Project OM Tournament Queue and Approval Thread


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OM & UM Leader
Basically copied from CAP Forum Tournament Queue/Approval Thread

Signups: SS Camomons Sendoff Tour
Ongoing: OM Madness Tour
Finals: None
Tournament NameHost(s)Signups Date
This thread exists first as a way for the OM community to request + host tournament ideas that aren't already covered by OM Grand Slam, OMPL, WCoOM, and Seasonals, and second as a place to easily find the schedule for approved tournaments.

Posting Rules and Format:
  • ONLY post if you intend to host/co-host the tournament yourself
  • This is NOT the place for extensive discussion on other people's proposals. Constructive comments are acceptable, but OM forum staff will have the final say on if a tournament will be approved/denied.
  • If you want to assist with hosting a circuit tournament, this is not the place to post; instead, inform a forum mod, and then the mod team will get back to you.
Tournament Proposals must follow this format:
[b]Tour Name[/b]: Self-explanatory
[b]Tour Host(s)[/b]: Your name, @Co-host 1, @co-host 2, etc. *Any co-hosts listed here MUST like your post to confirm they're committing to co-hosting
[b]Tour Time Frame[/b]: How long each round will last, as well as the overall span of the tournament
[b]Hosting Experience[/b]: If you have experience, provide links to examples. Otherwise, what other Smogon experience do you have that you think helps prove that you would be a reliable host?
[b]Tour Description:[/b] General description including:
* [i]Style[/i]: Bo3, single elimination/round robin, team tour, etc
* [i]Banlist[/i]: List custom bans/unbans/clauses unique to the tournament here, if there are any
* [i]Justification[/i]: What should this tournament accomplish? Do you think people are interested in this concept?
Tour Name: STABmons Open
Tour Host(s): Kris
Tour Time Frame: week long signup period, week-long rounds, 5-7 rounds
Hosting Experience: I hosted majority of the 2021 OM circuit
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3, Single elimination
* Banlist: No custom bans
* Justification: This tournament will count towards the 2022 OM circuit, as well as points for OMGS playoffs.
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Tournament OP Format and Example

art here (if applicable)
[SIZE=6]Welcome to [tournament name]![/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][B]Tournament Rules:[/B][/SIZE]
[*]Rules here, a few must-haves below:
[*][URL='']General tournament rules and regulations.[/URL]
[*]List the format rules here and tournament, especially if they stray from the base format
[*]Tournament style (Bo3, double elim, etc).
[*]If this is a special kind of tournament, explain the format here
[*]If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
[*]Battles must take place on [URL='']Pokemon Showdown![/URL].
[*]Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
[*]Are replays required?

[COLOR=rgb(209, 72, 65)][SIZE=5][B]Signups will close after x amount of time. Post "in" to signup.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Below is an example:

art by Kris

Welcome to OM Swiss!

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • 2021 OM Circuit information can be found here.
  • The banlists for this tournament are the same as the ladder of each format of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown.
  • Two stages
    • Stage 1:
      • Swiss-style
      • Each week is a best-of-3 of a different metagame randomly decided by !pick (listed later in this post)
      • All players with a positive record after the 5th week (3-2, 3-1, or 3-0) move onto Stage 2
    • Stage 2:
      • Best-of-3 non-seeded single elimination
      • First game of each week chosen by !pick, second (and third) game(s) picked by the loser of the previous game
      • You only earn points for the circuit from this
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
Metagame Order:
Week 1:
Week 2: STABmons
Week 3: Mix and Mega
Week 4: Almost Any Ability
Week 5: Balanced Hackmons
Signups will close after one week (October 3 @ 11:59 PM GMT-4), or earlier depending on the number of signups. Post "in" to signup.
BDSP Other Metagames Livetour Circuit
Tour Host(s) Because of the nature of this type of tournament, there can be up to 8 single livetour hosts. I will be the main host of the tournament, and signups for weekly hosts will be opened with the commencement thread of the tournament.
Tour Time Frame: 4 weeks of livetours, 1 potential week of tiebreaks, plus 3 weeks of top eight finals.
Hosting Experience: hosted livetours in the past, hosted some ROA livetours, other metagames geezer and legend gamer berryrock
Tour Description: General description including:

* Style: The OM Livetour Circuit is a series of single-elimination, best of one live tournaments that will start on [DATE TBD]. The tiers played will be the main four OMs, those being Generation 8 BDSP Almost Any Ability, Balanced Hackmons, [Godly Gift OR Not Fully Evolved], and STABmons. These live tournaments will last for four weeks, with one tour being run every Saturday and Sunday. In each livetour, players are given the opportunity to earn points that correspond to how far they advanced into the tour. At the end of this four week period, the top eight players will be placed in a single-elimination best of three playoffs bracket featuring the four tiers played in each of the weeks. If the three game limit is reached and a winner is decided, the fourth meta will not be played. During the main season, each tier will take up one weekend, containing one Saturday and one Sunday tour. Tiers will be played in alphabetical order (AAA / BH / [GG/NFE] / STAB).
All tournaments will take place on the Smogtours Server, and competitors must sign up for each individual tour they wish to play in. Competitors will post "in" or an equivalent in this thread following a post by one of the hosts that states signups are open. Signups will open at the following times:
For each Saturday tour, signups will open at [TIME TBD]
For each Sunday tour, signups will open at [TIME TBD]
In order to be eligible for playoffs, competitors must score points in at least three separate livetours.

* Banlist: standard

* Justification: I think that the largest missing piece of the OM community is multi-meta tours that are easily available and accessible, as well as quick. Most multi-meta tours are locked behind a seasonal bracket, are teamtours, or are otherwise inaccessible. Additionally, livetours address the "slow" nature of tours that drives a lot of players like myself crazy, making it so all games can be completed in a bracket within the span of a couple of hours. In the past, livetours were used to "feel out" post-DLC metas in gen 8, so these lower-risk high-accessibility tours could be used as mid-higher level player evidence when it comes to ban reasoning for developing metagames.
Additionally, popular OM gamers such as Andy and gman have come to me asking when these will be hosted again, not only on the playing front but also on the hosting front. This tournament offers multiple ways to contribute, from players being able to watch and host games to actually being able to play.

e: bdsp mnm doesn't exist, i think the best choice is to decide between godly gift and nfe
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BDSP Other Metagames Livetour Circuit
Tour Host(s)
Because of the nature of this type of tournament, there can be up to 8 single livetour hosts. I will be the main host of the tournament, and signups for weekly hosts will be opened with the commencement thread of the tournament.
Tour Time Frame: 4 weeks of livetours, 1 potential week of tiebreaks, plus 3 weeks of top eight finals.
Hosting Experience: hosted livetours in the past, hosted some ROA livetours, other metagames geezer and legend gamer berryrock
Tour Description: General description including:

* Style: The OM Livetour Circuit is a series of single-elimination, best of one live tournaments that will start on [DATE TBD]. The tiers played will be the main four OMs, those being Generation 8 BDSP Almost Any Ability, Balanced Hackmons, [Godly Gift OR Not Fully Evolved], and STABmons. These live tournaments will last for four weeks, with one tour being run every Saturday and Sunday. In each livetour, players are given the opportunity to earn points that correspond to how far they advanced into the tour. At the end of this four week period, the top eight players will be placed in a single-elimination best of three playoffs bracket featuring the four tiers played in each of the weeks. If the three game limit is reached and a winner is decided, the fourth meta will not be played. During the main season, each tier will take up one weekend, containing one Saturday and one Sunday tour. Tiers will be played in alphabetical order (AAA / BH / [GG/NFE] / STAB).
All tournaments will take place on the Smogtours Server, and competitors must sign up for each individual tour they wish to play in. Competitors will post "in" or an equivalent in this thread following a post by one of the hosts that states signups are open. Signups will open at the following times:
For each Saturday tour, signups will open at [TIME TBD]
For each Sunday tour, signups will open at [TIME TBD]
In order to be eligible for playoffs, competitors must score points in at least three separate livetours.

* Banlist: standard

* Justification: I think that the largest missing piece of the OM community is multi-meta tours that are easily available and accessible, as well as quick. Most multi-meta tours are locked behind a seasonal bracket, are teamtours, or are otherwise inaccessible. Additionally, livetours address the "slow" nature of tours that drives a lot of players like myself crazy, making it so all games can be completed in a bracket within the span of a couple of hours. In the past, livetours were used to "feel out" post-DLC metas in gen 8, so these lower-risk high-accessibility tours could be used as mid-higher level player evidence when it comes to ban reasoning for developing metagames.
Additionally, popular OM gamers such as Andy and gman have come to me asking when these will be hosted again, not only on the playing front but also on the hosting front. This tournament offers multiple ways to contribute, from players being able to watch and host games to actually being able to play.

e: bdsp mnm doesn't exist, i think the best choice is to decide between godly gift and nfe

I don't think this will turn out very well if it's all bdsp metas. The bdsp OMs are all pretty fresh and don't seem to have an amazing amount of interest and that might lead to poor turnout.

Edit: maybe just do SS metas instead?
Edit 2: I also noticed that you don't have a tentative start date here (unless I missed it). Does that mean you're open to hosting this whenever? The tour schedule for 2022 is public now, so you can always take a look at that and plan accordingly to make a suggestion of your own if you wish.
I'm not opposed to SS metas again if that's what the community prefers. In that case, the four slots would go back to AAA / BH / MNM / STAB. I can host this whenever there's time in the schedule, but I think that late-May early-June would make it so that playoffs don't interfere with more important playoffs like wcop / om champs. (we ran into this problem last time hosting in September / October, poffs were in Nov/Dec after a round of tiebreaks)

Approval 1/2 (Think) - Seems good to me w/ those changes (3rd or 4th week of May sounds best to me)
Approval 2/2 (Kris) - no changes to make after what Think said, 3rd/4th week is ideal
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Tour Name: Gen 8 Balanced Hackmons Ladder Tour
Tour Host(s): XxSevagxX (open to having a co-host, just pm me) & (lph)
Tour Time Frame: The tour will follow the same structure of the AAA Ladder Tour, two separate weeks of laddering, where 16 total people would make it to play offs (8 from each week). Playoffs would be 1 round / week, unless all games are played early. With a total number of play off rounds being 4, this means that the tour should last a totaly of 6 weeks.
Hosting Experience: I have no hosting experience. If someone who has hosted a tour wants to join this project, that would be greatly appreciated. I will look at the previous AAA ladder tour as my guide. I am pretty integrated into BH and I am part of council.
Tour Description: A BH8 ladder two week long ladder tour split into two sections lasting 1 week long each. In each respective session, the top 8 player who have entered the tour under a specified alt name, will be into the play offs, and then the next top 8 players in the other week would (starting from scratch) would join as the next batch of 8. Seeding will be via week placement, and tiebreaker between weeks will be with elo. i.e. #1 from W1, #1 from W2 w/ less elo, #2 from W2, #2 from W1 w/ less elo. etc. Playoffs will be bo3 single elimination.
* Style: Initially a ladder tour as mentioned above, and then bo3 single elimination in play offs.
* Banlist: The tour will follow the current banlist of BH8 at the time and during play offs will implement standard policy if something is banned mid week.
* Justification: BH8 has the most active OM ladder barring OMOTM's and would be the best environment to host a tour in. BH ladder has historically been just as integrated into the community's activity as tour games have, so I believe this will be a successful merging of the two. There is a good number of active BH8 players who would be willing to join the tour.

Approval 1/2 (Think) - seems lit, probably best if this starts around the same time as omgs playoffs so it doesn't clash w/ BH open (conflict of interest for the players involved), but still gets moving before ompl for any managers looking to draft good BH players :]
Also, you PROBABLY don't need an official cohost since there's already a good example to base this off of, but if you ever have questions on anything just contact a forum mod--we're here to help

Approval 2/2 (ITH)
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Tour Name: Gen 8 Balanced Hackmons Ladder Tour
Tour Host(s): XxSevagxX (open to having a co-host, just pm me)
Tour Time Frame: The tour will follow the same structure of the AAA Ladder Tour, two separate weeks of laddering, where 16 total people would make it to play offs (8 from each week). Playoffs would be 1 round / week, unless all games are played early. With a total number of play off rounds being 4, this means that the tour should last a totaly of 6 weeks.
Hosting Experience: I have no hosting experience. If someone who has hosted a tour wants to join this project, that would be greatly appreciated. I will look at the previous AAA ladder tour as my guide. I am pretty integrated into BH and I am part of council.
Tour Description: A BH8 ladder two week long ladder tour split into two sections lasting 1 week long each. In each respective session, the top 8 player who have entered the tour under a specified alt name, will be into the play offs, and then the next top 8 players in the other week would (starting from scratch) would join as the next batch of 8. Seeding will be via week placement, and tiebreaker between weeks will be with elo. i.e. #1 from W1, #1 from W2 w/ less elo, #2 from W2, #2 from W1 w/ less elo. etc. Playoffs will be bo3 single elimination.
* Style: Initially a ladder tour as mentioned above, and then bo3 single elimination in play offs.
* Banlist: The tour will follow the current banlist of BH8 at the time and during play offs will implement standard policy if something is banned mid week.
* Justification: BH8 has the most active OM ladder barring OMOTM's and would be the best environment to host a tour in. BH ladder has historically been just as integrated into the community's activity as tour games have, so I believe this will be a successful merging of the two. There is a good number of active BH8 players who would be willing to join the tour.

Approval 1/2 (Think) - seems lit, probably best if this starts around the same time as omgs playoffs so it doesn't clash w/ BH open (conflict of interest for the players involved), but still gets moving before ompl for any managers looking to draft good BH players :]
Also, you PROBABLY don't need an official cohost since there's already a good example to base this off of, but if you ever have questions on anything just contact a forum mod--we're here to help (lph) is going to co-host the balanced hackmons ladder tour with me. he also has experience in hosting the tours plaza classic ii

Also, the time for the tour that think mentioned I sounds great!
Tour Name: OM Spotlight Trios
Tour Host(s): UT (willing to take cohosts if needed/get volunteers)
Tour Time Frame: week long signup period, week-long rounds, 3-5 rounds + finals depending on number of sign ups. Probably sometime in the summer after OMPL, open to suggestions for specific dates
Hosting Experience: currently hosting MNM Open
Tour Description:
* Style: three-person-team team tour, 3-5 week regular season, top-two playoffs
* Banlist: No custom bans. Tentative metas will be Inheritance, Camomons, and Sketchmons, but open to feedback
* Justification: With the discontinuation of Spotlight/Snake, I wanted a tour to spotlight non-perma-ladder OMs, and Trios seemed like a more manageable way to do so.

Approval 1/2 - Think
I can't think of any issues with this, but since the tentative time frame is after ompl, we'll just have to see if anything changes closer to the start date

Approval 2/2 - ITH
Just be sure to get together with respective metagame leaders shortly before the tour goes up to remind them that it's happening :)
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Re: Balanced Hackmons Ladder Tour

We would like to schedule the Ladder Tour Signups on 13th Feb. This will put the 2 ladder cycles in the same weeks as the semifinals/ finals of BH Open, and the playoffs finals in the same week as OMPL Week 1 (ending on 3rd April). In order to overlap with OMPL (and BH Open) as little as possible, and given that the 2+4 weeks duration of LT cannot be shortened reasonably, we believe this is the best solution and would like to hear what you think.

Sure - ITH

sounds good to me - :reuniclus:

it sounds best to me - :medicham-Mega:
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Tour Name OM Farm League 3
Tour Host(s): Amberr & DuckeryDoodle
Tour Time Frame: Would follow the structure of ompl, 1 week manager signup,1 week player signup, 6-8 week regular season depending on amount of players (week long rounds), 2 weeks of playoffs (week long rounds) + tiebreak if needed
Hosting Experience: no tour hosting experience
Tour Description: Standard PL format tour, structured for drafts in the same way as ompl, 8-10 player teams, 4-6 teams depending on signups.
* Style: team tour, 6 to 8 week regular season, 2 weeks playoffs + tiebreak if needed
* Banlist: standard
* Justification: Same as former omfl's, to allow people who were not drafted in ompl to still have a chance to play in a team tour this year and to have records for future tours.

This will more than likely need to be 4-6 teams instead unless signups pop off, and honestly it would be much more secure if one of the hosts was either more experienced w/ hosting teamtours or if you were able to get supervision from someone who is (I would volunteer but already hosting OMPL atm).
- Isaiah

I agree with everything Isaiah said. I'll supervise this tournament and approve it from here.
- Ransei
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Tour Name: Almost Any Ability Change-Happy Tour
Tour Host(s): avyrie, UT
Tour Time Frame: Week-long signups, week-long rounds, will happen around August and assuming 5 rounds (32- or 48-man), this will not clash with AAA Seasonal or OMWC.
Hosting Experience: I hosted TPC III, co-hosted BHLT II, and recently joined AAA council. UT is UT.
Tour Description:
* Style: Single elimination, leaning to bo3 but could be a hassle to prep, open to suggestions here
* Banlist: Each week there will be something unbanned / banned, say Blacephalon, Weavile, Genesect, Magic Bounce, etc.
* Justification: This tour experiments with various tiering options that can potentially improve the AAA meta, and encourages different exploration of the meta over the rounds.

Neat 1/2, I would make it bo3 since it's playing an entirely different meta each week + if the idea is to have experimentation for the betterment of the meta, you will want as big of a sample size as you can feasibly get - Isaiah
Extra note: it's okay to move this up even if it clashes with the second half of seasonal bc that's probably better than having it right when school starts for most people (could negatively affect # of signups)

:talonflame: approval 2/2, agree on making it bo3 and starting late June/early July. I would also make replays required and public to showcase the “meta changes”, but not required
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Tour Name: Mix and Mega Unbans Tournament
Tour Host(s): Quantum Tesseract
Tour Time Frame: Week of Signups, week long rounds. Ideally Start this week or next, since that means it wraps up about when MnM Open starts, which should ensure minimal interruption; relatively few people are in late rounds, and the early rounds of SSNL typically require less attention regardless. Other times can work but there’s obv tradeoffs
Hosting Experience: Mostly livetours, but I've hosted a couple of premier leagues, am hosting AAA ssnl, have run a bunch of altered om tours in the past, etc.
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3, single elimination
* Banlist: Mix and Mega Banlist, but with Pidgeotite, Eternatus, and Kyogre unbanned, and Calyrex-Ice, Dialga, Giratina, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Marshadow, Melmetal, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Reshiram, Palkia, Yveltal, and Xerneas unrestricted
* Justification: What should this tournament accomplish? Do you think people are interested in this concept?: This should be a fun way to try a bunch of the pokemon that haven't had a shot in Gen 8 MnM. The most broken of the currently restricted mons remain so, so as to not overshadow other unbans and reduce actual options, as do most things that have previously been tested out of Gen 8 MnM, like Urshifu, Gengar, and Pheromosa. When expressed on discord this got a lot of enthusiasm and tours of this type tend to be quite popular, so there's should be solid interest. Specific Banlist was ironed out with help from MnM players in discord.

:talonflame: sounds fun to me, and I'm good with the timeline if the other mods are. Approval 1/2.
Neat, Approval 2/2
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Tour Name: Inverse Hit It and Quit It Tournament
Tour Host(s): OM~!
Tour Time Frame: about a week each round, I'm expecting a small tournament (16-32) so it should only take a month
Hosting Experience: OM Ghosting Tour I, Inverse tournament I, Last WCoOM
Tour Description: Inverse hit it and quit it tournament! You get one use per mon :P
Style: bo1 single elimination
* Banlist: Hit it and quit it: You may only bring each pokemon once throughout the entirety of the tournament.

:talonflame: love the concept, are replays going to be required to verify each mon is only used once? and is the punishment forfeit, or re-play? Also assume you want to start ASAP to overlap with ladder as much as possible. Approval 1/2
Make replays required imo, Approval 2/2
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Tour Name: Other Metagames Madness (open to changes)
Tour Host(s): DuckeryDoodle, Eggs
Tour Time Frame: Signups would go up whenever is convenient, late June or early July.
Hosting Experience: I am currently hosting OMFL and Eggs has previously hosted the OMM Trios Tour
Tour Description: Players would sign up and pick 3 mechanics from our provided list (max 1 Restricted Mechanic) that they would want to play with at some point. Each week during scheduling, the paired players decide how to combine their chosen mechanics via gentlemen's agreement, with the only requirement being that at least two mechanics (one from each player) are combined. If players cannot agree on a format within a reasonable amount of time, the format will be decided for them by the hosts. Additionally, each week after the first will feature an additional mechanic that is added to every match (example: Inverse Week)
* Style: Double Elimination, Best of 1
* Banlist: Mashups with a preexisting ruleset will follow said ruleset. Otherwise, players would just combine the banlists of the base metagames, along with extra additional bans/unbans agreed on. The mashups bot Iolanthe has a useful tournament code generation function that can be used for this process.
* Justification: A tournament showing off the 'good chaos' of mashups would highlight many of the underplayed and underutilized formats available in OM Mashups, by allowing players to pick between metagames that interest them, or even create entirely new ones! This tournament will be an exercise in creative teambuilding, and players will have to be able to adapt to different formats each week.
Many of these mechanics are not available on PS! main; fortunately The Trashchannel hosts all of the mechanics mentioned in this list.

All Formats: AAA, Alphabet Cup, Averagemons, Bonus Type, Camomons, Category Swap, Crazy House, Cross Evolution, First Blood, Flipped, Godly Gift, Inheritance, Inverse, Linked, Max Berries, Mix and Mega, Monotype, Multibility, National Dex, Nature Swap, NFE, Pokebilities, Revelationmons, Reversed, Scalemons, Shared Power, Sketchmons, STABmons, Tier Shift, Trademarked, ZU, 350 Cup

Mechanics: !Obtainable Abilities, Alphabet Cup Move Legality, Averagemons, Bonus Type Rule, Camomons Mod, Category Swap, Crazy House Rule, Cross Evolution, First Blood Rule, Flipped Mod, Godly Gift, Inheritance, Inverse Mod, Linked, Max Berries, Mix and Mega, Same Type Clause, Multibility, National Dex, Nature Swap, Not Fully Evolved, Pokebilities, Reversed Rule, Revelationmons Mod, Scalemons Mod, Sketchmons Move Legality, Shared Power, STABmons Move Legality, [Gen 8] Tier Shift, ZU, 350 Cup Rule

Restricted Mechanics (Cannot be combined, max 1 per player): Cross Evolution, Godly Gift, Inheritance, Linked, Max Berries, Mix and Mega, Multibility, National Dex, Shared Power, Trademarked
Restricted mechanics are restricted either due to technical limitations or because of their complex interactions with other mechanics.

Incompatible Mechanics: Averagemons + stat changers, Crazy House + First Blood, Tier Shift + ZU + National Dex, Rules that change move legality (ABC + Sketch + STAB), Godly Gift + Crazy House

Banned Mechanics: Anything Goes, Blitz, Chimera 1v1, The Loser's Game, Partners in Crime, 1v1, 2v2
These mechanics are banned because they overshadow any other mechanic they are combined with, and often come with a plethora of ruleset difficulties and unfair combinations that are not reasonable to expect players to build around.

I won't lie to you, a tour that relies on the players to agree to a bunch of mechanics sounds rigged to fail (see: it's already a chore to get people to schedule properly LOL). Perhaps this tour would function better if the hosts decided on what mashups are played every week? You could do it TPC style, where you announce the format at the beginning of every week - Isaiah
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I won't lie to you, a tour that relies on the players to agree to a bunch of mechanics sounds rigged to fail (see: it's already a chore to get people to schedule properly LOL). Perhaps this tour would function better if the hosts decided on what mashups are played every week? You could do it TPC style, where you announce the format at the beginning of every week - Isaiah

Thanks for the feedback! How would you feel about having the options of mechanics being chosen each week by eggs and myself? This change would eliminate the converns that mechanics would conflict with eachother. This would also narrow down the possibilities and potentially allow Eggs or myself to suggest combination if players are having a hard time deciding. An example week could have a pool of mechanic similar to GG, Sketch, AAA, NFE, Trademarked, and Revelationmons.

I'd feel fine about it since that's what I suggested LOL, it was the only glaring issue I could find w/ the tour so other than that, I approve 1/2
neat, 2/2
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Tour Name: AAA LC Cup I
Tour Host(s): Akeras
Tour Time Frame: Starting in August first week, one week of signup and one week per round
Hosting Experience: Just experience on discord tournaments
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3 double elimination
* Banlist: Bans of the tier
* Justification: This is a fun tournament, AAA LC is a cool meta, and i see people interested on the tournament.

:talonflame: there is already an AAA tour, the AAA Change Happy tour, slated for August. Is there another time you would be able to host this? I like the idea of the tour though.
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Tour Name: AAA LC Cup
Tour Host(s): Akeras
Tour Time Frame: Starting in August first week, one week of signup and one week per round
Hosting Experience: Just experience on discord tournaments
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3 double elimination
* Banlist: Bans of the tier
* Justification: This is a fun tournament, AAA LC is a cool meta, and i see people interested on the tournament.

:talonflame: there is already an AAA tour, the AAA Change Happy tour, slated for August. Is there another time you would be able to host this? I like the idea of the tour though.
Maybe after, on october ? Or september, as you like

:Talonflame: September should be great, if you’re able to host then. Since this would be your first forum tour if I’m reading this right, it would probably be good for you to have a co-host. Do you have any friends with hosting experience? If not, I am happy to help. Either way, approval 1/2 from me.
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  • Like
Reactions: UT
Tour name: Balanced Hackmons Invitation
Tour Host(s): XxSevagxX
Tour Time Frame: October 24 - November 13, November 18 - December 4 (or December 11 depending on signups)
Hosting Experience: I hosted a successful BH Ladder Tournament
Tour Description:
  • Best Of 3
    • Gen 6 Balanced Hackmons
    • Gen 7 Balanced Hackmons
    • Gen 8 Balanced Hackmons
    • game 1 = "Home team" selects meta, game 2 = loser selects second meta, game 3 (if necessary) = left over meta
  • Pool Style Tournament
    • Pools of 4 players
      • Randomized, first user will be the "home" user
    • Players will have three weeks to play 3 games
      • Win = 3 points
      • Tie = 1 point (must be a legitimate tie game, approved by host after viewing the replay. If refuted, both users will receive -3 points)
      • Loss = 0 points
      • Tie breaks are broken off based on pokemon differential
        • If this is also tied, then it will go down to who had less statuses pokemon
          • If this is also tied, then it will go down to hp %
            • If this is tied then it will go to a tiebreaker Best of 1 Gen 8 Balanced Hackmons game to be played Nov 13 - 18
    • 1st place of each pool will be invited to the "Balanced Hackmons Invitational"
  • Balanced Hackmons Invitation
    • Top seed of each group will be invited to a Gen 9 Balanced Hackmons knock out tournament, (if someone drops out from the invitation (I mean who would drop out though) then I'll select the next man up based on total points won out of all players)
      • Best of 3 Gen 9 Balanced Hackmons
Banlists: gen6, 7,and 8 ban lists will be that of the current meta state. Gen9bh ban list will of course be TBD as more information comes out.

Justification: I think this will be a nice send off for gen8 balanced hackmons, while also serving as a pleasant shout out to past balanced hackmons generations which paved the way. I believe it will also nicely usher in gen9bh by showcasing the best of the best battle it out in the first gen9bh tournament! (and hopefully aid in early tiering decisions)

I also don't believe that the tournament will overlap with OMWC, and I made it so that it would finish right before OM Championships (If 16 sign ups).

Concern: I do envision this tour on the smaller end, 16 total players since it is very BH focused + a major time commitment (willing to go to 8 groups, bringing it to a total of 32 players, but I can't go past this). I also want to ensure minimal activity calls get made + people don't drop out after not playing for a week or 2. I can have subs ready but it's hard to make up lost time in a pools format. Would some form of vetting procedure be appropriate for such a format that isn't just "first come first serve"? (I'll of course make it clear that entering is a semi-serious time commitment) Thanks for the input!

An alternative format would be teams of 3, corresponding to each meta. This could make the commitment a bit less for each individual team + accountability. This would also increase the total player count to 48 if that many people are interested lol or can make it 24 ppl (4*2*3) in a 2 pools case.

:talonflame: not sure I love the idea of a tour stretching into gen9, but a gen8 send off/multi gen tour like part one of this could be cool. Any appetite for that?
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Tour Name: Re-Evolution Kickoff Tour
Tour Hosts: Wes8888, KaenSoul
Tour Time Frame: week long signup period, week-long rounds, ~5 rounds probably, but could fluctuate with signups
Hosting Experience: None
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3, Single elimination
* Banlist: Standard Re-Evolution Banlist
* Justification: This tournament will give an opportunity for more people to play and discover the meta and be an opportunity for the meta to develop

:talonflame: double elimination tours can take a while, might consider making this single elim. But like the idea/otherwise approve! I know y’all’re both new hosts, if you need help feel free to reach out to me! Approval 1/2

crying bc my initial edit got nuked, but yeah feel free to reach out to the mod team if you need help with things like act decisions or even just general hosting stuff. I think single elim would be best here, bo3 should give enough games to still have a decent sample size
will likely approve later on, but gonna wait until all the mods have gotten a chance 2 see this first - isaiah

i am fine with this, make sure to get help from a badgeholder for pings since neither of you have badges. consider this an approval 2/2 even though isaiah's was already a de-facto 2/2 - kris
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Tour Name: Re-Evolution Kickoff Tour
Tour Hosts: Wes8888, KaenSoul
Tour Time Frame: week long signup period, week-long rounds, ~5 rounds probably, but could fluctuate with signups
Hosting Experience: None
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3, Single elimination
* Banlist: Standard Re-Evolution Banlist
* Justification: This tournament will give an opportunity for more people to play and discover the meta and be an opportunity for the meta to develop

:talonflame: double elimination tours can take a while, might consider making this single elim. But like the idea/otherwise approve! I know y’all’re both new hosts, if you need help feel free to reach out to me! Approval 1/2

crying bc my initial edit got nuked, but yeah feel free to reach out to the mod team if you need help with things like act decisions or even just general hosting stuff. I think single elim would be best here, bo3 should give enough games to still have a decent sample size
will likely approve later on, but gonna wait until all the mods have gotten a chance 2 see this first
I have changed it to single elim
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Reactions: UT
:talonflame: not sure I love the idea of a tour stretching into gen9, but a gen8 send off/multi gen tour like part one of this could be cool. Any appetite for that?
I'm going to edit this a bit b/c I think it might be too much of a commitment to some - I'll get back to it within the weekend. I definitely do want to have some type of gen9 component to it though. I'm not sure why this might be an issue. Could you expand on that? (I understand a brand new meta might not be necessarily be too competitive, but I'm not sure why that would be a huge deal, especially for smaller tours like this (peep recent unban tours)
Tour Host(s): MAMP
Tour Time Frame: Early next year, not sure what tour schedule for next year looks like but could overlap with end of omgs and start of ompl. Will take a couple of months
Hosting Experience: MAMP
Tour Description:
* Style: BH team tour, you know how this works. I think we have the playerbase to support 6 teams with like 5 or 6 metas. My thinking for metas was something like 2 SV, SS, SM, Bo3 (SV, SS, SM). Other possibilities are BDSP, ORAS, BW (not huge playerbase for any of these but probably quite a few people willing to try them out? oras and bw would require some tiering action), LGPE (my beloved), NatDex???, or we could extend it into a Hackmons Premier League and include some PH formats?
* Banlist: stresh
* Justification: it'll be sick
Tour Host(s): MAMP
Tour Time Frame: Early next year, not sure what tour schedule for next year looks like but could overlap with end of omgs and start of ompl. Will take a couple of months
Hosting Experience: MAMP
Tour Description:
* Style: BH team tour, you know how this works. I think we have the playerbase to support 6 teams with like 5 or 6 metas. My thinking for metas was something like 2 SV, SS, SM, Bo3 (SV, SS, SM). Other possibilities are BDSP, ORAS, BW (not huge playerbase for any of these but probably quite a few people willing to try them out? oras and bw would require some tiering action), LGPE (my beloved), NatDex???, or we could extend it into a Hackmons Premier League and include some PH formats?
* Banlist: stresh
* Justification: it'll be sick
Heyo! We aren't taking submissions for Gen 9 tours yet since there's too many unknown variables. We'll be accepting submissions shortly after gen 9 starts once we have more information, a new forum, and next year's circuit is planned out. Please resubmit in gen 9 and we can see if we can fit it somewhere! (early next year sounds unlikely though if i had to take a guess since ompl and omgs come closer together now)
Maybe after, on october ? Or september, as you like

:Talonflame: September should be great, if you’re able to host then. Since this would be your first forum tour if I’m reading this right, it would probably be good for you to have a co-host. Do you have any friends with hosting experience? If not, I am happy to help. Either way, approval 1/2 from me.

I host that with ducky, good ?

:talonflame: That is good, consider this 1/2 from me. Look forward to seeing the tour!
2/2 btw
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Tour Name: SS Camomons Send-Off Tour
Tour Host: Euphonos
Tour Time Frame: September to October
Hosting Experience: Tour Host, Camomons Isle of Armor Launch Tournament; Project Host, Iron Chef Camomons Deluxe
Tour Description:
* Style: If sign-ups reach in between 16 and 32 or in between 32 and 64, there will be a Round 0 to determine subs (cf: Camomons Isle of Armor Launch Tournament); 5 Rounds of Swiss; 3 weeks of Single-Elimination Playoff for the Top 8; all best-of-three series
* Banlist: Standard Banlist
* Justification: The reason why I envision a qualifying Swiss format is because Camomons has hit hard from lack of data especially with the metagame being out of the official OM tournament circuit; OM Spotlight Trios tour were a starting point to keep the metagame moving even in its twilight days. The [qualifying] Swiss format promotes more games, and more data to be extracted, and the Camomons Council could make some tiering actions along the way.

This is fine. Only thing is that I don't really like the Round 0 idea: Once Gen 9 hits it would be ideal to have the full focus be on the new metagames, so this tour should have as little likelihood of clashing with the new gen (and new gen prep) as possible. tl;dr Round 0 extends the tour unnecessarily so that shouldn't happen; in theory we should be able to get the right number of signups or slightly extend deadline to get more if necessary. The format should be fine as long as people play their games. Ideally post signups sooner rather than later (maybe this upcoming weekend?) to make sure it all ends in time for gen 9 preparations.

Approval 1/2, Isaiah

Seconding Isaiah’s points, a round zero shouldn’t be necessary for Swiss and just adds to the tour length. Otherwise 2/2, get sign ups up sooner rather than later to maximize the likelihood this is done by gen9 -UT
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