OU Stats (Now with 1850 Stats!) - April 2013

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I don't run a standard set. I am heavily invested in defensive ev's. Espeon over latios because Espeon is my counter to status and hazards.

I have my Espeon set posted here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4702934&postcount=378
I would actually be happy if Scizor switched in to my espeon. Usually they use bug bite anyways, not bullet punch, since they don't expect hp fire.

Then you are easily walled and killed by Tyranitar. I still don't see the point of this set over something like Latias, which can block status with Refresh or Substitute. Even with full Def investment, Tyranitar OHKOs with Crunch and comes extremely close with Pursuit (assuming you DON'T switch out).
I would actually be happy if Scizor switched in to my espeon. Usually they use bug bite anyways, not bullet punch, since they don't expect hp fire.

Actually, bullet punch ko's standard espeon, so they sure as hell will use it
King's Rock, Life Orb even Leftovers are more useful than White Herb on Cloyster.

White Herb Cloyster to OU is what SubSeed Whimsicott is to RU: a pokemon that gets a bad reputation because people fail to use it to its full potential.

Focus Sash Cloyster isn't any better. It's a lategame sweeper, not a lead. It's like using Extremekiller Arceus in ubers early in the match and then complain it gets walled by Giratina and Lugia.
I like seeing Tornadus hopping back up in usage statistics a bit. I use him a lot, and often times to great effect, but at the same time it's all too apparent as to why he dropped in the first place. Just so hard to keep alive, and so needy in terms of support. If you're using him, better pack a Rapid Spinner. But, if you can do that, he's pretty damn imposing with those Hurricanes if you can whittle down your opponent's team into his KO range.
how are people saying that anything that ISNT called haxorus is the worst physical dragon type in ou?
haxorus is awful. deal with it.

Haxorus is the worst physical dragon ya, but he's still not bad. there are just tons of better options, i only find myself going to him if i want to make a team based around him. he's good at smashing things without a choice band i guess? after 1 d-dance or swords dance theres not much to stop him, but same goes for all the other dragons. the biggest problem is base 97 speed which is just an awful base speed to have.

he'd be over-centralizing in UU though so i hope he doesn't drop. base 97 speed works for him there, puts him above 40/59 UU pokemon, and hits harder than anything else there.
he'd be over-centralizing in UU though so i hope he doesn't drop. base 97 speed works for him there, puts him above 40/59 UU pokemon, and hits harder than anything else there.

Reckless HJK from mienshao is more powerful than a Haxorus Outrage, js.
Reckless HJK from mienshao is more powerful than a Haxorus Outrage, js.

aye, but that chance of major recoil sucks. especially when you consider that ghost types are a lot more common in uu than steel types, and none can really pose an offensive threat to him. bronzong can switch in on an outrage and gyro ball hax before he dies maybe?
| 35 | Salamence | 5.53364% | 133913 | 9.759% | 101581 | 9.190% |

I find this sad, but understandable. These are the two main reasons:

| 1 | Scizor | 24.67564% | 240933 | 17.559% | 192134 | 17.383% |
20 | Mamoswine | 11.00433% | 85347 | 6.220% | 68442 | 6.192% |

Two easy revenge killers have high usage
Speaking of Mamoswine, I'm surprised it so high. It gets eaten alive by Scizor.

| 54 | Weavile | 2.59516% | 42084 | 3.067% | 32863 | 2.973% |
| 55 | Metagross | 2.55486% | 82674 | 6.025% | 67134 | 6.074% |
| 56 | Jolteon | 2.50204% | 102134 | 7.443% | 82148 | 7.432% |

Guess people really do fail to see Metagross' usefulness as an Outrage-taker. Being even lower than Weavile is not good. As for Jolteon, I believe it deserves its position. It's too easily stopped by Tyranitar and Ferrothorn, even if it does have Signal Beam fro the former.
38 | Dugtrio | 4.66265% | 50204 | 3.659% | 40204 | 3.637% |
40 | Conkeldurr | 4.43489% | 83363 | 6.075% | 66348 | 6.003% |

k this pisses me off

Conk is one of the most underrated threats today with a movepool to hurt almost anything. send in jellicent for a will o wisp? nope, its guts with payback. send in latios? eats a sheer force ice punch on the way in. dugtrio is a crappy trapper with terrible stats save for speed, and conkeldurr deals with tyranitar just as well. What can dugtrio even do, ko heatran and magnezone?
38 | Dugtrio | 4.66265% | 50204 | 3.659% | 40204 | 3.637% |
40 | Conkeldurr | 4.43489% | 83363 | 6.075% | 66348 | 6.003% |

k this pisses me off

Conk is one of the most underrated threats today with a movepool to hurt almost anything. send in jellicent for a will o wisp? nope, its guts with payback. send in latios? eats a sheer force ice punch on the way in. dugtrio is a crappy trapper with terrible stats save for speed, and conkeldurr deals with tyranitar just as well. What can dugtrio even do, ko heatran and magnezone?

While I agree with your statement about the low usage of Conkeldurr, I would argue that Dugrtio is still ok in this meta, and its usage represents that pretty well. In addition, Conkeldurr definitely deals with T-tar, but not nearly as well, as it does not trap it. With focus sash, it can indeed KO heat ran and Magnezone, as well as switch into anything slower than it (a lot of things), take an attack, bringing down to its sash, and slam whatever was in with a full power reversal. Because of its great use as a revenge killer, and the fact that he is essentially an auto-include on sun teams, his usage makes a lot of sense, and if anything, I would argue it deserves to go up.
I honestly can't see why Dragonite is 4th. Sure, he's not bothered by weather and has Multiscale, but IMO he's outclassed by Garchomp, Salamence and Kyurem-B. He's too slow to effectively run even a Choice Scarf set, and needs a spinner to make sure his Multiscale stays intact. I honestly think he's the worst physical dragon in OU bar Haxorus.

Lol that is actually the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Dragonite is easily, EASILY, the best dragon dancer in the tier. All he needs is the field clear of rocks, and he is basically guaranteed at least one dance.
Lol that is actually the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Dragonite is easily, EASILY, the best dragon dancer in the tier. All he needs is the field clear of rocks, and he is basically guaranteed at least one dance.

I agree. I'm not particularly fond of his absurd high usage in the regular usage stats, but I think the 1850 stats reflect how good D-Nite is. I don't think he deserves top 5, but top 10 is spot on. Multiscale gives D-Nite a guaranteed turn of setup if Stealth Rocks are off the field, and once the opponent no longer has their revenge killer, then D-Nite can pretty much go to town. Salamence is still one hell of a sweeper with DD, but they fill different sweeping roles. D-Nite acts as more of a bulky sweeper that's best used late game, while Salamence can pretty much destroy everything once the team lacks anything that can outspeed it at +1 or priority Ice Shard.
I'm not sure where I read it but someone did post some months ago (2-4) that stats show that "Good teams don't use Dragnoite, they avoid Stealth Rock weakness". And I agree with this. Just think, THINK, if you're unfortunate and the Rocks are up, you are basically running only 5 Pokemon in your team. Dragonite is absolute crap if Rocks are up. While Salamance would still be quite fast and be able to outspeed a good amount of the tier and will put a dent to at least one thing.

But yeah, on the other side, if you're usually/always successful in spinning away, then DNite is the best Dragon.
dragonite still works fine for me even with sr up. though i use the shuffler set. hes bulky enough to survive some ice attacks although i use 252 hp and spdef, offensive dnite with no defensive investment would be awful
Interesting really interesting it seems that i am not the only one 1850+ using agiligross in OU,
and wtf keldeo is has +10% difference in usage !
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