Pokemon Dojo

That's fine. It'll take me time to breed too. Pancham won't have any egg moves.
Oh, which ball do you have Dratini in? I just got one in a Repeat Ball so I'm just looking for the Timer Ball now.

Are you sure you want a Jolly female? If you want, I can make it Timid.
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Oh, which ball do you have Dratini in? I just got one in a Repeat Ball so I'm just looking for the Timer Ball now.

Are you sure you want a Jolly female? If you want, I can make it Timid.
I haven't started breeding it yet(I'm working on your Pancham), but I can get a Timer Ball one. Do you mean Jolly nature for Ralts? If so, yeah, I want it Jolly because of Gallade. I'd prefer Adamant, but Jolly is fine.
I haven't started breeding it yet(I'm working on your Pancham), but I can get a Timer Ball one. Do you mean Jolly nature for Ralts? If so, yeah, I want it Jolly because of Gallade. I'd prefer Adamant, but Jolly is fine.
You do know it needs to be male to become Gallade right? That's why I'm asking.
Hey, I'm interested in a spitback Female Machop, spitback Adamant Kangaskhan, and spitback Female Magikarp - got spitbacks of (almost, I think lol) all the mons in my thread, if you want them, and thanks a lot for your help :)!
Hey, I'm interested in a spitback Female Machop, spitback Adamant Kangaskhan, and spitback Female Magikarp - got spitbacks of (almost, I think lol) all the mons in my thread, if you want them, and thanks a lot for your help :)!
I think I have some Machops still, but might be leveled. Same with Magikarp, but I know I need to breed the Level Ball Kanga. I'll try to get them ready tonight.
Hey, I have Heavy Ball Shellder, Safari Ball Scyther and Luxury Ball Klefki. How about these three for Heavy Ball Gastly, Heavy Ball Onix and Lure Ball Heracross?
Hey, I have Heavy Ball Shellder, Safari Ball Scyther and Luxury Ball Klefki. How about these three for Heavy Ball Gastly, Heavy Ball Onix and Lure Ball Heracross?
Would you provide more details on nature, EMs, etc please? And are you looking for perfect females or spitbacks?
Alright, spitbacks it is. But still, what are the details on the 3? Looking for Shellder to have Rock Blast/Rapid Spin and Scyther to have Baton Pass/Defog.
Scyther is Adamant and was bred with Quick Guard/Defog/Baton Pass/Counter iirc, Shellder is also Adamant and has Icicle Spear/Aqua Ring/Rock Blast/Rapid Spin. Klefki has no egg moves.
EDIT: Klefki is Bold btw
Scyther is Adamant and was bred with Quick Guard/Defog/Baton Pass/Counter iirc, Shellder is also Adamant and has Icicle Spear/Aqua Ring/Rock Blast/Rapid Spin. Klefki has no egg moves.
EDIT: Klefki is Bold btw
Awesome, sounds good! I'll be able to trade on the weekend. I will VM you when I'm available.
-UPDATE 2/6-


#004 Charmander - #005 Charmeleon - #006 Charizard
Blaze | Adamant | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from theASCHE360)
EMs: Dragon Dance, Outrage
Solar Power
| Naive | 31/31/31/31/X/31 (parent from flargananddingle)

EMs: Dragon Dance

#060 Poliwag - #061 Poliwhirl - #062 Poliwrath - #186 Politoed
Swift Swim (Drizzle)
| Calm | 31/X/31/31/31/31 (parent from MegaSimon)
EMs: Encore


#215 Sneasel - #461 Weavile
Keen Eye | Jolly | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from Ol' kfitz)
EMs: Icicle Crash, Pursuit


#252 Treecko - #253 Grovyle - #254 Sceptile

| Timid | 31/X/31/31/31/31


#417 Pachirisu
Volt Absorb | Impish | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from tennisace)
EMs: Follow Me


#449 Hippopotas - #450 Hippowdon
Sand Force
| Impish | 31/31/31/X/31/31
EMs: Slack Off, Whirlwind
Sand Stream | Impish | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from flargananddingle)
EMs: Slack Off, Whirlwind


#574 Gothita - #575 Gothorita - #576 Gothitelle
Shadow Tag
| Calm | 31/X/31/31/31/31 (parent from Quello93)
Shadow Tag
| Modest | 31/X/31/31/31/31 or 31/e/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)


#610 Axew - #611 Fraxure - #612 Haxorus
Mold Breaker | Adamant | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from Paragon189)


#624 Pawniard - #625 Bisharp
Defiant | Adamant | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from BSatallite)
EMs: Pursuit, Sucker Punch


#650 Chespin - #651 Quilladin - #652 Chesnaught
| Impish | 31/31/31/X/31/31 (parent from flargananddingle/.com)
EMs: Spikes


#690 Skrelp - #691 Dragalge
| Modest | 31/X/31/31/31/31
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Hey! Interested in your heavy ball Gastly and Onix, cmt for them?
Also, I am looking for a flawless female dive ball Charmander, I can trade a flawless Luxury ball Charmander, would you be willing to do that?
If you're interested in other pokes from my thread, don't hesitate to tell me :)
Hey! Interested in your heavy ball Gastly and Onix, cmt for them?
Also, I am looking for a flawless female dive ball Charmander, I can trade a flawless Luxury ball Charmander, would you be willing to do that?
If you're interested in other pokes from my thread, don't hesitate to tell me :)
Umm...I don't have a Dive Ball Charmander...

As for the Heavy Ball Gastly and Onix, I don't really see anything on your thread I'm interested in atm...BUT! ...I'm thinking about adding a couple new sections on my thread and see how it goes, if you want to be the first to try it out. The thing is, I have a lot of females I plan to breed, but don't have a lot of time because of school and stuff. SO...basically, I will loan you parents and you breed me a perfect female for what you want. Not sure about rates yet, but would that interest you?

Another option is that I have a lot of Pokemon I need EV trained...
Umm...I don't have a Dive Ball Charmander...

As for the Heavy Ball Gastly and Onix, I don't really see anything on your thread I'm interested in atm...BUT! ...I'm thinking about adding a couple new sections on my thread and see how it goes, if you want to be the first to try it out. The thing is, I have a lot of females I plan to breed, but don't have a lot of time because of school and stuff. SO...basically, I will loan you parents and you breed me a perfect female for what you want. Not sure about rates yet, but would that interest you?

Another option is that I have a lot of Pokemon I need EV trained...
lol... I meant net ball xD sorry bout that, my bad... So the offer's still up :)

I guess I could breed some for you, we'd just have to agree on what I breed for you (I'd have to be interested in the final poke to do it, and no crappy female ratios ^^ ). PM to talk about it?