ORAS Ubers Teambuilding Compendium
(Original Thread and Concept by Edgar, Approved by Fireburn and Sweep)

(Original Thread and Concept by Edgar, Approved by Fireburn and Sweep)
Several people have been asking for the updated version of this since it's pretty great as a reference tool. It works the same as the old thread, so drop suggestions and updates as needed. As stated in the previous thread: This compendium contains basic structures for teams and an array of possible mons for specific roles on teams. Having a visual cue helps people build better and more diverse teams.
Team Archetypes
Hyper Offense:
Bulky Offense:
Others: (Trick Room / Webs / Baton Pass)
Major Changes Introduced in ORAS
Primal Groudon: This Pokemon shaped the ORAS metagame more than any other. With very high offensive stats, bulk, access to boosting moves, and an immunity to water / paralysis / burns, this behemoth is only troubled by a weakness to Ground and lack of recovery. In the wake of this Pokemon, Kyogre's ability to break down teams has been largely impaired, while Pokemon such as Arceus-Poison, Arceus-Electric, Dialga, Genesect, Zekrom, and Aegislash find a new powerful foe. With the fall of Kyogre, Pokemon such as Palkia, Arceus-Grass, and Arceus-Water have become much less popular in the wake; largely because Choice Scarf and Choice Specs Kyogre were negatively impacted by Primal Groudon. The common use of Primal Groudon has also resulted in an increased use of Pokemon such as Arceus-Ground, Lugia, and Yveltal, as well as the increased use of Ground type coverage for several offensive Pokemon. Primal Groudon is also a significant contributor to the shift of a more physically oriented metagame as compared with XY.
Anti-Hazard Buff: With the introduction of Soul Dew and two viable users of Magic Bounce, ORAS furthered the anti-hazard buff that began in XY. Ho-Oh greatly benefits from this, and its use has significantly increased as with more anti-hazard support options it has become easier to fit on teams. Sticky Web has taken a huge hit in viability, thus further reducing the already small niches held by Pokemon such as Shuckle, Smeargle, and Mega Lucario. More flexibility for defoggers have impacted suicide hazard leads to an extent, and offensive teams typically have a more difficult time keeping hazards up.
Weather Nerf: ORAS continues the trend to a less weather-dependent metagame that started in XY with the introduction of Desolate Land and Primordial Sea. These abilities not only overwrite any current weather, but make it impossible to change the weather. The domination of these new primal weathers is eliminated by the fact that they dissipate once the primal Pokemon in question is switched out. As a result, usually the only time weather is on the field is when Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre is on the battlefield.
Other New Offensive Threats: In addition to Primal Groudon, ORAS introduced some other powerful offensive threats. With good bulk, respectable offensive stats, and a powerful new ability Aerialate, Mega Salamence has become a defining threat in the ORAS Ubers metagame with its Dragon Dance set. With the return of Soul Dew, Latios and Latias are back with their powerful Draco Meteors and Calm Mind sets. Although Mega Rayquaza is not permitted in ORAS Ubers, normal Rayquaza has still gained the powerful Dragon Ascent, which frees it from its dependence on Outrage for a powerful STAB attack. Mega Diancie while not as defining as Lati@s or Mega Salamence, can still function as a new dynamic offensive threat with access to Magic Bounce, Heal Bell and Calm Mind.
General Assets
Primal Groudon Checks

Mega Salamence Checks

Xerneas Checks

Extremekiller Arceus Checks

Ho-Oh Checks

Darkrai Checks

Primal Kyogre Checks

Stealth Rock Setters

Toxic Spikes

Anti-Hazard Support

Cleric Support



Pursuit Trappers

Offensive Assets
Offensive Stealth Rock Setters

Offensive Xerneas Checks

Offensive Extremekiller Arceus Checks

Offensive Primal Groudon Checks

Emergency Cleric / Support

Defensive Assets
Instant Recovery


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