Basically copied from CAP Forum Tournament Queue/Approval Thread
This thread exists first as a way for the OM community to request + host tournament ideas that aren't already covered by OM Grand Slam, OMPL, WCoOM, and Seasonals, and second as a place to easily find the schedule for approved tournaments.
Posting Rules and Format:
Tournament Name | Host(s) | Signups Date |
Posting Rules and Format:
- ONLY post if you intend to host/co-host the tournament yourself
- This is NOT the place for extensive discussion on other people's proposals. Constructive comments are acceptable, but OM forum staff will have the final say on if a tournament will be approved/denied.
- If you want to assist with hosting a circuit tournament, this is not the place to post; instead, inform a forum mod, and then the mod team will get back to you.
[b]Tour Name[/b]: Self-explanatory
[b]Tour Host(s)[/b]: Your name, @Co-host 1, @co-host 2, etc. *Any co-hosts listed here MUST like your post to confirm they're committing to co-hosting
[b]Tour Time Frame[/b]: How long each round will last, as well as the overall span of the tournament
[b]Hosting Experience[/b]: If you have experience, provide links to examples. Otherwise, what other Smogon experience do you have that you think helps prove that you would be a reliable host?
[b]Tour Description:[/b] General description including:
* [i]Style[/i]: Bo3, single elimination/round robin, team tour, etc
* [i]Banlist[/i]: List custom bans/unbans/clauses unique to the tournament here, if there are any
* [i]Justification[/i]: What should this tournament accomplish? Do you think people are interested in this concept?
Tour Name: STABmons Open
Tour Host(s): Kris
Tour Time Frame: week long signup period, week-long rounds, 5-7 rounds
Hosting Experience: I hosted majority of the 2021 OM circuit
Tour Description:
* Style: Bo3, Single elimination
* Banlist: No custom bans
* Justification: This tournament will count towards the 2022 OM circuit, as well as points for OMGS playoffs.
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