Announcement Past Generation Announcements and Teams

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is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Champion
Welcome to Draft League Analyses! We write Pokemon analyses for Smogon Draft formats, as well as draft formats that closely align with how Smogon Draft functions. Our part of C&C functions very differently from how all other analyses work, due to the nature of Draft. Find more information about that here. Find the reservation information here. We are currently doing only standard Generation 7 analyses and are not accepting proposals to add other formats.

Moderation Team
The Moderation team are the moderators, who handle the functionality of the section. This includes determining Quality Control members, making reservations available and validating reservation requests, and uploading completed writing to the site. The current Moderation team is:

Quality Control Team
The Quality Control team are members of the community who have the authority to request changes on submitted analysis drafts to ensure that all analyses provide full, accurate information. They may also reject drafts and/or reassign a reservation with moderator oversight.

Grammar Prose Team
The Grammer Prose team are a Smogon-wide group of users who ensure that all uploaded content follow English grammar and spelling rules, as well as Smogon's Pokemon-specific additional rules. You can find the GP team here and how to request a GP check, as well as the Spelling & Grammar standards here.
USUM analyses are coming soon! There are a few things you need to be aware of:

- USUM analyses will follow the previously-used slate format, with Pokemon being released in slates of about 20 at a time.
- You may only have one Pokemon in WIP/QC between SV and USUM analyses. You can reserve a new analysis as soon as your current one hits GP.
- Unlike the SV forum, this forum will eventually house all of our oldgens, so our thread tags will be by generation. For USUM analyses, add the Gen 7 tag to your threads and be super cognizant of keeping the [WIP] and [QC] and [GP] at the end of your title accurate since this is what the bot will use to update us.
- Finally, thanks so much for your boundless enthusiasm which has made this project a huge success! We're excited to be able to expand so quickly into past gen analyses and we're excited to be able to publish even more resources.

For the beginning of USUM, your intrepid QC team is:
King L5
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