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Out of Retirement and into the World of Hax

Hello Smogon! I have been taking a break from competitive Pokémon for a couple months but now I am back with a vengeance (not really lol). I battled a couple battles and won with a few of my old teams but it got boring. I needed something new and I was feeling particularly evil so I decided to make a team that totally revolved around status and letting my foes die slowly.

The problem is that I have not had much experience building a defensive team as I have used offensive teams very well in the past. This is where you guys come in. This team has not performed badly (18-12) but I need to really unlock this team’s true potential. I am open to criticism (that is kind of why I am here) but I hope that you recognize the fact that I have been playing competitively for several years now. I am pressed for time so I can’t include the team building process here.

Team Preview



252 HP/ 4 Att/ 252 Def (0 Spe IVs)
Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)

Rapid Spin
Toxic Spikes
Gyro Ball

The mere presence of forretress on any team reveals its role. If you see forretress anywhere, you immediately check to see if your rapid spinner is ok. In theory, this guy’s sets up its hazards and then pounds its foe with gyro ball. On my team, hazards are essential as my opponent switches out a lot. Unfortunately, this guy only does 1 of the two things it is designed by the Pokémon gods to do. It can’t really set up hazards due to being taunted. If I can get off a hazard, then it will (mostly have one hit point left due to sturdy). This will become a problem if there are hazards that need to be spun away. Two things this guy is REALLY good at is gyro balling the hell out of my opponent and taking physical hits pretty well. With gyro ball, you can expect Haxorus=dead, Gengar=dead, Alakazam=dead, Tornadus=dead. It is absolutely crazy what gyro ball can do. That being said, I usually end up using this guy for talking hits and responding with deadly forces. Forretress’s main enemies are other defensive Pokémon such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory.

248 Hp/ 216 Def/ 44 Spe
Bold (+Def, -Att)
Water Absorb


To eliminate Forretress’s fear of other support Pokémon, I brought in Jellicent and his epic handlebar mustache of epicness. I use this guy as my lead instead of Forretress. There, it taunts whatever Pokémon is in its way and then proceeds to will-o-wisp the next Pokémon switching in. A lot of Alakazams and Gengars switch into Jellicent expecting to make a quick meal of it. I then switch to Forretress which could easily tank a shadow ball, Forretress then OHKO the unexpecting Pokémon with gyro ball. It is a good system but I am not sure what to do with Jellicent’s ev spread. I have not used Jellicent before and so I just picked the best one off of Smogon. Which spread do you think I should use to benefit this team more? Other than that, I picked water absorb to discourage any water Pokémon from trying to take out my Landorus and I really have no other complaints for this guy.


252 Hp/ 100 SpD/ 156 Spe
Timid (+Spe, -Att)
Serene Grace

Calm Mind
Water Pulse

What Pokémon would be better at complimenting a hax team then this little star-fart-fucker here? I have used a physical Jirachi before and it didn’t disappoint me. This calm mind set is useful with the substitute because I have been running into a lot of leech seeders lately. However, this set just doesn’t deliver a lot of power even with a few calm mind boosts. Thunderbolt almost never paralyzes and Water Pulse almost never confuses. I have been going for a parafusion strategy with this but it isn’t working. This guy has been picked off my Magnezone tons of times because it lacks fire punch. I am probably going to change this to a choice scarf physical hitter: plain and simple and effective.


252 Hp/ 4 Def/ 252 SpD
Calm (+SpD, -Att)
Serene Grace

Thunder Wave
Tri Attack
Air Slash

This guy is Jirachi’s offensive partner; Both with serene grace and both with potential paralysis. Tri Attack is an interesting move that is stupidly underused. It has stab and a 60% chance of inflicting 3 major statuses. It is an all-a-round move. Air Slash is there for obvious reasons as well as Thunder Wave and Roost. He is a good switch in for ground moves targeted at Jirachi.


56 Att/ 252 SpA/ 200 Spe
Naïve (+Spe, -SpD)
Serene Grace
Expert Belt

Relic Song
Close Combat

The thing that I like most about meloette and the thing that makes it dangerous is that no one really understands this guy. It can change forms by using a move that has a 20% chance of inducing sleep because of serene grace, that is right, another fucking serene grace user. This thing outspeeds a lot of stuff that isn’t meant to be outsped. It has great offenses in both forms and will keep the opponent on his toes which induces a little mind playing. I have no complaints although I am thinking about replacing thunder with thunderbolt. What do you think?


200 Hp/ 64 Att/ 244 Def
Adamant (+Att, -SpA)

Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

The only thing that is really holding this guy back is his average speed. That being said, he is the perfect Pokémon to take advantage of all of the paralysis. A monstrous attack stat with surprisingly good bulk and a defensive ability, this guy wrecks, absolutely wrecks. Stonequake combo provides a good coverage while U-turn is there to keep the momentum going. Stealth rocks makes Forretress’s job a little easier because Landourus-T almost guarantees a switch out. I really have no complaints for this guy.

Major Threats


This Pokémon out speeds the majority of my Pokémon and togekiss as well as Jirachi can’t put a dent in big enough because she could just recover back. Landorus can’t pull off an EQ so it is left with Stone edge and U-turn. Meloette also has nothing to use against Latias. I don’t have trouble with Latios because of his frailness.


Two words: Leech Seed. This causes me to switch out everyone and since I have no fire moves, I can’t really hit them. What sets this apart from other hazards is that I can’t afford for Jellicent to taunt them because they are grass types and can easily make a meal out of him and his mustache, especially if Venasaur is in the sun. Ferrothorn also has steel typing which totally blocks out any air slashes from Togekiss.


My team works wonders if the opposing force has rain. Sand and Hail are a little more difficult because they negate leftover recovery. But the real problem is sun, being that 2 Pokémon are weakened defensively (Jirachi and Forretress) and 1 is weakened offensively (Jellicent) I really have no short answer on how to deal with this problem and I need help.

Overall, I think what keeps this team going is its great synergy. There are definitely some kinks to work out but every team is like that. Please help me and share your opinions because I know you have them!
Please clean up this RMT. Use the preview function before posting long OPs to help prevent large mistakes.

Also, welcome back!
well i only have a few things that can help ,first, on Jellicent replace Will-O-Wisp with Toxic because having scald which can burn things to is a bit redundant.Also since Latias is mostly defensive toxic can help with waring it down.On Jirachi i would remove Thunderbolt with Thunder ,but if you're just going for the paralysis then use body slam over that.

Jellicent Toxic--->Will-O-Wisp
Jirachi Thunderbolt--->Thunder(or Body Slam),but since you are running Calm Mind
probably Thunder

Hope i Helped
Holy cow, those are huge images.

But I see a Fire Weakness. Even with Jelli, you have 2 4x weaknesses, and 1 2x. I could see Defensive Politoed working well, otherwise you get swept by sun. I would replace Meloetta (Unneeded, there's already a Normal type SpA-er (That would be Togekiss))