Offense vs. Defense ; A Warstory

Tay is one of the best battlers out there and was happy to have me warstory this. I was on Shoddy a week ago testing for MDWL and UU. Tay boldly accepted my challenge and with a crcuial mistake I somehow won. He challenged me again this time to a practice game for MDWL. This time he was obviously better but through extreme amounts of luck I was able to somehow win. Obviously this was not Tay's night. However he wanted one more match. This time standard OU vs. OU. This is both of our fortes so to speak so it should prove quite a challenge. And how right we were...

This is quite long, so if you dislike long good battles filled with prediction and exciting moments then this probably isn't for you.

Team KD24:

Team TAY:

Evasion Clause
Freeze Clause
OHKO Clause
Sleep Clause
Species Clause
Strict Damage Clause
Timed Battle

Standard rules, This was not a ladder match. Not very important but I guess I should note it.

Sandstorm and Leftovers will be ommited.

KD24 sent out Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).
TAY sent out Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Jirachi used Reflect.
A barrier was formed!
Tyranitar used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Jirachi lost 39% of its health.

Okay, I am at an advantage here. I am not running a U-Turn Jirachi however my opponents usually don't know this. However with Reflect up Tyranitar can not do anything to Jirachi as I can wish away damage. My team isn't too concerned with Sandstorm teams but TAY usually has a few tricks up his sleeve so we shall see...

Inf. has entered the room.
TAY switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Jirachi used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!

Ok Bronzong usually runs Hypnosis, Gyro Ball, and Stealth Rock. Jirachi should do fine dealing with Bronzong for now...

Jirachi used Wish.
Jirachi made a wish!
Bronzong used Hypnosis.
Jirachi fell asleep!

Except that I forgot I replaced his Lum Berry with Leftovers! I really need to start paying more attention. Now my Jirachi is gone for the most part which really sucks for me. All I got was a useless wish in. It would have helped if I could switch in Gyarados but whatever.

KD24 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Bronzong used Stealth Rock.
The wish came true!

Skarmory should threaten a Bronzong away once it uses its support moves. It is probably Earthquake and Gyro Ball, so Skarm can get in 1 layer of spikes.

TAY switched in Milotic (lvl 100 Milotic ?).
Pointed stones dug into Milotic.
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered everywhere!
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Milotic is pretty damn annoying actually. Usually Celebi can beat it one on one but He does ruin my day quite a bit.

KD24 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Milotic used Surf.
It's not very effective...
Celebi lost 15% of its health.
Celebi's reflect wore off!

Obviously was going to Surf here as I already have a sleeping Pokemon, rendering Hypnosis useless and if it had Toxic I was a steel type anyway. Most Milotic won't stay in on Celebi so I prepare to Seed the switch...

TAY switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Pointed stones dug into Bronzong.
Bronzong lost 6% of its health.
Celebi used Leech Seed.
Bronzong was seeded!
Bronzong's health was sapped by leech seed!
Bronzong lost 12% of its health.
Celebi regained health!
Celebi restored 10% of its health.

Success! Bronzong might have had thoughts about Gyro Balling Celebi since Base 100 Speed is not slow by any means. However with Seeds and Recover it really wouldn't make a difference. Perfect time to bring in Skarmory.

KD24 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
TAY switched in Heracross (lvl 100 Heracross ?).
Pointed stones dug into Heracross.
Heracross lost 12% of its health.
Heracross was hurt by Spikes!
Heracross lost 12% of its health.

Okay, this is probably where I have to make the biggest desicion of the match. Do I risk getting another layers of spikes in? But if it holds Choice Band Close Combat I would be killed giving him the lead and advantage. However if I Attack I could attack a worthless Pokemon and give up laying a layer of spikes which could really help later!

TAY switched in Milotic (lvl 100 Milotic ?).
Pointed stones dug into Milotic.
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Milotic was hurt by Spikes!
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Skarmory used Brave Bird.
Milotic lost 32% of its health.
Skarmory was hit by recoil!
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.

I decided not to risk CBHeracross. As it turns out that somewhat hurts me. I end up hurting myself, as well as not laying down spikes. Milotic can easily heal off damage making this turn absolutely useless. At this point I am thinking 2 things: 1. Heracross is most likely scarfed since it tried to come in on a Celebi that would be faster then CB versions and could hold Psychic, as well as run from a Skarmory and 2. Milotic looks like a Giant Penis. Surf, Rest, Ice Beam, and Sleep Talk all accurately describe them. Anywho...

Milotic used Recover.
Milotic restored 50% of its health.
Skarmory used Brave Bird.
Milotic lost 30% of its health.
Skarmory was hit by recoil!
Skarmory lost 11% of its health.

This eel is not running Rest. Instead it runs recover. And if it isn't using Rest then it is most likely running Status such as Toxic or Hypnosis. Time to bring in Celebi to absorb the Surf.

KD24 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 38% of its health.
Celebi was frozen solid!

Good prediction but some bad luck. Is TAY's horrendous luck finally turning around? ...

Celebi was defrosted!
Celebi used Recover.
Celebi restored 50% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 45% of its health.

Obviously not. Celebi quickly defrosts for me and recovers off the damage. Right now the best Idea is to probably just Run Milotic out of Ice Beams.

TAY switched in Heracross (lvl 100 Heracross ?).
Pointed stones dug into Heracross.
Heracross lost 12% of its health.
Heracross was hurt by Spikes!
Heracross lost 12% of its health.
Celebi used Recover.
Celebi restored 50% of its health.

Uh-Oh it's that damned ScarfHera. Luckily I have the perfect Counter that I have been hiding for this moment...

KD24 switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's intimidate cut Heracross's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Gyarados.
Gyarados lost 25% of its health.
Heracross used Megahorn.
It's not very effective...
Gyarados lost 27% of its health.

SleepTalk Gyara who can easily wall this Heracross. Heracross probably knows it is useless now and I am sure TAY will sacrifice him. I would DD up in this situation, however you never know what might come out next. Waterfall seems like a Safe choice at this point, especially considering I only have under 50% health left.

Heracross used Megahorn.
It's not very effective...
Gyarados lost 30% of its health.
Gyarados used Waterfall.
Heracross lost 33% of its health.
TAY's Heracross fainted.


Heracross dies to one last Waterfall. Gyarados is useless now which saddens me. At least I can see the next threat.

TAY switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gengar.
Gengar lost 12% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Gyarados lost 18% of its health.
KD24's Gyarados fainted.


)o_o) I was not expecting Gengar to show up here. Shadow Ball quickly subdues Gyarados and now I need a plan B. Right now my best bet is to sacrifice Jirachi while I formulate a plan.

KD24 switched in Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).
Pointed stones dug into Jirachi.
Jirachi lost 6% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Jirachi lost 36% of its health.
Jirachi is fast asleep!

Jirachi is taking damage here. Somewhat odd. Gengar is not taking Leftovers or Life Orb healing / damage?

Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Jirachi lost 35% of its health.
Jirachi is fast asleep!

Once again, no damage or healing occurs. Time to test a theory...

KD24 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 30% of its health.
Skarmory's special defence was lowered.

The drop does not matter as I am about to test my theory in action. I suspect at this point it is a ScarfGar with the low ammount of damage Jirachi took as well as no item being shown.

KD24 switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon.
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Hippowdon lost 38% of its health.
Hippowdon's special defence was lowered.

I knew it! He did not Thunderbolt which tells me this is Scarfgar. That should be helpful to know later on. But curse these constant Defensive drops.

KD24 switched in Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).
Pointed stones dug into Jirachi.
Jirachi lost 6% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Jirachi lost 8% of its health.
KD24's Jirachi fainted.


Jirachi is useless now, since ScarfGar won't threaten anyone with Hypnosis. So long Jirachi.

KD24 switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).
Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Dusknoir.
Dusknoir lost 12% of its health.
TAY switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by Spikes!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.
Tyranitar was burned!
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.

Eh I was putting all my marbles on that. Wierd anology but anyway I figured that 1. Gengar can barely 2HKO with Shadow Ball and I have Shadow Sneak which will 2HKO and at this point perhaps OHKO. 2. He has a Tyranitar and Bronzong left which could eat a Shadow Ball and kill with Crunch or Sleep with Hypnosis. Luckily my prediction payed off. And TAY does not look happy!

TAY: gah i though you would shadow sneak
KD24: lol
KD24 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
TAY switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gengar.
Gengar lost 12% of its health.

Skarmory can die to Shadow Ball here and I can't switch anything into it either. So no matter what he does Skarmory is going to die. I decided not to risk it and sacrifice skarm.

Gengar used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Skarmory lost 40% of its health.
KD24's Skarmory fainted.


Maybe in retrospect I should have gone to Hippo anyway?

KD24 switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).
Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Dusknoir.
Dusknoir lost 12% of its health.
TAY switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by Spikes!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir used Shadow Sneak.
It's not very effective...
Tyranitar lost 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.

I thought maybe I could predict again and expect Gar to stay in since Tyranitar already met the wrath of a Will-O-Wisp and I could carry Focus Punch. Sadly I was wrong.

KD24 switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon.
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
Tyranitar used Crunch.
Hippowdon lost 21% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.

Crunch does miniscule damage to Hippo, and I am safe for now. I might as well heal in the meantime.

Tyranitar used Crunch.
Hippowdon lost 19% of its health.
Hippowdon used Slack Off.
Hippowdon restored 50% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 7% of its health.
TAY's Tyranitar fainted.


So I pretty much have most of my health and he is down. Still have no clue to his last pokemon and I have revealed my whole team which isn't helpful.

TAY switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Pointed stones dug into Bronzong.
Bronzong lost 6% of its health.
KD24 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Bronzong used Hypnosis.
Celebi fell asleep!

Bronzong came in and with Jirachi dead, anyone could be viable to sleep. So I went with the safe route and put in Natural Cure Celebi who could get rid of it later.

KD24 switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon.
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
TAY switched in Garchomp (lvl 100 Garchomp ?).
Pointed stones dug into Garchomp.
Garchomp lost 6% of its health.
Garchomp was hurt by Spikes!
Garchomp lost 12% of its health.

I died inside when I saw this revealed. Garchomp is something I just hate to see when Skarmory and Jirachi are both down. Luckily Hippo scared it off so I shouldn't be in big trouble.

TAY switched in Milotic (lvl 100 Milotic ?).
Pointed stones dug into Milotic.
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Milotic was hurt by Spikes!
Milotic lost 12% of its health.
Hippowdon used Ice Fang.
It's not very effective...

That is it, Milotic is dying now.

KD24 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Milotic used Recover.
Milotic restored 50% of its health.

Celebi comes in on the Recover since Miltoic didn't have barely any health left.

Celebi used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
Milotic lost 50% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 43% of its health.

Okay, Milotic is 2HKOed right now.

Celebi used Recover.
Celebi restored 50% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 45% of its health.

I wanted him to switch or Recover allowing me a free heal. But now I know he sees Milotic as worthless giving me another kill. My confidence is going back up now.

Celebi used Grass Knot.
It's super effective!
Milotic lost 20% of its health.
TAY's Milotic fainted.


Milotic is dead now. I want it to be known. RIP: Ocean Penis

Ripchord has entered the room.
TAY switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gengar.
Gengar lost 12% of its health.
KD24 switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon.
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
Hippowdon lost 41% of its health.
Hippowdon's special defence was lowered.

I should have just sac'ed Celebi to revenge kill Gengar with Dusknoir. However this was at least safer guarenteeing no surprises.

KD24 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Gengar used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 13% of its health.
KD24's Celebi fainted.


Celebi dies as well. We both see at this point that Garchomp and Dusknoir will decide this. But who comes out on top?

KD24 switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).
Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Dusknoir.
Dusknoir lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir used Shadow Sneak.
It's super effective!
Gengar lost 2% of its health.
TAY's Gengar fainted.


2 all. This entire match has been tense. What's gonna happen?

TAY switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Pointed stones dug into Bronzong.
Bronzong lost 6% of its health.
Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.
Bronzong was burned!
Bronzong used Hypnosis.
Bronzong's attack missed!
Bronzong was hurt by its burn!
Bronzong lost 12% of its health.

Holy Shit, Thank the Lord. Not that it matters much but Dusknoir can now at least stay awake incase he decides to switch. Sadly though...

Dusknoir used Pain Split.
Dusknoir restored 12% of its health.
Bronzong lost 10% of its health.
Bronzong used Hypnosis.
Dusknoir fell asleep!
Bronzong was hurt by its burn!
Bronzong lost 12% of its health.

He does not switch and decided to go for it again. If my plan would have worked I could have total control. But all hope is not lost!

KD24 switched in Hippowdon (lvl 100 Hippowdon ?).
Hippowdon's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon.
Hippowdon lost 6% of its health.
Bronzong used Explosion.
Hippowdon lost 31% of its health.
TAY's Bronzong fainted.


=( What is this nonsense? Who explodes on a Ghost? Well Tay has just crippled my Hippowdon. This is pretty much Academic from here...

TAY switched in Garchomp (lvl 100 Garchomp ?).
Pointed stones dug into Garchomp.
Garchomp lost 6% of its health.
Garchomp was hurt by Spikes!
Garchomp lost 12% of its health.
Garchomp used Earthquake.
Hippowdon lost 12% of its health.
KD24's Hippowdon fainted.


Those Damn Explosions. I bet Bronzong is really a Terrorist inside a China cup.

KD24 switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).
Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Dusknoir.
Dusknoir lost 12% of its health.
Garchomp used Swords Dance.
Garchomp's attack was sharply raised.
Dusknoir is fast asleep!

Dusknoir sadly sleeps through his sure demise...

Garchomp used Earthquake.
Dusknoir lost 63% of its health.
KD24's Dusknoir fainted.
TAY wins!
TAY: gg
KD24: gg
TAY: very gg


And there you have it. A Garchomp out of his ass at the end wins it. It was an extremely hard and strategic battle and I was glad to be part of it.


Very good battle filled with prediction and skill
Good opponent
Defense vs. Offense like it should be
Gengar was Scarfed


Sacrificing Skarmory
Not Spiking on the switch to Milotic
Not bothering to put Focus Punch on Dusknoir
I need a better Chomp Counter...
Nice battle, good prediction on both sides, and to TAY especially as that Explosion on the predicted Hippo switch is what really sealed the win.
Given the situation, I would have gone for the explosion too, unless there's some other attack of merit you can use with the burned Bronzong.

That was a well written log. Your commentary was pretty good. I was rooting for a second layer of spikes, but no luck.
That was a really close and exciting game. If I only Dusknoir were your sleep talker instead of Gyara, things might have been different... well played by both sides!
I liked it. It was pretty close and interesting to read.
The Bronzong explosion was a great move on your opponent's part, but you played well, too.
Best battle i've read through in a while. Solid predictions scattered throughout and commentary that was actually relevant and insightful.

Kudos to you.
P.S. Even if you did use max Special Defense, a +Special Defense nature, along with Max HP, Scarf Gengar still does a minimum of 58%. But assuming you have a mostly defensive Dusknoir, the same Gengar would do about 78% minimum (294/300 Dusknoir). Just a heads up before you think "Gengar barely 2HKOs"
if you dislike long good battles filled with prediction and exciting moments then this probably isn't for you.
I actually lol'd when I read this ^

The Explosion at the end wasn't prediction at all. Once dusknoir was asleep, he could (obviously) either stay in for his one turn of guaranteed sleep, or switch out to hippo. If I exploded on Noir, then i would likely be able to set up at least one SD if Noir sayed in, and two if he switched (it's SD yachechomp). WoW has like 2 accuracy in a sandstorm anyway. If I exploded on Hippo, as was the case, then it would be crippled and i could set up chomp anyway. Since both were in SD Outrage's kill range at that point, Explosion was the best possible play.

Anyway, it was a truly great match. I really like that there were zero, count em', ZERO critical hits, which is my favorite way to play. GG, KD.
Yeah I noticed that too. I dont think there was any hax at all. And Celebi getting frozen did not matter as he unfroze the next turn and it did not change the course of the game. That is the match I like, one with nothing haxy in it.
Eh, it was a good battle, but not really much of a "warstory". You basically just took a log and wrote down what you were thinking about doing. It's still pretty good, but it woulda been cool to see you get a little more creative with it.
TAY's explosion at the end is amazing godlike prediction. He must've read your mind when through the computer screen.
Excellent battle! TAY's luck really was down though, he must've been pissed all the way through the battle with the random hax going on.
I enjoyed reading this battle :)

There was some good prediction and you explained your view of the situation instead of just stating exactly what happened the previous turn, unlike other warstories. So good job.