OU Lokix


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Lokix @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Leech Life

This bug stands out from all of its peers by actually being good! The sheer power of Choice Band Tinted Lens First Impression gives Lokix a niche as a devastating revenge killer, able to revenge kill even Bug-resistant threats like Dragapult and Cinderace after some chip damage while out-prioritizing the likes of Kingambit's Sucker Punch and Raging Bolt's Thunderclap, on top of KOing expected targets like Darkrai, Roaring Moon, and Ogerpon-W. Having STAB on two of the most influential moves, Knock Off and U-turn, lets Lokix force progress even against bulky foes, crippling and chipping switch-ins like Great Tusk, Dondozo, Moltres, and Skarmory. Finally, Leech Life is a safe click against slower foes like Kingambit and Ting-Lu while also giving Lokix some much-appreciated recovery to heal off damage from entry hazards or Rocky Helmet. Tera Bug powers up First Impression to scary levels, OHKOing even Primarina and Tera Flying Roaring Moon. Watch out, though! Since First Impression only works once per switch in, Lokix itself is prone to being revenge killed by Zamazenta, Iron Moth, and opposing Lokix; teammates like Landorus-T, Alomomola, and Pecharunt are all appreciated to tank against these foes and pivot Lokix in safely.
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Lokix @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Leech Life

This bug stands out from all of its peers by actually being good! The sheer power of Choice Band Tinted Lens First Impression gives Lokix a niche as a (add an adjective here to sell the mon more) revenge killer, able to revenge kill even resistant threats like Dragapult and Cinderace after some chip damage, on top of expected targets like Darkrai, Roaring Moon, and Ogerpon-W. (mention how it also bypasses the tier's common prio moves like from gambit, bolt, weav) Having STAB on two of the most influential moves let Lokix force progress even against bulky foes, with Knock Off and is a powerful secondary STAB that threatens would-be switch-ins such as Gliscor, Pecharunt, and Moltres, while U-turn is a useful pivoting option against bad matchups like crippling and chipping switch-ins like Great Tusk, Dondozo, Moltres, and Skarmory. Finally, Leech Life is a Bug-type move that doesn't immediately force Lokix out, making it a safe click against slower foes like Kingambit and Ting-Lu. (mention the recovery is great to compensate for chip, especially stuff like helmet and rocks, cause otherwise it's no different than say lunge or xscissor) Tera Bug powers up First Impression to scary levels, OHKOing even Primarina and Tera Flying Roaring Moon. Watch out, though! Lokix may be an excellent revenge killer, but it's Speed is very lacking outside of priority, (big thing is having defensive teammates to switch into stuff cause you will lock into fimp a lot) and First Impression only works once per switch in, so it itself is prone to being revenge killed by Zamazenta, Iron Moth, or opposing Lokix! (talk about a way to circumvent this: teammates like landot mola and pecha, and how they are also good to pivot you in)
reworded the knock + uturn part from "this mon runs this good move to do this" to "this mon is legit because it can run this good move" (plus a lot of the knock and uturn targets also overlap) Lmk if you need me to take a look at it again:psysly: QC 1/1
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Lokix @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Leech Life

This bug stands out from all of its peers by actually being good! The sheer power of Choice Band Tinted Lens First Impression gives Lokix a niche as a devastating revenge killer, able to revenge kill even Bug-resistant threats like Dragapult and Cinderace after some chip damage while out-prioritizing the likes of Kingambit's Sucker Punch and Raging Bolt's Thunderclap, on top of KOing expected targets like Darkrai, Roaring Moon, and Ogerpon-W. (RS) Having STAB on two of the most influential moves, Knock Off and U-turn, (clarity on what those influential moves exactly are, lmk if this isn't correct) lets Lokix force progress even against bulky foes, with Knock Off and U-turn crippling and chipping switch-ins like Great Tusk, Dondozo, Moltres, and Skarmory. Finally, Leech Life is a safe click against slower foes like Kingambit and Ting-Lu while also giving Lokix some much-appreciated recovery to heal off damage from entry hazards or Rocky Helmet. (RS) Tera Bug powers up First Impression to scary levels, OHKOing even Primarina and Tera Flying Roaring Moon. Watch out, though! Lokix may be an excellent revenge killer, (Removing for brevity, this is already gone into detail in the second sentence.) but Since First Impression only works once per switch in, so it Lokix itself is prone to being revenge killed by Zamazenta, Iron Moth, or and opposing Lokix; teammates like Landorus-T, Alomomola, and Pecharunt are all appreciated to tank against these powerful hits (no mention of moves used by these revenge killers) foes and pivot Lokix in safely. (AP)

(Character count: 1068 → 1045)

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