Onix (NU) GP: (2/2)


Something Worth Fighting For
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QC: Oglemi
GP: TDPJ / ?
While several Chlorophyll sweepers can fit Sunny Day on their moveset and set it up with ease, some such as Weepinbell have difficulty doing so because of their frailty. Fortunately, there is Onix, which can utilize its decent base 70 Speed to reliably set up Sunny Day and use Explosion to conserve precious sun turns. Onix also possesses key resistances to Flying, Fire, and Poison, which makes it a great teammate for Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom and Tangela, which are predominantly Grass-type. However, using Onix has several downsides, such as the fact that it's fairly one-dimensional. Onix's Special Defense stat is also absolutely abysmal, leaving it susceptible to common special attackers such as Huntail and Chimecho. Lastly, Onix isn't that great because it only fulfills its niche on full sun teams, an archetype that isn't necessarily viable in NU.

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Explosion
move 3: Block
move 4: Earthquake
item: Salac Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Jolly
evs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 Spe

Sunny Day allows Onix to provide utility to its teammates by activating their Chlorophyll or boosting their Fire-type STAB attack. Explosion gains momentum for the team, allowing a Chlorophyll sweeper such as Bellossom to come in without fear of taking a hit. Block, in tandem with STAB Earthquake, gives Onix the capability of beating certain Pokemon such as Swalot one-on-one. Earthquake also prevents Onix from becoming overly passive. These last two moves are fairly situational, however, as Onix's main purpose is to set up the sun and bring in a teammate.

Maximum Speed EVs alongside a Jolly nature and a potential boost from Salac Berry improve Onix's odds of reliably setting up Sunny Day. 144 Attack EVs guarantee the KO on Pidgeot with Explosion, while the remaining 112 EVs go into HP to increase Onix's overall physical bulk so that it can switch into Pidgeot and other Flying-types repeatedly if need be. While Sturdy and Rock Head are both completely useless for Onix, Rock Head could be useful for certain Trace and Skill Swap users such as Porygon and Kecleon, which would suddenly no longer take recoil from Double-Edge. As such, Sturdy is Onix's better ability. Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom, Tangela, and Tropius make great teammates for Onix, as they greatly benefit from the offensive utility it provides. Fire-types such as Flareon can also make use of the sun Onix provides, as it gives a power boost to their STAB attacks. Spikes support from suicide lead Glalie is helpful, not necessarily for Onix but for sun hyper offense teams as a whole.

Other Options
A lead set utilizing Endure over Block allows Onix to more reliably activate its Salac Berry, nearly guaranteeing that it can use Sunny Day. Be aware that Onix loses to a majority of opposing leads such as Glalie, Hitmonchan, Vigoroth, Magby, and Venomoth. Rock Slide can be used over Earthquake as Onix's attacking option, nailing Flying-types such as Murkrow and Pidgeot without having to sacrifice itself with Explosion prematurely. However, Onix has likely already set up Sunny Day by the time the aforementioned Flying-types have switched in, so it's okay if it sacrifices itself. Rock Slide is also less useful than Earthquake when up against Swalot, which can Rest off the damage more easily and KO Onix with Ice Beam or Hidden Power Ground.

Checks and Counters
Opposing Chlorophyll users such as Tropius, Tangela, and Bellossom can all wreck Onix with Solar Beam, put it asleep with Sleep Powder, or set up Swords Dance in Tropius's case. Other Grass-types such as Roselia can also make quick work of Onix, although not quite as reliably. Water-types such as Wailord, Dewgong, Kingler, and Whiscash can douse Onix with Surf or Hydro Pump. Pelipper and Huntail are considerably dangerous, as Pelipper is immune to Earthquake and has immense physical bulk, while Huntail is slower than Onix and can set up Rain Dance after Onix uses Sunny Day to countersweep with Surf. Hitmonchan can deal massive damage with Sky Uppercut and pick off a weakened Onix with Mach Punch. However, Hitmonchan still takes a lot from Earthquake and Explosion. Electric-types such as Plusle and Pikachu carry Hidden Power Grass from time to time, nailing Whiscash, Graveler, Pupitar, and of course, Onix. Even if they opt to run Hidden Power Ice, Onix will be severely crippled due to its pitifully low Special Defense stat.

- Written by: [Aaronboyer, 239454]
- Quality checked by: [Oglemi, 40358]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216], [Redew, 79322]]
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I don't think there's any point to using onix in the lead slot. He just straight loses to glalie, hitmonchan, vigoroth, magby, and venomoth and only kinda deals well with flareon if it's not packing hp grass and explosion's doing nothing to sudowoodo.

If going the route you want, it's better to use it as a midgame mon. He switches into a few things actually basically for free, notably pidgeot, murkrow, and raticate and his decent speed means he's going to get to do what he wants vs defensive teams. Basically, I think the set should look like:

Sunny day
Earthquake/Toxic/whatever you're never going to click this slot anyway unless you happen to block swalot
Evs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly

Ideally you'll get onix in on pidgeot, set up sunny day as it's forced out, and then depending on what they switch in either block or explode. Block is cool if they switch a water type into you since now you have a free solar beam or substitute or something with your chlorophyll mon once you boom with onix or they surf you the turn you use block. EVs get you the ohko on pidgeot and the hp vastly increases onix's overall phys def so you can switch into pidg, etc repeatedly if you need to
base 70 Speed isn't high but decent

name of the set should be Sunny Day Support

Fake Out isn't seen in NU on anything so not sure where you're going there in OO

Otherwise this is fine
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While several Chlorophyll abusers are able to fit Sunny Day on their moveset and set it up with ease, some such as Weepinbell have difficulty doing so because it's so frail. Fortunately, there is are Pokemon like Onix who which can utilize use its decent base 70 Speed to reliably set up Sunny Day and before immediately using (this sentence gets extremely wordy but I believe these changes help it flow better) use Explosion to conserve precious sun turns. Onix also possesses key resistances to Flying, Fire, and Poison, which makes it a great teammate for Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom and Tangela who which are predominantly (all Chlorophyll users are Grass-type, but while some are dual typing this isn't needed and the two you specifically mentioned are mono-Grass.) Grass-type. However, using Onix has several downsides, such as the fact that it's fairly one dimensional. Onix's Special Defense stat is also absolutely abysmal, leaving it susceptible to common special attackers such as Huntail and Chimecho. Lastly, Onix isn't that great because it only fulfills its niche on full sun teams, an archetype that isn't necessarily viable in NU.

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Explosion
move 3: Block
move 4: Earthquake
item: Salac Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Jolly
evs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 Spe

Sunny Day allows Onix to provide utility sun (you don't provide utility, you have utility because you provide something) to for its teammates,(AC) thus by activating their Chlorophyll abilities or boosting the power of their Fire-type STAB attacks. Explosion gains provides (Explosion itself isn't gaining momentum, the team is gaining momentum from Explosion) momentum for the team, allowing a Chlorophyll sweeper such as Bellossom to come in freely without fear of taking a hit. Block, in tandem with STAB Earthquake, allows Onix the capability of beating certain Pokemon such as Swalot one-on-one. Earthquake also prevents Onix from becoming overly passive. These last two moves are fairly situational, however, as Onix's main purpose is to set up sun and explode.

Maximum Speed EVs alongside a Jolly nature and the possibility for Salac Berry's activation improve Onix's odds of reliably setting up Sunny Day. 144 Attack EVs guarantee that Pidgeot's OHKOed with by Explosion, while the remaining 112 HP EVs increases Onix's overall physical defense so that it can switch into Pidgeot (you've named Pidgeot twice now, I'd suggest mentioning another Flying-type. Golbat is a good option though Giga Drain is somewhat common.) and other Flying-types repeatedly if need be. While Sturdy and Rock Head are both completely useless for Onix, Rock Head could be useful for certain Trace and Skill Swap users such as Porygon and Kecleon, who would suddenly no longer take recoil from Double-Edge. As such, Sturdy is Onix's better ability. Pokemon such as Bellossom, Tangela, and Tropius that can make use of the sun by means of their ability Chlorophyll,(AC) and make great teammates for Onix, as they greatly benefit from the offensive utility it provides. Fire-types such as Flareon can also make use of the sun Onix provides, as it gives a power boost to their STAB attacks(This sentence would make more sense if you added another example of a Fire-type due to confusion of plural "their" and only listing a single example). Spikes support from Glalie as a suicide lead is helpfull,(AC) not necessarily just for Onix, but for sun-(AH)oriented hyper offense teams as a whole.

[Other Options]
A lead set utilizing using Endure over Block (Non GP side note, I think this is a more useful move than Block) allows Onix to more reliably activate its Salac Berry item, nearly guaranteeing that Onix can use Sunny Day. However, Onix loses to a majority of common opposing leads such as Glalie, Hitmonchan, Vigoroth, Magby, and Venomoth. Rock Slide can be used over Earthquake as Onix's attacking option, nailing Flying-types such as Murkrow and Pidgeot without having to sacrifice itself with Explosion explode (makes it less redundant when you say "sacrifice itself" in the next sentence) prematurely. However, Onix has likely already set up Sunny Day by the time the aforementioned Flying-types have switched in, so it's okay if it sacrifices itself. Rock Slide is also less useful than EQ when up against Swalot, for which as it can Rest off the damage more easily and KO Onix with Ice Beam or Hidden Power Ground.

[Checks and Counters]
Opposing Chlorophyll users such as Tropius, Tangela, and Bellossom can all wreck Onix with Solar Beam, put it asleep with Sleep Powder, or in Tropius's case,(AC) set up with Swords Dance in Tropius's case. Other Grass-types such as Roselia can also make quick work of Onix, although not quite as reliably. Water-types such as Wailord, Dewgong, Kingler,(AC) or Whiscash can make douse Onix with a Surf or Hydro Pump. Pelipper and Huntail are considerably dangerous, as Pelipper is immune to Earthquake and has immense physical bulk, while Huntail is slower than Onix and can Rain Dance after it uses Sunny Day to and counter-sweep with Surf(Hydro Pump is usually the attack of choice, as well as it likely will be using Ice Beam just as significantly versus the type of sun HO teams that Onix is run on). Hitmonchan can deal massive damage with Sky Uppercut its STAB attacks (Brick Break is just as common) and slower variants can pick off a weakened Onix with Mach Punch(Most Hitmonchan outspeed Onix anyway). However, Hitmonchan still takes a lot from Earthquake and Explosion. Electric-types such as Plusle and Pikachu carry Hidden Power Grass or Surf from time to time, nailing Whiscash, Graveler, Pupitar, and of course, Onix hard (Pikachu never runs Hidden Power Grass, it always runs Surf and/or sometimes HP Ice, however. The other Pokemon aren't relevant to this analysis and should just be removed for the sake of accuracy with the Pikachu moveset). Even if they opt to run Hidden Power Ice, Onix will be severely crippled due to its pitifully low Special Defense stat.

made some non-gp comments regarding qc accuracy
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GP 1/2
While several Chlorophyll abusers sweepers can fit Sunny Day on their moveset and set it up with ease, some such as Weepinbell have difficulty doing so because it's so frail of their frailty. Fortunately, there is Onix, (AC) who which can utilize its decent base 70 Speed to reliably set up Sunny Day and use Explosion to conserve precious sun turns. Onix also possesses key resistances to Flying, Fire, and Poison, which makes it a great teammate for Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom and Tangela, (AC) who which are predominantly Grass-type. However, using Onix has several downsides, such as the fact that it's fairly one-dimensional. (AH) Onix's Special Defense stat is also absolutely abysmal, leaving it susceptible to common special attackers such as Huntail and Chimecho. Lastly, Onix isn't that great because it only fulfills its niche on full sun teams, an archetype that isn't necessarily viable in NU.

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Explosion
move 3: Block
move 4: Earthquake
item: Salac Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Jolly
evs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 Spe

Sunny Day allows Onix to provide utility to its teammates by activating their Chlorophyll abilities or boosting their Fire-type STAB attack. Explosion gains momentum for the team, allowing a Chlorophyll sweeper such as Bellossom to come in freely without fear of taking a hit. Block, in tandem with STAB Earthquake, allows gives Onix the capability of beating certain Pokemon such as Swalot one-on-one. Earthquake also prevents Onix from becoming overly passive. These last two moves are fairly situational, however, as Onix's main purpose is to set up the sun and explode bring in a teammate.

Maximum Speed EVs alongside a Jolly nature and the possibility for a potential boost from Salac Berry's activation improve Onix's odds of reliably setting up Sunny Day. 144 Attack EVs guarantee the KO on Pidgeot's KO with Explosion, while the remaining 112 HP EVs increases go into HP to increase Onix's overall physical defense bulk so that it can switch into Pidgeot and other Flying-types repeatedly if need be. While Sturdy and Rock Head are both completely useless for Onix, Rock Head could be useful for certain Trace and Skill Swap users such as Porygon and Kecleon, who which would suddenly no longer take recoil from Double-Edge. As such, Sturdy is Onix's better ability. Pokemon Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom, Tangela, and Tropius that can make use of the sun utilizing their ability Chlorophyll make great teammates for Onix, as they greatly benefit from the offensive utility it provides. Fire-types such as Flareon can also make use of the sun Onix provides, as it gives a power boost to their STAB attacks. Spikes support from suicide lead Glalie as a suicide lead is helpful, (AC) not necessarily for Onix (RC) but for sun hyper offense teams as a whole.

[Other Options]
A lead set utilizing Endure over Block allows Onix to more reliably activate its Salac Berry item, nearly guaranteeing that Onix it can use Sunny Day. However, Onix loses to a majority of opposing leads such as Glalie, Hitmonchan, Vigoroth, Magby, and Venomoth. Rock Slide can be used over Earthquake as Onix's attacking option, nailing Flying-types such as Murkrow and Pidgeot without having to sacrifice itself with Explosion prematurely. However, Onix has likely already set up Sunny Day by the time the aforementioned Flying-types have switched in, so it's okay if it sacrifices itself. Rock Slide is also less useful than EQ Earthquake when up against Swalot, for which it can Rest off the damage more easily and KO Onix with Ice Beam or Hidden Power Ground.

[Checks and Counters]
Opposing Chlorophyll users such as Tropius, Tangela, and Bellossom can all wreck Onix with Solar Beam, put it asleep with Sleep Powder, or set up Swords Dance in Tropius's case. Other Grass-types such as Roselia can also make quick work of Onix, although not quite as reliably. Water-types such as Wailord, Dewgong, Kingler, (AC) and Whiscash can make douse Onix with Surf or Hydro Pump. Pelipper and Huntail are considerably dangerous, as Pelipper is immune to Earthquake and has immense physical bulk, while Huntail is slower than Onix and can set up Rain Dance after it Onix uses Sunny Day to counter-sweep countersweep with Surf. Hitmonchan can deal massive damage with Sky Uppercut and pick off a weakened Onix with Mach Punch. However, Hitmonchan still takes a lot from Earthquake and Explosion. Electric-types such as Plusle and Pikachu carry Hidden Power Grass from time to time, nailing Whiscash, Graveler, Pupitar, and of course, Onix. Even if they opt to run Hidden Power Ice, Onix will be severely crippled due to its pitifully low Special Defense stat.
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GP 2/2

While several Chlorophyll sweepers can fit Sunny Day on their moveset and set it up with ease, some such as Weepinbell have difficulty doing so because of their frailty. Fortunately, there is Onix, which can utilize its decent base 70 Speed to reliably set up Sunny Day and use Explosion to conserve precious sun turns. Onix also possesses key resistances to Flying, Fire, and Poison, which makes it a great teammate for Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom and Tangela, which are predominantly Grass-type. However, using Onix has several downsides, such as the fact that it's fairly one-dimensional. Onix's Special Defense stat is also absolutely abysmal, leaving it susceptible to common special attackers such as Huntail and Chimecho. Lastly, Onix isn't that great because it only fulfills its niche on full sun teams, an archetype that isn't necessarily viable in NU.

name: Sunny Day Support
move 1: Sunny Day
move 2: Explosion
move 3: Block
move 4: Earthquake
item: Salac Berry
ability: Sturdy
nature: Jolly
evs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 Spe

Sunny Day allows Onix to provide utility to its teammates by activating their Chlorophyll or boosting their Fire-type STAB attack
s. Explosion gains momentum for the team, allowing a Chlorophyll sweeper such as Bellossom to come in without fear of taking a hit. Block, in tandem with STAB Earthquake, gives Onix the capability of beating certain Pokemon such as Swalot one-on-one. Earthquake also prevents Onix from becoming overly passive. These last two moves are fairly situational, however, as Onix's main purpose is to set up the sun and bring in a teammate.

Maximum Speed EVs alongside a Jolly nature and a potential boost from Salac Berry improve Onix's odds of reliably setting up Sunny Day. 144 Attack EVs guarantee the KO on Pidgeot with Explosion, while the remaining 112 EVs go into HP to increase Onix's overall physical bulk so that it can switch into Pidgeot and other Flying-types repeatedly if need be. While Sturdy and Rock Head are both completely useless for Onix, Rock Head could be useful for certain Trace and Skill Swap users such as Porygon and Kecleon, which would suddenly no longer take recoil from Double-Edge. As such, Sturdy is Onix's better ability. Chlorophyll users such as Bellossom, Tangela, and Tropius make great teammates for Onix, as they greatly benefit from the offensive utility it provides. Fire-types such as Flareon can also make use of the sun Onix provides, as it gives a power boost to their STAB attacks. Spikes support from suicide lead Glalie is helpful, not necessarily for Onix but for sun hyper offense teams as a whole.

[Other Options]
A lead set utilizing Endure over Block allows Onix to more reliably activate its Salac Berry, nearly guaranteeing that it can use Sunny Day.
However, Be aware that Onix loses to a majority of opposing leads such as Glalie, Hitmonchan, Vigoroth, Magby, and Venomoth. Rock Slide can be used over Earthquake as Onix's attacking option, nailing Flying-types such as Murkrow and Pidgeot without having to sacrifice itself with Explosion prematurely. However, Onix has likely already set up Sunny Day by the time the aforementioned Flying-types have switched in, so it's okay if it sacrifices itself. Rock Slide is also less useful than Earthquake when up against Swalot, which can Rest off the damage more easily and KO Onix with Ice Beam or Hidden Power Ground.

[Checks and Counters]
Opposing Chlorophyll users such as Tropius, Tangela, and Bellossom can all wreck Onix with Solar Beam, put it asleep with Sleep Powder, or set up Swords Dance in Tropius's case. Other Grass-types such as Roselia can also make quick work of Onix, although not quite as reliably. Water-types such as Wailord, Dewgong, Kingler, and Whiscash can douse Onix with Surf or Hydro Pump. Pelipper and Huntail are considerably dangerous, as Pelipper is immune to Earthquake and has immense physical bulk, while Huntail is slower than Onix and can set up Rain Dance after Onix uses Sunny Day to countersweep with Surf. Hitmonchan can deal massive damage with Sky Uppercut and pick off a weakened Onix with Mach Punch. However, Hitmonchan still takes a lot from Earthquake and Explosion. Electric-types such as Plusle and Pikachu carry Hidden Power Grass from time to time, nailing Whiscash, Graveler, Pupitar, and of course, Onix. Even if they opt to run Hidden Power Ice, Onix will be severely crippled due to its pitifully low Special Defense stat.
