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PMD Mafia Postgame

Welcome to the PMD Mafia Postgame! Just a quick warning, this is extremely TL;DR, so read at your own peril. But I'm just finally glad to get this done.

First, before all the claims that “OMG the D.A.D was broken WTF WTF WTF”, they deserve props for (honestly) moling the Z.E.R.G. to hell and back. Since this was a beginner game and most of the players were actual first-timers, you could say that loudkirbyking took advantage of your inexperience. But most of the mistakes made by the Z.E.R.G. were common sense mistakes. Let’s be honest, looking at the spreadsheet there were a large amount of attempts to kill or inspect loudkirbyking. But they were always blocked. Why? Because his mafia omniguard partner superrun10 guarded him every night, and you never got a chance to inspect him. And you trusted him anyways. None of this is my or aura’s fault, except for putting an omniguard on a mafia team.

That being said, there were some flashes of brilliance for the Z.E.R.G. Some first-timers did a great job of using their roles, especially Dummy 007 (who’ll be near the end of the Z.E.R.G. section. And also, even if it was caused by loudkirbyking’s guidance, the village never mislynched except on the final day.

Enough said, onto the role PMs. In order of death:

Dear chomzloh,
You are Whiscash.

You were the village elder in Rescue Team, sitting in a pond in the north section of town and dispensing your wisdom to the player. Now, you’ve left the pond to join the quest, because your old body has one exploration left in it. You will be using your wisdom to aid the Z.E.R.G in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Think deeply about <USER>”. <USER>’s alliance will be revealed to you.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Played decently, considering he was killed early by Cereza. Did manage to inspect Terrador, revealing his M.O.M. ness.

Dear Temperantia,
You are Xatu.

You are known in the Mystery Dungeon world as a psychic who can see the future. You spend most of your time staring into the sun at the top of the Great Canyon. You will be using your psychic powers to aid the Z.E.R.G in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Telepathically warning <USER>”. <USER> will be forewarned of any non-killing abilities that will be used on him that night, and they will escape them all. Killers will still find them, though.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G eliminate all threats.

Yeah, not much to say about Temp. Played fine and was decently active until he was killed by loudkirbyking Night 1.

Dear Vix,
You are Chatot.

As one of the founding members of Wigglytuff’s guild, you command a lot of respect. You are also known for adding musical notes to the end of all your sentences. You will use your high level to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Forcing <USER> to target me”. You will show up at an inopportune moment and force <USER> to target you with whatever abilities they were going to use that night.

As one of the leaders of the Guild, you are well respected by the Z.E.R.G. Your vote counts twice in the daily lynch.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Wasn’t as active as I would have hoped. Unfortunately, he only ever targeted mafia members with his ability, which was disappointing but didn’t really have an impact on the game. Killed Night 2 by loudkirbyking.

Dear jalmont747,
You are Sunflora.

You are one of the most annoying guild apprentices. You are known for being easily excitable and overall optimistic, which highly annoyed shinyskarmory when he played through Explorers of Time. You will be using your motor mouth to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Talk to <USER>”. You will talk to your target all night long, and they will be too annoyed to perform their action.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G eliminate all threats.
Meh. Idled N0 and the night he died, N3. Hooked Terrador on both N1 and N2.
Killed by loudkirbyking N3.
Dear rickheg,
You are Absol.

You are the mysterious Pokemon who arrived just in time to stop Articuno from freezing to death the heroes of Rescue Team. You are also the Disaster Pokemon, known for being the bringer of bad news. You will use your physical toughness to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Show up at the last second near <USER>”. You will arrive just as anyone who targets <USER> is about to use their action, forcing them to use it on you instead.

Because you forewarn disasters, you’ve earned a bad reputation among the Z.E.R.G.. Your vote counts for -1 in the daily lynch.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G eliminate all threats.

Rickheg was the victim of the biggest host mistake, my revealing of his role PM in the night update because I misread the sheet and thought he was dead. In the process, he was proven absolutely (see what i did there) without a doubt NOT mafia. Since some of you were suspicious about loudkirbyking, you could have all claimed to him instead of loudkirbyking who was still calling the shots without being cleaned.

Was killed by loudkirbyking night 4, probably to prevent the village from switching leaders. [/HIDE]

Dear EndQuote,
You are Alakazam.

You are a intelligent Pokemon and leader of a famous Rescue Team. Your power and influence is only matched by your teammates. You will use your Psychic powers to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Protect <USER>”. You will use your Psychic powers to keep away anyone who tries to kill <USER>.

You are holding a Time Gear. You’re not sure what this item does, but if this is stolen from you, you will be frozen in time and be unable to act that night.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Basically a standard bodyguard. Protected a lot of key village roles throughout the game like Paradoxus and Kaxtar. Was killed on the bloodiest night of the game, Night 5, by loudkirbyking.

Dear Hydrattler,
You are Purple Kecleon.

You are one of the owners of the chain of Kecleon Shops, which appear in town and in various dungeons scattered around the world. You joined this expedition to make boatloads of Poke by selling items to the explorers. You will be using your incredible defenses (Mystery Dungeon wise) to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Because you are a level 100 badass, you will survive the first attempt on your life at night. However, the next time you won’t be at full HP, and the killer will be able to finish you off.

You have a twin brother, the Green Kecleon, who you know to be <USER2>. If he dies, you will receive a new power.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.
Your twin, Green Kecleon, has been killed. You’re filled with rage at the loss of your lifelong partner in the Kecleon shops. However, you managed to get your hands on some of his merchandise before the savage natives of the tower got their hands on it.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Feed a Quick Seed to <USER>”. <USER> will have his priority raised for the night.

You retain your previous night action and win condition.

Hydrattler was pretty active considering he had no role other than his BPV. The BPV was broken by K2000, the village killer, on Night 3, and then K2000 finished him off on Night 5 >_>. If Paradoxus had been killed first, he would have gained a nightly Priority Raise.

Dear Maxim,
You are Smeargle.

You were rescued in the first game by the heroes, and you rewarded them by painting them a spiffy flag for their headquarters and joining their team. Now, you’re a high enough level to actually be usable, so you decided to join the quest. You will be using your artistic talent to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

You start with no night action. However, whenever a member of the Z.E.R.G. is killed, you will paint a memorial picture of them, and in doing so, gain whatever it is that their power was for the next night. You will retain this power until another member of the Z.E.R.G. is killed, then you will gain their power.

You are holding a Time Gear. You’re not sure what this item does, but if this is stolen from you, you will be frozen in time and be unable to act that night.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.
You painted a picture of <USER>, and it showed you a new way to think about them. Now, you understand why they did what they did. It’s also taught you HOW to do what they did.


You will retain this power until another Z.E.R.G. member dies.

Maxim wasn’t very active in the thread (probably because he had one of the most powerful roles in the game and didn’t want to draw attention to himself). Killed by Cereza on Night 5.

Dear K2000,
You are Shiftry.

You are a prideful rescue team leader with large hands. You charge high prices for your jobs even if the client can’t afford them. You will use your powerful fans to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every other night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with “NX- Razor Wind <USER>”. <USER> will be blown off a cliff and killed. If you are hooked or blocked, you will be able to use your kill again the next night.

You are holding a Time Gear. You’re not sure what this item does, but if this is stolen from you, you will be frozen in time and be unable to act that night.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Disappointingly, K2000 only had 1 successful kill in the entire game, and that was on Hydrattler, a fairly useless village role. He was Time Gear hooked night 1, was blocked by Omniguard night 2, removed Hydrattler’s BPV night 3, and killed Hydrattler night 5. Killed by loudkirbyking Night 6.

Dear Dummy007,
You are Caterpie.

You are a small bug who idolizes the rescue team that saved you from the Tiny Forest. You are determined to join them when you become strong enough. You will use your diplomatic skills to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Pretty please <USER>?”. You will beg <USER> to do something in their posts (Such as post in all caps), which you must include in the body of your PM, and they will take such pity on you due to your weak nature that they will do it. This cannot be used to effect their lynch vote.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Dummy 007 was imo the best player on the Z.E.R.G. Was very active throughout the game, and went to great effort to persuade the village not to lynch him on Day 7. But the best thing he did was the way he used his night ability. He started it as a post restriction early on, but later he got the bright idea to force players to post the alliance they were in in every post and not be allowed to use other alliances’ names in their posts. This directly lead to Terrador being godkilled, because he didn’t post for fear of instantly outing himself. The way loudkirbyking trolled him on the final day doesn’t take away from what he did for the Z.E.R.G. the entire game.
Dear MakksVolke,
You are Corphish.

You are one of the more experienced apprentices in the guild, having been on a few previous expeditions. You will be known in the second game for adding “Hey, Hey” to all your sentences, but you haven’t started doing that yet. You will use your powerful grip to aid the Z.E.R.G in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- ViceGrip <USER>”. While you won’t be able to completely stop <USER>, you will slow them down, lowering their priority for that night.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Basic priority lowerer. Wasn’t very active, but he got his action in every night. Really nothing else to say. Lost on Day 7.

Dear Paradoxus,
You are the Green Kecleon.

You are one of the owners of the chain of Kecleon Shops. You joined the expedition to find rare items to sell upon your return to Treasure Town. You will be using your unique ability to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Color Change near <USER>”. You will find out what type they are. You’re sure it’ll come in handy somehow.

You have a twin brother, the Purple Kecleon, who you know to be Hydrattler. If he dies, you will receive a new power.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G eliminate all threats.
Your twin, the Purple Kecleon, has been killed. With his death, you have developed a mental problem that can only be described as half Multiple Personality Disorder, half denial. You grabbed up his wares before the wild Pokemon got to them, and now you’ll be both him and you...somehow.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Using a Quick Orb on <USER>”. <USER> will have higher priority on whatever action they use that night.

You retain your previous night action and win condition.

Another Z.E.R.G. MVP candidate. Very active on IRC, targeted a mafia member almost every time (except his Night 2 lkk target was blocked). Gained his extra power after Night 5, and lost on Day 7.

Dear polelover44,
You are Loudred.

You are the loudmouth who serves as an alarm clock for the rest of the guild. You also run the identification of visitors to the guild with Diglett. You will be using your ridiculously loud voice to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title ”NX- WAKE UP POKEMON!!!!!!!”. In the body of the PM, put a message of your choice that is 5 sentences or less. This will be posted in the update thread in the morning, but only if you survive through the night.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Very active in general, considering that his role had little to no impact on the result of the game. Funny as shit in the updates, even when some of them were completely inane. Lost Day 7.

Dear Kaxtar,
You are Pelipper.

You are a bird with a large mouth that carries the mail for local Pokemon. You are very proud of and content with your job. You will use your flight skills to aid the Z.E.R.G. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Fly around <USER>”. You will follow <USER> all night and see what they do, and who they do it to.

You are allied with the Z.E.R.G. You win if the Z.E.R.G. eliminate all threats.

Basic follower. Could see his target’s ability and night target. Targeted a mafia member 5 out of 7 nights (pretty damn good imo). Lost Day 7.

Quite honestly, the M.O.M. were the worst faction in the game. The 5 members never formed an IRC channel, didn’t communicate in any way (I say this because I didn’t hear of anywhere they were communicating) and were the first faction eliminated. It’s not even about the quality of roles; they had a kidnapper, a lynch stop (which was never used o_O) and a role copier. Perhaps a little blame for their utter failure lies on the way they were singled out under loudkirbyking’s village regime, but nonetheless they had everything they needed to succeed and still managed to get destroyed.
That being said, there were some good plays from the M.O.M. Box got the lynch of Metal Bagon postponed a day by kidnapping him, Cereza copied alliance check from his first victim and abused it the rest of the game, and TalkingLion got New World Order lynched. But for the most part, the M.O.M. were underwhelming.

Dear TalkingLion,
You are Gengar.

You are a tricky Ghost Pokemon that was once human. You plotted all kinds of trouble for the local heroes, but you were defeated and humiliated. You will use your sneaky nature to aid the M.O.M. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Sneak behind <USER>”. You will sneak behind <USER> and steal his Role PM when he isn’t looking.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the M.O.M. You win if the M.O.M. eliminates all threats.

Yeah, didn’t get much of a read on his playstyle because he was lynched on Day 1. Made the mistake of talking about “teammates” to loudkirbyking on IRC, and then loudkirbyking led the charge.

Dear Terrador,
You are Articuno.

You are a majestic and graceful ice bird that lives in the Frosty Grotto. You threatened some runaways to stay away from your territory, but they defeated and humiliated you. You will use your ice powers to aid the M.O.M. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Freeze <USER>”. <USER> will be frozen for the night and unable to do anything.

One day, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “DX- Create a massive Blizzard”. You will create a massive Blizzard that will send everyone running for cover, and allowing the lynch target to escape. This power can only be used once during the game.

You are holding a Time Gear. You’re not sure what this item does, but if this is stolen from you, you will be frozen in time and be unable to act that night.

Your team details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the M.O.M. You win if the M.O.M. eliminate all threats.

Underwhelming. Was godkilled day 3 after Dummy 007 forced him to post his alliance in the thread and he never posted. A much better play would have been to post his alliance as he was forced to and then use his lynch stop to block the first lynch on him. But it never happened :/

Dear Box,
You are Zapdos.

You are an electrical bird that resides on Mt. Thunder. You once kidnapped a Shiftry because you’re a giant bird and can do whatever you want, but some heroes saved Shiftry and humiliated you. You will use your large size and strength to aid the M.O.M. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Kidnap <USER>”. You will use your kidnapping experience to do what you do best. <USER> will be unable to post in the thread, target anyone, or be targeted for the next day and night, when they will escape your mountain.

Your team details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the M.O.M. You win if the M.O.M. eliminate all threats.

Yeah, Box was another decent player on the M.O.M. Being a new player, he was probably hurt most by the lack of communication that characterized the M.O.M. Kidnapped Metal Bagon to prolong his life at one point (nice play there). Lynched day 4.

Dear Metal Bagon,
You are Moltres.

You are a grand fire bird with your own mountain ruled by you. Your fiery servants feared your presence until a certain team of heroes humiliated you. You will use your intense fire to aid the M.O.M. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Using Fire Spin on <USER>”. You will surround <USER> with an intense fire tornado, and only determined killers will go through the flames to target <USER>.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Impress <USER> with my majesty”. You will appear before <USER> and amaze them so much by your flames that they will do whatever you say in their posts (Such as post in all caps), which you must put in the body of the PM. You cannot make them say anything that will effect their lynch vote.

Your team details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the M.O.M. You win if the M.O.M. eliminate all threats.

Used his post restriction pretty well throughout the game. Always safeguarded Cereza until he was kidnapped, which was disappointing but predictable. Box prolonged the lynch on him with a kidnap, but then he was lynched upon his return on day 5.

Dear Cereza,
You are Groudon.

You are a giant land behemoth capable of creating infinite sun. You woke up recently, and were stretching and giving off a few Earthquakes when some annoying heroes came to stop you. You will use your great strength to aid the M.O.M. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Using Earthquake on <USER>”. <USER> will die.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- <ACTION>”. Replace <ACTION> with the power of someone whom you have killed in a previous night, and you will use your surprisingly wide movepool to copy it.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the M.O.M. You win if the M.O.M. eliminate all threats.

Cereza was decent throughout the game as a player, though I wish he would have organized and lead the M.O.M, seeing as he was the most experienced player on the team by far. :/ Killed Chomzloh and Maxim, both village players, but failed to kill loudkirbyking twice. Lynched on day 6.

First of all, let me get this off my chest: the D.A.D. were NOT OP. (Finally!) They rode great play by loudkirbyking, the ineptitude of the M.O.M, and the overly trusting Z.E.R.G. to a fairly quick victory on Day 7. In fact, before the game, I actually thought the village would win before the game started! But, eventually, the excellent use of false claims by the D.A.D. and loudkirbyking’s ballsy moling won the game for them.

Since the D.A.D. won with only one member lost, their members will be revealed in the order of their team PM.

Dear loudkirbyking,
You are Darkrai.

You were born from nightmares, and even now they sustain you. It took you forever to gain a corporeal body, but now that you have, it’s time to <snip> up the universe. You will use your control over dreams to aid the D.A.D in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Suggest something to <USER>”. In the body of the PM, describe a posting description that you would like <USER> to accept for the next day (Such as posting in all caps). It may not effect <USER>’s voting ability.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Killing <USER>”. <USER> will be trapped in an eternal nightmare, killing them.

You are holding a Time Gear. You’re not sure what it does, but if it’s stolen from you, you will be frozen in time and unable to act that night.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the D.A.D. You win if the D.A.D. eliminate all threats.

Probably PMD mafia’s best player. Killed numerous people with his “Nightmare” kill flavor, and since he controlled the village, there was no hope of them fighting back unless they managed to kill superrun10. He basically controlled all the non-M.O.M. actions for the duration of the game.

As much as I wish he hadn’t pulled an Uncle Sam on us, I have to give him props for his success. He did really well.

Dear superrun10,
You are Dusknoir.

You are Darkrai’s right-wisp Pokemon. In the distant future, you’ll work together with Dialga to maintain the dimension Darkrai wants to create; however, you have to create that dimension first. You will use your powerful body to aid the D.A.D. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Using Wrap on <USER>”. You will wrap up <USER> in your ghostly body, protecting them from all actions that would be used on them that night. You may not use this on yourself.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the D.A.D. You win if the D.A.D. eliminate all threats.

superrun wasn’t especially active on IRC or in the thread (probably because he knew he could prevent loudkirbyking from being found out for the entire game), but he got the job done. Sent in his actions every night, which were always protecting loudkirbyking.

Dear red_kryal,
You are Sableye.

You will be Dusknoir’s executioners in Darkrai’s future, executing all who resist. Right now, you haven’t convinced your friends to come along, so you’ll work alone for now. You will use your mastery of stealth to aid the D.A.D. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Shadow Sneak near <USER>”. You will sneak around near <USER> and come away with the full contents of their role PM.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Changing the weather”. In the body of the PM, state what weather conditions you would like the next update to take place in. This is flavor only.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the D.A.D. You win if the D.A.D. eliminate all threats.

red_kryal used his inspect pretty heavily, usually to check on people loudkirbyking thought could be M.O.M. Was also responsible for the hilarious weather flavor. Overall, he did as well as could be expected.

Dear New World Order,
You are Drowzee.

You are a petty criminal who will later become a reformed character. Right now, you’re working for Darkrai to get yourself money to buy apples, because you don’t particularly care how the world turns out as long as you get your paycheck. You will use your hypnotic powers to aid the D.A.D. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Use Hypnosis on <USER>”. Since Hypnosis has 100% accuracy in Mystery Dungeon, <USER> will fall asleep and be unable to perform their action that night.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the D.A.D. You win if the D.A.D. eliminate all threats.

New World Order was very active on IRC, even after he was dead, which was nice to see. He was the only member of the D.A.D. to die, but that was after he got outed by TalkingLion, the M.O.M’s full role PM inspector. Helped the D.A.D. a bit before he was killed.

Dear Obbmud99/nEsp,
You are Spiritomb.

You have the worst recorded case of multiple personality disorder; your body, your EXISTENCE, is made up of 108 souls. When around two thirds of you grew bored of petty misdeeds, you joined Darkrai to create a future which half of you thought sounded cool. You will use your large number of selves to aid the D.A.D. in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Confuse <USER1> into targeting <USER2>”. <USER1> will target <USER2> with whatever ability he uses that night. Killers will not be affected, however.

Your team’s details are in a separate PM.

You are allied with the D.A.D. You win if the D.A.D. eliminate all threats.

Obbmud was decent for a new player, pretty much did what lkk told him and didn’t get revealed. He was pretty powerful in that he could force any non-killing role to target somebody else. In the end, he was subbed out after not submitting an action on Night 5. nEsp came in after loudkirbyking already had everything pretty much wrapped up, so he didn’t have much of an impact.

Dear Lady Salamence,
You are Grovyle.

You are one of the few who knows about Darkrai’s plan; in the game, you come back in time from the future to stop it. This is your first attempt at that goal, which you can accomplish by obtaining all 5 Time Gears. You will use your natural agility and toughness to aid you in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title ”NX- Ask Celebi who has the Time Gears”. Celebi will do some exploring and tell you who is holding the Time Gears. This is the highest priority action in the game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Steal everything from <USER>”. All of <USER>’s items will be stolen, and if they were holding a Time Gear, the resulting time freeze will Hook <USER> that night.

If anyone with an item dies, your quick speed will allow you to grab the item before anyone else.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you obtain all 5 Time Gears before the end of Night 5.
Let me start by getting this off my chest: THIS ROLE WAS OP. There, I said it. Lady Salamence won after loudkirbyking instructed Time Gear holders to give them to him. However, the intention wasn’t that you would just all hand him the time gears. The idea was that people would use the Time Gears as Hooks, by giving them to a person and then having Lady Salamence steal the Time Gear. Unfortunately, this didn’t really work out, because loudkirbyking got the idea of removing a variable that could cost him the game (if superrun10 was hooked) by letting him win. (That might not be exactly his reasoning).

Grovyle had two simple abilities. He could ask Celebi to tell him who had the time gears at the beginning of the night (this was the highest priority ability in the game) and then he could attempt to steal a Time Gear from somebody. The steal itself could be hooked.


Best Z.E.R.G: Dummy 007

Best M.O.M: Cereza

Best D.A.D: loudkirbyking

Serial Killer: loudkirbyking

Worst Luck: Hydrattler

Best Cycle: Night 2

Worst Cycle: Night 4

might add more later
You know, there really wasn't much for me to do. I couldn't have redirected more than a few people (everyone was dieing too fast.). GG to everyone, and Breloom should be in the next PMD, even if he isn't in both stories, no matter what.
The biggest problem with Lady Salamence's role was not so much her easy path to victory but the fact she was a harmless neutral. Harmless neutrals tend to mess up the balance of the game because nobody wants to kill them while they use their abilities to assist whichever faction they like. (I don't mean to criticise you aimlessly; I just wanted to put that out there so you could consider it maybe for your next games.)

Nonetheless, congratulations to auramaster and shinyskarmory on a successful game and to loudkirbyking's faction on their win! ^_^
Honesly, the ZERG shouldn't have been as trusting of lkk, especially once he said HERP DERP THE MAFIA'S SAFEGUARDING ME AND I DON'T KNOW WHY HERP DERP. Also, shoulda at least considered listening to Dummy on the final day. I will say that this proves that we need to rework the balance on 2v1 games, as they always turn into one side steamrolling, whether by the village being perfectly united or a mafia mole controlling all the kills.

Aura can attest, I said lkk was mafia day 1. That role iirc has NEVER been in a beginner game and is a common fakeclaim because it is impossible to prove until later, and when it is later, you can just get one of your mafia buddies to help you out with maybe an inspect or something.

LS had the game handed to her on a platter by a waiter named Auramaster. That's how easy her win condition was.

I would argue beginners do not need to be reworked, but they do need to think for themselves more and to attempt to lead more. This and US' win could have easily been prevented had they claimed to a leader who had a believable role and experience, as well as taking some of the signs of there being a mafia leader (one mafia dying. oddly sg'd leader, etc.) and used them as points against them.
Coming off from my quitting that this was a fun game and I felt SO stupid when we lost.

LSalamence's role kind of pissed me off, it was just SO easy to win with it, it was unbelievable.

There should be a second best Z.E.R.G,M.O.M and D.A.D slot.
Not going to lie, I played terribly this mafia. However, this being my first mafia I'd like to say I've learned a lot from this (probably not). I idled N3 because I planned to change it later, but I obviously never got a chance to do so. Tbh I'd like to say had I been alive the day Dummy got lynched I would've believed him and try and oust lkk but that obviously did not happen.

Overall, I think what happened here wasn't the result of lkk being too good, but the village being inexperienced. It's a shame no villager decided to step up except for chomz who was an alliance inspector.
I truthfully thought my play was pretty crappy considering our family computer keeps screwing up if I stay on irc for more then 5 minutes (c'mon new laptop for christmas). Anway, I think all of the awards were bang on and this was a great game. Thanks for hosting aura and shiny. I tried to mole llk with a friendly neutral but then Lady Salamence won, so then llk held out on lynching me so when he did he didn't need to give an explanation. I think I may have been inspected as well after that but overall llk would have won regardless through good play and BG AND A SG IN ONE ROLE. Anyway thanks for hosting again and stuff.
This spreadsheet is relevant.

I don't see a big problem with Omniguard, it's been done in several other games. Walrein pointed out it makes you look extremely suspicious, plus unlike Safeguard it can't be used to block the Bodyguard.

Yes LS's role was bad and shouldn't be in the game and I should be ashamed etc.

M.O.M. members, did you EVER talk to each other???

Most important thanks shiny for hosting :)
We PM'd each other a bit, at least at the start, I don't know about how it went after I was lynched. All in all I played really bad as I mentioned the word teammates to lkk. I wish I had gotten to be alive more but at least I got a lucky inspect on NWO.
Look at me, a Caterpie, the very best Z. E. R. G.! :D

On a more relevant note, I don't actually blame anyone for my lynching on Day 7 (except for lkk, which should be a given). That was a do-or-die situation and lkk was "proven" to be more reliable than me, so I can understand everyone else's viewpoint. Additionally, there's one bit of evidence I should have brought up regarding the final nail in my coffin, the fact that Metal Bagon was also a post restrictor: M.O.M. had proven to be ridiculously inactive by that time, so what were the odds that Metal Bagon had actually used his post restrict (even though it turns out he had)? I doubt I could have persuaded anyone, but I gave it a good shot.

My only other complaint about anything is that I was not informed that my post restrict only worked for the next day until Day 4 or something. That would have been nice to know earlier. :(

Also, a question for red_kryal: Why did you inspect me N6? I'd already sent lkk my role PM...

Anyway, thanks to aura and ss for hosting, and good job everyone! (Well, for the most part.)
Let me say this first of all, just to get this out. Originally, I hadn't really 'planned' on leading, but after making the fake and pestering aura to check it, not to mention nobody else deciding to lead, why not take advantage of such a time?

Yes, I made some blunders, and after putting them out, I realized how dumb they sounded sometimes. It's not just "Omg, LKK's an epic player", because I'm not. I realize that I still stink, and hey, may even play in another beginner game sometime. I'm probably most experienced in this game, I see that. But, seriously, NOBODY else wanted to attempt to lead? Even those with GREAT leading roles? That had to be step one of disaster.

Honestly, I tried to calculate for the smallest amount of disasters possible. I tried to get superrun guarded by village every now and then, not all the time to avoid suspicion, of course. Also kept out as many 'power' roles as possible, and tried to control everything. Should they have actually not listened, it would've been a lot harder for me to win. Even though that would make them suspicious beyond belief, not listening and going with your gut(As proven back when US led Luigi's also should I have inspected him...) might be worthy of more results. Perhaps more of a free will might aid in killing this mad powerhousing...? A few blunders of not taking orders, and things could've gotten much more complicated.

Originally, I pestered aura, and said for him to give me a wolf role, or mafia if no wolf was available. So, I get mafia leader man. My team wasn't very experienced(I think Kryal's the only other one to play a game), so I took it upon myself to basically explain every single plan that could change the game to them.

Now, onto LS. I had this planned out. I would be the one to control giving the last time gear giving. Should LS have been lying and just wanted them all, a day lynch would soon follow. I made sure to confirm with those who gave their time gears that they had given, then after handing mine in, gg for LS.

Honestly, if I had to give props to people right now from each side, I'd give them to below.

ZERG prop: Either Dummy or Paradoxus. Both of them seemed to be active, always keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior, and really tried their dang hardest to find mafia... that was right in front of them. I would say Chomz, but he trusted a bit fast. That could be a blunder, but otherwise, he was also great at finding suspicion. Look out for them in future games, I'd say.

MOM prop: Metal Bagon. Really, none of them tried much of anything(Seriously, Talkinglion, continually mentioning the need to speak to your teammates?), but Metal Bagon at least attempted to fool me a bit. Unfortunately, he also mentioned Cereza as his other, which had not been informed of Bagon's plan(I guess...), not to mention the inspect, and why the heck would they make a role for a team to dominate?! At least he did try to defend himself... to an extent... I guess... meh. Box would be next/take first from being more... I want to say hidden/not suspicious. Though he didn't claim for the longest of time.

DAD prop: Kryal. He was the most active of the group, probably the one whom I discussed strategy the most with, and basically my back-up DAD leader person. Superrun was also great to talk to, helped out a bit, and his role basically kept my charge to moling safe. NWO had to be our bait, unfortunately, and Obbmud/nEsp weren't really on much to talk to. nEsp due to joining at the end of the game.

Overall prop: Gotta give it to Kryal on this one. I, personally, would be happy to have him, and everyone on DAD as allies again sometime. It was a great team of people, and none of our great heist could've been done without full teamwork(Sounds like a Sly Cooper game, eh?).

Worst plays:

ZERG: Um... Yes? Jkjk, probably either Hydrattler or Polelover's silence. Both of them had PERFECT roles to lead with, yet neither of them stood up to even attempt it.

MOM: Yes... Again. Cereza's fake claim wasn't one given to them(Claimed same role name as someone else), Talkinglion basically gave himself away, Terrador got Godkilled, Box never claimed, and Bagon tried to pull a neutral claim with worst win condition ever. I mean, really guys? Really?

DAD: Myself. I shouldn't have taken so many risks, should've explained myself better in certain areas of doubt, and should've made up some Question Asker result from Obbmud about me being village instead of just saying "Yeah, I can ask him...". Being suspicious is definitely DAD's worst play.

Overall, worst play was probably nobody else in ZERG stepping up to lead. IF someone else had led, game would've been totally different.

'Gratz to DAD partners, and thanks aura and shiny for hosting. Was a great learning experience for everyone, even if some don't admit it/mad at me and lose it in anger.
Bagon, what did you try to claim? I mean, if he thought your role claim was crappy, just remember how bad HIS claim was. Gains powers over time as village leader? LOL.


Originally Posted by Fat auramaster
Dear Metal Bagon,
You are Moltres.

You are a grand fire bird with that ruled Mt.Blaze. Your fiery servants feared your presence until a certain team of heroes humiliated you. When you they met you again however, you joined their team. However, they have disappeared so you don't know which faction to support in this game.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Using Fire Spin on <USER>”. You will surround <USER> with an intense fire tornado, and only determined killers will go through the flames to target <USER>.

Every night, you may PM shinyskarmory and auramaster with the title “NX- Impress <USER> with my majesty”. You will appear before <USER> and amaze them so much by your flames that they will do whatever you say in their posts (Such as post in all caps), which you must put in the body of the PM. You cannot make them say anything that will affect their lynch vote.

You are more calm and collective then the other legendary birds so you saw who they were allied with.


You also know that there is another neutral with a similar win condition to yours below in this game.

You are allied with yourself. You win if one faction wins with more then half of their members remaining.

Now I may be new at mafia but I have a feeling this is quite bad.
The main reason why I honestly trusted LKK was becuase he claimed Wigglytuff, and it just seemed like a no-brainer that that Pokemon would be included in a PMD mafia. Regardless, great game, and I sured learned at lot from LKK, so thanks for all the help.
Breaking news!!! I'm not a dood!

Anyways, if I was considered the most experienced player on my team...well...you know what that means. We suck. Loosing a member the first day was also devastating for us, oh well.