thread shamelessly stolen (and modified) from the OU version by alexwolf
Hey all, here you can talk about anything ORAS related, from discussing new MEvos and their impact on the metagame, to how the existing metagame will adapt to those new threats, including new sets of existing Pokemon or existing Pokemon that got better or worse in ORAS. For anyone wondering how we know about the new Mega Evolutions and moves, the data have already been extracted from the demo version released in early October, andthere is already an OU ladder when you can try out those new stuff in Pokemon Showdown hey The Immortal throw us a bone and make an ORAS Doubles challenge option. Also, feel free to post sets about the new Mega Evolutions, and I will add to the OP everything i find to be good enough. For reference, here are the new MEvos and the important movepool additions:
New Mega Evolutions
Movepool Additions
Sample discussion topics:
- How not broken is Mega Salamence?
- Are ponies still a thing? What other Pokemon are going to be less common than before?
- Related: will Tyranitar make a comeback? What other Pokemon might get a bit more usage?
- Why is Mega Beedrill so sexy?
- How many posts will this thread go before KyleCole links a video?
Have fun, be civil, and think before posting!
Hey all, here you can talk about anything ORAS related, from discussing new MEvos and their impact on the metagame, to how the existing metagame will adapt to those new threats, including new sets of existing Pokemon or existing Pokemon that got better or worse in ORAS. For anyone wondering how we know about the new Mega Evolutions and moves, the data have already been extracted from the demo version released in early October, and
New Mega Evolutions
Mega Beedrill
Typing: Bug/Poison
Ability: Adaptability
Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145
Mega Pidgeot
Typing: Normal/Flying
Ability: No Guard
Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121
Mega Slowbro
Typing: Water/Psychic
Ability: Shell Armor
Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30
Mega Steelix
Typing: Steel/Ground
Ability: Sand Force
Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30
Mega Sceptile
Typing: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Lightning Rod
Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145
Mega Swampert
Typing: Water/Ground
Ability: Swift Swim
Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70
Mega Sableye
Typing: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20
Mega Sharpedo
Typing: Water/Dark
Ability: Strong Jaw
Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105
Mega Camerupt
Typing: Fire/Ground
Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20
Mega Altaria
Typing: Dragon/Fairy
Ability: Pixilate
Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80
Mega Glalie
Typing: Ice
Ability: Refrigerate
Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100
Mega Salamence
Typing: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Aerialate
Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120
Mega Metagross
Typing: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Tough Claws
Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110
Mega Latias
Typing: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/100/120/140/150/110
Mega Latios
Typing: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/130/100/160/120/110
Mega Lopunny
Typing: Normal/Fighting
Ability: Scrappy
Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135
Mega Gallade
Typing: Fighting/Psychic
Ability: Inner Focus
Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110
Mega Audino
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Healer
Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50
Mega Diancie
Typing: Rock/Fairy
Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110
Typing: Bug/Poison
Ability: Adaptability
Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145
Mega Pidgeot
Typing: Normal/Flying
Ability: No Guard
Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121
Mega Slowbro
Typing: Water/Psychic
Ability: Shell Armor
Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30
Mega Steelix
Typing: Steel/Ground
Ability: Sand Force
Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30
Mega Sceptile
Typing: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Lightning Rod
Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145
Mega Swampert
Typing: Water/Ground
Ability: Swift Swim
Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70
Mega Sableye
Typing: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20
Mega Sharpedo
Typing: Water/Dark
Ability: Strong Jaw
Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105
Mega Camerupt
Typing: Fire/Ground
Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20
Mega Altaria
Typing: Dragon/Fairy
Ability: Pixilate
Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80
Mega Glalie
Typing: Ice
Ability: Refrigerate
Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100
Mega Salamence
Typing: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Aerialate
Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120
Mega Metagross
Typing: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Tough Claws
Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110
Mega Latias
Typing: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/100/120/140/150/110
Mega Latios
Typing: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/130/100/160/120/110
Mega Lopunny
Typing: Normal/Fighting
Ability: Scrappy
Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135
Mega Gallade
Typing: Fighting/Psychic
Ability: Inner Focus
Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110
Mega Audino
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Healer
Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50
Mega Diancie
Typing: Rock/Fairy
Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110
Movepool Additions
Earth Power Diancie
Gunk Shot and Low Kick Greninja (how very relevant)
High Jump Kick Lopunny
Crunch Gyarados
Knock Off, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, and Superpower Diggersby (MOAR BUNNIES)
Fire Punch and Thunder Punch Hawlucha
Drain Punch Chesnaught
Synthesis and Foul Play Gourgeist
Superpower, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Fire Punch Pangoro
Heat Wave, Air Cutter Talonflame
Hyper Voice Aurorus
Tailwind Vivillon
Magnet Rise Aegislash
Gunk Shot and Low Kick Greninja (how very relevant)
High Jump Kick Lopunny
Crunch Gyarados
Knock Off, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, and Superpower Diggersby (MOAR BUNNIES)
Fire Punch and Thunder Punch Hawlucha
Drain Punch Chesnaught
Synthesis and Foul Play Gourgeist
Superpower, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Fire Punch Pangoro
Heat Wave, Air Cutter Talonflame
Hyper Voice Aurorus
Tailwind Vivillon
Magnet Rise Aegislash
Sample discussion topics:
- How not broken is Mega Salamence?
- Are ponies still a thing? What other Pokemon are going to be less common than before?
- Related: will Tyranitar make a comeback? What other Pokemon might get a bit more usage?
- Why is Mega Beedrill so sexy?
- How many posts will this thread go before KyleCole links a video?
Have fun, be civil, and think before posting!

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