ORAS OU Mega-Evolved Pokemons Tierlist
I ranked the mega evolved mons based on how good i feel they are in general, in current meta and based on my preferences / playstyle.
Been competing in ORAS since 2019 World Cup and my beliefs on megas although it has changed abit for many, it hasn't changed for the best two megas in the tier, Metagross & Medicham.
Mega Metagross i feel is objectively the number 1 mega of all time, its the perfect pokemon it has everything u need in a pokemon, its stats are out of this world, it can do literally everything u need. Moveset, stats, typing, speedtier, fits all kinds of teams, theres no other pokemon like Mega Metagross and if you not using it u giga troll. You can adjust its EVs cuz with abit HP is insanely bulky, u do pursuit trap combos oldschool with keldeo, u can do priority + hazards which is incredible vs offense, if u get the right moveset for the correct matchup its just unstoppable. I have it paired with Mega Medicham in S tier and i do consider both megas elite but different.
Mega Medicham is also extremely good and can do aton of things but only offensively. The reason u would go Medicham over Metagross is because u value for whatever reason Medicham's Superior breaking and hard hitting value at the cost of not providing for your team the defensive utilities Metagross provides. For me its perfect, i play hella aggressive with my hitters, i like to do heavy reads or punish hard stall and ho abusers so when stall is loaded and dude relies on his Altaria or Zapdos to deal with fighting type atks i laugh 2koing them with HJK then Zen Icepunch the rest of their ugly team, same vs offense when i face that and dudes trynna cheese me with aerodactyls and SD weaviles but i have double god tier priority from Medicham its my favourite thing.
Next i have Mega Diancie, i think the pokemon is super solid, it does different things than the megas i talked above. I dont think its in the same tier with how much value Metagross or Medicham provides compared to it but it does very useful stuff both offensively and defensively so with proper teambuilding you can end up making extremely solid teams.
Mega Alakazam is obviously super fast and super strong, i rarely see trace being v useful and i hate to rely on Focus Blast for getting value, i much rather rely on HJK Medicham hitting which is more accurate and punishes things super hard. Offensively tho Alakazam is impressive, i dont use this mon much its not my style but i can appreciate what it do for a team.
Mega Venusaur is a pokemon i have v high in my head and i damn appreciate what it do for a team. It softchecks a shit ton of threats, hard checks a bunch of others and its a defensive pokemon with Sleep Powder so i dont lose my momentum. Im not into Growth type of shit, i think it has its place vs some matchups and scouts but generally Sleep is broken, use it.
Mega Latias CM is scary and with the correct set (coverage or reflect type etc) it can destroy whole teams. Provides alot of utility for the defensive cores, i hate to use pursuit weak Megas tho, i find that to be giga matchup fish and yeah u can get the correct play and either switch or twave vs crunch or pursuit turn vs Tyranitar but i think u have no real control of it and u are not rly good if u get that play right honestly. Its basically 50/50 that i have no control of and i just guess oppo is feeling Pursuit over Crunch this turn so i punish him with Twave, i dont do that shit.
Mega Gyarados is the face of HO, its single best Hyper Offensive Pokémon and it should be respected. Also if it flinches your Keldeo or whatever u are goobed on the spot.
All Pokemons in the B tier are i think good and should be used based on the structure of the team you going for.
All the Pokemons in the C tier i think are not good and shouldn't be used but they CAN be used successfully. Swampert rain teams can be good, Aerodactyl is not a great OU mon by all means but it has a few things going on for it. Garchomp is just bad, only advantage is the tiny bit of spdef more it has vs hp ice and no LO recoil for its massive dmg to kill back things like Thundurus.. so maybe in sand. Pidgeot more offensive but worse Tornadus, very situational. Sceptile i think has a niche, its not awful rly. Aggron is fat and stally. Houndoum is fast Charizard but worse. Blastoise has rapid spin..
Sharpedo can be scary, its fast after speedboost and strong. U not allowed to switch tho or use it defensively at all, i dont see rly a reason to use it over Gyarados but if u like sharks. Absol is not him, i dont see what it do over Diancie as magic bouncer. It has strong dark type atks and good but weak coverage so maybe u could use it if u are erz. Beedrill is fast and strong but rocks weak and 0 defensive utility. If you know oppo is gonna tspikes you maybe?
All Pokemons in D tier i rly think they shouldn't be used in a serious battle. You can make fun teams with them that feel kindof successful and flow well but u using those mons over Metagross so remember that.
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