OU GEN 8 Hyper-Offense Team - Peaked 1250 need help improving

Hi, I've been playing Pokemon since I was very young, and in high school got into Showdown. I've been runnnig with this team for a while, as it's based on a previous team I had, but I'm finding it has some serious problems with stall teams that have strong pivots. The team building process involved using Hawlucha as a late game sweeper with Swords Dance + Electric Seed, with Tapu Koko as a field setter for Paralyze and Toxic in late game.

Mew @ Red Card
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Taunt
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock

This is not my setup. I stole it from someone else, and I am not sure where. But what I do know is that Mew with the 252 in speed and the 252 in HP makes a great setter, outspeeding most Lando-Ts, with the Red Card usually allowing for a safe lead off of Stealth Rock. After that I'll usually use Taunt and Flare Blitz to weaken the whatever switched out on the opposite team. I highly enjoy using Mew as a physical Taunter because not many people expect the Flare Blitz, and it's a good way to take care of Ferrothorns.

Rillaboom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- High Horsepower
- Fake Out
- Hammer Arm

This is the last Mon added to my team. I enjoy Rillaboom, but its only purpose is to be a Fake Out finisher or U-turn pivot, maybe to clean up Toxapex and to test as a fielder for Lando-T's with Rocky Helmet. I think that it takes away from the team and is a glaring weakness, but I am not sure what I would want to replace it with. The Scarf makes it really viable as a physical sweeper, but I constantly run into problems with Volcaronas. This one is a major flaw.

Hydreigon @ Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Roost / Fire Blast

Hydregion's purpose is pretty simple IMHO. The 80 in HP makes it capable of sustaining most one shot kills, the 176 in SPA brings it to 330 SPA and with the Specs, it makes it a really powerful special sweeper. I generally use this one when I know that nothing on the enemy team outspeeds me, or as a midgame wall sweeper. Draco Meteor is really powerful and can OHKO most Lando-Ts and makes it really good. I switch to Life Orb when I need to stall a little with Roost. The double fairy and fighting weakness isn't fun and makes Hawluchas and Zeroras a PITA as well.

Dragonite @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 244 HP / 8 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge
- Roost

Dragonite is a REALLY powerful setup mon IMHO. The 244 HP with Multiscale makes him a formidable bulky tank to take a hit or two when you need a setup for a physical sweeper. With roost, it makes it easy to outstay toxic for at least 3 turns to get dragon dance up at least once, and makes a really good HP chunker against lots of types with Double Edge. I've sweeped quite a few games with this Mon, and I really enjoy it. I do think it could be better, though.

Tapu Koko @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thunder Wave
- U-turn
- Roost
- Toxic

Tapu Koko. My late game setup for Hawlucha including Thunder Wave and Toxic. Of course, Taunt and Encore makes this setup fairly weak against some teams. However, as a lead against Lando-Ts, Ferrothorn's and some other setup sweepers, Toxic and Thunder Wave are EXTREMELY useful. The ability to u-turn out when they switch to a Ground type like Excadrill makes this pokemon a GREAT way to set up for Electric Seed Hawlucha. The sweeping potential with Koko isn't the greatest, but I think it's useful.

Hawlucha @ Electric Seed
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Close Combat
- Acrobatics

Lastly, the star of the show. Hawlucha is a great physical mon, which I already have a few of on the team. The late game potential to setup with Swords Dance + Roost after the electric seed activates makes this Mon a GREAT counter against most walls, and one swords dance is usually enough to give it a good chance to 2HKO or OHKO most Mons thanks to Acrobatics. I really enjoy the setup, and always have enjoyed Hawlucha due to the wrestler style of Mon that it is.

There's my team. I think I gave a fairly apt, but good description of it, and any help would be appreciated.

TEAM: https://pokepast.es/5a0cf9cc62750f1f

Rillaboom is a good mon for Fakeout, but with many physical sweepers already on the team I have a strong disadvantage with this mon with a double fire and poison weakness. The Fake out and High Horsepower is good to finish off some mons, but this poses a glaring problem.

Dragonite's setup could be better suited to make be a tank or even non-physical setup sweeper I think.
Mew is a standard set and fine, no issues.

That Rillaboom set is awful lol. Replace it with this since you want a HO theme. https://pokepast.es/554ef539a0475b6c

HO benefits most from Nasty Plot Hydreigon. https://pokepast.es/709f69dc2d9ffbc1

Double Edge might literally be the worst move to run on Multiscale Dragonite lol. Use Dual Wingbeat. https://pokepast.es/51382dbd28bcc793

Tapu Koko has some of the strongest Electric moves in the game. Using it solely as a Hawlucha setup is a waste of a slot. Use this set instead. https://pokepast.es/afa7a1472be39f7f

Hawlucha is mostly fine but your EVs are wasteful. This spread outruns Excadrill in sand with the rest in bulk. Alternatively you can run Grassy Seed. https://pokepast.es/c894f655df50f1bf

This still leaves you with some issues but if you're peaking at 1250 you should be able to hit at least 1500 with these changes. There's probably better Pokémon choices as well both for offensive synergy and defensive but I feel like at this point just getting STAB moves on your Pokémon is a good baseline.

Edit: In general you should look at the sets posted on Smogon. They're all pretty solid. https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/formats/ou/
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Rillaboom without grass stab lmao. Anyways adding to what Mr hands said I think should put screens in your tapu Koko to give the rest of the team a better chance at sweeping and dragonite isn't normally a good mon to put in a hyper offense because lacks power to break through the opponent's team so maybe you could change it for urshifu or dd dragapult.
Mew is a standard set and fine, no issues.

That Rillaboom set is awful lol. Replace it with this since you want a HO theme. https://pokepast.es/554ef539a0475b6c

HO benefits most from Nasty Plot Hydreigon. https://pokepast.es/709f69dc2d9ffbc1

Double Edge might literally be the worst move to run on Multiscale Dragonite lol. Use Dual Wingbeat. https://pokepast.es/51382dbd28bcc793

Tapu Koko has some of the strongest Electric moves in the game. Using it solely as a Hawlucha setup is a waste of a slot. Use this set instead. https://pokepast.es/afa7a1472be39f7f

Hawlucha is mostly fine but your EVs are wasteful. This spread outruns Excadrill in sand with the rest in bulk. Alternatively you can run Grassy Seed. https://pokepast.es/c894f655df50f1bf

This still leaves you with some issues but if you're peaking at 1250 you should be able to hit at least 1500 with these changes. There's probably better Pokémon choices as well both for offensive synergy and defensive but I feel like at this point just getting STAB moves on your Pokémon is a good baseline.

Edit: In general you should look at the sets posted on Smogon. They're all pretty solid. https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/formats/ou/

Thanks for the recommendations. I've tried the Grassy Seed and the other advice and already gotten to 1367 in about an hour. Appreciate it!