OU RMT (Empy's Story)

~Empy's Story~

Small introduction first, my username is Aquaaa, I've always played 4th gen (competitively) and i suppose i've gotten quite good at it. This is one of the many teams I've made and i made it quite a while ago and recently decided to start using it again. I usually prefer to play stall because it fills me with joy to have a nice game however i decided to give offense a crack this time and it turned out rather well. As you can guess by the title, this a team based around that big steel penguin Empoleon. After looking through the list of OU pokemon for DPP, one struck out at me as completely awesome and pro, that pokemon was Empoleon. So i decided to build a team around it and see how well it does.

The Team at a glance:

In-Depth Analysis:


Batman (Crobat) (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 HP/118 Def/138 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Super Fang
- Taunt

I'm the Batman. So this may seem an odd lead, especially in a tier full of Azelf leads, however with the given EV spread it manages to outspeed base 115s, such as Azelf, and either taunt to prevent it from taunting or just attack with Super Fang+Brave bird since Brave bird on its own does not OHKO. It does well as a lead because it is one of the fastest pokemon in OU and is actually quite bulky. I put 252HP EVs as it just adds the most bulk to Crobat and after using the speed EVs i put the rest into Defense to make it even bulkier against physical leads such as Machamp or Metagross. Super fang can pretty much dent anything and bring them to 50% and Roost is there for reliable recovery since Crobat will be taking physical hits for me.
Against other leads:
Actually quite troubling, I usually just have to Super Fang or switch out.
Explained above.
Not too common, but Taunt to prevent Twave/StealthRocks then Super Fang+Brave bird.
Taunt then Super Fang twice, since ice beam doesn't KO i can also roost stall.
Taunt+Super Fang+Brave Bird
Brave bird/Roost
Be weary of Trick, otherwise just SuperFang+BraveBird
SuperFang+BraveBird/Roost on Stone edges/Ice Punch
Taunt+SuperFang, be weary of Explosion
Taunt+Lol as it struggles
Taunt+Lol as Brave Bird does nothing then SuperFang
Taunt+Superfang/Brave bird
Taunt+SuperFang+Roost on Ice beams, be weary of Earthquakes predicting your roosts.


Google (Flygon) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SpDef
Naive nature (+Spd,-Spdef)
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- U-turn

Standard Choice Scarf set for possibly the best revenge killer in the meta. It beats threats such as Infernape, Heatran, Jirachi (Although has to rely on speed tie luck) and various other steel types. Outrage for STAB move of choice and to really hit hard, and Earthquake for the other STAB move of choice. Everyone knows that U-turn is for scouting moves but it also hits psychics such as Azelf and Cresselia. It also stops those stupid Aerodactyl leads that previously gave me trouble. I replaced Scizor with it because it really beat much more threats than Scizor could, however i did lose my priority. It can also beat Scizor with a flaming ball of Fire Blast.


Rosey (Roserade) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP/120 Spd/136 SpDef
Calm nature (+SpDef,-Atk)
- Leaf Storm
- Leech Seed
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic Spikes

Roserade is one of the pokemon that is going to help me take out bulky waters. It beats pokemon such as Swampert, Hippowdon, Tyranitar, whilst also forcing Blissey or Snorlax to switch with leech seed. This also helps me provide entry hazards in the form of Toxic spikes which is there to cripple bulky waters such as Vaporeon or Swampert who have a hard time dealing with poison. Sludge bomb is there to beat other grass types such as Celebi and Shaymin whom it 2HKOs. Having 120 speed EVs means i can outspeed Crocunes and 2HKO it with leaf storm, and 136 EVs in spdef and 252 in HP mean i can take Starmie's Ice beam and OHKO back and wall easier against other special attackers such as Shaymin. It aids Empoleon's sweep by taking out the bulky waters and slowly draining Bliss' health. Roserade also acts as my status absorber as it is immune to toxic, is not bothered by burn or para as it can switch out thanks to Natural Cure.


Komodo (Tyranitar) (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 16 Atk/240 Spd/252 SpAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd,-Def)
- Crunch
- Fire Blast
- Stone Edge
- Superpower

This, this right here, is a luretar. It helps my team by eliminating pokemon such as Skarmory, Heatran, Zapdos and a bunch of other pokes, the expert belt is to bluff a scarf so it will lure more pokes in that think they can set up on it such as Lucario, who is then OHKO'd by Fire blast. It can usually take a while for them to actually guess the set if played correctly and it can really dent other people's teams and aid Empoleon's sweep further.


Poltergiest (Rotom-w) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/216 Spd/40 SpAtk
Timid nature (+Spd,-Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Trick

Rotom-W acts as my spin blocker for the spikes whilst also creating a nice defensive core with Empoleon. I decided to put a scarf on it because i was quite DDGyarados weak, It then also began to work very well with the rest of the team, it helps to block Roserade's spikes from being spun away, and takes out any Infernape trying to sweep me. Rotom-W also helps in the taking out of bulky waters such as Suicune or Vaporeon, if all else fails i can cripple one of their pokemon with trick, rendering them pretty much useless.


KingPing (Empoleon) (M) @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 12 HP/4 Def/240 Spd/252 SpAtk
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
- Agility
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Substitute

The MVP of the team, Empoleon. With the help from the team denting pokemon and making it easier for Empoleon to sweep, he can sweep extremely well. The set is pretty standard, except i run Hydro pump just for the extra power, since for some reason i don't have Stealth Rocks on this team...I should probably fix that. Anyway, Hydro pump and Ice beam get great coverage together and i usually have no trouble setting up and going for the sweep.It usually cleans house late game, the EVs make sure that it gets its petaya boost after 3 substitutions and the sandstorm from Tyranitar further helps it to defeat teams. It tends to sweep teams like a tsunami....*Bad pun*​

Offensive Threat list
Aerodactyl: Lead mentioned above, LO variant beaten by Scizor Bullet Punch or Scarf rotom.
Azelf: Lead mentioned above, LO variant, ScarfRotom/Scizor/Tyranitar beats it.
Breloom: Subpunch, Send in Roserade to take sleep, if they sub i switch to Crobat for taunt if they spore then i must switch again to Scizor or Rotom .
Dragonite: DDnite, Depends who is in on it, if Ttar i will Stone edge predicting a Dragon dance or switch to Scizor to Bullet punch, if it has fire punch I switch to Empoleon, if Earthquake to Rotom.
Electivire: Mixvire/MeditateEvire, Switch in Rotom to shadow ball and wall.
Empoleon: Switch to Rotom to Thunderbolt however if it gets an agility up it becomes quite threatening, Roserade is also a possible switch in.
Flygon: Scarfgon, Depending on which move it is locked into, i make my choice, if outrage i go to Empoleon to set up or if Earthquake to Rotom, MixGon, not commonly seen but i bait a Draco meteor to lower it's Spatk then switch to Rotom/Scizor.
Gengar: Mentioned above, Scizor/Rotom/Roserade.
Gyarados: Rotom pretty much beats all kinds or forces switch.
Heatran: Switch in Ttar to take a fire blast and KO with Superpower.
Heracross: Never really thought about this one, Rotom or Crobat i suppose.
Infernape: Rotom takes any Close Combats and KOs with Hydro pump, same with Crobat but with brave bird.
Jirachi: Scarfrachi, Switch to Crobat or rotom to wall, CMrachi, can be quite threatening but Ttar can usually force it to switch or crunch it.
Jolteon: Rotom/Ttar/Roserade to wall it.
Kingdra: Send in Empy to wall any set and then set up.
Lucario: Also depends who i have in, go for a x2 move to predict a SD or switch to Crobat.
Machamp: Crobat beats all of its sets.
Magnezone: Send in Rotom to beat Scarf variants or send in Roserade to wall it.
Mamoswine: Send in Scizor to Bullet Punch
Metagross: Rotom walls any set and 2HKOs with Shadow ball.
Ninjask: Is this even a threat? Send in Crobat to taunt or Scizor to use priority.
Roserade: Crobat/Scizor/Rotom/Roserade can all beat it.
Scizor: Lure in with Ttar and fire blast or switch to Empy and set up on CBvariants.
Smeargle: Same category as Ninjask.
Starmie: One poke may usually have to go down to send in Rotom or if Ttar is at full health to use crunch.
Togekiss: Send in Crobat to taunt+wall or try to set up with Empy if it doesn't have Aura Sphere.
Tyranitar: Bullet punch with Scizor. If babiri and Scizor dies, Rotom's Hydro pump.
Weavile: Scizor Bullet punch

Defensive Threatlist
Blissey: Crobat can taunt+Super fang, roserade can leech seed, Scizor/Ttar can Superpower, Rotom can trick and cripple it.
Bronzong: Taunt with Crobat and Super fang or Trick with Rotom.
Celebi Crobat can Taunt and and SuperFang, Scizor can U-Turn or Ttar can crunch/Fire blast
Dusknoir Tyranitar can come in and Crunch and Roserade can absorb Will-o-Wisps or Crobat can Taunt.
Forretress: Fire blast with Tyranitar or set up with Empoleon
Gliscor: Outspeed and beat with Crobat or send in ScarfRotom.
Hippowdon: Send in Rotom to Hydro pump, or Crobat to wall.
Rotom-A: Send in own Rotom to outspeed and KO or Ttar to beat slower ones with Crunch.
Skarmory: Lure in with Tyranitar and Fire blast or Tbolt with Rotom.
Snorlax Send in Scizor or Tyranitar to Superpower, or Crobat to taunt Curselax.
Suicune: Send in Roserade, Rotom or Crobat, to either Leech seed, Trick/Tbolt or Taunt and super fang.
Swampert: Roserade to Grass Knot.
Tentacruel: Tyranitar to Crunch/Stone edge or Rotom to trick/Tbolt.
Vaporeon: Same as Tentacruel but also Taunt with Crobat.
Zapdos: Send in Ttar to Stone edge.

So, that's the team, i have seen the lack of Stealth Rocks, however i'm not too sure how to fix this at this moment, maybe your rates will help (If there are any). This is also my first post on these forums. Thanks for reading. :P

Hi Aquaaaa, pretty nice team here, it seems solid and deals with alot of threats, there are only a few i think you currently have problems with.

First off, CM Suicune can give some problems to your team. It has the same coverage as starmie to provide the necessary kos but has the bulk at +1 to survive a grass knot from roserade or a tbolt from rotom. To fix this you can take either of 2 avenues, switch roserades grass move to leaf storm, as this provides the necessary power to ko suicune at +1. Alternatively, you can switch roserades evs to a specially defensive version (though I would still suggest using leaf storm with the new ev spread, as it allows it to 2hko suicune). This would also help your slight weakness to LO starmie, as only 2 consecutive ice beams can beat roserade before roserade can ko starmie, meaning it must hit roserade with ice beam on the switch.

Speaking of Roserade, I feel that spikes aren't really being used as effectively as they could be, with no phazing moves you rely on offensive pressure to force switches, which isn't the most effective strategy. However i feel toxic spikes would be far more suited to the team, as it eliminates bulky waters and blissey, who both have the ability to wall empoleon. Toxic spikes also allows crobat to more effectively act as a stallbreaker, as it can taunt walls preventing them from healing as the toxic damage racks up.


Roserade @ Leftovers
Calm Nature
252 HP/ 136 Sp.Def/ 120 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- HP Ice/ Sludge Bomb/ HP Fire (pick your poison)
- Toxic Spikes
- Rest/Leech Seed

This set also helps against subroost Zapdos, as it can beat tyranitar 1v1 if it manages to toxic it on the switch, whereas specially defensive roserade can do a lot better against it, especially if it runs rest.

Secondly, your description of scizor is to beat pokes such as tyranitar, however a common set for tyranitar is babiri berry specifically designed to beat choice band scizor. This isn't too much of a worry as after a bullet punch rotom can revenge it with hydro pump. Can't think of too many changes that would help this, apart from the possibility or using lead gliscor instead of lead crobat. Babiri ttar will usually run stone edge/eq/fire punch, and gliscor can easily roost stall stone edges pp, especially with sand veil.


Gliscor @ Leftovers
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Taunt
- U-turn

I think U-turn would be beneficial over toxic as it allows gliscor to U-turn out from azelf leads and aero leads as they taunt, then KO them with scizors bullet punch, preventing them from setting up Stealth rocks, or alternatively you could use Stealth rock over U-turn to add to your hazards, as it will severly limit the lifespan of pokes such as Gyara, Dragonite etc.

The only other minor problem i can see is Rotom-A, especially bulky choice scarf'd variants. Seeing as your tyranitar lacks pursuit, you're unable to trap it so it can wall/check empoleon, crobat and possibly scizor if it switches into anything bar shadow ball. Tyranitar w/ pursuit > scizor w/ pursuit, as a 3/4 chance to beat rotom > 1/2 chance to beat rotom.

Apart from that I can't think of any other changes to make to the team, it does well in securing a sweep for empoleon, hope the rate was helpful and good luck with the team!
I like the new Roserade set, it's doing better than the last one at least, not too sure about Gliscor though, i'll test it a bit more though. :P
Hi Aquaaa,

sorry for my late reply, I wanted to rate your team much earlier but I kinda forgot to do it XD. First things first. Your team doesnt have SR and that might be a problem since there are members on your team that can learn SR. From experience Empoleon can actually be a pretty effective lead and lay up SR as well. I don't know how the Agility set works for you, but to me it doesnt have a wide movepool since bulky waters easily wall you and special walls like Bliss, Cress and Umby too. Therefore I suggest using Empoleon in the lead position so you can sorta guarantee the SR and also do damage when you predict the taunt. This is the lead moveset I suggest to you:

Empoleon @ Chople Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 152 Hp | 252 Spatt| 104 Speed
Modest Nature (+Spatt,-Att)
- Stealth Rock
- Surf/ Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

I dont know if you really need Aqua Jet, since you already have Scizor with a strong priority move. I usually used Aqua Jet > SR and put SR on another member. I don't think you should put it on another member like TTar since the TTar set you're using looks fine now. Surf/ Hydro Pump depends on you; PP vs Power vs Accuracy. Ice Beam is for Dragonite leads and Grass types. Grass Knot is mainly for Swampert, but can also hit opposing water types like Gyarados.
Since your team abuses Sandstorm and besides TTar you don't really have some poke to match it up in sandstorm I think it might be an option to use Stall Gliscor > Crobat. It is a set I designed myself (to be honest I don't know if it existed already) and I think it should work with some Sand Veil hax. This is the set:

Gliscor @ Leftovers/ Brightpowder
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 192 Hp | 64 Def | 252 Speed
Jolly Nature (+Speed,-Spatt)
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Roost
- Earthquake

This is a bit like a SubToxicRoost Zapdos, but then a more defensive version and in sandstorm. Toxic is to stall and SubRoost can scout and heal damage. Earthquake is mainly for Steel and Poison types who are not affected by Toxic (not named Skarmory, Weezing and Gengar). So this set has problems with the latter pokes so if you see one of them, make sure Gliscor doenst have to fight them alone. You have TTar and Scizor for Gengar and Rotom and TTar for Skarmory though.
About the item. Brightpowder might help with Sand Veil hax since your opponents accuracy is lowered by 2 stages. Since this item is still valid on PL you might want to use it over Leftovers since you already have Roost for healing.
About Roserade I would use the set Lazyboy suggested but with Spikes > Toxic Spikes since Gliscor already has Toxic (if you don't use Gliscor however, use Toxic Spikes > Spikes).

On Ttar I would use Pursuit > Crunch to make sure you trap Ghost types. Scizor already has Pursuit, but now you have two opportunities to kill Ghosts.

Something small on Rotom: use Timid Nature > Modest Nature so you can revenge kill better and if you lose your Scarf due to Trick you still outspeed most pokes. For example a +1 Gyara with Jolly Nature outspeeds your Modest Scarf Rotom and does a chunk with a LO Waterfall.

Lead Empoleon > Agility Empoleon
Stall Gliscor > Lead Crobat
Roserade set from Lazyboy with Spikes > Tspikes
Pursuit > Crunch on Ttar
Timid Nature > Modest Nature on Scarf Rotom
Hope I helped you with my suggestions Aquaaa.
Eh, putting Empy in lead position is pointless since it's my mainsweeper and the one that the team was based around. Also the Roserade set is doing much better, thanks PK :P. Still haven't decided on Gliscor though.
Well, I've been playing with the team a little, and it's a bit weak to Heatran, particularly if it uses Lava Plume. If it manages to burn TTar, you've got some serious problems. Even subtoxic tran can outlast ttar and cause some serious problems. You could alleviate this a little by replacing scizor with choice scarf flygon, it pretty much has the same uses as CB scizor, bar priority (which could mean gengar became more of a problem, but Failblast means TTar can beat it, crobat, rotom and the possibilty of flygon can revenge it).

Then there are just a few small changes I would make, for starters make rotom timid, mainly for the fact that if rotom tricks his scarf away, Luke can smash this team. At least by running timid you can still beat adamant luke and jolly luke will fail to KO Crobat and Flygon with a +2 LO espeed after 1 switch into SR.

Also, seeing as Rotom is pulling alot of weight on this team (he has to make some risky switches into starmie, forretress, nape etc.) so maybe running a bulky spread would be better. He may lose some power but the longevity could really help the team. A spread of 252 Hp/ 40 Sp.atk/ 216 Spe allows you to still outspeed Empoleon at +2 and anything below, but still be able to survive LO starmie's Hydropump, Infernapes Overheat and a number of other powerful attacks

Finally I'm not too sure about Crobat's EVs. Max speed seems a little excessive, seeing as the speed tie only matters against Jolteon and Aerodactyl, which Crobat can't really hurt. You could drop 8 speed EVs to beat adamant gyarados, but with Brave Bird only being a 2hko after SR, this probably isn't too necessary. After that you can drop down to 144 speed EVs, which is enough to outspeed positive base 115s and pokes that outspeed by 1 point, such as choice scarf TTar. 232 Hp EVs gives you a decent leftovers number, then you can probably stick the rest in defense as most leads are physically based.

Apart from those changes, the team looks pretty good. Hope the rate was useful and good luck with the team.