Research ORAS TM Location Guide [COMPLETE except for Mirage Spot TMs]

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(approved by NoCheese)

This thread will be used to locate all the TMs available in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. The aim is for people to be able to use this information to easily find each and every TM, so please be as specific as possible when describing their location.

If you'd like to help you just have to do is play the game normally! Take note of any TM you find and post that information here. If your TM has already been found, no problem! We need confirmation on each one, and each description can help paint a better picture of where the TM is exactly.

Please use the following format when posting (just copy and paste):

[b]TM Number:[/b] Blank
[b]Move Name:[/b] Blank
[b]General Location:[/b] Blank
[b]Specific Location:[/b] Blank


TM Number: 39
Move Name: Rock Tomb
General Location: Rustboro City (or route number / cave name)
Specific Location: Gift after defeating Roxanne (be as specific as possible. Was it in a cave? which floor? was it close to a landmark ie: door / ladder / tree etc.)

Feel free to post even if you don't remember the exact location of a TM, we value any information you can provide. Anyone who provides false / inaccurate data will be reported to the mods, doing so risks having your posts removed and possible being infracted.

TM List (by number):

TM Number: 01
Move Name: Hone Claws
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop (Slateport Market, $5,000)

TM Number: 02
Move Name: Dragon Claw
General Location: Meteor Falls
Specific Location: Requires Surf and Waterfall. Enter Meteor Falls, go up the Waterfall and enter the cave at the top. Surf towards the North-West and go down the ladder, Surf North and enter the next cave, Surf to the back of the cave to find the TM

TM Number: 03
Move Name: Psyshock
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the house on the south-eastern part of town

TM Number: 04
Move Name: Calm Mind
General Location: Mossdeep City
Specific Location: Beat Tate and Liza

TM Number: 05
Move Name: Roar
General Location: Route 114
Specific Location: Gift from a man standing with his Poochyena

TM Number: 06
Move Name: Toxic
General Location: Fiery Path
Specific Location: Requires Strength. Go North after you move the boulder

TM Number: 07
Move Name: Hail
General Location: Shoal Cave
Specific Location: Enter at low tide and bring the Mach Bike. Enter the first tunnel, then go in the tunnel to the left of the staircase, follow that path (passing TM79 Frost Breath) until you reach the ice puzzle. The TM is at the end of the puzzle

TM Number: 08
Move Name: Bulk Up
General Location: Dewford Town
Specific Location: Beat Brawly

TM Number: 09
Move Name: Venoshock
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 10
Move Name: Hidden Power
General Location: Fortree City
Specific Location: Gift from an old lady in the house second from the left on the north bridge. You will be asked to complete a quiz, to which the answers are; Right Hand, Right Hand, Left Hand.

TM Number: 11
Move Name: Sunny Day
General Location: Scorched Slab
Specific Location: Right inside the entrance

TM Number: 12
Move Name: Taunt
General Location: Trick House
Specific Location: Gift from Trick Master (first puzzle)

TM Number: 13
Move Name: Ice Beam
General Location: Sea Mauville
Specific Location: Storage Room (last room you unlock). Requires Dive

TM Number: 14
Move Name: Blizzard
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($30,000)

TM Number: 15
Move Name: Hyper Beam
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($50,000)

TM Number: 16
Move Name: Light Screen
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($10,000)

TM Number: 17
Move Name: Protect
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($10,000)

TM Number: 18
Move Name: Rain Dance
General Location: Sea Mauville
Specific Location: On the outside of the ship where the Scientist is looking for the Scanner

TM Number: 19
Move Name: Roost
General Location: Fortree City Gym
Specific Location: Beat Winona

TM Number: 20
Move Name: Safeguard
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($10,000)

TM Number: 21
Move Name: Frustration
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the Westernmost house with two Marills. You need to show him a Pokemon with minimum happiness

TM Number: 22
Move Name: Solar Beam
General Location: Safari Zone
Specific Location: Requires Surf and the Mach Bike. From the entrance, go left and up the first slope you see, then get as far north as you can and cross the water to find the TM on a little islet

TM Number: 23
Move Name: Smack Down
General Location: Fallarbor Town
Specific Location: Gift from Prof. Cozmo after saving him in Meteor Falls

TM Number: 24
Move Name: Thunderbolt
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Gift from Wattson after completing the New Mauville subquest)

TM Number: 25
Move Name: Thunder
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($30,000)

TM Number: 26
Move Name: Earthquake
General Location: Seafloor Cavern
Specific Location: In the final cave where you first encounter Groudon / Kyogre

TM Number: 27
Move Name: Return
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the Westernmost house with two Marills. You need to show him a Pokemon with maximum happiness

TM Number: 28
Move Name: Dig
General Location: Route 114
Specific Location: Gift from Fossil Maniac's little brother in their house

TM Number: 29
Move Name: Psychic
General Location: Ever Grande City
Specific Location: Enter Victory Road and follow the main path until you reach a double battle, there will be a body of water that you can Surf on. Surf south to exit the cave, the TM is outside to the right

TM Number: 30
Move Name: Shadow Ball
General Location: Mt. Pyre (interior)
Specific Location: Take the stairs all the way to the top floor of the cemetery, it is located in front of the giant tombstone

TM Number: 31
Move Name: Brick Break
General Location: Sootopolis City
Specific Location: Gift from a Black Belt in the most North-Western house

TM Number: 32
Move Name: Double Team
General Location: Route 113
Specific Location: Starting from the Glass Workshop; go East while staying north. The TM is on a ledge

TM Number: 33
Move Name: Reflect
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($10,000)

TM Number: 34
Move Name: Sludge Wave
General Location: Route 132
Specific Location: Starting from the Route 132 sign; Surf directly South until you hit a big rock, then Surf West until you land on an island shaped like a 'C' with a Black Belt on it, walk to the most Western point of the island and Surf, you will land on the island with the TM

TM Number: 35
Move Name: Flamethrower
General Location: Victory Road
Specific Location: Follow the main path until you reach a double battle, just after that there will be an optional Strength Puzzle with the TM at the back.

TM Number: 36
Move Name: Sludge Bomb
General Location: Dewford Town
Specific Location: Gift from a man in Dewford Hall after beating Norman

TM Number: 37
Move Name: Sandstorm
General Location: Route 111
Specific Location: Southernmost point of the Desert

TM Number: 38
Move Name: Fire Blast
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($30,000)

TM Number: 39
Move Name: Rock Tomb
General Location: Rustboro Gym
Specific Location: Beat Roxanne

TM Number: 40
Move Name: Aerial Ace
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 41
Move Name: Torment
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Gift from a Sailor in the Contest Hall

TM Number: 42
Move Name: Facade
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 43
Move Name: Flame Charge
General Location: Jagged Pass
Specific Location: Immediately South-East of the Northern entrance (requires Acro Bike)

TM Number: 44
Move Name: Rest
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the Easternmost house

TM Number: 45
Move Name: Attract
General Location: Verdanturf Town
Specific Location: Gift from a girl in the Contest Hall

TM Number: 46
Move Name: Thief
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Gift from Magma / Aqua Grunt in the Museum

TM Number: 47
Move Name: Low Sweep
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 48
Move Name: Round
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Crooner's Cafe (Speak to the woman behind the counter)

TM Number: 49
Move Name: Echoed Voice
General Location: Route 104
Specific Location: Gift from a Youngster, between the Northern exit of Petalburg Woods and the Pretty Petal Flower Shop

TM Number: 50
Move Name: Overheat
General Location: Lavaridge Town
Specific Location: Beat Flannery

TM Number: 51
Move Name: Steel Wing
General Location: Granite Cave
Specific Location: Gift from Steven

TM Number: 52
Move Name: Focus Blast
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($30,000)

TM Number: 53
Move Name: Energy Ball
General Location: Safari Zone
Specific Location: Requires both the Mach and Acro Bike (post-game only). From the entrance, go North-East and jump up the hill with the Acro Bike, follow that path along the bridge, jump to the bridges on the south side, jump down the hill and Surf across the water, use the Mach Bike to get up the slope to the TM.

TM Number: 54
Move Name: False Swipe
General Location: Rustboro City
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the Pokemart

TM Number: 55
Move Name: Scald
General Location: Seafloor Cavern
Specific Location: Starting from the Dive spot you resurface in; enter the main cave and take the North exit, then the North-East exit int he room with the Strength boulders to get to the water current puzzle. Follow it to the North-East corner to find the TM on a little island

TM Number: 56
Move Name: Fling
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the house North-West of the Pokemon Center

TM Number: 57
Move Name: Charge Beam
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 58
Move Name: Sky Drop
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Gift from a woman in the Pokemart

TM Number: 59
Move Name: Incinerate
General Location: Mt. Chimney
Specific Location: Under the bridge where you fight Archie / Maxie. The staircase is located directly West of the bridge

TM Number: 60
Move Name: Quash
General Location: Mossdeep City
Specific Location: Gift from a woman in the Pokemart, she'll ask you if you want a TM

TM Number: 61
Move Name: Will-O-Wisp
General Location: Mt. Pyre (exterior)
Specific Location: As you leave the inside of Mt. Pyre, go up the first staircase and left, the TM will be directly above the doorway you just came through.

TM Number: 62
Move Name: Acrobatics
General Location: Route 119
Specific Location: Requires Surf, Waterfall, Acro Bike and Devon Scope. Starting from the Weather Institute; cross the Bridge and go south to get to the water, Surf North and go up the Waterfall, use the Acro Bike to cross the bridges and clear the Kecleon out of the way to get the TM

TM Number: 63
Move Name: Embargo
General Location: SS Tidal
Specific Location: Gift from a Bug Catcher in the first room on the south side of the corridor (Cabin 8)

TM Number: 64
Move Name: Explosion
General Location: Sky Pillar
Specific Location: After Zinnia gives you the final chapter to Episode Delta's backstory, don't follow her up, instead go West and take the two ladders down to reach the TM

TM Number: 65
Move Name: Shadow Claw
General Location: Granite Cave
Specific Location: Requires the Mach Bike. Get to the dark part of the cave and go up the first slope, then up the slope immediately right of that one. Follow that path until you reach the bottom floor, go past the Ruin Maniac to the North end of the cave to find the TM

TM Number: 66
Move Name: Payback
General Location: Mirage Island 2 (South-West of Slateport City
Specific Location: Requires Rock Smash. Smash the rocks and walk to the Eastern side of the island

TM Number: 67
Move Name: Retaliate
General Location: Petalburg Gym
Specific Location: Beat Norman

TM Number: 68
Move Name: Giga Impact
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($50,000)

TM Number: 69
Move Name: Rock Polish
General Location: Jagged Pass
Specific Location: Enter from Mt. Chimney and head down the stairs and the big slope, walk through the grass and go West then North, go up either the slope (Mach Bike) or jumps (Acro Bike) to reach the TM

TM Number: 70
Move Name: Flash
General Location: Granite Cave
Specific Location: Gift from the Hiker

TM Number: 71
Move Name: Stone Edge
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Lilycove City Department Store ($30,000)

TM Number: 72
Move Name: Volt Switch
General Location: Mauville City Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wattson

TM Number: 73
Move Name: Thunder Wave
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop ($5,000)

TM Number: 74
Move Name: Gyro Ball
General Location: Mirage Forest 8 (North of route 113)
Specific Location: From the landing spot, go immediately South and follow the path around until you reach the TM in the South-West corner of the island

TM Number: 75
Move Name: Swords Dance
General Location: Lavaridge Town
Specific Location: Gift from the Black Belt outside the Pokemon Center, answer 'No' to his question

TM Number: 76
Move Name: Struggle Bug
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop ($5,000)

TM Number: 77
Move Name: Psych Up
General Location: Route 133
Specific Location: Stay North the whole way from Pacifidlog Town. It is a gift from a Psychic standing on an island

TM Number: 78
Move Name: Bulldoze
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 79
Move Name: Frost Breath
General Location: Shoal Cave
Specific Location: Enter at low tide and bring the Mach Bike. Enter the first tunnel, then go in the tunnel to the left of the staircase, follow that path until you reach the TM

TM Number: 80
Move Name: Rock Slide
General Location: Route 133
Specific Location: Get the to Dive spot that takes you to the Regi-Trio cave by staying South along the route, once there you should Surf into the Northern current which will take you to a rock formation which is protected by the current, Surf around it clockwise to get to the TM

TM Number: 81
Move Name: X-Scissor
General Location: Victory Road
Specific Location: Requires Waterfall. Located on top of a waterfall after exiting Victory Road

TM Number: 82
Move Name: Dragon Tail
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 83
Move Name: Infestation
General Location: Sootopolis City
Specific Location: Talk to the Nerd in the Pokemart, he will ask 'who is the cutest idol in the world?' to which you say 'maybe Lissia?' He will give you the TM after that

TM Number: 84
Move Name: Poison Jab
General Location: Mirage Mountain 2 (North of Lilycove City)
Specific Location: Go across the bridge and over the white platforms. An Acro Bike is required.

TM Number: 85
Move Name: Dream Eater
General Location: Safari Zone (entrance)
Specific Location: Gift from a man directly below the PC

TM Number: 86
Move Name: Grass Knot
General Location: Fortree City
Specific Location: Behind the gym, requires the Devon Scope

TM Number: 87
Move Name: Swagger
General Location: Battle Resort
Specific Location: Gift from a woman in the Daycare asking for $100

TM Number: 88
Move Name: Sleep Talk
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: Gift from a man in the Easternmost house. He will first give you TM 44 Rest, talk to him again for TM 88

TM Number: 89
Move Name: U-turn
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville Hills apartments, on the balcony of apt. 11 (North-East corner of town)

TM Number: 90
Move Name: Substitute
General Location: Mirage Island 5 (South of Pacifidlog Town)
Specific Location: Follow the path towards the top of the volcano to find the TM on the right. Requires Rock Smash.

TM Number: 91
Move Name: Flash Cannon
General Location: Mirage Island 8
Specific Location: no description yet

TM Number: 92
Move Name: Trick Room
General Location: Trick House
Specific Location: Gift from Trick Master after completing the Trick House three times

TM Number: 93
Move Name: Wild Charge
General Location: Safari Zone
Specific Location: Requires both the Acro and Mach Bikes. The TM is located in the far North-East corner

TM Number: 94
Move Name: Secret Power
General Location: Route 111 (north)
Specific Location: Gift from Aarune in front of the Secret Base tree

TM Number: 95
Move Name: Snarl
General Location: Mirage Cave 8
Specific Location: no description yet

TM Number: 96
Move Name: Nature Power
General Location: Fiery Path
Specific Location: Gift from Aarune after beating Team Magma / Aqua at Mt. Chimney

TM Number: 97
Move Name: Dark Pulse
General Location: Team Magma / Aqua hideout
Specific Location: Get to the room where the Scientist is working on the Aqua Suit and take the teleport pad on the right

TM Number: 98
Move Name: Power-Up Punch
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 99
Move Name: Dazzling Gleam
General Location: Route 123
Specific Location: Gift from a little girl east of the Berry Master's house

TM Number: 100
Move Name: Confide
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop ($5,000)

Gym Match TMs (in gym order):

TM Number: 39
Move Name: Rock Tomb
General Location: Rustboro Gym
Specific Location: Beat Roxanne

TM Number: 08
Move Name: Bulk Up
General Location: Dewford Gym
Specific Location: Beat Brawly

TM Number: 72
Move Name: Volt Switch
General Location: Mauville Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wattson

TM Number: 50
Move Name: Overheat
General Location: Lavaridge Gym
Specific Location: Beat Flannery

TM Number: 67
Move Name: Retaliate
General Location: Petalburg Gym
Specific Location: Beat Norman

TM Number: 19
Move Name: Roost
General Location: Fortree Gym
Specific Location: Beat Winona

TM Number: 04
Move Name: Calm Mind
General Location: Mossdeep Gym
Specific Location: Beat Tate and Liza

HM Number: 05
Move Name: Waterfall
General Location: Sootopolis Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wallace

HM List:

HM Number: 01
Move Name: Cut
General Location: Rustboro City
Specific Location: Gift from the Cut Master

HM Number: 02
Move Name: Fly
General Location: Route 119
Specific Location: Gift from Brendan / May

HM Number: 03
Move Name: Surf
General Location: Petalburg City
Specific Location: Gift after beating the gym

HM Number: 04
Move Name: Strength
General Location: Route 112
Specific Location: Gift from Brendan / May

HM Number: 05
Move Name: Waterfall
General Location: Sootopolis Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wallace

HM Number: 06
Move Name: Rock Smash
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Gift from Wally's Uncle after beating Wally outside the gym

HM Number: 07
Move Name: Dive
General Location: Mossdeep City
Specific Location: Gift from Steven in his house after beating Tate & Liza

Happy hunting!

Update 26/11: added entries for every TM to the OP. Most descriptions are still WIP
Last edited by a moderator:
TM Number: TM 07
Move Name: Hail
General Location: Shoal Cave
Specific Location: Bottom floor, after going around the Ice Puzzle

TM Number: TM 18
Move Name: Rain Dance
General Location: Sea Mauville
Specific Location: Don't remember exactly.

TM Number: TM 29
Move Name: Psychic
General Location: Victory Road
Specific Location: Don't remember exactly.
You do get Rock Tomb from Roxanne.

TM Number: 39
Move Name: Rock Tomb
General Location: Rustboro Gym
Specific Location: Beat Roxanne

TM Number: 08
Move Name: Bulk Up
General Location: Dewford Gym
Specific Location: Beat Brawly

TM Number: 72
Move Name: Volt Switch
General Location: Mauville Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wattson

TM Number: 50
Move Name: Overheat
General Location: Lavaridge Gym
Specific Location: Beat Flannery

TM Number: 19
Move Name: Roost
General Location: Treehouseland
Specific Location: Beat Winnoa

TM Number: 04
Move Name: Calm Mind
General Location: Mossedeep Gym
Specific Location: Beat Tate and Liza

HM Number: 07
Move Name: Waterfall
General Location: Sootopolis Gym
Specific Location: Beat Wallace

If it matters, I got this info from Serebii.
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Edit 6: I'm just going to add things I find to this post until I can add them all to the OP in the right order. Progress for me is quite slow as I'm taking my time to enjoy the game at the same time ^_^

TM Number: 49
Move Name: Echoed Voice
General Location: Route 104
Specific Location: Gift from a Youngster, between exit of Petalburg Woods and the Pretty Petal Flower Shop

Karxrida thanks, I know we can just go on serebii and find most stuff, this is mostly for those with tricky hiding places that serebii / other sites don't really elaborate on

edit: will update OP with what's posted above when I'm back on my PC

edit 2:

TM Number: 54
Move Name: False Swipe
General Location: Rustboro City
Specific Location: Gift from man in Pokemart

edit 3:

TM Number: 51
Move Name: Steel Wing
General Location: Granite Cave
Specific Location: Gift from Steven

edit 4: (was here at 4:30pm in case these change, travelling tm shop hints towards changes)

TM Number: 01
Move Name: Hone Claws
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop (Slateport Market, $5,000)

TM Number: 73
Move Name: Thunder Wave
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop (Slateport Market, $5,000)

TM Number: 76
Move Name: Struggle Bug
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop (Slateport Market, $5,000)

TM Number: 100
Move Name: Confide
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Travelling TM shop (Slateport Market, $5,000)

TM Number: 46
Move Name: Thief
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Aqua / Magma grunt in Slateport Museum

TM Number: 41
Move Name: Torment
General Location: Slateport City
Specific Location: Gift from Sailor in Contest Hall

edit 5:

TM Number: 12
Move Name: Taunt
General Location: Route 110
Specific Location: Gift from Trick Master (first puzzle)

HM Number: 06
Move Name: Rock Smash
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Gift from Wally's Uncle after beating Wally

edit 7:

TM Number: 58
Move Name: Sky Drop
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Gift from woman in Pokemart

TM Number: 09
Move Name: Venoshock
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 40
Move Name: Aerial Ace
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 42
Move Name: Facade
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 47
Move Name: Low Sweep
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 57
Move Name: Charge Beam
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 78
Move Name: Bulldoze
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 82
Move Name: Dragon Tail
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

TM Number: 98
Move Name: Power-Up Punch
General Location: Mauvile City
Specific Location: Mauvile City Pokemart ($10,000)

edit 8:

HM Number: 04
Move Name: Strength
General Location: Route 112
Specific Location: Gift from May

TM Number: 94
Move Name: Secret Power
General Location: Route 111
Specific Location: Gift from Aarune in front of the Secret Base tree

TM Number: 32
Move Name: Double Team
General Location: Route 113
Specific Location: On a ledge near the Trainer Tips sign

TM Number: 28
Move Name: Dig
General Location: Route 114
Specific Location: Gift from Fossil Maniac's little brother in their house

TM Number: 05
Move Name: Roar
General Location: Route 114
Specific Location: Gift from a man standing with his Poochyena

Edit 9:

TM Number: 23
Move Name: Smack Down
General Location: Fallarbor Town
Specific Location: Gift from Prof. Cozmo after saving him in Meteor Falls

TM Number: 59
Move Name: Incinerate
General Location: Mt Chimney
Specific Location: Go down the staircase to the left of the bridge over the crater
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TM Number: 96
Move Name: Nature Power
General Location: Fiery Path
Specific Location: Gift from Aarulan

TM Number: 43
Move Name: Flame Charge
General Location: Jagged Pass
Specific Location: Immediately South-East of Northern entrance (requires Acro Bike)
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TM Number: TM97
Move Name: Dark Pulse
General Location: Team Aqua Hidout (AS)
Specific Location: Sitting in a yellow pokeball in a room of the maze like hideout.
TM Number: 96
Move Name: Nature Power
General Location: Fiery Path
Specific Location: Gift from Aarulan

Forgive my ignorance (I may not be up to this part yet) but who is Aarulan? Is this a typo of Aarune? I've been through the Fiery Path on my way to Fallarbor and haven't received this. Is it on your second visit maybe?

Specific Location: Sitting in a yellow pokeball in a room of the maze like hideout.

All TMs that you find yourself are in yellow pokeballs. Could you describe which room it is in? Which path you need to take to get to it? I'm not up to the hideout yet so I don't know how intricate the maze/puzzle is
TM Number: 13
Move Name: Ice Beam
General Location: Abandoned Ship
Specific Location: Storage Room (last room you unlock in the Abandoned Ship subquest)

now all you swampert users can beat drake much more easily. :)
TM Number: 48
Move Name: Round
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Crooner's Cafe (Speak to the woman behind the counter)
All TMs that you find yourself are in yellow pokeballs. Could you describe which room it is in? Which path you need to take to get to it? I'm not up to the hideout yet so I don't know how intricate the maze/puzzle is

Unforunantly I cannot describe the path, it's kinda like team flare's HQ with the teleporters..
TM Number: 35
Move Name: Flamethrower
General Location: Victory Road
Specific Location: Don't remember what floor it was on. But you have to do a very simple strength puzzle with only two boulders.

TM Number: 81
Move Name: X-Scissor
General Location: Victory Road
Specific Location: Once you exit the cave part of Victory Road, on the left side of the area there is a waterfall you can go up with this TM at the top.
TM Number: 69
Move Name: Rock Polish
General Location: Jagged Pass
Specific Location: If using the Mach Bike enter from the north and keep left, go down the first slope you see and it will be sitting on a platform. Much easier with the Acro Bike as you can navigate the whole area and also enter from the south.

(This is probably too wordy but it's hard to condense. If anyone can make a better description please do!)

TM Number: 37
Move Name: Sandstorm
General Location: Route 111
Specific Location: Southern-most point of the desert
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TM Number: 59
Move Name: Will-O-Wisp
General Location: Mt. Pyre
Specific Location: In the first outdoor area after leaving the graves. It's above the doorway you enter, and you'll see it as you climb up.

TM Number: 75
Move Name: Swords Dance
General Location: Lavaridge Town
Specific Location: Talk to the Blackbelt outside the Pokemon center, and answer no to his question. He'll give you the TM.

TM Number: 67
Move Name: Retaliate
General Location: Petalburg City
Specific Location: Beat Norman.

TM Number: 44
Move Name: Rest
General Location: Lilycove City
Specific Location: In the house to the right near the ledges with Acro Bike thingies and the old man standing outside. There's a Blackbelt who also gives you a PokeFlute for your Secret Base.

TM Number: 10
Move Name: Hidden Power
General Location: Treehouseland
Specific Location: In the house with the Hidden Power checker, right above the Gym. You have to play a little game of "guess what hand the thingy is in" and win 3 times in a row.
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TM Number: 75
Move Name: Swords Dance
General Location: Lavaridge Town
Specific Location: Talk to the Blackbelt outside the Pokemon center, and answer no to his question. He'll give you the TM.

Thanks, I missed this (just chose yes and moved on)
For Dark Pulse's location, you need to take the top right telepad in the room where the scientist was experimenting in the meteor.
Double posting so you get the notification.

TM Number: 55
Move Name: Scald
General Location: Seafloor Cavern
Specific Location: In the top right room after the first(?) Strength puzzle (the one with a bolder between two holes on the right side of the room). You have to go through a water current puzzle.

TM Number: 26
Move Name: Earthquake
General Location: Seafloor Cavern
Specific Location: At the end of the room just before Kyogre's/Groudon's; it's literally impossible to miss.

You're welcome Smogon.
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Thanks Karxrida (don't worry I won't tell on you)

It seems like you're way ahead of me at this point, I'm busy all of today/night so I'll be even further behind than everyone else so I probably won't make many discoveries, I'll just stick to entering in what you guys find :)
Rain Dance is on the outside part of Sea Mauville near the scientist who asks you for the scanner.
TM Number: 30
Move Name: Shadow Ball
General Location: Mt. Pyre Interior
Specific Location: The very top floor where a giant tombstone is. The stairs to the top are in the left of the room with the exit to the actual mountain.

TM Number: 85
Move Name: Dream Eater
General Location: Safari Zone
Specific Location: Talk to the guy directly below the PC on the right in the entrance building.

TM Number: 22
Move Name: Solar Beam
General Location: Safari Zone
Specific Location: In the very back. Requires Surf and the Mach Bike.

TM Number: 56
Move Name: Fling
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: In the house directly Northwest of the Pokemon Center the man in the back looking out the window will give it to you.

TM Number: 03
Move Name: Psyshock
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: In the house in the most Southeastern part of town. Dude in the back facing the door gives it to you.

TM Number: 27
Move Name: Return
General Location: Pacifidlog Town
Specific Location: In the westernmost house (directly Southwest of the Pokemon Center), with the guy with 2 Marills. I think he'll only give it to you if your lead Pokemon has high friendship.

Phone Edit: U-turn's on the 2nd floor of Mauville on one of the northmost balcony on the right side.
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TM Number: 06
Move Name: Toxic
General Location: Fiery Path
Specific Location: After entering Fiery Path from the side next to the cable cars, go up until you see a boulder on your left. Push the boulder into the whole, then continue to the next boulder. Push this one all the way to the left. Once that's done, walk up, and it's right there.

TM Number:
Move Name: U-turn
General Location: Mauville City
Specific Location: Mauville hills apartments, go into apt. 11, it will be on the balcony. You have to start the New Mauville sidequest to get access to this area

Edit: I just saw u turn was already posted >_< Welp it's formatted now, I guess
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TM Number: 31
Move Name: Brick Break
General Location: Sootopolis City
Specific Location: Black Belt in the most northwestern house

TM Number: 36
Move Name: Sludge Bomb
General Location: Dewford Town
Specific Location: Inside Dewford Hall from a man with glasses. You probably need a few badges like back in RSE, not sure how many though, I got it post-E4.

TM Number: 62
Move Name: Acrobatics
General Location:
Route 119
Specific Location: Requires Surf, Waterfall, Acro Bike, Devon Scope. Go up the waterfall on route 119, clear the kecleon blocking the start of the acro bike bridge and hop away

TM Number: 99
Move Name: Dazzling Gleam
General Location: Route 123
Specific Location: Just east of the Berry Master's house, from a little girl in a pink dress
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TM Number: 02
Move Name: Dragon Claw
General Location: Meteor Falls
Specific Location: Same spot as the originals, in the Bagon Cave.

TM Number: 87
Move Name: Swagger
General Location: Battle Resort
Specific Location: In the Daycare, there's a woman who needs $100. Pay her and she'll give you the TM.

TM Number: 06
Move Name: Explosion
General Location: Sky Pillar
Specific Location: After Zinnia gives you the final chapter to Episode Delta's backstory, don't follow her up instead take a different ladder back down. You'll eventually reach the TM.
TM Number: 34
Move Name: Sludge Wave
General Location: Route 132
Specific Location: Get to the island with the Black Belt, stand to the left of the most western rock then hop on the current, it should take you to a tiny island with the TM there.

TM Number: 77
Move Name: Psych Up
General Location: Route 133
Specific Location: Talk to a Psychic on one of the northern islands, he'll give it to you.
This kinda sucks, but it seems like you can only get some TMs from the random Mirage Spots that appear. I just unlocked Mirage Mountain via the Buzz Nav, and it had Poison Jab on it.