Have a drink. Maybe two. Stay awhile.
Teambuilding Process:
Team Overview and Analysis
What's Stall? (Walrein) @ Leftovers - 248 HP/252 Def/ 8 Spe
Ice Body
Bold Nature
Oh, Walrein. Possibly the most clutch thing in the entire fucking universe for this team, I have literally gone from 1-6 to a 1-0 victory solely with this thing. With enough hazard support, it can easily sweep teams. The moves are fairly standard, Protect and Substitute being completely necessary for a functioning stallrein, and Blizzard because 120 Base power stab moves that can take care of most of the things in the tier are always nice. The last move, however, is a little bit weird. The reason I have Roar over toxic is that I usually get toxic support from Qwilfish's T Spikes, and Roar instead allows me to further phaze things out and add up hazard damage. It also gives Walrein a useful role as an emergency sweepstopper on a set-up poke. Most importantly, it can get rid of things that roar themselves, most notably other weird Walrein sets like mine and the occasional Empoleon. This is also the reason why I have 8 Spe EVs, so I can outspeed them 100% of the time and not allow them to interrupt my sweep.
The rest of the EVs may look a little weird, so I'll explain them. The standard stallrein is max SpD, in order to take hits like T Bolt or Volt Switch and still have enough HP to sub. However, in the current UU metagame, I found the defence EVs to be infinitely more helpful. The EV spread as I have it allows me to take around 40% from a Scarfed Mienshao stone edge. It also lets me take things like a V-Create from Victini, a Flare Blitz or a Superpower from Darmanitan, Azumarill or Arcanine, and still have plenty of HP to set up a sub. It even allows me to survive an unboosted CC from Heracross or a HJK from ScarfShao, if necessary. All in all, it has a surprise factor that lead people to stay in and let me get a free sub, allowing me to proceed to demolish their whole team. (slowly)
Sponge (Qwilfish) @ Black Sludge - 252 HP/4 Att/ 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Waterfall
- Explosion
Like ASnow and Walrein, this thing is fairly standard, with a couple of surprises (i'm too cool for mainstream sets sorry). First of all, lets talk about Qwilfish's obvious role in the party. Qwilfish can take almost any physical hits, taking around 20-30% from things like V-Create, Flare Blitz, CC, and more of the most powerful moves in the entire tier. (If you want a full Kitten rant of how good Qwilfish is, check (page 19?) of the UU viability ranking thread). Once in the field, Qwilfish has dual spikes to spread Toxic as well as constant switch in damage in the form of normal spikes. Waterfall is generally just for when I need to hit things decently well and/or I've got most of my hazards up already. Explosion was chosen over Pain Split or Destiny Bond for a couple reasons. The most important reason is that hazards are crucial to this teams success. If something like a Blastoise switches in, and my Sableye has fainted, I don't want to lose all of my hazards. Therefore, my solution is usually to explode, deal 40-50% damage (which, after all the hazards and hail, usually brings the spinner pretty close to death) and go from there. Explosion also gains me some helpful momentum and helps me kill things like DD scrafty before they set up too many boosts. Everything else is sort of self-explanatory, Black Sludge over Lefties for Trick users, Intimidate because duh, and max EVs for defense because that's the purpose of Qwilfish. Not much to say here.
SideSplit (Rotom-F) @ Choice Scarf - 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Shadow Ball
- Volt Switch
- Trick
After long hours of stumbling around for the right special attacker for my team, I finally found that I liked Choice Scarfed Rotom-F. The dual stab of VS and Blizzard is wonderful, because people love to switch grounds in predicting a Volt Switch, and I love to predict people switching grounds in predicting a Volt Switch, so it's basically a match made in heaven. I chose modest nature over Timid nature because it still allows me to outspeed Scarfed Chandelure and Adamant Scarfed Heracross, and the extra power is very useful. Trick is for late-game when the remaining survivor on my opponent's team is something like a Snorlax/Suicune/Milotic, which are the only things that can escape Walrein's rage. I can then trap them into something like Sleep Talk and proceed to sit back and Walrein it up. I chose shadow ball over Thunderbolt for a couple of reasons. The most surface reason is that it allows me to hit things like Chandelure/Rotom-H/Victini harder than Thunderbolt would, but it's also helpful when my opponent's team is severely weakened, and it lets me ease prediction. For example, if the opponent has a Flygon at 30% and a Blastoise at 30% in the field, I can just go for the Shadow Ball and kill them both. I've honestly never tried T-Bolt, but I also can't think of a situation where I would want to have T-Bolted instead of just V Switching.
Waiter Substitute (Empoleon) - 252 HP/ 252 SpD/4 Spe
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Protect
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
This Empoleon is probably one of the most wonderful things to happen to this team, and the best part as that it's basically just a happy accident. Specially defensive Empoleon has a few qualities that make it perfect for this team. First, Stealth Rocks are always helpful, especially on this team. Protect helps add to the stally fun and eases prediction against scarfers. Also gives me a surprise way to hurt HJK mienshao, which is always fun. Roar makes Empoleon a great phazer, as well as the ability to keep away spinners and electrics that want to switch in. Scald is, well, good.
Now, at this point, you might be saying something to the effect of "Congratufuckinglations, Kitten. You discovered an Empoleon set. Also, how the fuck does this thing counter chandelure?"
The beauty about this Empoleon is that it is a perfect counter to four pokes, all of which wreak havoc for my team.
Poke 1 : Choice Scarf Chandelure - does ~48% with FBlast, gets 1/2HKOd by scald depending on Hazards.
Poke 2 : Choice Specs Chandelure - does ~75% with FBlast, gets 1HKOd by scald due to knocking me into torrent.
Poke 3 : Standard LO Nidoking - does ~90% with EPower, gets 1HKOd by scald due to knocking me into torrent.
Poke 4 : Standard LO Nidoqueen - does ~75-80% with EPower, gets almost OHKOd by scald. (If hail is up or something it is an OHKO usually, if not I'll just shard it).
Absolutely no one expects this, and situations like these happen very often in my games. By being a counter to these pokes without appearing like one, Empoleon is able to get surprise kills and eliminate threats that could otherwise demolish most of my team.
Onyx (Sableye) @ Leftovers - 252 HP/ 252 SpD/4 Spe
Calm Nature
-Night Shade
Fucking sableye, man. This thing leads my games around 50-60% of the time, and on average it can burn like, three things and kill one, while preventing Stealth Rocks and Setups at the same time. Like Walrein, I inverted the EVs from the standard and made him specially defensive instead, because IMO physically defensive Sableye is just stupid. Sableye gets inherited defense from Will-O-Wisp, unless against a Physical Fire, and if there's a Darmanitan in the field, I'd just switch in Qwilfish anyway. The SpD allows him to shrug off hits like unboosted Air Slash, Zapdos' lefties TBolts, Raikou's Volt Switch, and other things that would normally do 70-80%. He instead can just recover off the damage as they kill themselves from Burn/Toxic/Hail/LO. He's also a great anti-lead, preventing Stealth Rocks in a ton of games and completely shutting down things like Azelf, Froslass, or Mew. Night Shade was chosen over Foul Play because its reliable damage, and the rest is all fairly standard.
Short Threat List:
Things that can Outstall Walrein
Final Thoughts/Preemptive Questions Answered (I'd say FAQ but no one's asked anything yet soooo...)
..........Have a drink. Maybe two. Stay awhile.
You'll need to, because this RMT will be the longest, most detailed RMT I've ever done (cue dramatic music). This team took me over a month to make, test, refine, test, switch out, test, rage, test, and repeat, so there's bound to be a lot to read. I'm organizing it into sections for your viewing pleasure, so if you don't want to read me blather on about the team-building process, you can just read about the team, drop a rate or a luvdisc, and be on your way.
Without further ado...
This iteration of the team peaked at #16. After hundreds of adjustments and team changes, I finally caved in and decided to do what I like to do with a lot of my teams - to use them for 100 battles, set myself a goal for win/loss, and go from there. For this specific team, I set myself the lofty goal of 85 wins and 15 losses. And I ended up with..... 84 wins and 16 losses. (-.-) Anyway, here's the proof of the peak, at around battle 85 or so.
After some work with another alt, Pory Gone Too?, I reached a new peak at rank 10, where I am currently. Here's the proof.
After some work with another alt, Pory Gone Too?, I reached a new peak at rank 10, where I am currently. Here's the proof.
Teambuilding Process:
By far out of any of my teams, this one took the longest to refine and make better, and I went through multiple changes. Honestly, I'll probably not remember them all, but here's the best I can do.
I wanted to make a hail team, so I had two choices for hail starters. Snover and Abomasnow both had their meri...(just kidding). So obviously, my team needed an Abomasnow. That much was pretty easy.
Something I'd always wanted to try out, and finally felt evil enough to use it without feeling utterly shameful, was Stallrein, so I slapped one in there as well.
I added a Qwilfish as the other staple of a hail team, absorbing physical fire and fighting moves with ease and spiking away.
Next, I decided to add Life Orb Rhyperior, for Rocks as well as a strong offensive presence.
I added an offensive Froslass to the mix to make up for the lack of speed on my team.
Finally, I put a Trick Sableye on my team because I foresaw a weakness against scarfers like Chandelure and I wanted to be able to cripple them with Lagging Tail.
So, there I had it. I had my six pokes, and I started testing. The team did....okay, so I decided to fiddle around with it "a little".
Switched Froslass for Special Victini for more coverage, more power, and less Fire weakness.
Switched Rhyperior for Sharpedo. I wish I knew why.
Switched Rhyperior back to Sharpedo and exchanged Sableye with Snorlax to take on Chandelure better.
Switched Snorlax back to Sableye and Victini to Chandelure to take on Chandelure better. (noticing a trend yet?)
Switched Chandelure to Houndoom to, you guess it, take on Chandelure better.
Now, by this time, I think you get the point, so I'm just going to run through a quick sequence of things I changed to fucking take on Chandelure better. At the moment, once Houndoom was down, I was just screwed.
[pimg]469[/pimg] > [pimg]485[/pimg] > [pimg]143[/pimg] > [pimg]197[/pimg] > [pimg]145[/pimg] > [pimg]144[/pimg](LOL) > [pimg]668[/pimg] > [pimg]398[/pimg]
I liked Empoleon. He covered my Chandelure weakness nicely, and if I led with him and Chandy wasn't the lead, I could set up rocks and just stall the stupid thing out. At this point, I didn't really like Houndoom, so...
[pimg]229[/pimg] > [pimg]522[/pimg] > [pimg]487[/pimg] > [pimg]501[/pimg]
Rotom-F was good. It gave me some much needed speed with a choice scarf, as well as helped keep up the momentum.
So, finally, I had my final team. (Please note that at least 200 move changes were made throughout this, but I'll cover all the moves in the next section. I omitted the move changes for the pure purpose of worrying I'd run out of internet to write on.)
I wanted to make a hail team, so I had two choices for hail starters. Snover and Abomasnow both had their meri...(just kidding). So obviously, my team needed an Abomasnow. That much was pretty easy.
Something I'd always wanted to try out, and finally felt evil enough to use it without feeling utterly shameful, was Stallrein, so I slapped one in there as well.
I added a Qwilfish as the other staple of a hail team, absorbing physical fire and fighting moves with ease and spiking away.
Next, I decided to add Life Orb Rhyperior, for Rocks as well as a strong offensive presence.
I added an offensive Froslass to the mix to make up for the lack of speed on my team.
Finally, I put a Trick Sableye on my team because I foresaw a weakness against scarfers like Chandelure and I wanted to be able to cripple them with Lagging Tail.
So, there I had it. I had my six pokes, and I started testing. The team did....okay, so I decided to fiddle around with it "a little".
Switched Froslass for Special Victini for more coverage, more power, and less Fire weakness.
Switched Rhyperior for Sharpedo. I wish I knew why.
Switched Rhyperior back to Sharpedo and exchanged Sableye with Snorlax to take on Chandelure better.
Switched Snorlax back to Sableye and Victini to Chandelure to take on Chandelure better. (noticing a trend yet?)
Switched Chandelure to Houndoom to, you guess it, take on Chandelure better.
Now, by this time, I think you get the point, so I'm just going to run through a quick sequence of things I changed to fucking take on Chandelure better. At the moment, once Houndoom was down, I was just screwed.
[pimg]469[/pimg] > [pimg]485[/pimg] > [pimg]143[/pimg] > [pimg]197[/pimg] > [pimg]145[/pimg] > [pimg]144[/pimg](LOL) > [pimg]668[/pimg] > [pimg]398[/pimg]
I liked Empoleon. He covered my Chandelure weakness nicely, and if I led with him and Chandy wasn't the lead, I could set up rocks and just stall the stupid thing out. At this point, I didn't really like Houndoom, so...
[pimg]229[/pimg] > [pimg]522[/pimg] > [pimg]487[/pimg] > [pimg]501[/pimg]
Rotom-F was good. It gave me some much needed speed with a choice scarf, as well as helped keep up the momentum.
So, finally, I had my final team. (Please note that at least 200 move changes were made throughout this, but I'll cover all the moves in the next section. I omitted the move changes for the pure purpose of worrying I'd run out of internet to write on.)
Team Overview and Analysis
Pure Ice (Abomasnow) @ Leftovers - 252 HP/ 252 SpA/ 4 Spe
Effect Spore (loljk Snow Warning imsofunny)
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Ice Shard
- Blizzard
- Leech Seed
Abomasnow has long been ridiculed and stereotyped as "that thing that puts up hail and then dies". I first ran a scarfed Abomasnow on this team, and all though the surprise factor killing Nidos and stuff was nice, I really didn't like being locked into a move with Abomasnow. I took the middle ground, and kept his SpA EVs. He is still a fairly bulky pokemon, and can take hits if needed. However, no one expects him to be running max SpA, which is ridiculously useful. The most obvious and common example of this is against Roserade. Abomasnow can survive a Sludge Bomb from all but the most Life Orby Max SpA Modest of Life Orby Max SpA Roserade, and a Blizzard + Ice shard will always kill, no matter how specially defensive it is. Leech Seed and Giga Drain offer dual recovery moves, and Giga Drain for some reason isn't something people think about. It's a very common occurrence that people will switch in something like a Swampert or a Rhyperior into my low health abomasnow, thinking that they can just take a blizzard and kill me. Most games, my Abomasnow can be one the biggest offensive threats, and it's a great counter to bulky waters and any wall/tank at all. It can easily kill off a Snorlax with Leech Seed and giga drain before it dies to Body Slams, which is a very useful thing. The same goes true for such annoyances as Milotic, Blastoise, Empoleon, or Suicune. An interesting thing to note is that Abomasnow almost never leads my team. He is, however, in the first position. This enables me to draw out threats like Chandelure or Nidos, allowing me to lead instead with my Empoleon and deal with them early in the game. The reason I never lead with ASnow, which many people seem to think is a requirement for a hail team, is that this team really doesn't rely all too entirely on hail. Other than stalrein, all of my pokes can function almost perfectly outside of the hail, and some of them even enjoy being in a weatherless environment.Effect Spore (loljk Snow Warning imsofunny)
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Ice Shard
- Blizzard
- Leech Seed
What's Stall? (Walrein) @ Leftovers - 248 HP/252 Def/ 8 Spe
Ice Body
Bold Nature
The rest of the EVs may look a little weird, so I'll explain them. The standard stallrein is max SpD, in order to take hits like T Bolt or Volt Switch and still have enough HP to sub. However, in the current UU metagame, I found the defence EVs to be infinitely more helpful. The EV spread as I have it allows me to take around 40% from a Scarfed Mienshao stone edge. It also lets me take things like a V-Create from Victini, a Flare Blitz or a Superpower from Darmanitan, Azumarill or Arcanine, and still have plenty of HP to set up a sub. It even allows me to survive an unboosted CC from Heracross or a HJK from ScarfShao, if necessary. All in all, it has a surprise factor that lead people to stay in and let me get a free sub, allowing me to proceed to demolish their whole team. (slowly)
Sponge (Qwilfish) @ Black Sludge - 252 HP/4 Att/ 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Waterfall
- Explosion
SideSplit (Rotom-F) @ Choice Scarf - 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Shadow Ball
- Volt Switch
- Trick
After long hours of stumbling around for the right special attacker for my team, I finally found that I liked Choice Scarfed Rotom-F. The dual stab of VS and Blizzard is wonderful, because people love to switch grounds in predicting a Volt Switch, and I love to predict people switching grounds in predicting a Volt Switch, so it's basically a match made in heaven. I chose modest nature over Timid nature because it still allows me to outspeed Scarfed Chandelure and Adamant Scarfed Heracross, and the extra power is very useful. Trick is for late-game when the remaining survivor on my opponent's team is something like a Snorlax/Suicune/Milotic, which are the only things that can escape Walrein's rage. I can then trap them into something like Sleep Talk and proceed to sit back and Walrein it up. I chose shadow ball over Thunderbolt for a couple of reasons. The most surface reason is that it allows me to hit things like Chandelure/Rotom-H/Victini harder than Thunderbolt would, but it's also helpful when my opponent's team is severely weakened, and it lets me ease prediction. For example, if the opponent has a Flygon at 30% and a Blastoise at 30% in the field, I can just go for the Shadow Ball and kill them both. I've honestly never tried T-Bolt, but I also can't think of a situation where I would want to have T-Bolted instead of just V Switching.
Waiter Substitute (Empoleon) - 252 HP/ 252 SpD/4 Spe
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Protect
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
This Empoleon is probably one of the most wonderful things to happen to this team, and the best part as that it's basically just a happy accident. Specially defensive Empoleon has a few qualities that make it perfect for this team. First, Stealth Rocks are always helpful, especially on this team. Protect helps add to the stally fun and eases prediction against scarfers. Also gives me a surprise way to hurt HJK mienshao, which is always fun. Roar makes Empoleon a great phazer, as well as the ability to keep away spinners and electrics that want to switch in. Scald is, well, good.
Now, at this point, you might be saying something to the effect of "Congratufuckinglations, Kitten. You discovered an Empoleon set. Also, how the fuck does this thing counter chandelure?"
The beauty about this Empoleon is that it is a perfect counter to four pokes, all of which wreak havoc for my team.
Poke 1 : Choice Scarf Chandelure - does ~48% with FBlast, gets 1/2HKOd by scald depending on Hazards.
Poke 2 : Choice Specs Chandelure - does ~75% with FBlast, gets 1HKOd by scald due to knocking me into torrent.
Poke 3 : Standard LO Nidoking - does ~90% with EPower, gets 1HKOd by scald due to knocking me into torrent.
Poke 4 : Standard LO Nidoqueen - does ~75-80% with EPower, gets almost OHKOd by scald. (If hail is up or something it is an OHKO usually, if not I'll just shard it).
Absolutely no one expects this, and situations like these happen very often in my games. By being a counter to these pokes without appearing like one, Empoleon is able to get surprise kills and eliminate threats that could otherwise demolish most of my team.
Onyx (Sableye) @ Leftovers - 252 HP/ 252 SpD/4 Spe
Calm Nature
-Night Shade
Fucking sableye, man. This thing leads my games around 50-60% of the time, and on average it can burn like, three things and kill one, while preventing Stealth Rocks and Setups at the same time. Like Walrein, I inverted the EVs from the standard and made him specially defensive instead, because IMO physically defensive Sableye is just stupid. Sableye gets inherited defense from Will-O-Wisp, unless against a Physical Fire, and if there's a Darmanitan in the field, I'd just switch in Qwilfish anyway. The SpD allows him to shrug off hits like unboosted Air Slash, Zapdos' lefties TBolts, Raikou's Volt Switch, and other things that would normally do 70-80%. He instead can just recover off the damage as they kill themselves from Burn/Toxic/Hail/LO. He's also a great anti-lead, preventing Stealth Rocks in a ton of games and completely shutting down things like Azelf, Froslass, or Mew. Night Shade was chosen over Foul Play because its reliable damage, and the rest is all fairly standard.
Short Threat List:
So, this section, (compared to the other ones) will be relatively short, and will just highlight a few of the things that I currently have problems with so if you're looking to suggest changes, you can keep these things in mind.
1. Manual Sun Teams
Weirdly enough, as I got higher onto the ladder, I started seeing more than just one or two of these things. They account for about 4-5 of my 16 losses, and I only won once against them. Although they are still relatively rare in the UU metagame, manual sun can destroy my team. The reason is fairly obvious, a team somewhat centered around hail and ice types doesn't appreciate tons of hardhitting fire pokemon. Honestly though, I think Hail teams will always be at a disadvantage against Sun teams, so this isn't really something I can change.
2. Chandelure/Special Victini [pimg]522[/pimg] [pimg]639[/pimg]
Yup, fucking chandy can still be a problem. Although Empoleon deals with it nicely, it can't really safely switch in on it. If I don't get a face-off with it on the first turn, it can haunt me throughout the battle. Special Victini is the same, but even more so. One of my losses came from a 6-0 sweep from a Scarfed Special Victini, which I wasn't expecting at all. When I see a victini, my gut reaction is to go to Qwilfish, who then dies to a Psychic/2 Blue Flares, and I've lost my spiker and physical wall right there. Similar to the sun team problem, special victini is still sort of an anomaly, but it's still an annoyance.
3. Zapdos/Raikou [pimg]145[/pimg] [pimg]243[/pimg]
These things are a lesser threat, but my team is still fairly weak to them. Sableye can deal with the Leftover variants with ease, but the LO or Choiced Variants hit hard, and often my solution to them is just to wear them down with constant damage. They're certainly not a dealbreaker, but they're definitely annoying, especially when the field is free of hazards.
This threat list is pretty short. That's not to say my team is invincible, but it does cover a lot of bases very well. There are of course certain pokes that can be annoying to me in certain situations, but these are the main couple that really give me a hard time.
1. Manual Sun Teams
Weirdly enough, as I got higher onto the ladder, I started seeing more than just one or two of these things. They account for about 4-5 of my 16 losses, and I only won once against them. Although they are still relatively rare in the UU metagame, manual sun can destroy my team. The reason is fairly obvious, a team somewhat centered around hail and ice types doesn't appreciate tons of hardhitting fire pokemon. Honestly though, I think Hail teams will always be at a disadvantage against Sun teams, so this isn't really something I can change.
2. Chandelure/Special Victini [pimg]522[/pimg] [pimg]639[/pimg]
Yup, fucking chandy can still be a problem. Although Empoleon deals with it nicely, it can't really safely switch in on it. If I don't get a face-off with it on the first turn, it can haunt me throughout the battle. Special Victini is the same, but even more so. One of my losses came from a 6-0 sweep from a Scarfed Special Victini, which I wasn't expecting at all. When I see a victini, my gut reaction is to go to Qwilfish, who then dies to a Psychic/2 Blue Flares, and I've lost my spiker and physical wall right there. Similar to the sun team problem, special victini is still sort of an anomaly, but it's still an annoyance.
3. Zapdos/Raikou [pimg]145[/pimg] [pimg]243[/pimg]
These things are a lesser threat, but my team is still fairly weak to them. Sableye can deal with the Leftover variants with ease, but the LO or Choiced Variants hit hard, and often my solution to them is just to wear them down with constant damage. They're certainly not a dealbreaker, but they're definitely annoying, especially when the field is free of hazards.
This threat list is pretty short. That's not to say my team is invincible, but it does cover a lot of bases very well. There are of course certain pokes that can be annoying to me in certain situations, but these are the main couple that really give me a hard time.
Things that can Outstall Walrein
This section has purposely been left blank.
This section has purposely been left blank.
Final Thoughts/Preemptive Questions Answered (I'd say FAQ but no one's asked anything yet soooo...)
I recognize that this team is probably not perfect, but it's certainly a very long way from where it was when it started. If you have any suggestions, however minor or major, I would be more than happy to hear them. I also accept compliments or luvdiscs if you don't have time for a full rate ;). This team and this RMT took me a long, long time to test, tweak, and write about, so I hope you enjoy!
Q: Dood why are your pictures for the pokemon in the analysis so big lol?
A: I'm shit at RMT, so I don't know how to change the size. Sorry.
Q: Walrein's fucking annoying and takes no skill what the fuck man so lame.
A: :(
Q: Hey, I think you need a spinner.
A: Actually, this team manages to keep hazards away most of the time, and I don't actually do a ton a ton of switching, for it being a pseudo stall team. Hazards don't affect me as badly as some people might think. Obviously, if there are 7 layers of hazards on my side and none on theres, I'm still screwed, but if we have an equal number of hazards, I can usually get the upper hand.
Q: Dood why are your pictures for the pokemon in the analysis so big lol?
A: I'm shit at RMT, so I don't know how to change the size. Sorry.
Q: Walrein's fucking annoying and takes no skill what the fuck man so lame.
A: :(
Q: Hey, I think you need a spinner.
A: Actually, this team manages to keep hazards away most of the time, and I don't actually do a ton a ton of switching, for it being a pseudo stall team. Hazards don't affect me as badly as some people might think. Obviously, if there are 7 layers of hazards on my side and none on theres, I'm still screwed, but if we have an equal number of hazards, I can usually get the upper hand.
Pure Ice (Abomasnow) @ Leftovers
Trait: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SAtk
- Giga Drain
- Ice Shard
- Leech Seed
- Blizzard
Waiter Substitute (Empoleon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Spd / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Protect
What's Stall? (Walrein) @ Leftovers
Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Roar
- Substitute
- Blizzard
Sponge (Qwilfish) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Waterfall
- Explosion
Onyx (Sableye) @ Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Spd
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Night Shade
- Recover
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
SideSplit (Rotom-Frost) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Trick
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
Trait: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SAtk
- Giga Drain
- Ice Shard
- Leech Seed
- Blizzard
Waiter Substitute (Empoleon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Spd / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Protect
What's Stall? (Walrein) @ Leftovers
Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Roar
- Substitute
- Blizzard
Sponge (Qwilfish) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Waterfall
- Explosion
Onyx (Sableye) @ Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Spd
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Night Shade
- Recover
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
SideSplit (Rotom-Frost) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Trick
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
<3 - Pleasure Kitten/Kitten Milk
<3 - Pleasure Kitten/Kitten Milk