OU Gholdengo


I'm Your Man
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:gholdengo: :sv/gholdengo: :gholdengo:
Gholdengo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Trick
- Focus Blast

Gholdengo leaves the opposing team terrified! Choice Scarf lets Gholdengo outspeed the entire tier, acting as a revenge killer against fast threats like Dragapult. Its ability in Good as Gold provides utility in ensuring that Gholdengo is not effected by Breloom's Spore or Rotom-W's Thunder Wave in conjunction with preventing entry hazards from being cleared with Defog and its Ghost typing blocking Rapid Spin. Shadow Ball provides great neutral coverage against Cinderace, Dondozo, and Rotom-W. Trick punishes defensive Pokemon like Dondozo and Clodsire for recovering and lets Gholdengo barrage them with repeated attacks. Because of its good defensive typing, Gholdengo can switch in on Iron Valiant reliably and Iron Hands in a pinch, dealing solid damage in return. Focus Blast alongside Tera Fighting, allows Gholdengo to take out Chien-Pao, Kingambit, and Ting-Lu reliably and gives it a resistance to the former twos' Sucker Punch.

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:gholdengo: :sv/gholdengo: :gholdengo:
Gholdengo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Trick
- Focus Blast

Gholdengo leaves the opposing team terrified! Choice Scarf Gholdengo outspeeds the entire tier with its Speed boost, acting as a revenge killer against fast threats like Dragapult. Its Good as Gold ability provides utility in ensuring that Gholdengo is not effected by Breloom's Spore or Rotom-Wash's Thunder Wave in conjunction with preventing hazards from being cleared with Defog and its Ghost-type blocking Rapid Spin. Shadow Ball provides great neutral coverage against Cinderace, Dondozo and Rotom-Wash. Trick blocks it doesn’t really block as much as it punishes these mons for recovering defences defensive Pokemon, like the aforementioned Dondozo as well as and Clodsire, from recovering and gives it the ability to barrage them with repeated attacks. Because of its good defensive typing, Gholdengo can switch in on Iron Valiant reliably and Iron Hands in a pinch, managing to deal sufficient sufficient isn’t the term for this (for valiant at least), probs something more akin to just “solid damage” works damage in return. Focus Blast, alongside Gholdengo's Fighting Tera Type, allows it to take out Chien-Pao, Kingambit and Ting-Lu reliably and gives it a resistance to the former'sSucker Punch.

993 ~979 after changes

QC 1/1 when implemented!
GP 1/1

Gholdengo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Trick
- Focus Blast

Gholdengo leaves the opposing team terrified! Choice Scarf lets Gholdengo outspeed the entire tier, Gholdengo outspeeds the entire tier with its Speed boost, acting as a revenge killer against fast threats like Dragapult. Its ability in Good as Gold Its Good as Gold ability provides utility in ensuring that Gholdengo is not effected by Breloom's Spore or Rotom-W's Rotom-Wash's Thunder Wave in conjunction with preventing entry hazards from being cleared with Defog and its Ghost typing -type blocking Rapid Spin. Shadow Ball provides great neutral coverage against Cinderace, Dondozo, (ac) and Rotom-Wash. Trick punishes defensive Pokemon (rc) like Dondozo and Clodsire (rc) for recovering and lets Gholdengo gives it the ability to barrage them with repeated attacks. Because of its good defensive typing, Gholdengo can switch in on Iron Valiant reliably and Iron Hands in a pinch, dealing managing to deal solid damage in return. Focus Blast (rc) alongside Tera Fighting Gholdengo's Fighting Tera Type, allows Gholdengo it to take out Chien-Pao, Kingambit, (ac) and Ting-Lu reliably and gives it a resistance to the former twos' former's (don't both run sucker punch? correct if wrong) Sucker Punch.

GP Team done