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Tournament NUCL I - Semifinals

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Meri Berry

is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnusis a Past SCL Champion
PUPL Champion
Neverused Champions League

NUCL I Info Hub
NUCL I Commencement


#1 :absol: Full Moon Absols (7) vs. (5) Free Snowshrew :sandshrew-alola: #4
SV: Thiago Nunes vs. Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Leru vs. Taka
SV: Xiri vs. Soucou
SV: Leni vs. skierdude101
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs. S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SM: LpZ vs. snaga
ORAS: robjr vs. ManOfMany
BW: Finchinator vs. shiloh
DPP: Banbadoro vs. Drud
ADV: gorex vs. Jisoo
GSC: BeeOrSomething vs. dawnbuster
RBY: Teh vs. Sabelette

#2 :decidueye: Dappled Decidueyes (6) vs. (6) Globogym Purple Cobras :arbok: #3
SV: Floss vs. Beraldo
SV: DugZa vs. Elias PSY
SV: mncmt vs. twinkay
SV: 3d vs. Kiyo
SS: Lilo vs. rom1x38
SM: watashi vs. poh
ORAS: quziel vs. Chaitanya
BW: Cielau vs. roxie
DPP: Heysup vs. vivalospride
ADV: Real FV13 vs. plznostep
GSC: DiannieRatson vs. Oathkeeper
RBY: Tree69420 vs. innovamania

Full Moon Absols vs. Free Snowshrew
SV: Thiago Nunes vs. Dr. Phd. BJ
SV: Leru vs. Taka
SV: Xiri vs. Soucou
SV: Leni vs. skierdude101
SS: OranBerryBlissey10 vs. S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SM: LpZ vs. snaga
ORAS: robjr vs. ManOfMany
BW: Finchinator vs. shiloh
DPP: Banbadoro vs. Drud
ADV: gorex vs. Jisoo
GSC: BeeOrSomething vs. dawnbuster
RBY: Teh vs. Sabelette

Dappled Decidueyes vs. Globogym Purple Cobras
SV: Floss vs. Beraldo
SV: DugZa vs. Elias PSY
SV: mncmt vs. twinkay
SV: 3d vs. Kiyo
SS: Lilo vs. rom1x38
SM: watashi vs. poh
ORAS: quziel vs. Chaitanya
BW: Cielau vs. roxie
DPP: Heysup vs. vivalospride
ADV: Real FV13 vs. plznostep
GSC: DiannieRatson vs. Oathkeeper
RBY: Tree69420 vs. innovamania

Deadline is Sunday, February 11th @ 11:59PM GMT-5. Please schedule with your opponents as soon as possible!
Good luck to all playoff teams!
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