All Gens Old Gens Tour Nights

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Banner by Lutra (Modified by refsunpersons)

We're gonna try hosting a consistent tournaments night in the Old Gens room on PS. They'll probably begin around 9 PM Eastern time each Thursday. The number of tours we can run each night will depend on how many signups we get / what metas are being played. I'm gonna shoot for 2-3 to gauge how long it ends up taking.

So, this Thursday, we'll be kicking things off with ADV OU, followed by DPP UU. Depending on how late it runs, I'll throw in RBY Randbats at the end~

I'll post here a few days ahead of time which metas we'll be playing so people have time to get teams ready, and then bump when it's about to start. Replays of finals matches can be dropped here as well for anyone that misses out. Hope to see you all there ^.^

Winners of tours featured in RoA Room Tour Nights earn the right to display
in their signatures and are entered into the RoA Hall of Fame.

Example: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG]RoA Tour Night Winner[/URL]

RoA Tour Night Winner
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So I'm trying to figure out a time that'll work for both Europeans and PDT dudes. I also don't want to overlap with Tour this weekend (and weekends kind of suck for me anyway.) I can do Wednesday at any time really. What's a fair time to host this on a weekday, though? Keep in mind more people have school + work, so staying up ridiculously late won't work well for Europeans that have to get up in the morning, while midday in the US is still too early for a lot of peeps to be able to play.

Tiers this round so people can have teams ready:
ADV Ubers
(time permitting)

My plan for these things will be to always start with a standard OU, and follow it up with 1-2 other metagames to keep it fresh each week.
Given those parameters 8 or 9 EDT seem like the only possible options. West coasters play at 5 or 6, Brits at 12 or 1, average euro plays at 1 Or 2
Given those parameters 8 or 9 EDT seem like the only possible options. West coasters play at 5 or 6, Brits at 12 or 1, average euro plays at 1 Or 2
Yeah, the first one was 9 PM EDT. That's 2 AM for most Euro players, though, and the tournaments themselves take probably about 2 hours to get through. It's just not really feasible for most people on that side of the Atlantic, especially on a weekday.

Another option is to alternate when these go down so that they can appeal to different time zones more. Starting at say 4 PM EDT means most Europeans would be set, plus East Coast high schoolers (and some college / work people depending on schedule) would be able to get in. Pacific side gets a bit shafted, since it's 1 PM there, but it could still work for some depending on college / work schedule.

After Tour, I might be able to work out a better time on Saturdays to maximize # of potential players.
This time around, we'll be going Wednesday at 4 PM EDT. This should give more European players a chance to play, since they didn't have much of an opportunity last time. Just a reminder:
Tiers this round so people can have teams ready:
ADV Ubers
(time permitting)
Hope to see you all there ^.^
I'm going to tentatively say Thursday at 9 PM EDT for this. I might run late, so apologies if I do; this week's a bit messy for me. If I'm late, ashiemore or Bedschibaer, one of you guys can feel free to start the first tour. Otherwise, I'll just start it as soon as I'm on. Hopefully I won't be late, though~

Tiers this round:
DPP Ubers
GSC Randbats

Get your teams ready now, lads~
Thursday at 9 PM EDT again is looking like my best shot this week, sorry Euro kids. I'll try to get you guys next week depending on schedule~

Just a reminder, it's DPP OU, BW RU, and RBY Tradebacks this week ^.^