Art by Kalalokki
Favorite Pokemon: Scyther

Most used Pokemon: Slowking

Most known for: Winning RU Snake twice, along multiple other tours like RU seasonal, RU Arena, RU Best Friends, etc.
It was a really boring morning in California, I was walking aimlessly due to an amazing ammount of boredom, I didn't know what to do with my free time anymore and if I should try getting new hobbies to pass time. I walked by a basketball court and there were two guys playing a 1 on 1. The bigger guy was dribbling amazingly vs a kid, but in the end he lost.
In his rage, the guy yelled "Why would you do that lmaoo I can't play idiots", he left the court in quite a tantrum but he was also whispering "2 ringsssss". I was astonished, I couldn't quite understand what was happening, he also had a big green trophy sticker on his backpack.
I was intrigued and decided to follow him...


what's good beliburn

not much, just chilling listening to some music, what about you?

im wrapping up this paper to end the semester
very enjoyable experience

rofl bet it is, uni paper?

but us cultured american's refer to it as college
ya feel?

I thought u were indian bitch
Anyway, what do you major in?

with an emphasis on pedagogy which is like teaching

Thats interesting, why did you decide to study that?

i wanna be a basketball coach and pe teacher
it's a nice backup that i'd be happy doing if my music never ends up taking off
my parents never went to college, so it's also kinda for them

I see, thats p dope, how is it going with ur music btw? When did u decide u wanted to make music and how?

uh it's goin pretty well. i have some pretty big things happenin' behind the scenes that i can't rlly talk about yet, but im putting out new music in a few weeks, so that's always fun.
i started making music my senior year of high school, so just over 2 years ago, and it was because of a project for english class
our teacher gave us the option of doing a song for our satire project, so that's what i did :shrug:
i fell in love with it very shortly after, and i've been doing it since

Thats nice man, who is ur fav artist?
And which artists influence your music? Who do you look up to?

impossible for me to pick one. some recent favorites are aaron may saba, dominic fike, and ryan trey, and some all time favorites are j. cole, kendrick lamar, joe budden, earl sweatshirt and joey bada$$
in terms of who influences me most, i'd say joe budden for his honesty, vulnerability, and wordplay, and j cole because of his background, beat making, and work ethic
in terms of who i look up it'd have to be the big homie mez who's on tour with jid and saba right now. he took me under his wing and taught me a lot of stuff when he didn't have to, so i'll forever be grateful for that

Oh you know Mez irl?

ye i got introduced to him a little over a year ago

How did that happen? That's p lit ngl

i met him in the studio and that's all i can say :eyes:
lmao nah but with mez the homie was bringing me to the studio to introduce me to someone that i can't say, but mez was there and i went n introduced myself and told him i was a fan
this was when he hadn't put out new music in awhile, but he was super cool and we exchanged contact info. he offered me a internship type thing over summer, but i basically just got to chill in the studio with him and absorb as much info as i could

tell me more about ur background, where do you come from, how was ur childhood, what do you like doing outside music and mons and all of that

for background, i was born in new york, and i moved to la when i was like 3. i stayed all over la, but spent most of my childhood in west los angeles and venice.
my childhood was cool. i didn't have the best home life, but i was never in any real danger or anything, and i never rlly fit in until high school
i was super awkward and chubby from like 6th grade through ninth grade, and then i started growing and making friends around 10th grade
i ended up starting to play mons around 8th/9th grade, and i used it as an outlet bc it was one of the few things that made me happy
thankfully i've moved outta that phase, so now mons is just a fun thing i like to do on the side (even though i probably waste a bit too much time on here lmao)

and how did you end up in PS?

im not even completely sure tbh
my step brother told me about one time, but i think i eventually found it myself through smogon
and im not sure exactly how i found smogon, but i just know around that time i was playing through all the roms on my computer, so i probably looked something up about a mon

lol throwback to our platinum rom nuzlocke we never finished
how did you end up in ru? why this tier specifically? you were alrdy a member of the room when I started

y'all ditched me smh
uh when i was younger i wanted to be different rlly bad
and ru always had the least amount of people playing it
so i picked it, and never really looked back
although in bw2 i was a uu room regular as well
with like ict calloflochie zvz bleve etc

I see, u used the name sowwy back then, how did this name came to be?
And for the fans who dont know, whats the meaning behind ur current username?

oh no
bro ik im pretty bad now, but i was the worst user oat like 4 years ago, my goodness

ya, cancer ass sowwy

i looked at a replay on sowwy and i was insane cringe
sowwy came to be by me taking the word sorry
realizing it was taken
and making it sowwy
and ajna is my irl name
so, ye.

LOL classic 2013 username meta
Lets talk some current mons
What do you think about current RU? And the RUBL suspect process thats going on?

current ru is alright, it's really balanced atm, but at the same time it's just dominated by standard bo and balance builds
donphan pod lazzle meta and viriz are clear standouts
reuni is busted and should hella not be freed
only suspect left that i think should be added is mega slowbro, and im not even positive about that

Are there any players that catch your eye currently? Both veterans and newcomers

uh yea. santu has improved a lot in oras and overall (he made smogon tour po's, grats to him), and he's one of the few people that can take a set off me in oras (even if dat man's gotta end game crit me twice to do so lmao jk kinda) roman has improved a ton. i've been training with him in the mountains for a while, and i really hopes he gets a shot this upcoming snake. i think averardo is super underrated, and i think with some more experience he'll be super solid.

How does it feel to be negative vs me in official tours?

it feels alright seeing as you're negative in official tours
and have never won an ru tour in which i didn't carry u to victory

I was the only undefeated member in the ru best friends tour bitch

u lost in finals bitch


but it got rescinded



I underestimated my opponent's join date dude
Not my fault.


can you drop a team that defines your playstyle? and what was your thought process when building it?

this is a really solid n standard bo that my team used a bunch of times throughout rupl. when i build i have a list of mons, and i order them based on how badly i feel i need to check them. at the top of the list are mons like stoise, rose, lazzle, meta, zydog, viriz, and pod, so i usually try to have multiple ways to beat those, and then just check everything down the list.
i usually start with my rockers when i build, and diancie has been one of my go to's along with regi atm. it's a rlly solid check to stuff like vern, goodra, pod, doom, stoise, and ninetales, and it also beats most defoggers with a cm up. cm also lets u beat snorlax, and yea there's prob a more optimal ev spread, but tbh i don't care enough to find it lol. i prob then threw on donphan and pod, cuz they check some of the biggest threats in the tier like meta, opposing pod, zydog, etc. this was kinda like the birth of the pod donphan spam era for my building, but for this one i threw on rose to help wallbreak, kill fat waters, soft check opposing grasses, and absorb t spikes. after that i needed something to reliably check garde, and help to rk protect barb, and meta is by far the best at that. finally i added scarf doom bc i wanted a scarfer that outspeeds the common base 80 scarfers, could rk viriz, and could check mismag.
and that's the team lol. it's kinda hard to explain my process cuz i kinda don't rlly think about it at this point; it's almost become second nature. the team is prob pushing 6 weeks old at this point, but it still holds up in the current meta. i'd just make donphan faster to outspeed regi, and then u can make the pod and diancie creeps less or more depending on what u want.

Anyway, this was fun dude
Thx for ur time

of course bro
thanks for asking the questions
Feel free to ask Ajna any questions you want!
If you have any reccomendations I'll be more than happy to read them, just PM me!
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Feel free to ask Ajna any questions you want!
If you have any reccomendations I'll be more than happy to read them, just PM me!
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