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The problem with this though is that he would have a hard time breaking blissey and snorlax (eq variant) without some kind of physical mon. I dont think it would be a good idea for him to go full special tar unless he adds another physical mon.If you want to try out a pursuit tar, this is a set that has been working great for me:
Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 184 HP / 224 SpA / 100 SpD
Modest Nature
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Flamethrower
- Roar/ Hidden Power Grass
Crunch + pursuit give it the ability to take on gengar should they switch or stay in (they usually stay in expecting pursuit) crunch also gives the tar a strong spammable stab move that hits a lot harder than most people expect and allows it to keep its status as an offensive presence. I still like to keep pursuit not only for gengar, but for aero/mence locked into hp fly/double edge. flamethrower hits steels and has good coverage with crunch. In the last slot roar works to help vs curselax (although with the specs drops crunch actually does well vs curselax) roar would also give you the option of using something like toxic or hydro pump on pert. HP grass on the other hand gives you more coverage though and allows you to nail swampert although again crunch does a pretty decent chunk to it. I understand not wanting to give up the power of cb tar, but give this set a try you may find the pros outweigh the cons.
The problem with this though is that he would have a hard time breaking blissey and snorlax (eq variant) without some kind of physical mon. I dont think it would be a good idea for him to go full special tar unless he adds another physical mon.