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:goodra: Goodra
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:hariyama: Hariyama
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:magneton: Magneton
:mismagius: Mismagius
:orthworm: Orthworm
:passimian: Passimian
:qwilfish: Qwilfish
:qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
:salazzle: Salazzle
:sandaconda: Sandaconda
:scyther: Scyther
:sneasel: Sneasel
:sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
:tauros-paldea-blaze: Tauros-Paldea-Blaze
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:primeape: Primeape
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:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pa'u
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:scovillain: Scovillain
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:vivillon: Vivillon
:whiscash: Whiscash
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Danny said I could post here, so here's some general thoughts.

Should be in High. Primeape offers more defensively than other Fighting-types (bar AV Hariyama) while still being just as threatening due to Rage Fist which scares off Drifblim and Houndstone. Bulk Up sets are very, well, bulky and strong while Scarf is... certainly a set you can run.

As much as I still like this, it should be in Mid due to its heavy Fighting-type competition as well as competing with its Johtonian forme which is arguably better than Hisuian thanks to Knock Off. There are also a bunch Fighting-type checks running around such as Drifblim, Houndstone, Sandaconda, and Gligar, all of which heavily threaten Heasel.

Do we have 2 new Steel-types? Yes. Vivillon doesn't care. Sleep Powder and Tera still push Vivillon over the edge to be in at least Mid. Pairing it with a strong Fighting-type to help beat down Copperajah, Orthworm, and Blissey enables Vivillon to sweep with ease. It also appreciates the fall of Muk, one of its earlier checks. Oricorio Pa'u would also be here but it suffers from a lot of Psychic-type competition as well as hating Umbreon's rise.

:Vulpix: :Leafeon: :Scovillain:
Sun is very strong and deserves a spot in Low, if not Mid. Automatic Sun on top of Vulpix getting Healing Wish allows Leafeon and Scovillain (as well as Typhlosion and Articuno) to wipe out 80% of ladder teams. The existence of Goodra sets Sun back a little bit, but Leafeon being as physically strong as it is helps get rid of it.
:Copperajah: -> Top
Fight me, but Knock Off/Heat Crash Copper is easily part of the big 3. Impossible to switch into, despite the loss of Power Whip (no Muds, no Water types (that aren't weak to EQ)), while being a Steel type, which we all are so desperate for.

:Mismagius: -> Mid
Missy feels like the definition of Mid to me. It has many tools other pokemon would kill for, but it falls short in its damage output. Everytime I used it, I pretty much had to dedicate my tera for Missy, which feels a lot harder to justify in the current metagame, where you need to frequently use tera situationally, with so many offensive threats running around (and to be honest, there are just better tera pokemon than a Fairy/Electric Missy). Life Orb Shadow Ball should be so strong, but it always feels like it falls flat when clicking it in battle. Missy not really having many save switchin opportunities doesn't help it very much either. It has never fit the best on my balance teams, but it can be really nice on HO builds.

:orthworm: -> Mid
I was insanely excited for Orthworm to drop to NU, I really was. The thing is, it forces some building quirks that I believe don't make it as splashable as others of the High-ranked pokemon; fwiw I think it would be "high-Mid", if that existed. Being sort of a fake Steel type on the special side always forces the pairing with a Dark type + special sponge (Grimm/Hilfish + Goodra e.g.) to cover your "lack" of Steel typing on the special side (Dark types mainly feel mandatory rn because of the strong Psyshock Psychic types we have right now).
Despite that, Coil/IronPress sets are super cool lategame cleaners, and every pokemon with an "immunity ability" is an excellent tera user. Little side-complain, but why tf did they not make Orthworm Spikes-immune? .-.

As much as I still like this, it should be in Mid due to its heavy Fighting-type competition as well as competing with its Johtonian forme which is arguably better than Hisuian thanks to Knock Off. There are also a bunch Fighting-type checks running around such as Drifblim, Houndstone, Sandaconda, and Gligar, all of which heavily threaten Heasel.
Heavily disagree. It should remain in High rank. Firstly, I don't think Sneasel is better than Hisuian Sneasel at all, and Sneasel being ranked so High feels like copium because it got Knock Off back. I don't think Sneasel should be ranked Mid, but I also don't think it would be ranked higher than Hisuian Sneasel in a "real VR". Hisuian Sneasel can still pull off Choice item a lot easier than Sneasel, because its not as weak to entry hazards, and with "just HDB" Sneasel feels pretty weak. There certainly are answers to Hisuian Sneasel, but Houndstone is insanely Mid (and poop in my experience), Sandaconda is literally 2HKOed and Gligar just gets chipped down by rocks + repeated attacks.

Other than these I feel like the VR team did a good job! :blobthumbsup: (Bruxish should be SSS+)
Vulpix and Charizard added to Mid, Leafeon and Scovillain added to Low

I'd move Qwilfish to Top. It is quite insane glue for checking the myriad of Fighting-types in the tier and being by far the best Spikes setter (Coalossal is not real, sorry), and the addition of Flip Turn has been really nice for it on offensive teams while preventing most of its checks from freely switching in (not like they could for fear of Barb Barrage, but hey now the 50% can't mess you up!).
Should be in TOP
Im tired of all the downplay on primape, this thing is insanely strong. Ice punch lets you check multiple top tiers, bulk up is a solid way to set up, rage fist gives coverage on things like bruxish and veluza, and drain punch allows for solid heals. if that set doesnt sound ideal to you, it also packs some other wildly good coverage moves, and with eviolite is one of the bulkiest mons in the tier. Just off its sheer bulk and the ability to check pretty much every commonly seen high tier makes primape easily in the big 3 NU mons.

Should be in MID
Bruxish offers absolutely NOTHING that terra fairy veluza doesnt.

Should be in MID
Heasle suffers from lack of knock off and an arguably worse typing than snealse, not to mention lack of a strong STAB like icicle crash and lack of a priority move that sneasle has in ice shard. Its not bad by any means, there is just no reason to use it over regular sneasle other than lack of entry hazard weakness (just pack heavy duty if you care that much), not to mention it's glaring weaknesses to popular mons like bombirdier and anything that can pack EQ.

Should be in TOP
Where do I even start with Hquilfish? Not only does it pack the best ability in the game, intimidate, it also has basically no hard counters, with it's only weakness' being ground and bug due to an amazingly underrated type combo. On top of this, it can be made extremely bulky with eviolite (able to tank 3 earthquakes from high tiers consistantly), it's also one of the fastest mons in the tier, AND can be used for 2 different extremely useful positions on a team (Setup sweeper with swords dance or support with toxic spikes and taunt). Combine all this together, and you have what is, in my opinion, the best mon in the entire tier.

Should be in MID
While Salazzle does hold potential for stall with a great speed stat and the incredible corrosive ability, it's just too fragile for the position, usually getting wiped off the earth by even non-super effective attacks. and in the field of a sweeper, it's just outclassed by other good options like quilfish. on top of this, it's lack of set up ability just make it painfully mid. good for getting one toxic off on a threatning mon then dying.

Should be in HIGH
While goodra being good and why isnt even an arguement anymore, I dont think it's the best mon in the tier anymore. it's simply outclassed by the rise of mons able to eat a draco meteor and retaliate with a coverage move, and it's lack of speed means mons like primape can just ice punch it then finish it with drain punch to get hp back, effectively giving it hard checks.

Should be in HIGH
With great bulk, an ability that makes it an incredible pivot and removes it's weakness to ground, and a solid attack stat, along with access to moves like drain punch, bulk up eelektross can easily wipe teams by just eating an attack to set up on a mon then healing back with drain punch. the only real think holding it back is it's speed.
View attachment 558023 Should be in TOP

View attachment 558026 Should be in MID

View attachment 558028Should be in MID

View attachment 558029 Should be in TOP

View attachment 558032Should be in MID

View attachment 558035Should be in HIGH

View attachment 558036Should be in HIGH

I don't often make posts anymore, but there is a lot of L takes here that show a complete lack of understanding. I'm not going to dissect your post because frankly speaking there isn't a single take here you'll find people agreeing with you on. Just gonna cherry pick a few things

Primeape-There are 5-6 other fighting types that will see use before ape does. The idea behind spamming Bulk Up+Drain Punch to slowly boost and sustain is pretty cool. You're also covering what is typically a blind spot for fighting types (ghosts) w/ Rage Fist! In practice its much too slow paced to get the ball rolling. Something like H-Sneasel, Hariyama, Croak has an immediate presence on the field, ape not so much.

Bruxish- Veluza is not a consideration in NU rn and if you're getting swept by that and thinking that it's busted as hell theres probably 214310 things that would've done the same thing easier. All of this is irrelevant because Brux doesn't compete with Veluza for viability, but you brought it up. Brux is able to effectively run a variety of sets - banded, scarfed, SD, etc. to great success and that on its own makes it hard to effectively check it until you're able to scout which set it is.

H-Qwil- Definitely one of the most useful gluemons rn and a major asset to building but definitely not mowtom/goodra levels. You also may wanna check on it's type weaknesses one more time.

The claim that Salazzle is an asset to stall is uhh....odd. If you think that all lazzle can do effectively is spread toxic AND the ability to do so makes it a component of stall then please get involved here

Goodra- The best mon in the tier, bar none. It's ability to sponge damage and dish it out in return over the course of a battle is uncontested. Frankly speaking I wouldn't be surprised if action was taken on this because it's that strong. The idea that theres a bunch of things that can eat a Draco and force it out is silly? Great, so you just took SR damage, took probably 50-70% from Draco and you're backpedaling now because your opponent also has 5 other team slots and can switch.

Overall you're hyperfixating on certain aspects of each of these mons and don't really have a grasp of current meta staples so it's not like you can realllllly accurately judge somethings viability. Rn things are pretty chaotic w/ the influx of new things in september+october so honestly I'd recommend playing a lot more and playing w/ intention to improve vs just clicking on ladder