your Pokemon knows a move in SWSH and can use it as an egg move or TM in another game, you can relearn it. The BDSP Head Smash Nosepasses are unlocked!

Taught a Spiritomb from SWSH Foul Play. Moved it to BDSP. I could teach it the previously once inaccessible Foul Play no problem with the move relearner!

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I'm fucking mad. :trode:
Speaking of tradebacks, is it possible to take a Pokémon that has a "transfer move + Hidden Ability" combo in SwSh, send it to SV, use an Ability Patch to remove the HA, and then send it back to SwSh while keeping the transfer move and the removal of HA?

For example: Scizor only gets access to Curse through Gen 2 VC which locks it to its HA. If this Scizor was sent to SV to have its HA removed, Technician + Curse could become legal in SwSh.

If this works, No Guard Fissure Machamp also becomes theoretically possible to get in SwSh in the future (Machamp is not currently in SV).
While moving around stuff, I put my Shiny Stantler into LA so I can evolve it later and the notice for this one has this little note at the end :"If you move a Pokemon obtained in Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet into Pokemon Legends: Arceus, tis ID No. wil change.
If you move it back into Pokemon Home, its ID No. will return to what it originally was."

Speaking of tradebacks, is it possible to take a Pokémon that has a "transfer move + Hidden Ability" combo in SwSh, send it to SV, use an Ability Patch to remove the HA, and then send it back to SwSh while keeping the transfer move and the removal of HA?

For example: Scizor only gets access to Curse through Gen 2 VC which locks it to its HA. If this Scizor was sent to SV to have its HA removed, Technician + Curse could become legal in SwSh.

If this works, No Guard Fissure Machamp also becomes theoretically possible to get in SwSh in the future (Machamp is not currently in SV).
I FINALLY have access to my actual home account and will be testing this shortly :)

Preliminarily, it looks like they took counter measures to prevent this. Abilities are SUPER weird now. They are now bound to specific games. You can change your ability in BDSP and it won't be that ability in SWSH anymore!

Edit 9:25am : Sent a VC Scizor up to SWSH. Inverted light metal so it is now swarm. Put it in Home. Home has it as Swarm in SV, but Light Metal in SWSH :psysad:

I am going to attempt to do this with a pokemon freshly transferred from bank to home without ever touching SWSH. Maybe then it'll keep the ability, though I have to imagine this whole weird ability stuff is them taking a counter measure to machamp.
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I FINALLY have access to my actual home account and will be testing this shortly :)

Preliminarily, it looks like they took counter measures to prevent this. Abilities are SUPER weird now. They are now bound to specific games. You can change your ability in BDSP and it won't be that ability in SWSH anymore!

Edit: Sent a VC Scizor up to SWSH. Inverted light metal so it is now swarm. Put it in Home. Home has it as Swarm in SV, but Light Metal in SWSH :psysad:
Huh, so, can you bring someone without a HA into SV, give it an HA with a patch, then send it back and see what it does?
I FINALLY have access to my actual home account and will be testing this shortly :)

Preliminarily, it looks like they took counter measures to prevent this. Abilities are SUPER weird now. They are now bound to specific games. You can change your ability in BDSP and it won't be that ability in SWSH anymore!

Edit 9:25am : Sent a VC Scizor up to SWSH. Inverted light metal so it is now swarm. Put it in Home. Home has it as Swarm in SV, but Light Metal in SWSH :psysad:

I am going to attempt to do this with a pokemon freshly transferred from bank to home without ever touching SWSH. Maybe then it'll keep the ability, though I have to imagine this whole weird ability stuff is them taking a counter measure to machamp.
Thank you for testing.

I am genuinely impressed at Game Freak's willingness to bend over backwards in order to stop us from getting No Guard Fissure Machamp.

I am also impressed that they had the foresight to do this. GF doesn't have track record of thinking things ahead this meticulously. No wonder the Home update took so long.
Huh, so, can you bring someone without a HA into SV, give it an HA with a patch, then send it back and see what it does?
The new game-by-game ability system is crazy weird. I do not comprehend it very well, though it seems to care the most about having contact with SWSH.

Some tests I ran earlier (content warning: wasted ability patches)
  • Moved a PLA Kirlia to SV. Gave it a patch in SV. Kirlia went from Trace to Telepathy. In BDSP, it still has Telepathy. In SWSH, it also has Telepathy.
  • Patched a Chansey to have healer in BDSP. Moved it to SV. It had Healer. Unpatched it to natural cure. Chansey did NOT have natural cure in BDSP. It kept healer. It does have natural cure in SWSH.
  • Had a Scyther born in Swsh with Technician. Moved it to BDSP, it still has Technician. Gave it an ability patch in BDSP to have steadfast. Connected to SWSH, it still has technician, which is absolutely not how it worked before this update. I move Scyther into my BDSP boxes. It has Steadfast. I move it out of my BDSP boxes. It still has steadfast. I go to move it to SV. It has technician.
  • I have a magnemite caught in BDSP with magnet pull. It has never touched SWSH until this point. I move it into SWSH so it has SWSH data on it, still with Magnet Pull. I move back into home, then back to BDSP. I give it an ability patch to have Analyze. I put in in home. I check on the Magnemite in the home viewer with no game thing. It shows me its bdsp data first and it still has Analyze. I back out and go to move it to Pokemon SV. It has Magnet Pull.
And now, finally, to answer the question as to wiping VC Pokemon of their abilities...
  • I have a Scyther in Pokemon Silver. I transfer it through Pokemon Transfer. I load up Pokemon Bank. The app crashes and I have to hard reset my 3DS. Bridget tells me I have "?77" days left of my free trial. I move the Scyther to Home. I immediately transfer it to Pokemon SV. I turn Steadfast into Swarm in SV. I return it to home. I try moving it to Pokemon Sword. My Scyther has Steadfast, and I find that when I cancel and quit and never transfer Scyther to sword, it apparently automatically created SWSH data upon my initial transfer from bank to home.

They really REALLY never want No Guard Fissure Machamp to exist

Edit: Anubis was able to very nicely and coherently sum it up:
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Does evolving Stantler, Scyther and Ursaring in SV work now somehow?
Not yet, as stated that would require SV being updated however because we can now send Pokémon back generations it doesn't really matter.

Breed them however you need to in SV, send them to Legends, evolve them, send them back.

Done it this morning with the starters, so I now have my Apriball Hisui Starters! When I sent them back to SV they had their HAs too (but for the life of me I can't remember if they had them beforehand)
The new game-by-game ability system is crazy weird. I do not comprehend it very well, though it seems to care the most about having contact with SWSH.

Some tests I ran earlier (content warning: wasted ability patches)
  • Moved a PLA Kirlia to SV. Gave it a patch in SV. Kirlia went from Trace to Telepathy. In BDSP, it still has Telepathy. In SWSH, it also has Telepathy.
  • Patched a Chansey to have healer in BDSP. Moved it to SV. It had Healer. Unpatched it to natural cure. Chansey did NOT have natural cure in BDSP. It kept healer. It does have natural cure in SWSH.
  • Had a Scyther born in Swsh with Technician. Moved it to BDSP, it still has Technician. Gave it an ability patch in BDSP to have steadfast. Connected to SWSH, it still has technician, which is absolutely not how it worked before this update. I move Scyther into my BDSP boxes. It has Steadfast. I move it out of my BDSP boxes. It still has steadfast. I go to move it to SV. It has technician.
  • I have a magnemite caught in BDSP with magnet pull. It has never touched SWSH until this point. I move it into SWSH so it has SWSH data on it, still with Magnet Pull. I move back into home, then back to BDSP. I give it an ability patch to have Analyze. I put in in home. I check on the Magnemite in the home viewer with no game thing. It shows me its bdsp data first and it still has Analyze. I back out and go to move it to Pokemon SV. It has Magnet Pull.
And now, finally, to answer the question as to wiping VC Pokemon of their abilities...
  • I have a Scyther in Pokemon Silver. I transfer it through Pokemon Transfer. I load up Pokemon Bank. The app crashes and I have to hard reset my 3DS. Bridget tells me I have "?77" days left of my free trial. I move the Scyther to Home. I immediately transfer it to Pokemon SV. I turn Steadfast into Swarm in SV. I return it to home. I try moving it to Pokemon Sword. My Scyther has Steadfast, and I find that when I cancel and quit and never transfer Scyther to sword, it apparently automatically created SWSH data upon my initial transfer from bank to home.

They really REALLY never want No Guard Fissure Machamp to exist

Edit: Anubis was able to very nicely and coherently sum it up:
View attachment 520389
How suitably convoluted for Home.
Thank you for testing.

I am genuinely impressed at Game Freak's willingness to bend over backwards in order to stop us from getting No Guard Fissure Machamp.

I am also impressed that they had the foresight to do this. GF doesn't have track record of thinking things ahead this meticulously. No wonder the Home update took so long.
I am not 100% sure of it being strictly for the sake of one pokemon in a older game, but I suspect there were some technical reasons for deciding to use this approach.

Probably regardless of the ability, they figured that if they need to "create new data" for a pokemon, may as well start from the most recent game, then go in order from the "most mainline" to the "one with the least current mainline mechanics" in order to minimize compatibility issues later on.

I would not be surprised if, if another gen 9 "non mainline" game gets released that is compatible with Home, SV would still be preferred as the "new data source", whereas once gen 10 happens, Pokemon Popcorn and Pokemon Fries will be preferred for generating new data before SV.
This appears to be exactly the mechanism they need to manage movexit (and possibly Abilityxit?) over the generations. They enable bringing forward Pokémon into future generations but can right any mistakes they made in the past. They can avoid implementing moves/abilities in new games that aren't worth the development effort because they won't be featured, then adjust or remove problematic moves/abilities.

Instead of a message that says "You can't use Signal Beam" they make it impossible to display Signal Beam by pulling moves from that game's learnset at the time the Pokémon data is converted to the new game.

Regarding abilities, or any of this gen specific data, they say that we can play how it was allowed in old games but if they want to remove No Guard Fissure or Toxic availability of Toxic then they just don't allow that Pokémon's new data to include it.

The mechanism makes sense. It's hard to change the mental model from "copy the Pokémon as is to my new game" to "copy the Pokémon to my new game but add more data to make it compatible". If you go back and forth between games, it will use the data from that game, which makes it look like you are losing something, but the data is still there.

This works for GF's need to work on only supporting so many Pokémon/moves/abilities etc. Not fun for long time fans who might want certain things carried forward though.