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All Gens Pokémon that are better in a higher tier than the one they're actually in


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
The tried-and-true tiering system we all know and love has generally done a pretty good job organizing Pokémon by competitive viability. In an ideal world, there would be at least one metagame in at least one generation where your favorite Pokémon is considered a viable choice for your team. Something I've always had fun observing, though, are those unique cases where a Pokémon you wouldn't expect to perform well suddenly finds a valuable niché in a higher tier than where it's actually ranked. On some Viability Rankings threads I've seen over the years, sometimes these Pokémon are even considered more viable than the Pokémon actually listed within that same tier. A notable example of this is how the Past Gens OU community started to re-organize the Pokémon Showdown team builder by expanding the "OU by technicality" classification to include Pokémon no longer suitable for the modern metagames.

I've had a lot of interesting takes as of late, many of which I haven't posted about pretty much out of embarrassment, and as such, I've been trying to learn more about competitive Pokémon history over the past couple of weeks in an effort to improve as a player and hopefully increase my enjoyment of the game overall. I thought having a thread where we discussed examples of Pokémon that fit higher metagames could be one of the many ways myself and other newer players could increase our knowledge of these games and what makes each generation of Pokémon unique from one another.

By my standards, this OP is pretty straight to the point because I don't have that much to go over. The only clarification I feel I still need to make is what exactly I mean by a "higher tier", since there are a few ways one could define that. Historically, OU has been seen as standard play, while UU, RU, NU, PU, et cetera have been seen as progressively lower tiers compared to each of the previous ones. I have nothing wrong with this concept, but I also want to acknowledge BL metagames as well as Ubers and Anything Goes. While unofficial tiers and banlists usually receive less play than official tiers, these classifications do have their own smaller communities as well that I'd like to pay respects to for the purpose of this thread. As such, for this thread I'll be considering BL metagames as a sort of "in-between" the tier above and below it, while continuing to consider Ubers and Anything Goes as they've always been.

If you've read this far, thank you very much for your time, and let's dive right into this discussion. Does anyone have any examples they would like to, for the lack of a better word, "nominate" to start this off?
This is a neat thread idea. When I started thinking of mons, I found it surprisingly difficult to come up with mons that were actually ranked higher in the upper tier compared lower one, mons like DPP Nidoqueen or like 4 generations of Gastodon ended up not quite fitting the bill. In the end I settled on one defensive mon and one offensive mon as my first two "nominations" for this thread. I also included some relatively recent tournament replays for each just to give some vague idea of how each mon plays:

Cofagrigus in ORAS

C- in RU > A in OU

With the introduction of Megas, Gen 6 OU saw the arrival of many new physical attackers with powerful abilities such as Mega Metagross, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, and more. This environment allowed for the rise of Cofagrigus with its base 145 defense and unique Mummy ability allowing it to eat some big hits and neuter the opponent in return leaving an opportunity for Cofagrigus to set up its Toxic Spikes. It took a while for Cofagrigus to pick up steam (I think it started to rise sometime in 2021), in part due to its weaknesses, notably its lack of reliable recovery combined with a weakness to Knock Off and its vulnerability to hazards and status can cause Cofagrigus to quickly get overwhelmed. In addition, its inferior special bulk and dependence on its status inducing moves to make significant progress can really bite it in matchups vs the likes of Clefable, Heatran, and Charizard-Y among others. Nevertheless, Cofagrigus seems to have been fully embraced now as a sturdy physical wall, solid spinblocker, and the best T-Spiker in ORAS as shown by its 32 place jump in the most recent viability rankings.

:cofagrigus:Replays of Cofagrigus::cofagrigus:
ORAS Invitational I - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen6ou-666274
SPL XIII - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen6ou-612019

Vanilluxe in SS

C+ in NU > B- in UU

Vanilluxe has the worst defensive typing in the game, mostly unimpressive stats, and literally a single coverage move. On paper you'd expect this thing to just be a Veil bot that can barely fill out four moveslots and you'd only be partially correct. Vanilluxe does in fact, only use three moves: Sleep Talk, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry. Sleep Talk is used to soak Spores from Amoonguss and only two attacking moves are used to juice the odds of picking a good move rather than slotting in an unnecessary Flash Cannon. Vanilluxe is powerful enough with just its two STABs, which on their own are two of the best moves in the game. Vanilluxe's Blizzard is about strong as Dragapult's Draco Meteor except with none of the downsides along with the additional damage from Hail chip which allows for all sorts of additional OHKOs and 2HKOs. Unfortunately, Vanilluxe is still slow, vulnerable to all forms of hazards, and struggles to dent the likes of Chansey and bulky Steels like Jirachi. Also, yea this is kind of stretching it by only being C+ to B- but oh well.

:vanilluxe:Replays of Vanilluxe::vanilluxe:
UUSD III - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8uu-643925
UUPL XI - https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8uu-683956
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Okay this is a bit of a more "minor" example, and its just a single tier jump.

But there's a few 'Untiered' Pokemon actually better in PU than they are in the ZU metagame. These being Trevenant, Abomasnow, and Runerigus.

Abomasnow's success is easiest to example, mainly only because its attributes are far more valuable in PU than they are in ZU. Its typing and coverage are good into arguably the best mon in the tier in Gigalith, and GigaSlash cores are quite common, so having a Pokemon that can neuter them as well as common partners like Doublade or bulky Grass-types is quite nice. In ZU there's simply better Ice and Grass-type wallbreakers, Aboma is quite slow and its typing is infamously poor defensively. B- in PU and mid-C in ZU.

Trevenant's case is again circumstances in both metagames. Like Abomasnow its coverage hits better in the PU's top threats than it does ZU's, and Natural Cure helps with status spam in PU better. In ZU Gourgeist-Small's Speed is preferred over Trevenant's greater power and 'defensive', so to speak, attributes. Its C+ in ZU and mid-B in PU.

Runerigus is a funny case. Its C-rank in PU, and flat-out unviable in ZU. It was REALLY popular as a ladder mon in ZU cause its a very on-paper mon though, so it never got the chance to drop further down, even when the vastly superior Palossand dropped. (Funny enough, Palossand is considered unviable in PU when its one of the premier bulky Grounds (alongside Rhydon and Stunfisk) in ZU)
Awesome thread for an awesome topic. My first thoughts actually went to ORAS Cofagrigus but Wilhelm already did a better job of laying that thing out than I could, so let's go for some other examples:

Quagsire in ORAS
This derpy little fella has quite a storied history of not giving a crap about our tiering system in the slightest, having been able to carve out many higher-tier niches for itself while being placed much lower based on usage. ORAS is perhaps its most spectacular example, as its excellent typing combined with Unaware and Recover make it uniquely suited to tackle (or perhaps just ignore) the most terrifying physical sweepers in the tier such as Swords Dance Excadrill, Swords Dance Mega Scizor, Belly Drum Azumarill, Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X and many, many more. All of this while it was tiered as a PUBL Pokemon!

Viability Rankings:
B rank in OU
C- rank in UU
C rank in RU
B- rank in NU


Snorlax in ADV
This one's a bit less obvious since Snorlax is actually an OU Pokemon in Gen 3. However, it's one of the less-impactful OUs in the overall metagame, being severely limited by the presence of spikes and permanent sand as well as Tyranitar, Skarmory and Gengar ensuring that whatever combination of coverage it uses will always have an easy answer (at least on a Curse set). In ADV Ubers, however, these issues are far less severe; all three of those Pokemon are less common compared to OU, while Groudon and Kyogre ensure that sand isn't constantly nullifying Lax's Leftovers, allowing it to more comfortably leverage its great special bulk to check prominent special attackers such as Mewtwo, the Lati twins, and some Deoxys-A variants while threatening them hard in return. Snorlax also has a much easier time dealing with the Spikes setters in Ubers; it directly threatens Deoxys-D with its STAB, while Skarmory and Forretress are often overwhelmed by common special-attacking teammates such as Kyogre, Latios, Mewtwo, Swift Swim users and/or Magneton.

Viability Rankings:
C+ in OU
A+ in Ubers


Walrein in DPP
Here's a real fun one. Many an older DPP OU player has a horror story about the infamous "Stallrein", who paired up with Abomasnow to stall out entire teams with Ice Body, hazards and permanent hail. It was never the most consistent strategy, but hail stall was a widely recognized playstyle for quite a while before getting phased out of the metagame due to various developments (most notably Clefable getting more popular). Additionally, Snover's presence enabled the very same strategy in DPP UU, where it was even more successful due to the lower power level and lack of sand setters (Hippopotas being present but extremely uncommon). Hail teams remain viable in DPP UU to this day, with some still calling for Snow Warning to be banned outright. All of this while Walrein has barely ever been recognized as viable in NU, where it faces heavy competition from Lapras and its superior movepool.

Viability Rankings:
E in OU (previously C)
B in UU
C in NU


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This is a topic I love so I'm happy to post here. There are many examples I know of, but my favorite is the already posted ORAS Cofagrigus so I will choose a different Pokemon.
Houndoom in SM
Tier: PUBL
Viability Rankings:
B+ in RU
Unranked in NU

Houndoom is an odd case because its nonexistent viability in NU might make you think that it is unviable in RU, but that is not the case. Having a secondary Dark STAB is far more useful in RU then NU, due to Psychic, Ghost, and Fire-types being far more common in RU then NU, leading to it being a great counter to Pokemon like Ninetales, Necrozma, and Sigilyph. Having Flash Fire lets it switch into Fire-type moves and get a boost to its Fire-type attacks.