not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… PEOPLE'S MODERATOR ELECTION 2024: CAMPAIGNING STARTS NOW (about time...)


is a Site Content Manageris a Pre-Contributoris a Top Team Rater
election thread coming soon. sit tight!!!

as ever, she delivers...

Good people (and the rest of you) of Smogoff, the time has come once again to cast our ballots in the name of democracy. Just as our oftentime geopolitical foes in the so-called "Democratic" Republic of the Cong are holding their election, so too do we Pokémon Go, Mario Run, and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp our way to the polls once again! Two candidates (with accompanying sidekick vice-candidates, of course) stand before you, vying to become your next PM. The post of People's Mod is a long-standing one, with many storied, honoured holders, such as BIG ASHLEY and, er, Total Clefairy? Well, anyway. It's still a noble calling.

The rules for candidacy, as set out in the ancient scrolls, are simple:

- the PM must have held a smogon account for over six months
- the PM must have posted in Smogoff a minimum of 10 times in the past six months
- the PM may never have been an actual smogon forum moderator, past or present

With thanks to the long-missing Brother monkfish for his work in setting these down. Every day we pray his family find the body.

The format this year plays off of U.S. politics (seems vaguely topical, I suppose?) (it was easier than dividing you up into constituencies for a britpol general election spoof), and as such it has become a two-horse race. These candidates are well-known to you, with legendary forum histories, and some actual good posts every now and again. I present them to you now, with their respective running mates.

They/Themocrat Party Candidate: BIG ASHLEY
The incumbent PM (hello) reaches the end of her 3rd(?) term arguably more popular than ever, with resounding policy victories such as the formation of important trade links with the Union of Studio Smearglist Republics and the bolstering of the Playpenner economy against a predicted market crash. Some critics claim she has only won in previous elections due to a quirk of the voting system; other opponents accuse of being "simply too witty", "extremely attractive", and "earth-shatteringly modest". With her current campaign focusing on the fiscal strengths of her regime, a vote for ASHLEY seems to be a vote for stability, prosperity, and inflated reaction scores for all.

Running Mate: fx
With a fairy shamefully ascending to the ranks of Smogon staffhood, ASHLEY finds herself in need of a replacement. Sources close to the campaign say that the elusive fx, who has yet to officially debut on the campaign trail, "will be back soon", but other analysts claim that ASHLEY is simply propping up an abandoned account to avoid sharing power in any sense -- a claim the PM denies.

Publican Party Candidate: BP
An outspoken firebrand maverick radical, Smogoff icon B "broken phobias" P once again finds himself at the forefront of an election campaign. Kicking off well before the incumbent, the forum's most prominent drunkposter certainly has the enthusiasm, but critics worry that the posting legend lacks on the policy front, with one commentator claiming all BP has is "VK Blue-sky thinking". He certainly cuts an imposing figure on the debate stage, not afraid to criticise -- or praise -- the current administration. Supporters say BP is the bright revelation Smogoff needs, but will he need Jesus to take the wheel? Only time will tell.

Running Mate: PokeKids2
Another iconic Smogoff hero, the announcement that Pokekids2 would be standing alongside BP against BIG ASHLEY has raised more than a few eyebrows, given the young creative's previous role as the Deputy PM under a former administration. Pundits have praised the choice, highlighting it as a voice of experience that BP might just need, but others have expressed doubt, fearing that the iconic PokeKids2 might just overshadow BP in the Posters' House.

Some of you might be wondering if there are any other candidates -- as in any other fair, equal, and free democracy, third-party hopefuls are more than able to run, provided they accept that they stand no chance whatsoever of breaking the capitalist duopoly etc. etc..

With that said, I declare the start of campaign season -- and may the best Poster win!​

We're gonna have a beautiful election folks.

I have been selected by the will of the people to run for president of Smogoff.

The other candidates, let me tell you about the other candidates. I've spent a lot of time with the other candidates folks, a lot of time.

BP, fx, what are we electing letters now? If you let letters into people's moderator positions, they won't be able to string a sentence together! They're like 1st graders folks. The only letters we should be talking about are U, S, and A.

But folks, let me tell you something about the Publican Party... the Publican party folks.

BP is a very nasty man, a very nasty man. His favourite Pokemon is Vaporeon, I mean, I'm not saying anything folks, I'm not saying anything but his favourite Pokemon is Vaporeon.

And PokeKids2, folks I don't know about you but I don't think PokeKids2 knows anything about anything. You could probably ask PokeKids2 all about teddy bears, and I'm sure they'll tell you all about teddy bears. Maybe they need to leave running the subforum to the adults folks.

fx. What can I say about fx folks? Seriously! What is there to say?! Who is this guy?! Nobody knows who you are fx. You're an abandoned account, your supporters have already abandoned their hope in you. You're nobody here fx, nobody.

Big Ashley... Big Ashley folks, we in the discord call her Big Assley because she is ass folks, Big Assley has led this subforum into depression. Crooked Ashley brought us into a posting point debt of trillions. A tremendous posting point debt.

You give me the people's moderator position, give me a day, beautiful posting points. We'll be flooded with posting points. We'll have to hire people's subforum cleaners to sweep the posting points off the streets folks.

Another thing, Big Ashley... Big- not even her real name, she's actually just Total Clefairy in disguise. Total Clefairy, a people's moderator so bad. So bad folks, that she had to change her name. She had to change her name to Big Ashley folks. Not very big of you.

So it is with great pleasure that I, Caffeine J. Boost, am announcing my presidency run. I don't need a running mate folks, I'm worth more than these 4 people combined. Together we can make Smog off again.


In light of their ongoing rigged and undemocratic election, I have concluded that the time has come to launch a full-scale invasion of cong. Vote for me, and we will take control of the subforum, bringing our enlightened Smogoffian ways to the long-oppressed congolese citizens. If you vote for BP... Well, I'm not suggesting anything untoward, but he seems a little too friendly with dave... That's all I'm saying, folx.

View attachment 610922

In light of their ongoing rigged and undemocratic election, I have concluded that the time has come to launch a full-scale invasion of cong. Vote for me, and we will take control of the subforum, bringing our enlightened Smogoffian ways to the long-oppressed congolese citizens. If you vote for BP... Well, I'm not suggesting anything untoward, but he seems a little too friendly with dave... That's all I'm saying, folx.
with you and what army?

Empowering the Poster: United We Post

My fellow people of Smogoff

As a three time people's moderator contender and the elected shadow defense minister of 2022 I hope that you not only find yourself at the polls this election but you find it hard to decide. My opponent, BIG ASHLEY, has beaten me all previous years and while they have ushered in a golden age of sorts where reacts are plenty I fear that we are entering an age of stagnation. As People's moderator 2024 I will continue to unite the posters of this subforum and focus on the community. We will create something beautiful together. My vision for the United Posters of Smogon (UPS) starts with your vote! If I am elected we will being our journey as the UPS.
UPS is sporting the best on-time promise delivery rate in the election at 95.8%, according to the SmogElectionMatrix, besting Ashley’s 84.8%. When factoring in express service being on time if policies are established by end of day and done within one extra day, UPS leads at 99.3% with Ashley at 97% (the write-ins (faint and CaffeineBoost) are at 98.5%). [sourced from UPS official website, 3/3/2024]

Importantly, while this source is from the UPS website, it was the only efficiency metric available. If you don't want me to cite this, BIG ASHLEY, give me a quantitative metric.

The Ashley campaign did not return my request to comment. Further reporting will be posted in the next days.
UPS is sporting the best on-time promise delivery rate in the election at 95.8%, according to the SmogElectionMatrix, besting Ashley’s 84.8%. When factoring in express service being on time if policies are established by end of day and done within one extra day, UPS leads at 99.3% with Ashley at 97% (the write-ins (faint and CaffeineBoost) are at 98.5%). [sourced from UPS official website, 3/3/2024]

Importantly, while this source is from the UPS website, it was the only efficiency metric available. If you don't want me to cite this, BIG ASHLEY, give me a quantitative metric.

The Ashley campaign did not return my request to comment. Further reporting will be posted in the next days.
You are fake news.

Our policies are the best, I've seen a lot of policies in my life, a lot of policies. Tremendous amounts of policies. I look at those policies and I think they're tiny. I think they're tiny little policies made by tiny little people.

We deliver policies at 200% folks, we deliver our policies at 200%. We deliver our policies twice as well as anyone else, we have double the experience with these policies and folks we deliver big policies.

Sleepy Joe BP, he doesn't know how to deliver policies, he doesn't know how to run a subforum, he doesn't even know how to stay awake for 3 hours. Joe BP is a mess. A sleepy mess. Go to bed Joe, go to bed.
Sleepy Joe BP,

I am deeply disturbed at the level of mudslinging shown by our 3rd party candidate CaffeineBoost. It has been said that I do not possess any big policies. My name is BP (Big Policies), I ensure you I will deliver on the this front. Below I will highlight a handful of my current policies and what I hope to accomplish as PM 2024

  1. Establish the United Peoples of Smogoff (UPS)
  2. Unite all of UPS under 1 banner
  3. Big Post (Forum Trade)
  4. Bolstering relations with the Circus Maximus territory (A soon to be valuable ally in the ever shifting forum scape)
  5. Establishing UPS as shitposting's last bastion of hope

I assure you that I have plan on how to accomplish each and every policy I have listed. If you would like to see these things come to fruition then by all means.

I am deeply disturbed at the level of mudslinging shown by our 3rd party candidate CaffeineBoost. It has been said that I do not possess any big policies. My name is BP (Big Policies), I ensure you I will deliver on the this front. Below I will highlight a handful of my current policies and what I hope to accomplish as PM 2024

  1. Establish the United Peoples of Smogoff (UPS)
  2. Unite all of UPS under 1 banner
  3. Big Post (Forum Trade)
  4. Bolstering relations with the Circus Maximus territory (A soon to be valuable ally in the ever shifting forum scape)
  5. Establishing UPS as shitposting's last bastion of hope

I assure you that I have plan on how to accomplish each and every policy I have listed. If you would like to see these things come to fruition then by all means.

The corrupt woke media are at it again. They're trying to indoctrinate the users, they're trying to pander to the masses. Joe "Bad President" BP has never won an election, has never won anything, it's very sad. It's very sad folks.

We always talked about sleepy bp, we always said he's only good at two things: snoozing and losing. He's a mess of a man, he's like a sloth. He parades with his vaporeon profile picture but he's just a slakoth. He's very sleepy. He needs some rest.

The UPS party, it's a sham folks, it's a sham. I have same day delivery on my policies. I say my policies then I slay my policies, people. With UPS, the policies get delayed. You get a text to your phone, they tell you "sorry, your policy's delayed". Dogshit delivery, that's why they're called UPS. I don't know if you even want his policies. Sleepy BP's gonna sleepwalk this subforum into shitty forum games folks. He's gonna fall asleep at the wheel of his UPS truck and crash the posting point economy. Go to bed sleepy BP.

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In light of their ongoing rigged and undemocratic election, I have concluded that the time has come to launch a full-scale invasion of cong. Vote for me, and we will take control of the subforum, bringing our enlightened Smogoffian ways to the long-oppressed congolese citizens. If you vote for BP... Well, I'm not suggesting anything untoward, but he seems a little too friendly with dave... That's all I'm saying, folx.
Big Ashley, "champion" of the people, wants to take our subforum into a war with Cong. Can you believe them folks? What would we even invade? Big Ashley is a plant folks. Big Ashley wants to turn our subforum, our beautiful subforum. Let me tell you, I've seen a lot of subforums in my life, a lot of them. Smogoff is the most beautiful subforum I've ever seen. It is beautiful. I will not allow our subforum to be driven into a war with Cong, I will not- folks Big Ashley wants to invade Cong. What would we gain from it folks? We'd have a shitty DLC to our beautiful subforum. We'd have people in Smogoff posting about their "favourite video game soundtracks" or their "peak fiction". They're just engagement bait that Big Ashley is taking

The smogoff people deserve peace from Cong, we deserve peace from Cong. I President Caffeine J. Boost promise to deliver peace from Cong. We're gonna do some incredible work people, incredible work. We're gonna build a wall folks, we're gonna build a wall between smogoff and cong, we're gonna build a wall right here folks:

It's gonna be a beautiful wall, a tremendous wall. We're gonna build a wall to keep the Cong posters out, and I pledge to use my power as people's moderator to ban any Cong posters from this subforum. We're gonna do amazing things, tremendous things. Big Ashley is just a Cong clout chaser, she only wants the reactions, she's going to tank the reaction economy by letting Cong launder their likes. It's a disaster folks, a disaster.
Smh. Don't you know the only way to have any meaningful change is through revolution? None of these candidates have any intention of improving the lives of the average poster, all they care about is lining their friends and sponsor's pockets with reacts.

Down with the "people's" moderators! We have nothing to lose but our chains!