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ORAS Ubers Sets Viability Rankings


Banner by rayzard
Thread idea by Valmanway


The goal of this thread is to individually rank the viable sets of each Pokemon that has a niche in the ORAS Ubers metagame as a community. We will try to rank every viable set, so if you think a specific set should be added, please say so. Of course, you are also welcome to comment on the rankings of the individual sets that are already posted in the thread. Please discuss things freely!

1) Only Pokemon that are ranked on the current viability ranking thread will be ranked here. This is not the place for new nominations; however, all Pokemon in the main thread will be ranked here, no matter how small their niche.

2) A Pokemon's sets cannot be ranked higher than the Pokemon is on the main viability ranking thread - i.e. Life Orb Mewtwo cannot be S rank here because Mewtwo is only A- rank there.
3) Post intelligently and try to provide justification for any nominations you make. One liners will be ignored.
Sets Viability Rankings

S Rank:

S+ Rank
Bulky Stealth Rock + Thunder Wave: S+
Stealth Rock + 3 Attacks(Precipice Blades, Dragon Tail, Stone Edge/Lava Plume/Overheat): S+
Double Dancer: S
Para Dancer: S
Bulky Stealth Rock dual STAB Roar: A+
Rock Polish + 3 attacks: A-
Rest-Talk mono-attack Roar: B+

S Rank
Life Orb Swords Dance + 3 attacks: S
Lum Berry Swords Dance + 3 attacks: A-
Silk Scarf Swords Dance + Refresh: A-
Wallceus: B

Choice Band: S
Life Orb + 3 attacks: S
Life Orb Substitute/Thunder Wave Dual Stab: S
Physically defensive: B

Offensive Dragon Dance: S
Defensive Dragon Dance: A-
Physically defensive Defog: B+

Offensive Geomancy + Aromatherapy: S
Offensive Geomancy + 3 attacks: S
Defensive Geomancy mono-attack Block: A+
Choice Scarf: A-
Calm Mind mono-attack Rest-Talk: B+
Defensive Geomancy mono-attack Rest-Talk: B+
Specially bulky Aromatherapy: B-

A Rank:

A+ Rank
Physically bulky Judgment + Defog: A+
Physically bulky Judgment + Ice Beam: A+
Physically bulky Ice Beam + Defog: A-

Life Orb Nasty Plot With Sludge Bomb Coverage: A+
Life Orb Nasty Plot with Thunder Coverage: A+
Focus Sash lead: A-

Offensive Protect + Focus Blast + Destiny Bond: A+
Offensive Protect + Will-O-Wisp + Hex + Focus Blast: A+
Perish Trap: A-
Taunt + 3 attacks: A-

Physically defensive Ice Beam + Toxic: A+
Physically defensive Thunder Wave/Reflect + Toxic: A-

A Rank
Offensive Swords Dance: A
Fast Bulky Will-O-Wisp + Defog/Calm Mind: A-
Offensive Calm Mind: A-

Offensive Swords Dance: A
Physically defensive Defog: B

Dual Screens lead: A
Skill Swap + Stealth Rock lead: A

Dual STAB Calm Mind: A
4 attacks: A
Calm Mind + 3 attack: A-
Dual STAB Defog: A-

Specially bulky dual status: A
Specially bulky dual screens: B+
Physically Defensive: A

A- Rank

Fast bulky Will-O-Wisp: A-
Calm Mind + Refresh mono-attack: B

Life Orb 4 attacks: A-
Sash Lead: A-

Shuca Berry Stealth Rock: A-
Life Orb Stealth Rock: B

Offensive Protect + 3 attacks: A-
Bulky Stealth Rock/Toxic/Heal Bell: A-
Explosion + Stealth Rock lead: B

Physically defensive Rest-Talk: A-
Calm Mind + 3 attacks: B+
Physically bulky Calm Mind + Rest: B+
Physically offensive Thunder Wave: B+
Specially offensive 3 attacks + Sleep Talk: B+

Dual STAB Defog: A-
Healing Wish: A-
Calm Mind: B

Life Orb Taunt + 3 attacks: A-

Physically Offensive Life Orb sweeper: A-
Mixed Life Orb(with Draco Meteor): A-
Charti Berry/Lum Berry/Focus Sash Physical sweeper: B+
Jolly Choice Band: B+

Physically Defensive: A-
Mixed Life Orb 4 attacks: B+
Choice Scarf: B-

B Rank

B+ Rank
Offensive Sand Rush: B+
Mold Breaker Sash lead: B

Physically offensive bulky Defog: B+
Specially offensive bulky Defog(Thunder Wave + Hex + Draco Meteor): B+

Fake Out + 3 attacks: B+
Power Up Punch + Sucker Punch: B-

Taunt + 3 attacks: B+
Calm Mind + 3 attacks: B-

Mixed bulk Taunt/Whirlwind + Toxic: B+
Physically bulky Taunt/Whirlwind + Toxic: B+

Life Orb Healing Wish: B+
Sub-Seed: B-

Bulky Shuca Berry Stealth Rock: B+
Bulky Leftovers/Chople Berry + Rest: B+

B Rank
Specially bulky Pursuit: B

Taunt bait Snatch + Toxic: B
Wish/Aromatherapy + Protect/Softboiled + Toxic + Move(Flamethrower mainly): B-

Specially bulky Stealth Rock/Spikes: B

Physically offensive Taunt + 3 attacks: B
Bulky Ice Beam + Taunt + 2 attacks: B

Physically offensive Swords Dance: B
Specially offensive Nasty Plot: C+

Custap Berry/Leftovers trapper: B

Shuca Berry Sub-Claws: B
Mixed Life Orb Tailwind: C+

B- Rank

Calm Mind Refresh: B-
Whirlpool+Perish Song: C

Physically bulky Defog: B-
Swords Dance physical sweeper: C+

Offensive Trick Room + Explosion: B-
Specially bulky Stealth Rock: B-

Specially bulky wish-pass: B-

Specially bulky Stealth Rock + Wish: B-
Choice Scarf: C

Specially bulky Pursuit + U-turn: B-

C Rank will be up soon. Please discuss the posted ranks for now!
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I'm not sure I get the point of this ._. Sets should be customized to the team they're on, it's not something you can easily quantify. Which mod approved the thread?

(and also it should be a crime that you're considering offensive SR PDon as better than double dancer :<)
I'm not sure I get the point of this ._. Sets should be customized to the team they're on, it's not something you can easily quantify. Which mod approved the thread?

(and also it should be a crime that you're considering offensive SR PDon as better than double dancer :<)

this thread is mainly used to differentiate how viable a set performs in the current meta. Given, sets should be customised to the team they're on, this thread is a great building device that can help new battlers/builders pick which sets work with the best effectivity in the current meta compared to other sets.
I still think this thread requires a lot more community activity and work to maintain the OP than it's going to get in a time where the Ubers subforum is so inactive. (RIP BotW ;_;)
tbh sash rai set to a+ its almost always garunteed a setup and a kill really its only weakness and does have a chance to sweep after it sets up if no ekiller
it should be a crime that you're considering offensive SR PDon as better than double dancer.

3) Post intelligently and try to provide justification for any nominations you make. One liners will be ignored.

About Sash Darkrai, It's decent(That's why A-). However, Life Orb gets kills Sash will never get which makes Life Orb Darkrai better at pressuring Defoggers than the Sash set.
Is 4 attacks Latios really better than Cm or Defog? It might have more offensive value but I find the other 2 sets much more splashable in their use and with regard to the teams they fit on which I take to mean as viable for the sake of these threads.

Everything else in A- and upwards looks cool apart from Pdon, I agree with hack that only SR Pdon is S+ , it's the one set that is truly splashable in comparison to the others and outclasses it's competition to the degree that 95% of balance will use it.
I'm not sure I get the point of this ._. Sets should be customized to the team they're on, it's not something you can easily quantify. Which mod approved the thread?

(and also it should be a crime that you're considering offensive SR PDon as better than double dancer :<)

Some sets are clearly more consistent / "better" than others (for example, SD Groundceus is clearly "better" than support). You're right that sets should be adapted to team need in the teambuilding process, of course. I don't see the harm in ranking sets when they serve different purposes, though, especially if it discourages people from using generally suboptimal sets like PuP Kanga and Support Groundceus.

edit: sonired ninja'd me (ninja)

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Is 4 attacks Latios really better than Cm or Defog? It might have more offensive value but I find the other 2 sets much more splashable in their use and with regard to the teams they fit on which I take to mean as viable for the sake of these threads.

Everything else in A- and upwards looks cool apart from Pdon, I agree with hack that only SR Pdon is S+ , it's the one set that is truly splashable in comparison to the others and outclasses it's competition to the degree that 95% of balance will use it.
CM Latios is ranked A. However, the dual STAB Defog set is A- since it fits better on Latias because it has more bulk and can be EV'ed to live a Dragon Claw from offensive Groudon so it provides better Defog support than Latios who provides more offensive power than Latias.
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Yeah but then you realise why Latias is ass when you don't come close to OHKOing the Don back meaning if it's Rock Polish you have to then have priority or take another big hit on something to actually solve the issue. It's a fair point I guess but I never run Latias because the mediocre power always notices more than the slight bulk reduction. That's probs just my opinion though.
Twave +Dragon Tail + 2 attacks pdon should be A+ because if u have sr on something else it really does great against Pdon checks like lati and mega mence and also against arc water

Also Wish+Protect+Toxic+siesmic toss/ice beam/heal bell is another set commonly used on blissey and should be B- imo because it really helps stall stay alive against huge offensive pressure. Heal bell provides cleric support where as ice beam checks the mega salamences trying to setup on blissey . Siesmic toss is good against xerneas because Blissey only checks xern so much so that extra 30% damage helps kill it along with toxic
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pblades/dtail/lava plume (or stone edge on more ho-oh weak builds) should be s+; not para dancer. seriously that set is awesome on paper but rather hard to fit in practice and kind of overrated imo :/ all sr sets should be ranked higher than it

lum ekiler is a weak piece of poop and should be s-, refresh has an actual niche in checking ghosteus, but even if you don't agree it's better, they should be ranked the same because lum definitely isn't any better.

is that second lugia set really something that's ever used? pup+sucker big momma should be in b, that set is so goddamn deadly and looking at some of the othotherwr stuff that's in b (scarf yveltal, lead exca, kek) it belongs there without a doubt, it's only slightly worse than the set that's in b+.

have you considered adding thunder darkrai and sludge bomb darkrai as separate sets? I feel like it should be pointed out that both exist because thunder is really really good, probably better than sludge bomb on most teams in all honesty. ranking both a+ should be fine though
really cool thread outrage :3
im not quite sure about LO Yveltal and defensive Yveltal in the same viability rank. i often find it rather hard to fit a LO yveltal into my team as it provides not that much defensive utility. it can be realy good at breaking stall and also kill some stuff vs HO but the latter is rather matchup reliant i guess. defensive yveltal is a very reliable ekiller check and it's flaws can be overcome with partners more easily

edit so no double posting:
also idk if 3 attacks latios and banded ray is missing or not worth mentioning ^^
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Do you think Choice band Ho-oh is S while Life Orb 3 attacks is A+? I personally would rank them about the same, the utility in changing moves makes up for the recoil and less power in my opinion.
Do you think Choice band Ho-oh is S while Life Orb 3 attacks is A+? I personally would rank them about the same, the utility in changing moves makes up for the recoil and less power in my opinion.

Having used both of those sets as well as SubRoost LO Ho-Oh, I can tell you that subroost is _at least_ as good as the other two. I agree with band at S and I think one if not both life orb sets should join it.
I like Substitute Ho-Oh because it gives ou security against ALL Ghostceus, not just support and Calm Mind ones. Sometimes Ho-Oh teams struggle to fit a solid Ghost check, so the insurance vs SD Ghostceus can be clutch. All three Ho-Oh sets are S rank IMO, but I understand the logic in having Choice Band in S.

Calm Mind Xerneas has Leftovers recovery, which makes it better than the defensive Rest Talk Geoamncy Xerneas set listed above it in the long run IMO.
Alright so updating:

S Rank:

1) Thunder Wave + Stealth Rock jumps to S+. Para Dancer drops to S. Double Dance jumps to S since It's good versus both stall and HO.
2) Both LO Ho-Oh sets join the Banded set in S.
3) Lum Berry Extreme Killer Drops to A-.
4) Defensive Geomancy mono-attack Rest-Talk drops to B+.

A Rank:

1) Offensive Yveltal drops to B+.
2) Choice Band Rayquaza is added as B+ since Jolly choice Band is a good set.
3) Thunder Darkrai is separated from Sludge Bomb(good idea ApplepieFTW).

B Rank:

1) Blissey+move is added since it can defeat some common formes of Mega Gengar(good idea rayzard)
1) Thunder Wave has been added as an option instead of Substitute on dual STAB Ho-Oh.
2) Dragon Dance Mega Tyranitar has been added as B- rank.
3) Dual Screens Deoxys-Speed to B+ rank.
hyw dual Screens Deoxys-S makes the team better versus HO and less good versus stall. Skill Swap makes it better versus Stall and less good versus HO. I agree that Skill Swap is better so dual Screens drops 2 ranks.

I will post C rank shortly.
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I dont think that Wallceus should be ranked higher than defensive Arceus-Dragon because Wallceus doesnt provide any noteable resistances. Arceus-Dragon on the other hand can check Mence, threaten PDon and MGar with Judgment and break Ho-Oh's sub. Even though it is weak to fairies it still provides a better defensive typing than Wallceus. Drop Wallceus to B- or C+ (imo)