Base Stats: 70 / 85 / 145 / 60 / 55 / 65
Abilities: Earth Eater / Sand Veil
Notable Moves:
- Body Press
- Stealth Rock
- Coil
- Curse
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Iron Head
- Spikes
-Shed Tail
1: Tackle
1: Wrap
1: Harden
7: Mud-Slap
12: Smack Down
16: Bulldoze
21: Iron Head
26: Take Down
30: Dig
34: Sandstorm
38: Iron Defense
43: Iron Tail
47: Earthquake
52: Shed Tail
1: Take Down
5: Mud Slap
7: Protect
25: Facade
28: Bulldoze
35: Mud Shot
36: Rock Tomb
47: Endure
51: Sandstorm
55: Dig
66: Body Slam
70: Sleep Talk
76: Rock Blast
84: Stomping Tantrum
89: Body Press
90: Spikes
93: Flash Cannon
99: Iron Head
103: Substitute
104: Iron Defense
116: Stealth Rock
121: Heavy Slam
130: Helping Hand
133: Earth Power
149: Earthquake
152: Giga Impact
163: Hyper Beam
170: Steel Beam
171: Tera Blast
1: Tackle
1: Wrap
1: Harden
7: Mud-Slap
12: Smack Down
16: Bulldoze
21: Iron Head
26: Take Down
30: Dig
34: Sandstorm
38: Iron Defense
43: Iron Tail
47: Earthquake
52: Shed Tail
1: Take Down
5: Mud Slap
7: Protect
25: Facade
28: Bulldoze
35: Mud Shot
36: Rock Tomb
47: Endure
51: Sandstorm
55: Dig
66: Body Slam
70: Sleep Talk
76: Rock Blast
84: Stomping Tantrum
89: Body Press
90: Spikes
93: Flash Cannon
99: Iron Head
103: Substitute
104: Iron Defense
116: Stealth Rock
121: Heavy Slam
130: Helping Hand
133: Earth Power
149: Earthquake
152: Giga Impact
163: Hyper Beam
170: Steel Beam
171: Tera Blast
New Ability: Earth Eater - This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Ground moves; Ground immunity.
- Great physical defense 145
- Good defensive typing with great ability that turns a weakness to an immunity
- Can set Stealth Rock and Spikes
- Body Press and Heavy Slam are strong moves not only based on its low attack stat
- Curse and Coil both raise defense and attack, making all its attacks stronger
- Overall low stats except for defense, leaving it slow and weak offensively and (special) defensively
- Very low coverage not counting Terastalizing, only Ground, Fighting, Rock, and Normal
- Its moves lack power except for body press
Terastalize Potential: While it can use tera types like fighting or water to lose weaknesses, steel is already a really good type, and beyond STAB body press, terastalizing Orthworm will not give it a big enough boost to make it worth it.
Potential Sets:
Hazard Setter
Orthworm @ Leftovers
Ability: Earth Eater
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Iron Head/Heavy Slam/Shed Tail
- Body Press
This set allows Orthworm to set hazards freely with high HP EVs and very high defense, while still exerting pressure if it needs to with Body Press, and 8 Atk EVs for Iron Head/Heavy Slam. Body Press and high defense also lets Orthworm beat some strong threats such as Kingambit and Chien-Pao. Earth Eater makes it even harder to take out by removing a common weakness, and lets it switch in and even heal up on mons like Iron Treads. Shed Tail could work because the goal is not for Orthworm to deal damage, especially if its put in a position immediately where it cannot or does not want to set up hazards, but if it sets up hazards it probably will not have enough HP left to use it.
Curse/Coil Tank
Orthworm @ Leftovers
Ability: Earth Eater
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Curse/Coil
- Body Press
- Iron Head/Heavy Slam
- Rest/Stealth Rock
This set boosts Orthworm's already high defense so it can use extremely powerful body presses, while also boosting its lower attack. Rest lets it heal up and shrug off status conditions, or stealth rock can give it utility if setting up does not work. Its biggest weakness is lack of special defense.
Overall: Orthworm seems like it could have some usage as a wall, but overall its lack of stats beyond special defense are rather unimpressive. Having access to hazards and good defense gives it some usage, and body press saves it offensively because it lets it fire off strong fighting type attacks, although because this is not STAB it is not amazing. Maybe its defensive capabilities are a lot better than they seem, though, and it will be be viable. Its access to Shed Tail could also end up making it a good substitute passer, but its low defense and inability to recover beyond Rest or switching in on a ground type move make it difficult to use. However, if successful, Shed Tail pairs very well with any offensive mon that likes having a free substitute.
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