OU Team - no weather :O

I'm new to Smogon but battled somewhat long, but not too much, so I apologize for any mistakes. If I make typos, please tell me. My team is meant to be offensive for the most part.

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVS: 252 Satk, 252 spd, 4 Sdef
Timid Nature (+spd, -atk)

-Shadow Ball
-Icy Wind
-Destiny Bond

The main job of this Gengar is to either stop the opponent from setting up SR if I'm faster, or Icy Wind + Shadow Ball the quicker leads, since most faster leads are frail. I sometimes lose out on Tyranitar, but I will usually try to destiny bond, because I think that if Ttar attacks me, and I live with Focus Sash, but SS kills me, I'll take him down also. EVS are for most speed I can get, and for more power with shadow ball & Icy wind.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVS: 252 Satk / 252 Spd / 4 def
Timid Nature (+spd, -atk)

-Earth Power
-Hidden Power Ice

Pretty standard smogon set. It's a revenge killer, and it's got good type synergy with 3 of my teamates (Bronzong, Salamence, Espeon). Overheat is when I need immediate power to take out something, while Flamethrower is for consistency. Earth Power is for other Heatran, and Flash Fire users, while HP ice is for dragons.(However, I lose to Kingdra, but that's banned in the rain for now, so it's not that much of a threat)

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Leviate
EVS: 252 HP / 84 atk / 80 def / 92 Sdef
Sassy Nature (+sdef, -spd)

-Stealth Rock
-Gyro Ball
-Hidden Power Ice
Yet another smogon set, I use this for my dragon resist, especially when a poke goes into outrage. HP ice to nail them for super effective damage, and even other things like Gliscor, while still being a tank to most things. Gyro ball will heavily damage faster threats, such as Terrakion or Azelf. Earthquake is just a filler, but also has a nice purpose - To OHKO after a gyro ball if it's holding an air balloon.

Salamence @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVS 252 atk / 4 satk / 252 spd
Naive Nature (+spd, -sdef)

-Dragon Dance
-Fire Blast

Salamence is one of my favorite pokemon, and it wasn't voted up to Uber in 4th gen for no reason! With nice offensive base stats of 135/110/100, it's easy to see how much power he has. He's meant to sweep late-game, when steel types are weakened or gone altogether, but can also come in mid-game or even in the beginning! DD is obvious, boost speed and atk to high levels, and Outrage is for STAB, and since it's supposed to sweep late game, most steel types will already be weakened. Earthquake gets nice coverage with Outrage, hitting many steel types that resist it. Fire blast is for Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Bronzong, Forretress and Scizor, which (didn't run damage calcs, but I'm assuming) OHKO Ferro, OHKO physically defensive versions, 2HKOs bronzong, OHKOs offensive Scizor and not sure about forretress. As stated before, has nice synergy with my other teamates, and keeps the pressure going with my Heatran, racking up SR damage, especially if they're weak to it.

Espeon @ Life Orb
Magic Bounce
EVS: 252 Satk / 252 spd / 4 sdef
Timid Nature (+spd, -atk)

-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power Fighting

Since Espeon will come in on most things trying to set up SR, spikes, or status, most forced to be switched out, i.e Ferrothorn. CM on the switch, and prepare to sweep. 110 speed is quite fast. Psyshock for STAB and so I don't get sat on by blissey/chansey, while Shadow ball + HP fighting is for perfect neutral coverage. It depends when I bring it in because of the pokemon the other guy is using.

Scafty @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVS: 252 atk / 252 spd / 4 def
Jolly Nature (+spd, - satk)

-Dragon Dance
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch

He has nice synergy with my Gengar, too bad he's usually a suicide lead, or I save him for a death fodder. After a DD + Jolly Nature + 252 speed EVS, he outspeeds base 111 speed pokemon like thundurus, and can OHKO with Ice punch. Drain punch is to recover damage tooken + LO recoil, and also gets STAB on it. Crunch is for the other stab moves, and has nice coverage with his dual STABs. Ice punch is for those flying/dragon types, killing most of them.

Threat List

Aerodactyl - Since it's in lead position the most, Gengar will take care of it.
Archeops - Heatran, bronzong, maybe even Gengar or Scrafty.
Azelf - Same thing as Aerodactyl, however it's not always in the lead position, so Bronzong, Heatran and Scrafty do well also.
Bisharp - Bronzong's EQ, Salamence with good predicting, Heatran
Breloom - Gengar taunt, Heatran
Chandelure - Bronzong + Heatran combo, or even salamence/espeon

Cobalion - I don't see any of these, but...Salamence, Heatran, Espeon if weakened, or Scrafty.
Conkeldurr - My best bet is Salamence to lower his attack, and possibly Espeon
Darmanitan - Salamence and Heatran,
Deoxys-S - It's not too threatening, only sets up SR or spikes, which is reflected by Espeon, and she has a super effective move
Dragonite -Salamence, Heatran, Bronzong(depends on moveset), Scrafty all carry x4 moves, except Salamence.
Druddigon -Not seen often, but Same as dragonite.
Eelektross - Set up a DD on Salamence, use Outrage, maybe scrafty
Electivire - Heatran
Emboar - Salamence, Espeon
Empoleon - I haven't seen any of these, but I guess Salamence/Scrafty
Espeon - If more defensive, my Espeon is a good choice, but if it isn't, Heatran or Bronzong would be nice counters.
Escavalier - Relatively slow, can take it out with Fire Blast on Sala
Excadrill - Bronzong maybe, Scrafty if it doesnt have a SD,
Garchomp - Semi problem, have to sacarfice Salamence to get in Bronzong to 1 or 2HKO with HP ice
Genesect - Not done
Gengar - Not done
Golurk - Not done
Gyarados - Not done
Haxorus - Not done
Heatran - Not done
Heracross - Not done
Hydreigon - Not done
Infernape - Not done
Jirachi - Not done
Jolteon - Not done
Keldeo - Not done
Kingdra - Not done
Krookodile - I think they're scarfed often, so I'll sacarfice Heatran to bring in my Salamence, and DD on switch and wreck havoc on their team. If it isn't scarfed, Salamence, Espeon, and Heatran get the job done.
Kyurem - Not done
Landorus - Not done
Latios - Not done
Lilligant - I honestly had no idea this could be considered a threat, can't write anything about it since I've hardly see any. I think my team can handle it though.
Lucario - Not done
Machamp -Outclassed by Conkeldurr, but I still sometimes see though, so I guess go to Sala to weaken it's attacks, and either DD if I know it's not packing Ice Punch, and if it is, switch to my Heatran. Espeon is a good counter as well.
Magnezone -Heatran, Salamence, Bronzong if at good health & doesn't have balloon(or it's popped)
Mamoswine - Not done
Meloetta-S - Not done
Meloetta-V - Not done
Metagross - Salamence, Heatran
Mienshao - Not done
Reuniclus - Not done
Roserade - Not done
Salamence - Heatran or one of my DDers.
Sawsbuck - Not done
Scizor - Sacarfice a pokemon if it's banded, then bring in pokemon to counter the locked in move
Scrafty-Depends on set a lot, as they play differently. Mine own has a good chance against others, since Scrafty isn't a popluar switch-in to itself, so it'll most likely have a +1 attack, maybe even +2 if I get a DD in
Seismitoad - I see them most often in the rain, which is where they cause problems. My best bet is to try and get Scrafty in safely, and Drain punch it.
Serperior - Doesn't have a good movepool, has to rely on HP imo, so which HP determines which counter.
Shaymin - Usually a SubSeeder, which is nullified by Espeon.
Sigilyph - not a threat, has to go to modest nature for power most times, so Sala outspeeds, and OHKOs with Outrage.
Smeargle - Used in lead position I belive, so Gengar.
Starmie -Heatran if it's low on health, maybe even gengar if used as an anti-lead, as it's a good one imo.
Terakion - Espeon, Salamence, Bronzong, Heatran, Scrafty maybe
Thundurus - If Scrafty has a DD, outspeeds and OHKOs, but if it doesn't, Heatran is nice to fall back on.

Togekiss - Oh boy, I hate this thing. Have to weaken it from SR + attacks such as Bronzong Gyro Ball. Or espeon to reflect T-wave
Tornadus - I don't understand how this is #53 in usage, I never see em. So suggestions anybody?
Tyranitar - Bronzong does a nice job, Heatran does too, if it's weakened. Sala/Scrafty work too.
Venusaur - Espeon to bounce back sleep powder.
Victini - Isn't this LU? Heatran, Salamence, Gengar, Scrafty,
Virizion - Heatran, don't know what these can do?
Volcarona - Pretty hard to counter if it sets up, but can only do so on Bronzong, but sadly, it's weak to it, so Volcarona might switch in often
Weavile - Heatran again, Bronzong.
Zoroark - Well, they'll usually be hidden as a diff pokemon, so...

I'll finish the threat list sometime soon, probably later today or tomorrow. Also, might expand some pokemon's descriptions tomorrow, didn't have too much time while posting this.
Changes will be in Bold, names will be italized and bolded.
You've already got a Dragon Dancer in the form of Salamence, so you may find that Scrafty could do more before dying if you slap Bulk Up on him and make him a bit more hit-absorbent EV-wise. Other than that, nothing's jumping out at me. Good job!
You've already got a Dragon Dancer in the form of Salamence, so you may find that Scrafty could do more before dying if you slap Bulk Up on him and make him a bit more hit-absorbent EV-wise. Other than that, nothing's jumping out at me. Good job!

But the reason I like the DD set is that it can outspeed base 111 speed pokemon, which catches a lot of people off guard, but I'll definitely try it, and should I replace life orb with leftovers?
Destiny Bond with Focus Sash? Honestly a lot of things can OHKO a Gengar and really, I'd take the Focus Sash off if your going for the Destiny Bond approach.
Destiny Bond with Focus Sash? Honestly a lot of things can OHKO a Gengar and really, I'd take the Focus Sash off if your going for the Destiny Bond approach.

The thing is though that unless they have priority, it'll take the oppenent down with them, and since most things are slower, they'll get taken down, and for the faster pokemon, they'll get hit from an icy wind. But anyways, what item would you suggest over it instead?
Honestly, I would suggest you keep the sash, just change the moveset. The moveset I use on my leading Gengar is this:
Gengar (F) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Icy Wind
- Focus Blast
- Taunt
- Shadow Ball

That set has great coverage, and if something is faster than you (which is going to happen sometimes due to the lack of Timid nature) you can get that powerful Shadow Ball STAB. Focus Blast is there for the Sandstorm teams who like to use Steel types and Ttar so that always helps. But any other Gengar might not be the best lead without a Sash, just because it is so frail. Might as well take down 1 or 2 pokes instead of the just one with Destiny Bond.
@Omglolitsj, HP ice lets you hit Garchomp, salamence and Dragonite for x4 weakness, while with dragon pulse your only hitting for x2. HP ice also has better coverage.
Ok first of all having no weather puts you at a huge disadvantage from the start because the opponent can use their team to its full use almost. Your team isn't prepared to face all weather so its not wise to not have what it needs which is Mr. Ineelastic himself! Tyranitar.

Besides this fact though your team has no means of recovery and your sweepers are revenged by the most basic scarfers. You need a solid core before designing most teams but especially one like this that lacks weather. You really don't have any advantages unless your opponent doesn't have weather. This is about as even as the battle will get. Bronzong is pretty much your only bulk on the team. Scarf tran can take some resisted moves but over all if you don't sweep your team will fall apart quickly. Although against the average team you may have at least 1 or even two sweeps per game if you play well. Someone running sp def rachi and skarmory could easily wall your espeon and scrafty well. If your opponent baits outrage then skarmory wins there too....

Chople ttar is growing too common and sp def scizor using uturn will pretty much destroy your epseon. Not to mention that sp def rachi walls it paras it haxes it and it dies soon.

I would suggest that you drop DD mence unless you always have a plan to KO its threats to set up. If not keep DD scrafty if you'd like his bulk is pretty nice and he can get some nice sweeps.

Your bronzong is pretty much just lacking imo. Bulky zong with two or three attacks doesn't really need any evs in atk. If it hurts the opponent enough and 2 or 3hkos bronzong has done his job not to mention that when played with correctly he last long with just leftovers. I woudl suggest that you run a set like sassy 252 hp 88 def 168 sp def. This set takes draco meteor much better and over all is just better as far as not taking as much damage from thundurs latios and other sp attackers including fire blast ttar.
Ok first of all having no weather puts you at a huge disadvantage from the start because the opponent can use their team to its full use almost. Your team isn't prepared to face all weather so its not wise to not have what it needs which is Mr. Ineelastic himself! Tyranitar. So what do I replace him with? Salamence?

Besides this fact though your team has no means of recovery and your sweepers are revenged by the most basic scarfers. You need a solid core before designing most teams but especially one like this that lacks weather. You really don't have any advantages unless your opponent doesn't have weather. This is about as even as the battle will get. Bronzong is pretty much your only bulk on the team. Scarf tran can take some resisted moves but over all if you don't sweep your team will fall apart quickly. Although against the average team you may have at least 1 or even two sweeps per game if you play well. Someone running sp def rachi and skarmory could easily wall your espeon and scrafty well. If your opponent baits outrage then skarmory wins there too.... So what should I use for recovery, or should I replace a poke with a scarfer?

Chople ttar is growing too common and sp def scizor using uturn will pretty much destroy your epseon. Not to mention that sp def rachi walls it paras it haxes it and it dies soon. So...any suggestions?

I would suggest that you drop DD mence unless you always have a plan to KO its threats to set up. If not keep DD scrafty if you'd like his bulk is pretty nice and he can get some nice sweeps. I'll do that, changing him with Ttar?

Your bronzong is pretty much just lacking imo. Bulky zong with two or three attacks doesn't really need any evs in atk. If it hurts the opponent enough and 2 or 3hkos bronzong has done his job not to mention that when played with correctly he last long with just leftovers. I woudl suggest that you run a set like sassy 252 hp 88 def 168 sp def. This set takes draco meteor much better and over all is just better as far as not taking as much damage from thundurs latios and other sp attackers including fire blast ttar. Good point, will do. I just used an Analysis set, so I didn't really think about it.
"So what do I replace him with? Salamence?" Ok, I would replace espeon with tyranitar just so you have a weather advantage OR I would use an espeon with Reflect, Light Screen, hidden power fighting/ fire, and grass knot if you go with hp fire or if you go with hp fighting use a move of your choice psychic shadow ball etc.
Screens espeon would definately be a good replacement for your lack of weather. if you still want tyranitar then use a standard chople or leftovers set that cripples teams with either thunder wave or 4 attacks. If you run screens on bronzong by dropping gyro ball and giving tyranitar stealth rocks that could work too because bronzong has better coverage with gyro ball but with screens up hp ice and eq are enough. I hope that those are enough options for you.

Screens on espeon or bronzong pretty much help with your 3rd question "So...any suggestions? "

"I'll do that, changing him with Ttar?" If you run screens I would suggest that you keep salamence and scrafty.

Good luck with your team.