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Tournament OMPL VII - Week 1

E4 Flint

-inactive in BH due corrupt leader-
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus

Art by h_n_g_m_n
Other Metagames Premier League VII
- Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Playoff | Finals -
- Information Thread | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Replays | Usage Stats | Records -
Commencement Thread
How this works
There are 8 teams this year. Each team will have have 6 players and at least 2 subs. The players are bought using the 80k credits that managers receive during the auction. Teams can win their matchup every week by winning 4 of the 6 matches that their players have to play.​
The tier lineup this year is as follows:​
All games will be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server or SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. Apart from where it is explicitly mentioned (1 and 4 above), the result between players may be decided in a best-of-one or best-of-three at the discretion of both players involved. If there is no agreement, the result will decided in a Bo1 by default.​

Winning a round rewards a team with 2 points, drawing 1 point, and losing zero points. In addition, the manner in whichthe round has been won will also be recorded i.e. the difference between a team's wins and losses in a specific week's round (referred to as "Win Differential").​
Each team will play one another for seven weeks. Based on the final standings, the top 4 teams will enter a Playoffs Round to determine the teams appearing in the finals.​
In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the finals based on points and win differential, or a tie in the final round itself, we will have a tiebreaker round(s).​

Tiebreaker Rules: The most played meta from usage stats plus one metagame picked by each manager will give a best-of-three game between the tied teams, ultimately deciding who goes onto finals. The three games must be different formats, i.e. the remaining two games cannot be the same as the most played metagame, and must be from the list above. Since Anything Goes is likely to be chosen by usage, the decision to play Bo3 or Bo1 is left upto the players' discretion (here, bo3 is by default)

Substitutes are to be used in the case of "extenuating circumstances" which are unavoidable, whether on the first day of the week, or the last. Moreover, they should generally not be used with a tactical purpose of creating confusion in an opponent's team. At the same time, players should be relatively well-aware of who all are available to play in the opponent's camp. If last minute substitutes are being frequently used or abused and I find explanations unsatisfactory, I still reserve the right to veto them.​

If teams wish to conduct a trade, both managers (or assistant managers if the manager is not present) MUST PM E4 Flint on the FORUMS to have the trade be official. No trades may occur after the conclusion of week 2. A traded player may only feature in the round after they have been traded.​
Scheduling should be done on VM walls, plain and simple:​
  • If there is no communication on VM walls and a game goes undone, it will be left to the RNG to decide the winner
  • If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. Feel free to call activity in this thread beforehand
  • If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a manager may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win.
TL;DR: VM your opponents, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you're not reliable, let your manager know so they can sub you out ASAP.​
Use these VM's to initiate discussion about bo1 or bo3 as well!
Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to Other Metagame Premier League will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the OMPL host/OM mods. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception. This rule is meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament.​
All players must complete their matches by the given deadline. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S VM WALL); otherwise, they will be decided via !pick publicly in the OM Room. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMPL with) to avoid confusion and the replay must be saved and posted in this thread. The replays will be archived in a separate thread, and will be used to calculate usage stats.​

Substitutions & Lineups
Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and myself. This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.​
Managers, when you send in lineups, please send it in with the tier and Smogon username of each player fully written out for ease of transcription, in exactly the same order as laid out above. I will post instructions about sending the lineup for next week later this week.​


The Metro Boomin Mega Rays
(power, DEG) - [4][2] - The Klink Shamers (Chloe, Pigeons)

The Socialist Sobbles (Mark_K, Anaconja) - [1][5] - The Money Magearnas (Funbot28, regirock)

Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: Thimo vs Megazard
USUM Mix and Mega: Eien vs xavgb
USUM STABmons: Terracotta vs Cam
USUM ZeroUsed: czim vs LPY

The Head Honchkrows (Jrdn, TheCoastsOfToast) - [1][5] - The Temper Tyrantrums (drampa's grandpa, OM room )

USUM ZeroUsed: RawMelon vs 5gen

The Bedroom Blisseys (The Immortal, Willdbeast) - [4][2] - The Five-Star Jolteons (Ransei, DBW)

~ Deadline ~
11:59 PM (UTC -12) on June 30th, 2019
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USUM Balanced Hackmons: Akashi vs GL Volkner Volk is better at BH and has much superior support from Motherlove. Jeran can definitely put on a good fight though.

USUM Balanced Hackmons: Quantum Tesseract vs SuperSkylake QT needs to shake off the extreme rust, and while he has support from tzop (anaconja is away), Skylake is still extremely solid and has decent support.

The Head Honchkrows (Jrdn, TheCoastsOfToast) - [0][6] - The Temper Tyrantrums (drampa's grandpa, OM room )
Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: PurpleGatorade vs Zenithial
USUM Almost Any Ability: rozes vs itsKimbo
USUM Balanced Hackmons: sugarhigh vs jasprose
USUM Mix and Mega: Catalystic vs TectonicDestroyer
USUM STABmons: aesf vs Dr. Phd. BJ
USUM ZeroUsed: RawMelon vs 5gen
Self explanatory

USUM Balanced Hackmons: MAMP vs Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) Normally I would say this is really equal but MAMP has better team support from willdbeast. Highlight match for sure.
Might as well do predicts
The Metro Boomin Mega Rays (power, DEG) - [2][4] - The Klink Shamers (Chloe, Pigeons)
Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: HunterStorm vs Arushi - Highlight match IMO. Hunterstorm was probably the most wanted player purely for AG talent last year, and Arushi is really good as well. I'm looking forward to this match, but I give the edge to Hunterstorm.
USUM Almost Any Ability: lax vs motherlove
USUM Balanced Hackmons: Akashi vs GL Volkner - Akashi is a great player, and one of the best OM generalists. What he's not is a BH main. GL Volknerd is, and is top 5 BH pretty unquestionably. While I don't think it's beyond Akashi to pull this match off, I think most will expect Volk to win here.
USUM Mix and Mega: Charmflash vs Chazm - Chazm spends too much time playing / talking about MnM :bloblul: I don't know that much about Charmflash's ability but I would back Chazm against most players, as he's one of the few MnM players who are all of mains, actually good, and active.
USUM STABmons: Betathunder vs KuraiTenshi26 - Betathunder is likely the best STAB player in this tour who isn't on my team (because my team is the best at everything ;P). KuraiTenshi26 has impressed me in the past but not enough to back them against Betathunder, the North-Eastern Beast.
USUM ZeroUsed: Finchinator vs a fruitshop owner - I'll be the first to admit I don't know ZU very well. But neither does Finch to my knowledge. My gut says a fruitshop owner has this, but I'm prepared to be wrong
OVERALL: Mrays has really solid players, but they often aren't mains of the tier they play. The Klinks know their games better, so that gives them an edge overall. This isn't universal ofc.
The Socialist Sobbles (Mark_K, Anaconja) - [3.5][2.5] - The Money Magearnas (Funbot28, regirock)
Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: Thimo vs Megazard - AG always gives top tiered battles, but Thimo was bought by the Tyrantrums, so he must be the better player.
USUM Almost Any Ability: Sabella vs Sylveon. - THIS IS HOT SHIT. Sabella is a goat and a North-East BEAST. Sylveon / Geerat / that guy who went undefeated last OMPL is also really good, but I'm waiting to see if they can be as good as last year without the jrdn support. Either way highlight match AF.
USUM Balanced Hackmons: Quantum Tesseract vs SuperSkylake - QT is really good, and this year his team didn't shell out literally all their money on him. Whether he'll prove too rusty remains to be seen. SSL is also good. QT at his prime definitely had the edge. Now? I think probably still but we'll see.
USUM Mix and Mega: Eien vs xavgb - Gogoat sucks fight me. Stresh is a top tier MnM player and Eien is a top tier ORAS Monotype player. While Stresh didn't do amazing last OMPL many people including me expect him to do much better this year.
USUM STABmons: Terracotta vs Cam - Cam is a good STAB player. He also has access to good testers for STABmons. I haven't seen Terracotta perform in STAB particularly.
USUM ZeroUsed: czim vs LPY - This is the area where my knowledge of players is weakest unfortunately. I know both LPY and czim are good, but I don't know enough to compare.

Overall: These teams are pretty well matched. There isn't a single match here I can't see going either way. The main thing that matters is The Socialist Sobbles >>>>> The Money Magearna when it comes to name choice.

The Head Honchkrows (Jrdn, TheCoastsOfToast) - [0][6] - The Temper Tyrantrums (drampa's grandpa, OM room )
Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: PurpleGatorade vs Zenithial
USUM Almost Any Ability: rozes vs itsKimbo
USUM Balanced Hackmons: sugarhigh vs jasprose
USUM Mix and Mega: Catalystic vs TectonicDestroyer
USUM STABmons: aesf vs Dr. Phd. BJ
USUM ZeroUsed: RawMelon vs 5gen

Did you expect anything else honestly. RAR GO TYRANTRUMS WE DA BEST.

The Bedroom Blisseys (The Immortal, Willdbeast) - [2][4] - The Five-Star Jolteons (Ransei, DBW)
Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: Sitonai vs GarbodorIsHot - as much as I hate GarbodorIsHot's name (NO IT ISNT) I can't deny they're a top tier AG player, while Sitonai has yet to make as much of a name for themselves. Sitonai changed their name just to spite me and I hate them for it forever >:(
USUM Almost Any Ability: Hamhamhamham vs Racool - Ham and Racool are both pretty good players, but Racool is rusty and Ham isn't really an AAA main. I might give the edge to Ham here, but I think Racool could surprise ham with enough prep, and in later rounds she would have the edge.
USUM Balanced Hackmons: MAMP vs Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) - I know I've mentioned a couple highlight match but this one might just take the cake. These two are both top tier BH players, possibly the top two players (don't hold me to that idc enough). I can't wait to see this one. I might give the edge to MAMP because he has Will supporting him, but honestly I don't wanna blow the hype.
USUM Mix and Mega: Andyboy vs SectoniaServant - Andyboy + In The Hills. Seriously TI why did u blow ur entire budget on MnM players.
USUM STABmons: In The Hills vs w0rd - w0rd can't lose, it's literally impossible. Don't let my dreams die, don't let the legend fall.
USUM ZeroUsed: Dj Breloominati♬ vs EviGaro - Evi is a good.

Overall: I barely know how to call almost any of these honestly, besides that broken af MnM core.

The important stuff:
Tyrantrums 6-0 cuz we fire
MAMP v SL42/Cityscapes/Gurpreetpatelsentyousfriendrequest/esteemed scrabble champion/that guy who used empoleon in bh *breaths deeply* is a highlight match af
So is Sabella v Sylveon.

Other important stuff: This Plew Plew shit is annoying af. Boy I thought KACAW was obnoxious.
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jeran vs VOLKNER (volk is a bit rusty but i think he'll pull through, won't be an easy match though)
qt vs SKYLAKE (skylake will have more prep and be more passionate about the tour, qt seems rusty)
SUGARHIGH vs jasprose (sh old school bh king, don't know much about jasprose)
mamp vs SL42 (highlight of the entire tour, everyone knows i think sl42 is the best bh player of this gen)
rayquazas vs KLINKS
sobbles vs MAGEARNAS
vs tyrantrums
BLISSEYS vs jolteons

go mags $$$
TectonicDestroyers Expert Predicts

Note: Follow these with caution

The Metro Boomin Mega Rays (power, DEG) 2 - [][] - The Klink Shamers (Chloe, Pigeons) 4

Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: HunterStorm vs Arushi Arushi is the cutest user <3, but Hunterstorm is just too good.
USUM Almost Any Ability: lax (45) vs motherlove (55) Close match, saying motherlove only because lax doesnt main OM's and probs has some other tournaments to prep for at the moment.
USUM Balanced Hackmons: Akashi (40) vs GL Volkner (60) One of the most expensive people in the tour, this guys going to have to win every BH match to live up to the price. No pressure volkner, no pressure.
USUM Mix and Mega: Charmflash (20) vs Chazm (80) MnM Main, Charmflash OU
USUM STABmons: Betathunder (65) vs KuraiTenshi26 (35) BETAHUNDER IS OUR KING
USUM ZeroUsed: Finchinator (45) vs a fruitshop owner (55) Personal highlight match, going to go down to this, predicted fruitshop owner because he probably has some prep left over from ZU Seasonal.

The Socialist Sobbles (Mark_K, Anaconja) 3 - [][] - The Money Magearnas (Funbot28, regirock) 3

Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: Thimo (55) vs Megazard (45) Great match between the GOAT and TL, would tip Megazard here but his performance in recent tournaments have lead me to go to thimo
USUM Almost Any Ability: Sabella (35) vs Sylveon (65) Sylveon unbeatable last yr, expect the same this yr.
USUM Balanced Hackmons: Quantum Tesseract (60) vs SuperSkylake (40) I reckon QT will be able to work off the rust and win this
USUM Mix and Mega: Eien (25) vs xavgb (75) Do I need to say anything.
USUM STABmons: Terracotta (55) vs Cam (45) Tight match, voting terra cos he my bro.
USUM ZeroUsed: czim (45) vs LPY (55) SSNL Finals vs goat ZU Player

The Head Honchkrows (Jrdn, TheCoastsOfToast) ??? - [][] - The Temper Tyrantrums (drampa's grandpa, OM room ) ∞


The Bedroom Blisseys (The Immortal, Willdbeast) 4
- [][] - The Five-Star Jolteons (Ransei, DBW) 2

Bo3 USUM Anything Goes: Sitonai (40) vs GarbodorIsHot (60) Both are probably as good, but Skarph seems to be more consistent in these teamtours. Skarph in 3.
USUM Almost Any Ability: Hamhamhamham (55) vs Racool (45) Again, another tight match, but although Racool could maybe beat ham 4x in his prime, he has some rust to work off and not enough time, so ham to win.
USUM Balanced Hackmons: MAMP (40) vs Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) (60) SL42 fresh off a seasonal win, and is full of energy, still tight match
USUM Mix and Mega: Andyboy (70) vs SectoniaServant (30) ANDY IS OUR GOAT
USUM STABmons: In The Hills (50) vs w0rd (50) Both great STAB players, w0rd could probs beat ITH if he plays without rust, so it will come down to how much w0rd has adjusted to the new STAB metagame.
USUM ZeroUsed: Dj Breloominati♬ (55) vs EviGaro (45) TOURS PLAZA REPRESENT
Time for some expert noob picks:

Charmflash(30) vs Chazm(70)
Council and MnM main ftw

Eien(1) vs xavgb(99)
Is stresh. Nothing else to say.

Catalystic(65) vs TectonicDestroyer(35)
Cata really showed he is a force in MnM, reaching the finals of the seasonal. TD is still new on the scene, and I think he still has something to prove for me to trust him in this match.

Andyboy(70) vs SectoniaServant(30)
Spending 20k on Andy wasn’t a fluke. He is a great player and will be dominant this OMPL.

Mega Rays vs Klink Shamers
Socialism vs Capitalism
Honchkrows vs Tyrantrums
Blisseys vs Jolteons