Old Name and Profile Change Requests

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not quite too old for this, apparently
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
Name Changes

-You only get 1 name change
a) You must provide a reason for the change (If you have a badge and want a name change, you need to show proof that you have used your new username on Pokémon Showdown or IRC for at least a month (30+ days).)
b) You may revert back to your old name but you will be ineligible for any future name changesc
c) Removal of numbers or other obnoxious text (eg. [.darkie] -> darkie) will not count as a name change
d) We will not add or create usernames with special characters not found on a conventional English keyboard
e) We are unlikely to add numbers and other characters to your existing name because everyone ends up regretting it and reverting anyway.

-You cannot get a name change if you have an active infraction or are Wi-Fi blacklisted
-If you have a a significant number of posts, the name change will be up to moderator's discretion.
-If your name is changed, you will receive a custom title with your former name for a period of time so that users can identify you.
-If someone with the account name you want already exists, we will not let you take over a name, no matter how long ago the account was used last.

edit: fyi new accounts are solidly against the rules so if you make one instead of using this thread, you'll get infracted and the alt will get banned.

Other Profile stuff

- We will edit birth date/other info only one time
- We will not give avatars
- We will not give Custom Titles
- Badges and banners are earned not given

Do NOT ask supermods/admins on their profiles or in PM to change your name because you posted here, the point of the thread is so that we can do it when we have time to. It will be done.

Log of Name Changes:
EonX- → EonX
Meloettaa! → Kazuma Yato
Magical Manticore → Integer Mova
Ampharoahs ~♫ → Ampharoahs → Alapse
KingSnail2 → KS2
Darkhuaza517 → Kyuzeth
Okk → Conspire
Curious Shaymin → Angeela
deathsnake951 → Phione
Pokemasta77 → Professor Birch
Fleurdyleurse → fleurdyleurse
Quarkoniak → Quarkz
PenguinX → peng
killerkingler → Cacturne
Weedie → Capitalist
Issues → Memphis Grizzly
Xeno598 → Xen
Darth Missingno. → dwarfstar
DizzyDancer → TheAmazingFlavio
Yuu ~ HNA ~ Ace → HNA
Ranger Mike → Seismitoad → Ranger Mike
FraFraFroFraFra → River Martini
TheZokeShipper → -Flygon-
Queezing → Queez
Regi likes pie → regirock
Dr Ciel → Cinco Diablo -> Dr Ciel
mantzik32 → urdrakonis
Temptation → Mael
perplexing pool → Mamp
finncent1 → Aragorn the King
Sturninja → Rose Petal
TeraVoltage → Volty
D Dog Master of war → ChaosABliss
Snotjoch → Durant
Touya → Touymato
Figufgyu → ImperialDragonair
KaabiiMachBike → Magnetonium
SomeKiwi → Catacomb -> Shounen
Trevenant forest → *Trev*
Michael Shropshire → shrop05
The Offspring → Cinesra
Cloneblazer12 → -Clone-
Meta Knight/Jub/KTW/OCR → Modeling Clay
ProJectSwine → InfamousLuffy
Boudouche → boudouche
MOET → Lord Moet II -> RiCH HOMiE CHRiS
AGuyYouDoNotKnow → The Bravest Bird
MeW2011 → Mewderator Y
xUberTertle12 → atomicbliss
eievuimonster → <Totes>
Zakitano → teenyVictini
Kingserperior → HeDancesWithSwords
Gym Leader Cyan → Procne
hiddenpowerice → brightobject
aagneymenon → PlasmicBlaze
CowLaser → Hashtag
ReallyThough? → Little Hulk
DD Zard X → D-Ssain
Alphose_Elric → Lord Alphose
anty208 → Anty
Koishi Komeji → Melons-N-Soda
xJaiYT → omgparmar
Infini → Felicette
Charizard6 - > Reapehify
vroony → Anjunadeep
Raiu638 → The Canceler
Fighterman481 → Doubt
Its Shark Time! → Chevacava
DineshThePoet → DinaIsha
The Jaiho → Jaiho
Ryukario → Karnu
i Myst-O-Gan → Inscribe
PKMN254 → YourBoss
Magcargo 2 → Magcargo
Joyance → Jumi
Volug → Lycus
Hack He Must → Hack
horyzhnz → horizons
Lunatic Lies → -SparkBeat-
MegaPyronox → Pyronox
Jackie Chun → Mulligan
UnovaChampionN → UCN -> Ruby.
Láidreacht → Neart
Hampton → ~BLOOM~
Deer God → MetalGro$$
Ducky209 → Thugly Duckling
Poliwhirlz → AroundTheSwirlz
drag0nic76 → J_ohn76
Vapiras → Winter's Howl
BPC → Jirachie
Joschi → Bocki
Haunted24 → Haunted.Shadow -> Haunted Diamond
jamil → #DefyingGravity
phsycical → Sykikal
Beowwulf → Cleverwwulf
Tao Tahu → Tahu
Morpheus → dadoux
Number Zero → Draco Meteora
ashergr → fullspeedahead
degc93 → DennisEG
Pokefiend626 → ~Volbeatdown~
Plopper → gvmgvm40
FWAnarchist → Anarkiss
TwoSpooky4OU → Reduga
john24645 → John the Aussie
Gregingston → Gr3gory
Psychological → Logic.
Dalai_Drama → TheInsanity
thechannelof → xatisfy
Rajiv Saintina → Rjvcrisen5
Tank178 → FreeButter
Arkhelien → Bowtie Addo
cutie pie mcgee → teal6
Thisisafake name → aesf
Washibon → trash
Omfuga216 → Omfuga
FlarZ → flarz
pjbball04 → blizzarddd
Anna Awesome → Emilyne
Serendipity → From Pallet Town
daup → 4trackboy -> choolio
HMS OldManJenkins → Kabuchops
LeoMence → FogHorn
red97 → silver97
Ghost Trainer777 → Prince Phantom
Soulblaster → Politoed → Soulblaster
Old Man Reaver → Platyp
RatchetDude099 → patriotfan09
Shiny umbreon14 → SirZero14
Andeby → Endeby
Capteon → Caption -> Capteon
LucaroarkZ → Adamant Zoroark
Triangles → adv
Se7en Lions → Seven Lions
ßasedVictory → Versace Python Cased -> RiCH HOMiE CA$ED
Kironide → paterna_silk
Luke_Hatake → Luke Dragonsilver
briayan22 → Axew -> Briayan
Lockes and Keys → 8-BIT Luster
Fei Rune → GOD Tsukamoto
LatiosPro → LatiosIsHere
Dardavatar → Pokedots
Awesomeceus → TrulyDevious
gr33n → SkylarGreen
epicsnorlax → Sage Pheonix → epicsnorlax
george amadeo → teamsnickers
M Kerro → X TREE
Kairyu → King Syn
i liek cheese → Insert Cheese Here
AM145 → AM
Hannahisme2533 → Hannahh
_BuD1n0 → Kirito-Kun!
GrudoMisfit → KMizfit_PE
EpicPikachu63 → piikaa
dragons → truedew
.Robert → Xelx -> Robert.
Darkpokemon → HoennZach
yan[sogeking] → Hellraiser.
SJNeptunia → Lunistrius
ShoxFire → Shox
suresh4e → ZANBAKUResh
Srn9130 → Srn
MosesLH → White Eagle
Kiba Roserade → Cheek Pouch
chramsr → based n bad -> benbe
Fr33kickz → Royal Pains
protoman206 → Nghirus
Dreamfyre → Twisted Mind
Faxxifer -> faxxifer -> f(x)
aaf -> GoodMorningEspeon
Gizmozian -> -Gizmo-
Kebbabuh -> The_Killer99
Diploman -> Pisti
maniax -> RedBlueGreen
My Feelings Suck -> Silk Weaver
Mewvee -> Laladeda
XenoBlade911 -> Chronic Smash
camsuperman1 -> Beastly.
Babosow -> PeteDHeat
Leo #2 -> LLeonard
supersie -> SuperSei
Evir -> evir
Guilas Law -> xCarlos -> Guilas D
Exeggutorial -> Exeggutor
Zago -> SteelGoran
Masteroo -> Ibito
Hairy Ambipom -> Hairy Toenail
PsYkIk -> Rainman Legends
Celticpride034 -> Celticpride
GGamer## -> GGamer -> -altercation-
HiMyNamesLuke -> HiMyNamesL
SandShrewed -> Dillon~
λzԑlf♪ -> GenoAzelf
quickscopenoscope -> qsns
MewDraco -> Anivia
Rosenfeldius -> Rosen
leroi17 -> Nabilla Benattia
ErzaVsErza -> Wettin -> Erza98
LustrousPalkia -> PISTOLERO
Spieky -> LE0 -> Spieky
lucastatsuma -> Tatsumaa
Roxer123 -> Roxer
Dygengur -> Sanger Zonvolt
RedBlueXY -> Plasmanta
supersaiyan3 -> dabroyo -> DracoMaster Dab
Raijaion XXXX -> Raijaion
EyanZ -> Eyan
llvallejoll -> VallejoMC.
Joethemaster -> Beedrill~ -> joethemaster
Kevinrocks7777 -> kevinrocks
QuoteMaster -> QuoteMissy
Inevitability -> Pretty Flowers
TaBuu -> TheTaBuu -> TaBuu
solana -> roxanne
Seed -> Scrake
Rasp -> Beelogical
endless_struggle -> Critsomnia
Wario Land 3 -> Drowsy Cheesecake
HyperBeamingEevee -> Amitghosh
JLomb -> Sneaselz
Yarti -> Circle Hoes -> Yarti
Hollow_Bubblegum -> Chandelurist -> Zinnia
North -> brizz
jbbill -> bill1
pimpinberto -> albynes
absdaddy -> ROJO RODRIGUEZ -> absdaddy
PuddlesA1 -> Splash Plate -> Dread Plate

TeflonAntony -> Teflonrium
Littledave16 -> Kumiho
Nicaea -> Winry.
Shokwav -> Gehenna
HRunner -> die Entrückung
Lucy Heartfillia -> Iggy Azalea
KingDragonite00 -> Autumn.
MightyMask -> Lufia
Phil -> phil
zetazord210 -> south memphis flying squirrel
holysk -> pidgey4
Jacob -> jacob
jolteon99 -> BeMyEscape
FearRattata -> Chauque
Questionnaire -> Mistaken
Heir of Breath -> Charingo
Shit getting real. -> Shitegotreal
dead song -> Sanosuke
Trainer Riahi -> Riahi
Adam Lambert -> Pancham
Good Morgan -> PLODE -> Good Morgan
####### -> Sacrificial Lambtias
Ogrelicious -> Ace Reject -> Airwolf
thomasleahy123 -> FNH
DarkGengar -> Neil. -> Dark G
TCR -> Amaura -> ThatCrazy Russian
Eaarth' -> Earth -> Miang

Malkyrian -> Yuelia
Goop -> SocksBrown
The Romanian Power -> Nicu Stan
Ohioisonfire -> Recreant
Ninety_Nine -> Ninety Nine -> Paynes
Krauersaut -> Aenonar -> Krauersaut

Vansalon -> Seraph's Fire
OUman -> Illuminati Just
Farris Abuaita -> TheHoundofDoom
LLW Gao Changgong -> Transcendent God Champion
Bluwing -> Iridescent. -> Bluwing
LiepardHater -> Druddigon
Smog Frog -> Glalie Guru
;lmlm -> Sun King
Luis Henrique -> Louisxd
azabuke -> Snow Warning
Quickbobhero -> QuickBH
Seevea -> Dread Arceus
Amarillo -> marilli
SwagSandwich -> Ace Trainer Jesus
Cynthia'sMilotic -> Fineonbae
MilkyWay01 -> MilkyWay
luka pucko -> Feeling The Moment -> Valetta
XD001Rules -> DJWils
Captain Amurica -> Captain Skywalker
gamer boy -> Marigi174 -> gamer boy
VN. -> Living So Zambian -> Honus

Drift_King1 -> Twigler
Dunderpedia -> Dundies
Bippy -> Megazard Z
Fade 2 Grey -> Khajeel
###### -> NotACoolName
Qwertypops -> qwerts
Shirpedo -> Shikane
Gosick -> Stockings
Lighthouses. -> lighthouses -> Diogo -> lighthouses
Darth Jack -> Jaeck
Dudeman##### -> dodmen
ForumN00b -> GroudonEmpire
Raducan -> Contradanza -> Rare Poison
cesardglr -> LuxAkarion
Sowwy -> Anja
Rndmguy95 -> A Random Duck
BKC -> kill yourself
duch xd -> duch n_n
Xpzm3 -> Yellow Skarmory
Supa Kito -> Jamel
Kanap£sh -> Scythe.
Wepwn -> FAJI
Desuchan -> Youmou the Gardener
Sunny. -> Asterya
Dragoon124 -> Hyperactivity
Lavos Spawn -> Lavo$
- Renegade - -> Unreadable
col49 -> 49
XxAbsolionxX -> Stray Absol
whotookmyname -> ILRB
casectiv -> ~yoda~
TerrorDave -> Numera
Goomynator -> byee
BlackLight -> Tressed
MaverickMyles -> MajesticM
Manu26 -> Chimechoo
Archifix -> Fix up
HollowRidley -> Dustflier
Hitsugi -> Veleno
Jason9595 -> Nyokolol
Frozensun -> Linkin Karp
Trickzio -> Escavalier
FreakingAggron -> ElegyOfVGC
Kirby_Ampharos -> A male Gardevoir -> King Cacturne
playerShowdown -> Shida
sparktrain -> Pawou -> sparktrain
drakon136 -> Helias
RigoFTW -> Ken Valbrandur
cooldude_dude -> Choice Banned
Prime Legionnaire -> Actual Garbage
Billtodamax -> newfren
Zebra-kun -> zebra.k
Cokledur90 -> Dee Train
Lady Ciaran -> Lucipurrr
The Chimp of Funbros past -> DePhoenix
Steeljackal<3 -> steelphoenix
yoshikkkun -> Gloom
AquajetBreloom -> Zenzo.
rikkiness -> cinccino for ubers
Rukario-kun -> WaveBomber
mista fista nipple twista -> I like donkeys
Evilsaiyan -> iEvils
SirDizzyIII -> Frogifier
DM35 -> Freeroamer
FastFlygon -> 666lumberjack
gemaddog7 > ashfr
offler -> Animalityy -> Jho
JirachiCelebiMew -> JCM.
Aproblem -> Reinier
myggy17 -> wtset
Hayabusa -> 2xTheTap
idrewthat -> oml it's too ez
kalphiteman4 -> kalphite
loogie -> Rugi
Black Pokemon -> GS1
Rob. -> rob. -> born ready
LegendaryElitist -> SSJ2Red
Particularly -> OSheaJackson
StarLord311★ -> Ashaury
A Hunk -> Tyke
Kirito-Kun! -> Dat Substitute
Langur -> Rhythms
Qubae -> Rumor
Emmma -> Fire Lord Mako
The Leader -> Lord Outrage
CodedGryph -> Aether Ring
MisCritManage -> rubsomebacononit
TraceOfLife -> TraceofLife
gizmotron -> -gizmo-
iTeddeh -> Teddeh
LeoLancer -> LeoLancaster
Kodi -> Nightingales
Sparkl3y -> Rainbow + -> Sparkl3y
Madonna -> SarahPhoenix
LordOfTheFlygons -> gnark
buttofTheTitanTank -> Jegoro
725roy -> -Voltage-
Houndoomite -> Sablenite
hinatahajimeme -> astroboy
Cubone Kid -> MaroGod
Fling > Knock Off → Fling
Lermarvinjordan23 -> SKratosSnake
xcmsj -> tigers jaw
The Revenant -> Final Demolition -> TFK
TheShinyBlaziken -> Iwan
Logan -> MegaBuddha
Davon -> Chef Rice → Davon-
Pwnemon -> Stratos
TrumpCard -> Delteros
Obvious Power -> OP
Benja299 -> Victorious B.I.G.
Philosophist -> Yellow Paint
Nightmare Vampire -> NV
bobbyz -> Serperior for Uber
Typhlosion009 -> Icarus Syndrome
MilkNuggetsPie -> JJJJJ
BlazingRed -> Analytic
UllarWarlord -> Ullar
Sir_Bgael -> Sir_Bagel
Sue-Moon -> Mars714
Marth -> SkillinJah -> GOD MARTH
Johnathan Day -> procrastinat
Orbital -> Tom the Bomb
RandomSpanishGuy -> MegaMogwai
Terion -> DKFirelord
The Unlucky one -> TUO
Artisan's Mask -> Rollout Shuckle
TheSwagger -> Eashy
[chinese symbol]Red -> Dragon God Red
Swagmaster222 -> MaestroDeSWAG
Breloom tho -> big goon
David Williams -> squingo44
Alpha II -> ceraa
Meowiekins -> YABO
Tilting -> Scald
Brazilian Army -> Lord Minds -> Brazilian Army
Perche No Fai -> PNF
pokemonshowdown -> Dot Agumon
Uncreative Username11 -> The Mansavage
Fluffy Bird -> brunch XD
Timeless Spider -> Jimmy Turtwig
pushpaa -> Dratios
Mike the Competitor -> Nohbody
Kitty Cratt -> Eternidade
Specs Cranidos -> Pakmasta -> Pak
ChristovaOnIce -> Force Majeure
Chimplup -> SirSkit
p.h.a.n.t.o.m. -> Fahyt
Ace_ -> ____
wh0sy0urpapa -> Snobalt
Heist -> babidi1998
Pokey-Man -> ManOfMany
Critical- -> Criticality
Stormy Deus -> The Magical Nacho
Havor -> Ren-chon
lzc001 -> -Tynamo-
Greg Willett -> Skillett
ScraftyForTehLolz -> Springtrap -> Estronic
RaMpAgE_1_9_3_ -> CaliSweeper
ISuckLolSup -> Arkanada
Laladeda -> Queen Lala
Scarfed Raptor -> Sucker Lunch
darkshadowfire -> BlazeLatias
Chillingtilnoon -> Career Ended
GG No Re M8 -> Prince Python
Infamy -> lord minds -> Infamy
A Random Scrub -> Pinkin Lark
Lone94 -> -Lone
DarthMagikarp85 -> Kittttten
Piexplode -> Disaster Area
Cost -> les gets
Cookiemon -> asdfCookie
Isaku -> Isami
hanteng -> Taiwan Province
kael -> Skywallker -> kael
praj.pran -> Real -> praj.pran
Endekey -> Ende
MTKZ -> En
Flying Types Rule -> Illusio
RegiFlame150 -> SkywardSword596
Leftiez -> Toupip -> Leftiez
ThisMysteriousGuy -> Mr. Uncompetitive
小太郎 -> Pei Kong
Bulbander -> 14mal02
Adversary -> Chalkie -> Adversary
Shadow_Gengar -> Bubblescotch
Salt2DaFeds -> Mr. Hothead
Vaporeon for Ubers -> Vapo
Dat Blast -> Blastral
pardon my swagger -> Eren Swaeger
Ginku -> ikarus
Mix -> Homungous -> Mix
ForumBeta -> Anduril
OSAMUK BIN LADIN -> Aokigahara
El-Soldier -> Soldier
Ignis Unis -> Igloo the Almighty
jack cret -> dusk raimon
Binding Band -> Vanadinite
J O G A -> Shogarth
CallMeBrendannn -> Brendannn
Gelli -> rural
RoSs_ -> Zephiros
djanxo unchained -> Cresselia~~
tomibello -> Syncrasy
BRIGHT LIGHTS -> Noir. -> brightlights
Lennon-Mccartney -> Jimbo Morrison
Mylo Xyloto -> HeuwelsFantasties
Ikemefuna -> Westbrook
Antimattle -> Drillbreaker
Mur22 -> Mur
m00n's blanket -> m00ns
BostonFanatic534 -> -CELTiiC-
watda..aaa -> KogaEliteFour
leon- -> -Leon-
Anima Artificialis -> Psicodelico
Cido -> Singlex
Evuelf -> Angel Konan
Clarion Valenheart -> Euphonos
Neptis -> imagi
s_aman -> yippeee -> s_aman
XTXM -> starsweater
RiskVsRewardPlayer -> NightArch
HellPowna -> Tobito -> hellpowna
SamuCapiscoh -> SamuelTheBest
weatherSweepFTW -> atticusYT
queenlucy -> mad0ka
Togie -> Viridi
Hawkstar -> Celestavian
TheRealDraciel -> Draciel RC
Light The Thunder -> Lightchu
Dykes -> Jimmy L
SlashItToBits -> MegaTias
Grinding -> Freedom. -> styie
lucas hobbs -> WakafLUKEaflame
srk1214 -> Bughouse
Pure Demize -> Facts
Pangaea -> runbabyrun
basedscald -> -Ixtamacunxi-
poketrainer777 -> Aurorusite
Taiy -> Commander Greil
Ox the Box -> Ox the Fox
DragonFanatic1986 -> DarkWyvern0209
CrashinBoomBang -> IZANAGI-NO-OKAMI -> CrashinBoomBang
ZemoUR -> Arfemius
Rohail -> Arkian
ManyMushrooms -> Aeonic
LiberalLucario -> Slate.
Holiano -> LetMeShine- -> Holiano
Delta Tea -> Verse
DatCoconut -> Coconut.
John Sanchez -> JSanchzz26
HawkAutumn -> Hawkie
Kamikaze Gallade -> Mudvayne
JohnWalton1991 -> Bigfoots Son
A Terrakion -> Terrakion.
Artorias -> Djura
Kingstown -> Decadentia
cirlo -> NaCl
FatPinkUU -> Cyndequil.
Aston Rasen -> Segment
ILoveFlannery -> Northern Lights
TheGreatLeon19 -> QueenMeteor
Curtain -> Pac -> Curtain
RedKingAlmighty -> Red King
Gallade Lv. X -> Galom
Edwardo M -> Joe Trouble -> edwardo.
Shadowtags -> Rapture. -> Shadowtags
dEnIsSsS -> Dr. Zeni$ -> dEnIsSsS
fresh to death -> Rain.
Amy Sorel -> Miridy
darkskull -> TheSkyAboveUs
SD Dragon Ascent -> Dabney
ethanbarryandme -> ghostbandit
Jellal Fernandes -> King of Elkia -> Jellal Fernandes
SoulDragonite -> Eternal Spirit
KingT -> Natural Talent
Zeethh -> Zerius
VGCSandstorm -> Matt_192
VirajVora -> Black Heart -> VirajVora
Kouhai -> Bryce D -> Kouhai

molgeraa -> Golden Freddy's
Phoenix2014 -> DarkPhoenix911
Abraite → Voltages → Sanjay.
HeiDoe -> Snowy.
TheEpicBro -> Always!
SGGT -> Luispeikou
Super-Butthole-Mouse -> xXLebronJamesXx
Erick17 -> Crash Your Face
Dry Paratroopa -> En Passant
phoenixlegend -> acidphoenix
xDIRCIOx -> Rocxidi
ZeroChaosLegacy -> Ishtaria
raikou00 -> Rk00
AltJ-Bouffalant -> IRippedJelly
Destruction -> Mogis
Mew King -> Darth Manaphy
Wally the French -> Wally the Bully
Angelin -> Vic.
Padomay Vi Vanille -> Aviv
Kefka -> Kefky
Dingodile -> Chinatsu
Bangaran -> Jay Santos
JJJr. -> Brawl MK
MuhFugginMoose -> Of Moose & Men
Cnorth26 -> North
Fox-Air4 -> Reborn Fox
#zero -> Krahzer -> #zero
st123 -> xMarth
Dj Moya -> TheMoyaa
DestructiveSkitty -> Reignited'Light
iFPG -> PlatinumBlad3
GasQuake -> gasquakee
Pelipperr -> Peli
Dark Kang -> Serpz
Lucina09 -> Misaka Mikoto
Toebag -> Burt Racecar
Khalasar -> Mesonero -> Khalasar
zbouuuuub -> Weill0u
Pearl. -> Kotori -> Pearl
Lanueba -> EV Umbreon
BenOhver -> Twix
Fried Rhys -> Mike Legend
pye -> celebitrainer36 -> aimless
Silvershadow234 -> ss234
Spydreigon -> Spy
xbooty -> Sabella
ChaosTwilly -> C9 DRM2K
Chasser -> Poppy Bros Junior
luckE_Apex -> LORD ISSEI
SnowCristal! -> -Snow
Specs Fake-Out -> Akiruu
vullabooteh -> Corvid Phoenix
Devil -> Royalnb
Dundies -> Simipour -> Dundies
hmbshark -> Hector Hard Mode
VentusAwakening -> EdwardElric15 -> Apollo.
TruSwagblu -> Rambutan
ninjadieter -> Alpha Ninja
Livio -> PokeManiac Livio
CakeOfTruth -> KidMagic
Jernmax -> AllJokesAside
phantom vortex -> Umbra Soul
Michael Plank -> Shiv3r
Gym Leader Otero -> OPBreloom!
OmniaX -> Septicus
stacking cash -> Lanculus -> Omastar
MrGorbachev -> Do A Bibarel -> Adaam.
NocturOP -> Regnite
Spook St. -> Jack Boots
Darkerones -> Lord Wallace
NaturalTheAbsol -> Day of the Dead
Lyse -> Awu
xInsREW -> xInsrew
ToxicSwamp -> Toki Wartooth
Ranbu No Melody -> Poliwrath -> Ranbu No Melody
scotti -> Scotti
Clawshock50 -> LightningRise750
Fiend Hound -> Fiend
Sir Kay 9 -> Sir Kay
Hantsuki -> HANTSUKI
Ronald Reagan Debates -> Relaxed Dedenne
ShunGTX!! -> Digital Sound
NotHyunation -> TSM ryan
SockeFTW -> Shocki
It's just Lacus -> Lacus Clyne
coolking49 -> ck49
Inferstrain -> Declarity
LilOuOn -> LilOu
Drum'n'Bass -> DnB
Skarm_Steel -> Steven Stone
Kopaka -> Tahu
Tjust7896 -> Dank Rabbit
Shinyshuppet1 -> Bluemew.
Dude24 -> Breakspear
astroboy -> aberdeen -> astroboy
SilverHairCurse -> The Mawile Ace
uCan'tSeeMe -> BC SEEME -> Seeme
AlphBattle -> PachChomp
Noruega -> Lionyx
Starmaster -> Star.
DerivativeOfLogarithm -> Sota Higurashi
Erzkrieger -> Erz
ZeroSkillSamus -> PeterHG
Daenys -> Tom Miller -> Daenys
FANCy head -> chester0335 -> Chesty

Wowzapika -> Koromok
Get Backer -> Luigi.
MrSnorlax -> Fakir
Masterclass -> Sweepage
uraga -> uragg
StarmeiTheGod -> Starmei
PrincessGardevoir -> Evanile
Wesleyxd -> Wind Ice
Skaren -> Latch
GundamKyra -> Gundam
Nico Miatello -> OliveTone
Samuel Dabakarov -> mo0mo0
OrreChampion -> ZyFlux
- lord -> Kirsi
Argon24 -> DarkingDazzle
Burgerfresser -> Liones
Kozue -> Znain
victini493RMT -> 4daptability
nbaker813 -> Mega Archeops
Swegmastergeneral -> ChinChinLives
Flame Emblem -> Florina Liastacia
PandaSaysNo! -> Venoxio
seventyfive -> Seventy
The Sweepz -> CopyKirby
ParaFail -> Phable
Skyark -> Melon Vodka
FalseHopes -> NotFalse
wintermute0 -> Blue5
Dragonrotom -> #1 Rotom
Vitamin DD -> Charles A. Theist
Bacent -> Badass Lugia
XtC BlakkOutZ -> Jmac AU
Fortune -> threads200 -> Fortune
RudyRoods -> RudyRudy.
macrarazy -> Eminegg
Spindim -> Iron Pyrite
U missed a spot -> -slowpoketail-
Guardian Aura -> Based Grant
Drawer - > Pendulum Swing
Mega Pikachu -> Wyn
Roland Leslie -> Based Loser
Kiry4n -> Exceed in Dreaming
Whiscash-Mega -> Whis
TheAmericanSniper -> FaZeBoo
Exodus Latios -> -Latios-
Nasir Cole -> BlvckEquity
IvyTehSaur -> That Ivy Guy
SpecsMegaBeedrill -> Drayen
stroid333 -> FloristtheBudew
GrimoireGod -> -Grim
YoungKingPat -> I'm actually Cash
manu007 -> King Sun
Corsica -> Jakee
Creeper3971 -> GateCreeper
BloodRedZangoose -> Inconspicuosauros
Heisenberg -> V0LC0M
VKV -> Drag0nair
Fradipagio -> Roundabout
Nulava -> Snoo
low98dixon -> NTOGG
ShinyMew151 -> Gelato101
The Shadow Lugia -> LumaSoul
Michizard -> Loveless Rhapsody
professorcaterpoop -> Caterpiellar
Super Jack2 -> Air Jack
Detect Marowak -> Tect
Elie -> Taezelf
Realistic Waters -> rw -> Realistic Waters
ready2go202 -> Confide.
NotAHuman -> Domino Effect -> not sirius
Sterno -> We Are All We Need
Slitheen-Lord -> HowlingSnail
Irraquated -> Jack.
BlubBlobbery -> Raravian
~FireBlast~ -> Lujigy
-Madness. -> xDeathlyHallowS
Cynthia's Chomp -> shadestep
beppityboopbop -> ehat
pastelgameboy -> Pastelle
Backwater Rifle -> Toilet Technician
Karlpower -> Harvest God
love's escort -> i'm sora
Ysmael Pantaleon -> ysmaelbp
ShiningFire08 -> TSR
zulkaz -> iVid
BlazingFlareon -> TM64HoldHands
Mein -> Rory Mercury
Ksnake789 -> Kie
DaRizzleMyShizzle -> DaRizzleTheMan
Melodic D Minor -> Fake Melo
Dragonblaze052 -> FMD
syndrome445 -> ScarfGren
pookiez_wuv -> pookie
Peef Rimgar -> Cobalion. -> Peef Rimgar
Omastar42 -> Oma
Aurorosaurus Rex -> Admiral Kirk
Iggy Ebola -> Basketball
Na4eHD - > Peppermint Creams
The Last Huzzah -> Palooka
Celeberty -> wisc
Tileboom -> Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
Exhaust -> AV8
Jellal Fernnandes -> To Kill a Chatot
chameleonskyes -> Alcor
Gengar955 -> GhostSword
Araxdabe -> Lytening
Sanctuary -> tysequaine
YourKouhai -> Yaksok
Mamoswine200 -> empire370
NinjaStars -> Mega Ampharos
Elpaca -> Exiiile
MegaScizor -> Arcanine is Regal
Physical Tyranitar -> Marquis Of Blaze -> Physical Tyranitar
PrinceKyurem -> SuperAceToad
ScarfFroslass -> TyrantrumIsBroken -> Watchog
Kushano98 -> SC Hazama
Duncajuwon -> Shakeem Jabbar -> Duncajuwon
sgdfdfg -> fistofthefight
Shunsetsuzan -> Isawa
Piers Nivvans -> DragonairDance
Psy xo -> Shining Yin
I not tell U -> Shadow-Pie
iSuicune -> obii
stefani -> PTF
It Is Guest -> Derivatives
LegendaryBoy -> Fractions.
Zodiax -> Lacuna -> Zodiax
metaphysical → rozes
nintendisgamer → Nintendi
iWanka → Wanka
parpar356 → parpar
blaziken1337 → Blaziken.
PresidentLatios → b1ackhat
Bomber92 → Bomber.
broly66573 → Luciela Sourcream
Stressmacher Xatu → Infernal
Law.→ Korin
Professor Lamb → Elentiya
schweitzdaddy65 → SamVGC
xVarsity → Manipulativex
Monsters of Men → March Fires
AceKnightSuzaku → Mars Lowell
gardex14 → Visceraph
MattLikesHax → ChildOfDisorder
LORDGrennkat → Enzonana.
Lilligant for OU → McSaltine → Lilligant for OU
lolbro → AuRo^ → lolbro

BlazeKnight → TranquilWyvern
RebornPixels → Fuuta of the Stars
TheSuperSaiyanBreloom → princessgod
DoubleBullShyte → Oda
SilverReaper21 → Silver Aurum
kyla-kylls → Casuistry
Cleffas → Electrabae -> Electra
CorruptedFlame → OM room
Christo The Great → Christo.
Updated Kanto → Genos
♕Eternally♕ → Eternally.
Drayen → SpecsMegaBeedrill
OmanyteSwag → xHelix
BT Cant Get Burns → Lmao Its BT
Tsoliades → Breakfast Cereal
Balanced Break → BlackJak
passion → h0mura → passion
Local! → Flume
fleggumfl → p2
Testing9193 → Sir Mudkip II
marct25 → Frozen Marc
Troller X → Not Troller
Jessilina → overdramatic
Shake → thunder n' blazes
AnybodyAgrees → HeadsILoseTailsYouWin
Born to rule → TL The Ninja
Septicus → Entei.
dreamyyy → retrowaves
Leodamin → Damin
Ethan Truong → ethanlol
TV-Rocka → Porengan
TOBI Sung → OniionCiitron
ufoivy → RoadsterUFO
Majore D' Mawile → Ray Majore
Volty → psVoltage
Lord B33 → terrors
FishInABox → BIAF
PK-Kaiser → Barian
Attis Matv. → Attis Fujiwara
Valiancy → Flerovium
Sukea → annmarie
BoxedOccaBerrys → BoXeD
Shiny Girl → Arii~
Century Express → Yes.
Zarif → Disbelief
TheBritishMafia → Fresher Than You
Combeenation → Icey Fall
KidMagic → -Magic-
Nuno. → Nunno
Betas → Y8 → Abahu
A Moon Gust → amg
YuriTerry → Lost in the city
Sammy-kun-sama → Sam-testings
99sobiYT → Sobi
z0mOG → z0m(no g)OG ;_; → z0mOG
Bouffalant → Bouff
Gouz → Mold
SharpManAreEpic → Sharp Ladder UU
Kirigakure → bigmidass
RobocreeperMC → Interro
ramb → Umlaug
Charientism → Seito Hakari
Mega Alakazam 1 → GoldenPortal
Crystal Marth --> Crystal Xman
Seo~ -> Seo.
DoomXFTW -> DoomX
During Summer -> Uchiha Sasuke
EzioAuditorium -> _Astral_
Contort -> Trichotomy
Scarlet Tea -> Koumashiki
NotNova230 -> NotNova
SwedishBiscuit -> Swede
Al'Akir -> Akir
PhoenixBlade -> Sylvmaster
Luxray1427 -> G-Eazy
FerrothornFTW -> Demonic Ferro
shui3 -> mil
Tyler The Destroyer -> spacexxplorer
canadiansplodeyman -> MeaninglessTilting
LoserMcNoob -> MONNA LUSSA
Torterrable -> Smallguy
Charilax Blastler -> Tushar Cool
GeasyXSpoon -> GXS
Exceed in Dreaming -> Ha In Kang
LuchaSombolo -> Sombolo
av Kakuna -> Wings of night
Snowyyy -> Snxwy
PokeguyNXB -> Flyhn
Ninjacalibur -> Hashmahaia -> Ninjacalibur
DarkWyvern0209 -> HydraOfLight1255
cosbykid -> AceTrainerAndy
Manafwee -> Glitch.
Waziooi -> Aubisio
Kazil -> Lazadamn
Golden Freddy's -> lockjaw
GodLedian -> Braviarca
FamSlayer -> Communist Santa
AyyronBalls -> Broil
ToadGaming -> Lanturnt
Stunfisk The Great -> Dece1t
My lie in april -> Cheisoul
Matt Weasly -> Cyannide
flowsociety -> GoldenGuns -> flowsociety
Namine -> Platina Kirin
Mr. NudistoBeach -> Nudisto
Champion Albert -> Albert.
Wandonoe-San -> Wando
Arun s nath -> Arun9332
Last edited by a moderator:
WhatIsJosh -> Josh.
iHatez -> Fitzcarraldo
Joshz -> yelawolf
Sacred Lie -> CriiSs'
xDjPinkiePie -> VeryExcitedLapras
Esidisi -> Ryoma Nagare
Wally The Bully -> Chief Wally
frogg22 -> party's over
ala -> alamaster
Shine Danze -> Stocke
low20 -> CoolCrossX
Thracia776 -> LordBraixen
Vortiene -> Jameswilliams
NotAGymLdr -> Don Slime
Staxandstax -> Stax
[redacted] -> The Excadrill
TheKFC -> Weegah
garlando -> YouthBerry
ElByFedexx -> FK FrontLiner
GOAO -> Miuna -> GOAO
catfight09 -> xRoy
SheWentToJarod's -> Gotham Paldin
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Not to make an example of you or anything, but alternate accounts are strictly against the forum rules.

If you are caught making an alternate account for any reason, that account WILL be banned and you WILL be infracted.
Oh i had absolutely no idea.
Thanks for the info, about the name change though
can you change my date of birth to june 21st 1998
atm im a 113 yo milf so.....

Not to make an example of you or anything, but alternate accounts are strictly against the forum rules.

If you are caught making an alternate account for any reason, that account WILL be banned and you WILL be infracted.
nice 6k post

APPROVED - Stellar
I would like to change my username to Flygon for the following reasons:

1. My current name is too long and hard to pronounce correctly.
2. I no longer care for the source of the name, the Total Drama series.
3. The account has been inactive since 2007, as seen here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/members/flygon.7316/
4. I'm sick of explaining it to everyone, and I don't want to be called "Zoke" or "TZS" anymore.

Thank you in advance, if you choose to change my name. I'm not fickle, so this will definitely be it.

REJECTED [name already taken] - tennisace
Looking at the OP, this wouldn't count as a name change, so asking that the "-" be removed at the end of my username. Not even sure why I put it there in the first place, and I'm sure it'll probably be easier for others to tag me without it there. If it can't be done due to me being a badgeholder, mentor, etc., then nbd.

APPROVED - Stellar
Can you change my birth month from February to January, When making my account I put in the wrong month.

APPROVED - Stellar
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I would like to change my name to Kazuma Yato.
i would like to have the same name as my showdown account

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May I have my name changed to Integer Mova?

Reason: Both parts of the new username are nicknames that I would prefer to go by. Also, I would like to have the same username as my Pokemon Showdown! account.

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I'd like to change my name to Kyuzeth, as it's my general internet alias on a lot of sites, including PS, dA and other communities. Plus, my current old username was from 2010-2011 and I'm really tired of seeing it.

APPROVED - Stellar
I would then like to change my name to Professor Birch. I just want a different name that doesn't include numbers because they really bother me for some reason now.

APPROVED - darkie

Thanks darkie
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Hi, does lowercasing my name to fleurdyleurse count as a namechange? If not, could you change it to fleurdyleurse?

ok i did it - hollywood
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Hate to ask something so soon again but can you take the ''~♫'' out of my name, I don't even know why I put it there and I want my PS and Smogon names to be the exact same plus it would be easier for people to find me... Many thanks in advance! ^-^

APPROVED - Stellar
Requesting name change to Phione. I feel like I use my current name too much, and I'd rather have a Pokemon related name. Plus, no numbers!

APPROVED - darkie
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Can I have my birthdate changed to 11th of September, 1996 ? The current birthdate I have is false.

APPROVED - darkie
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I would like to change my name to Angeela

Reasons: I would like my user name on smogon to be the same as my new showdown name and it is the name I prefer to go by now on many websites and forums. Thank you c:

APPROVED - darkie
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Can I have my birthdate changed to Oct 30 1992 I'm not sure why the 15 y/o me wanted to be 27 on a Pokemon site.

APPROVED - Jelli Gotchu
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Mind if I request changing my to just "wllmagic"? It's much less of a pain to login.
If I could, I'd also want to request changing my birthdate to 20/4/2000, since I now realise there isn't any restricted content. (paranoid)

ya sure - hollywood
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I would like to change my name to: DragonForce.

reason: this has always been my dream since I created the account

with .

sure but it counts as a name change ~tennisace
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