Banner by rayzard
Thread idea by Valmanway
The goal of this thread is to individually rank the viable sets of each Pokemon that has a niche in the ORAS Ubers metagame as a community. We will try to rank every viable set, so if you think a specific set should be added, please say so. Of course, you are also welcome to comment on the rankings of the individual sets that are already posted in the thread. Please discuss things freely!
Thread idea by Valmanway
The goal of this thread is to individually rank the viable sets of each Pokemon that has a niche in the ORAS Ubers metagame as a community. We will try to rank every viable set, so if you think a specific set should be added, please say so. Of course, you are also welcome to comment on the rankings of the individual sets that are already posted in the thread. Please discuss things freely!
1) Only Pokemon that are ranked on the current viability ranking thread will be ranked here. This is not the place for new nominations; however, all Pokemon in the main thread will be ranked here, no matter how small their niche.
2) A Pokemon's sets cannot be ranked higher than the Pokemon is on the main viability ranking thread - i.e. Life Orb Mewtwo cannot be S rank here because Mewtwo is only A- rank there.
3) Post intelligently and try to provide justification for any nominations you make. One liners will be ignored.2) A Pokemon's sets cannot be ranked higher than the Pokemon is on the main viability ranking thread - i.e. Life Orb Mewtwo cannot be S rank here because Mewtwo is only A- rank there.
Sets Viability Rankings
S Rank:
S+ Rank

Bulky Stealth Rock + Thunder Wave: S+
Stealth Rock + 3 Attacks(Precipice Blades, Dragon Tail, Stone Edge/Lava Plume/Overheat): S+
Double Dancer: S
Para Dancer: S
Bulky Stealth Rock dual STAB Roar: A+
Rock Polish + 3 attacks: A-
Rest-Talk mono-attack Roar: B+
S Rank

Life Orb Swords Dance + 3 attacks: S
Lum Berry Swords Dance + 3 attacks: A-
Silk Scarf Swords Dance + Refresh: A-
Wallceus: B

Choice Band: S
Life Orb + 3 attacks: S
Life Orb Substitute/Thunder Wave Dual Stab: S
Physically defensive: B

Offensive Dragon Dance: S
Defensive Dragon Dance: A-
Physically defensive Defog: B+

Offensive Geomancy + Aromatherapy: S
Offensive Geomancy + 3 attacks: S
Defensive Geomancy mono-attack Block: A+
Choice Scarf: A-
Calm Mind mono-attack Rest-Talk: B+
Defensive Geomancy mono-attack Rest-Talk: B+
Specially bulky Aromatherapy: B-
A Rank:
A+ Rank

Physically bulky Judgment + Defog: A+
Physically bulky Judgment + Ice Beam: A+
Physically bulky Ice Beam + Defog: A-

Life Orb Nasty Plot With Sludge Bomb Coverage: A+
Life Orb Nasty Plot with Thunder Coverage: A+
Focus Sash lead: A-

Offensive Protect + Focus Blast + Destiny Bond: A+
Offensive Protect + Will-O-Wisp + Hex + Focus Blast: A+
Perish Trap: A-
Taunt + 3 attacks: A-

Physically defensive Ice Beam + Toxic: A+
Physically defensive Thunder Wave/Reflect + Toxic: A-
A Rank

Offensive Swords Dance: A
Fast Bulky Will-O-Wisp + Defog/Calm Mind: A-
Offensive Calm Mind: A-

Offensive Swords Dance: A
Physically defensive Defog: B

Dual Screens lead: A
Skill Swap + Stealth Rock lead: A

Dual STAB Calm Mind: A
4 attacks: A
Calm Mind + 3 attack: A-
Dual STAB Defog: A-

Specially bulky dual status: A
Specially bulky dual screens: B+

Physically Defensive: A
A- Rank

Fast bulky Will-O-Wisp: A-
Calm Mind + Refresh mono-attack: B

Life Orb 4 attacks: A-
Sash Lead: A-

Shuca Berry Stealth Rock: A-
Life Orb Stealth Rock: B

Offensive Protect + 3 attacks: A-
Bulky Stealth Rock/Toxic/Heal Bell: A-
Explosion + Stealth Rock lead: B

Physically defensive Rest-Talk: A-
Calm Mind + 3 attacks: B+
Physically bulky Calm Mind + Rest: B+
Physically offensive Thunder Wave: B+
Specially offensive 3 attacks + Sleep Talk: B+

Dual STAB Defog: A-
Healing Wish: A-
Calm Mind: B

Life Orb Taunt + 3 attacks: A-

Physically Offensive Life Orb sweeper: A-
Mixed Life Orb(with Draco Meteor): A-
Charti Berry/Lum Berry/Focus Sash Physical sweeper: B+
Jolly Choice Band: B+

Physically Defensive: A-
Mixed Life Orb 4 attacks: B+
Choice Scarf: B-
B Rank
B+ Rank

Offensive Sand Rush: B+
Mold Breaker Sash lead: B

Physically offensive bulky Defog: B+
Specially offensive bulky Defog(Thunder Wave + Hex + Draco Meteor): B+

Fake Out + 3 attacks: B+
Power Up Punch + Sucker Punch: B-

Taunt + 3 attacks: B+
Calm Mind + 3 attacks: B-

Mixed bulk Taunt/Whirlwind + Toxic: B+
Physically bulky Taunt/Whirlwind + Toxic: B+

Life Orb Healing Wish: B+
Sub-Seed: B-

Bulky Shuca Berry Stealth Rock: B+
Bulky Leftovers/Chople Berry + Rest: B+
B Rank

Specially bulky Pursuit: B

Taunt bait Snatch + Toxic: B
Wish/Aromatherapy + Protect/Softboiled + Toxic + Move(Flamethrower mainly): B-

Specially bulky Stealth Rock/Spikes: B

Physically offensive Taunt + 3 attacks: B
Bulky Ice Beam + Taunt + 2 attacks: B

Physically offensive Swords Dance: B
Specially offensive Nasty Plot: C+

Custap Berry/Leftovers trapper: B

Shuca Berry Sub-Claws: B
Mixed Life Orb Tailwind: C+
B- Rank

Calm Mind Refresh: B-
Whirlpool+Perish Song: C

Physically bulky Defog: B-
Swords Dance physical sweeper: C+

Offensive Trick Room + Explosion: B-
Specially bulky Stealth Rock: B-

Specially bulky wish-pass: B-

Specially bulky Stealth Rock + Wish: B-
Choice Scarf: C

Specially bulky Pursuit + U-turn: B-
C Rank will be up soon. Please discuss the posted ranks for now!
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