Project NU Teambuilding Competition - Season 3, Week 3: Amoonguss


Can I vanish into you?
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(OP stolen from ndou's teambuilding competition thread)


beautiful art by LessThanThreeMan! say thanks the next time you see them :)
Approved by Aawin & etern

Welcome to NU Teambuilding Competition! In this project, a Pokemon, Core, or Teamstyle each week will be presented for you to build a team around and then submit. There may also be weeks with certain bans to increase creativity and originality. We will then vote on the best team! This project is hosted by yours truly, POM, and LessThanThreeMan!

  1. Entry submission:
    1. Please use the six sprites and a paste of your team when submitting for easy viewing.
    2. Your post must contain a description of your team, preferably in hide tags. You can include a brief overview unhidden. (If you're confused, copy the example submission below.)
    3. When you are submitting a team, do not to slash movesets items in the importable. Other options may be mentioned in the description, but the finished product should be the build you are most confident in. It is fine to do minor set changes throughout the week.
    4. All submitted teams must have at least one replay.
    5. All teams must also have a descriptive name whether in parentheses or otherwise such as Air Balloon Spam Electric Terrain, Expert Belt Cloyster Rain, or Choice Scarf Chandelure Ice Spam. (You are allowed to shorten the terminology to recognizable terms like CB, Scarf, BO, HO, Chandy, Cloy, Gatr, etc. Contact me or LessThanThreeMan for questions!)
    6. Teams that don’t contain the given pokemon, core, or style, and joke teams will all be disqualified.
    7. Consider a like rating from myself or LessThanThreeMan approval for your team!
    8. Currently, teambuilding timeframe is Friday-Tuesday, and voting timeframe is Wednesday-Thursday. However, this is subject to change.
    9. If you'd like to submit an idea for a week, PM me or LessThanThreeMan through Smogon or Discord. We would love to hear your ideas!
  2. Disputes / Copying: If your team entry has the same cores of Pokémon and similar move sets to an earlier entry, it may be disqualified. If anyone tries to abuse this by reserving an early post in the thread for their entry, please bring it to my attention and they'll be disqualified. If you are caught doing this, there is a high possibility you will not be allowed to post in the building stage for an indefinite amount of time. Whether or not team is copied or too similar will be up to my and LessThanThreeMan's discretion, as there will be times when being lax or strict will be needed for certain weeks.
  3. Discussion and team changes: One part of the process is to have discussion about the teams and the core. While I'd like to keep this from being a speedy RMT thread, suggestions of improvements to entered teams are allowed. In the interests of fairness, suggestions shouldn’t involve anything more major than move set change. Once a team is submitted, keep the same 6. It is fine to do minor changes throughout the week, but try to stick to the original six pokemon once submitted. Make sure you are happy with it before posting!
  4. Clean and Tidy: I'd like to keep the thread as clean and uniform as possible, as for ease of browsing, so this means keep formatting consistent, using the provided links for sprites and avoid posting one liners during the submission phase.
  5. Sprites: Please use this sprite option below:, you may use the :pokemon: or :gen/pokemon: format to get your sprites. For example,
    will get :inteleon: and
    will get you :ss/gallade:.
  6. Voting Phase: To vote, users will list their top three favorite teams. 1 would be their favorite and 3 their least (out of chosen three). If I were to say, "1. Team B, 2. Team E, 3. Team A", then Team B would receive three points, Team E gets two, and Team A only wins one.
  7. Have fun! :D
  8. Tournaments:
    1. At the end of every season (dates to be announced later) we will be hosting a tournament showcasing the teams submitted to the NUTC!
    2. All community members are allowed to join.
    3. They will be a best of 1 format in which each side must bring a team that has been submitted during the current season of the NU Teambuilding Competition.
    5. Each round will last a week for participants to schedule and fight. It will continue until one player is left standing.
    6. Participants are allowed to and encouraged to switch teams between rounds.
  9. Example submission:
Mixed Legion Volt-Turn

:basculegion: :mienshao: :magnezone: :talonflame: :slowbro: :flygon:

I'm back again with another team! This time I'm posting the team I made using the mixed legion set me and Diamonds_realm worked on! This a momentum based team that uses pivoting to gain positioning and chip down the opposing team. Legion is sporting a mixed set with shadow ball where wave crash into shadow ball kills slowbro (if they are lefties and there are no hazards its like an 80% roll in your favor, otherwise it is 100%). Luring slowbro opens up for mienshao to clean late game. More detail description below!

Legion kills muk bro and ohkoes cloyster
Replay vs Balance
Long Replay Where Bro + Legion Win in the End

Detailed Description
:Basculegion: Basculegion
I won't go into too much detail on the set here, check out the breakdown Diamonds did on the underrated sets thread! This legion is a great mixed wallbreaker noticeably luring slowbro, but also hitting a lot of physical walls hard with shadow ball while maintaining the same power as scarf legion on its water moves. Wave crash is your main stab, shadow ball hits slowbro (after a wave crash) and 2 hits a lot of other physical walls, jet is nice priority and flip turn gets you chip and momentum.

:mienshao: Mienshao
After we lure slowbro we need to have something that appreciates it being gone! Mienshao is the premier scarfer in the tier for good reason, and has incredible longevity thanks to regenerator. I think most of us agree that shao is the second best mon in the tier after slowbro.

:slowbro: Slowbro
Speaking of the best mon in the tier, here he is! Slowbro provides a defensive backbone to the team helping it to not lose to a lot of the physical threats in the tier. Slowbro is very hard to kill after a cm, scald spam is great into basically all of the tier, and psychic noise prevents recovery which is another nice trick for it to have up its sleeve. Psyshock is also a perfectly workable option here.

:Magnezone: Magnezone
AV Magnezone is a special tank for the team. While it doesn't have lasting recovery, it does check a lot of the special attackers in the tier and it also gains momentum into talonflame, another notable thorn in Mienshao's side. Modest and Analytic allow zone to still hit hard on the switch while maintaining solid bulk. Tera Dragon and mirror coat are on here mainly for the Sun matchup, allowing zone to check venusuar.

:Talonflame: Talonflame
Talonflame is in my opinion, the best hazard removal in the tier. Having cleared hazards is very important for keeping this team healthy as it wants to switch around a lot by nature. It leverages its speed, typing, and burns to check many physical attackers and burn the opponents as they try to u turn. It is also the team's answer to krookodile (unless they have stone edge but that isn't common) and does a great job supporting the team.

:flygon: Flygon
The team needed a ground type (for a powerful EQ and a stop to volt switch) and a hazard in the last slot. While krook could also function here, flygon has access to a pivoting move in u turn, and priority in first impression.

Anyways, first core for you guys to build around should be announced later today by LessThanThreeMan!
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Team Archive

Currently Ongoing: current week (waterbull)
Week 1: Waterbull
BU Waterbull + Scarf Munki
by LessThanThreeMan

Week 2: Hazard Stack
Sensu Shao Hazard Stack
by LessThanThreeMan

Week 3: Kilowattrel
:basculegion::scream tail::incineroar::registeel::toxicroak::kilowattrel:
Sub Bascu Balance
by Rabia

Week 4:
Week 1: Breloom
LoomGalge Balance
by Shagg51

Week 2: Porygon-Z
Specs PZ + SD Croak
by xerovis

Week 3: Inteleon + Toxicroak
IntelCroak Boots Spam
by LessThanThreeMan

Week 4: Brute Bonnet
:brute bonnet::venusaur::scovillain::whimsicott::grafaiai::espeon:
Brute Bonnet Sun
by PowerOfMemes

Week 5: Gallade
Gallade Pivot Spam
by Diamonds_realm

Week 6: Iron Thorns
:araquanid::gallade::iron thorns::torterra::chandelure::kilowattrel:
Iron Thorns + Gallade Webs
by Rabia

Week 7: Cresselia
CB Waterbull VoltTurn + CM Cress
by Stories
Week 1: Krookodile + Mienshao
Inteleon VoltTurn
by klamalam

Week 2: Rhyperior
SD Rhyp + Specs Sylv BO
by Oathkeeper

Week 3: Hyper Offense | Banned: Weather & Terrain
Deoxys Hazard Stack HO
by Shengineer & Rabia

BU Waterbull + Kilowattrel
by Pika134

:cinccino::tauros-paldea-aqua::toxicroak::scream tail::tornadus::flygon:
Fight Spam HO
by Zangoose5000

CB Waterbull + FSight Guno
by PowerOfMemes (& hammer798)

BU Waterbull + Scarf Munki
by LessThanThreeMan
Sensu Shao Hazard Stack
by LessThanThreeMan

Scarf Mowtom + Rocks Flygon
by Pika134

:scream tail::gligar::overqwil::tauros paldea aqua::tsareena::meloetta:
SD Overqwil Spikestack
by Heatranator
:cinccino::scyther::kilowattrel::scream tail::breloom::tatsugiri:
Cinccino + Scyther HO
by LessThanThreeMan & Shengineer

Rain HO ft. Weather Ball Kilo
by Pokeslice

CB Loom Spike Stack
by Tree69420

by PowerOfMemes

:basculegion::scream tail::incineroar::registeel::toxicroak::kilowattrel:
Sub Bascu Balance
by Rabia

NP Munki + Competitive Kilo

Teleport Deoxys-D + CB Loom Offense
by LessThanThreeMan

CB Loom + Cosmic Deoxys-D
by PowerOfMemes

LoomGalge Balance
by Shagg51

Jack of All Trades Breloom
by ralts_boy

Dice Loom + Glowbro Balance
by Shengineer & Wadley
Specs PZ + Pom-Pom
by PowerOfMemes

CB PZ + NP Munki
by Shengineer

Specs Trick Agility PZ Webs
by LessThanThreeMan

Specs PZ + SD Croak
by xerovis

Double Illusion + Dual Dance PZ HO
by Lucario
IntelCroak Snow
by PowerOfMemes

IntelCroak Boots Spam
by LessThanThreeMan

Beartic Rain
by Heatranator

Specs Intel + SD Croak BO
by Oathkeeper

VoltTurn Balance
by Be13costa
:brute bonnet::venusaur::scovillain::whimsicott::grafaiai::espeon:
Brute Bonnet Sun
by PowerOfMemes

:brute bonnet::talonflame::gallade::flygon::swampert::sylveon:
Brute Bonnet Balance
by LessThanThreeMan

:araquanid::diancie::brute bonnet::iron thorns::chandelure::flygon:
Specs Araq HO
by Shengineer
:gallade::swampert::talonflame::munkidori::brute bonnet::sylveon:
Scope Gallade Balance
by Rabia

Gallade Psy Terrain
by LessThanThreeMan

Gallade Pivot Spam
by Diamonds_realm

Scope Gallade + Specs Intel VoltTurn
by PowerOfMemes

Gallade Webs
by Be13costa
:iron thorns::pincurchin::pawmot::sceptile::flygon::slowbro-galar:
Iron Thorns E Terrain
by Diamonds_realm

:iron thorns::flygon::kilowattrel::chandelure::breloom::minior:
Lead Iron Thorns HO
by LessThanThreeMan

:araquanid::gallade::iron thorns::torterra::chandelure::kilowattrel:
Iron Thorns + Gallade Webs
by Rabia

:galvantula::brambleghast::kilowattrel::iron thorns::porygon-z::tauros-paldea-aqua:
Iron Thorns + Waterbull Webs
by Zangoose5000

:iron thorns::araquanid::brambleghast::chandelure::toxicroak::flygon:
Iron Thorns Double Ghost Webs
by PowerOfMemes

:iron thorns::bronzong::tsareena::scream tail::flygon::mienshao:
SD Iron Thorns + Scream Tail Balance
by Heatranator

:iron thorns::cresselia::hitmonlee::oricorio-pom-pom::torterra::thwackey:
Iron Thorns + Torterra G Terrain
by Be13costa
Scarf Cress + Specs Zone Copium
by PowerOfMemes

CM Cress + Scarf R Blessing Pawmot
by Rabia

CB Waterbull VoltTurn + CM Cress
by Stories

Lure Bramble + CM Cress Offense
by LessThanThreeMan

Cress Manual Sun
by Shengineer
Season 0, Week 1: Thundurus + Mew
[Mew Ban Halfway Through]

Mew Spikes + Pivot Thundy Hazard Stack
by PowerOfMemes

Triple Choice Demon Mew Surprise
by Be13costa

AoA Mew VoltTurn
by Heatranator
Season 0, Week 1 pt. 2: Krookodile + Mienshao

Inteleon VoltTurn
by klamalam

PPads Shao Balance
by LessThanThreeMan

Scale Shot Krookodile Balance
by hammer798

Whimsicott VoltTurn
by PowerOfMemes

SD Boots Shao VoltTurn
by Heatranator

KrookShao Meganium Core
by Executive Exeggcute
Season 0, Week 2: Rhyperior

Thundy + Hera Hazard Stack
by Be13costa

Rhyp Wish Balance
by PowerOfMemes

Double SD BO
by Shengineer

:rhyperior::diancie::reuniclus::scream tail::grimmsnarl::talonflame:
Rhyp TR
by hammer798

RhypRaptor BO
by Heatranator

SD Rhyp + PPads Shao
by LessThanThreeMan

SD Rhyp + Specs Sylv BO
by Oathkeeper
Season 0, Week 3: Hyper Offense | Banned: Weather & Terrain

:indeedee::lycanroc-dusk::scream tail::toxicroak::cresselia::flygon:
Steel Overwhelm HO
by PowerOfMemes

Anti-Lead Cinccino
by LessThanThreeMan

Deoxys-D Hazard Stack HO
by Shengineer and Rabia

Scope Gallade Webs
by PKQ

SD Breloom Webs HO
by Zangoose5000
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Season 0, Week 1: Krookodile and Mienshao

For our first week of the NUTC our featured core will be Krookodile and Mienshao! (Formerly Mew and Thundurus but with the Mew quickban today we have had to pivot. Apologies to anyone who had already started!)

:sv/krookodile: :sv/mienshao:

Who is the scarfer? One, both, neither? Double set up? Which team style? The choice is yours! Use any sets on these two and construct the best team possible! Remember to read through the original posts for formatting and submission requirements. Don’t forget to post at least one replay!

With the current state of SV NU and a tier shift around the corner, we understand that there may be important meta changes in the near future (I spoke way too soon on this) and many of the early submissions may not remain legal NU teams very long. Consider the first few weeks of NUTC tester weeks or “Season 0.” Following the upcoming tier shift we will start Season 1 where teams submitted can be used in the upcoming Season 1 Tournament!

Submissions are open now and close Tuesday June 18th at around 8pm EST (GMT-5)!

Happy building!
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Spikes Mew + Pivot Thundy Hazard Stack

I decided to just use a kind of goofy team with Spikes Mew + Pivot Thundy Knock Off Spam, which worked surprisingly well on ladder for the games I brought it in. I feel this team could be better with a different Spikes setter than Mew, but I digress.

:mew: - spikes, koff, and pivoting for progress. tox helps stall things out, and helmet is nice to punish shao, ape, gallade, tsar, etc. speed is for max bascu just in case

:thundurus: - more koff, ground immune, grass knot to get gastro, quag, n pert for bascu, and also helps clear fat waters for bascu too. on top of that, it can work as a cleaner after opposing team has been weakened + faster threats have been taken care of

:avalugg: - hazard control, fat phys def mon

:umbreon: - spdef wall, more tox, dark + ghost resist, and wish passing mon for mew, thundy, bascu, and regi

:basculegion: - fight immune, wave crash + spikes helps vs bulkier teams, priority aqua jet can help pick off faster threats on low health

:registeel: - sr setter, steel type (everything resist), twave to help out bascu and thundy, eq to not let chandy in for free.
Well gonna post to not let my friend PowerOfMemes alone with Mew Thundurus. I just finished my tests just to see the council (correctly) banning Mew.

Here is the team :Mew:-:Thundurus:-:Tsareena:-:Swampert:-:Copperajah:-:Infernape:

I tried to make a fun team that would work with the most amount of mons that following Mews steps could have different builds that you cant know until is maybe too late.

:sm/mew: - Mew can be anything it you want to be . Here Mew here is a setup sweeper. With Weakness Policy you get all the offensive boots you need hit everything (almost A-Muk ownes you). And with Iron Def+CM you can get really tanky wile you heal with Draining Kiss and after boosting you can use some very powerful stored powers.

:sm/thundurus: - He could be boots special with TW, can be a physical attacker... Specs Thundy is my favorite way of using the mon , because of its speed and power very few mons can capitalize that well on forced switches. Yeah if it used U-Turn it could never be blocked but you are specs and specs volt switches hurt a lot. The only problem is that you need to tera to have a flying move , but ngl most of the time is worth it. Against no resists it OHKO many staples.

:sm/Tsareena: - Hazard control + physical wall. Most of the time it's a offensive spinner here it can hard wall many staples (it's never 2 shot by scarf shao cc) wile healing and slow pivot.

:sm/Swampert: - Usually a tank . I'm using Shrek Pert the LessThanThreeMan special of banded pert is really strong because of it's amazing typing and great generic bulk it can fire multiple EQs and Flip Turns in a match with devastating power. You still need to watch for grass moves and Vapo is a terrible sight but other than that Banded pert is a breaker of great power.

:ss/Copperajah: - Here is the only mon that you know what will do just by seeing the sprite. Copper comes with a kit that support many balance builds Koff/Rocks/Whirlwind and Sheer Force Iron Head hurts without investment and in this team is the special wall with tera Dragon it actually is a great one.

:sm/Infernape: - Need a scarfer that followed the team thematic. I chose to go special because even if Mew is a special attacker because it needs to boost I needed more immediate power form the SpA side. It's a slot the could for sure be optimized but it functions here.

Apologies about this, but the same day we decide to feature Mew it got quick banned! Which is honestly great news for the tier, but we are going to have to adjust our week 1 core. Sorry to those who had already started! Our new week 1 core is Krookodile and Mienshao! (Formerly Mew and Thundurus). I will also update the week 1 post above! Happy building!

:sv/krookodile: :sv/mienshao:
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Inteleon Volt-Turn
:krookodile: Knock off and stealth rock. Krook happens to answer both muk and reuniclus who would otherwise stop Inteleon. Having 2 immunities also helps outplay the opponent and create tempo.

:magnezone: Magnezone is able to come in on a lot of defensive mons that would otherwise cause trouble. slowbro, plume, and muk can't do much to it and magnezone gets to create momentum for free.

:dragalge: Dragalge is our other defensive pivot and gives us a fighting type resist which magnezone and krook both appreciate. Eject pack lets us keep tempo after a draco meteor and tspikes helps to soften up bulkier mons in the late game.

:talonflame: Talon is a great deterent against pretty much every contact move but crucially cripples the opposing scarf miensho, krook, or flygon. Additionally will-o on defensive mons like avalugg and swampert makes pressuring them much easier. We also run defog in case of webs or spikes.

:mienshao: Pretty much the best scarfer in the tier. This is our alternative win condition if we aren't able to eliminate things that are faster than inteleon like noivern or opposing tflame.

:inteleon: Tera water choice boosted hydro pump destroys everything and it's fantastic speed means it naturally outspeeds most offensive mons.
Protective Pads Shao Balance
:krookodile: :mienshao: :noivern: :rotom-heat::slowbro: :diancie:

I was thinking about this core, and decided to focus on scarf krookodile here. With moxie scarf krook can be a scary cleaner and snowball through games! I was looking at ways shao could enable krook and thought about some of the walls things that need to be taken care of first: slowbro, vileplume, and talonflame all came to mind. That is why I settled on Protective Pads Mienshao! Protective Pads lets shao run/click triple axel into vileplume which can help open up for krook. It is also really nice to hit other flying types / not grounded mons like flygon, thundurus, noivern (you take the stabs with tera steel), and grass types like rotom-mow and tsareena. You can even do well into non-wisp Talonflame with tera steel but you have 3 better stops in the team that typically take care of this for you!
:Krookodile: Krookodile
Krook is the central mon of this team and on top of revenge killing, this mon is here to clean with scarf and moxie boosts!

:Mienshao: Mienshao
This mienshao set is what makes the team unique and is intended to lure a lot of krook's checks. Protective pads lets shao click moves into talonflame / vileplume / belibolt without fear of the flame body / effect spore / static punish. CC is your main stab of course, and +2 u-turn does good damage to slowbro and can get you momentum all game! Triple Axel is to lure plume, and can also be used to hit flygon / noivern / other grass types as well. Tera steel gives you the flying and dragon resist for talonflame / noivern respectively. Tera steel also lets you sd on plume more effectively. I debated u turn vs knock here quite a bit. +2 knock does a lot to slowbro which is great for scarf krook, but u turn lets you keep momentum (for free!) early game. Either work here fairly well for different reasons. 4 attacks shao with knock and u turn works here as well, but you give up some breaking power and you don’t really have an out if you get strength sapped by plume.

:Noivern: Noivern
Noivern is our hazard removal on the team as well as a fast special attacker. It's water and fighting resistances are also really nice for the team and it is your main scald switch in on the team. I would really love to have u turn on noivern, but I think you need draco, flamethrower, and defog and I valued roost more here.

:Rotom-heat: Rotom-Heat
Rotom-H glues a lot of things together for the team. It gives you a way to hit bro pre tera, wisp burns gallade which is a major threat to balance, it is a great magnezone check (which bro and diancie appreciate/need), and a great way to punish talonflame which annoy krook and shao.

:Slowbro: Slowbro
Slowbro is our physical wall and a secondary win condition with calm mind. I think most of us are familiar with the demon that is calm mind slowbro, but with covert cloak, speed investment, and psychic noise bro often checks opposing bro (depending on which one is faster/burns/knock offs etc).

:Diancie: Diancie
Diancie is our special wall and stealth rocker on the team. It is also a great talonflame switch in and can use encore to annoy a lot of walls / set up mons. Diancie is also one of the better oricorio checks which can otherwise make a lot of progress vs this team.

:Gallade: :slowbro: :chandelure: Threats
Like all balance teams, we have some scary mid speed breakers, most notably gallade. AV gallade in particular is hard to revenge kill, and you usually have to play around this a bit. Wisp on rotom-heat is primarily to burn this, but bro helps a lot here too (even if it can get 2 shot by leaf blade). Chandelure is also a big threat to the defensive core here, but diancie does well into non-energy ball. Krook revenges very well though. Opposing cm slowbro is always a threat, but if they come in as shao clicks sd you are likely going to force the tera from them. Diancie is also faster and can encore lock bro as well. You also have some good moves to hit it with on rotom-h and noivern, and you can eq it after a Tera poison as well. Especially post Tera, whichever bro is faster tends to win the 1v1 as well. You have counterplay here but it’s not as simple as throwing a zone at it for example.
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Scale Shot Krookodile Balance

:krookodile: :mienshao: :thundurus: :swampert: :incineroar: :tsareena:

The basic idea of the team is a balance team that pivots and makes progress over time with Mienshao, Thundurus, Swampert, and Incineroar to clear the way for a late game Krookodile sweep. The main targets this team needs to weaken - physical walls like Vileplume and Slowbro and Choice Scarfers faster than +1 Krookodile.

:krookodile: - The star of the show, Loaded Dice Scale Shot + Substitute lets you come in late on weakened teams and go off.

:mienshao: - Fairly standard Choice Scarf Mienshao, performs very well as a pivot and can be the late game scarf cleaner if it has to be.

:thundurus: - The main offensive check for Vileplume/Slowbro. Physically bulky opponents are what could potentially stop your sweep, and Thundurus has answers to both. Thunderbolt hits Slowbro, Psychic hits Vileplume and Tera Poison Slowbro, and you can always play more VoltTurn and repeatedly pivot on your opponents switches.

:swampert: - Checks most physical attackers in the tier, rock setter, another pivot with Flip Turn. Roar gives you options to not get set up on, and this team already has four Knock Off users.

:incineroar: - Specially defensive Incineroar gives you a lot of options, and is another option to scare Vileplume. Wisp can hit physical attackers switching in, and you're constantly making progress with Knock Off.

:tsareena: - Bulky Tsareena. Along with Incineroar, can check Grass-type spinners that give Swampert trouble, and particularly necessary as a spinner up against Webs offense.
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Specs Whimsicott VoltTurn

The main goal of this team is to get in Whimsicott to break through Swampert and whatever physical walks there are for Mienshao to sweep late-game.

: Stealth Rock setter + Black Glasses-boosted Knock Off is great utility alongside Intimidate.

: Choice Scarf speed control. Stone Edge is here to surprise and nuke Talonflame which Whimsicott struggles with breaking. Mienshao can lure fat Water- and Ground-types for Whimsicott. Also, more Knock Off spreading.

: The wallbreaker. This Pokemon deals with Krookodile's and Mienshao's checks like opposing Mienshao, Swampert, and Slowbro. Switcheroo allows you to cripple defensive walls and setup sweepers alike.

: Provides hazard control, a Fighting-type check, a Ground immunity, and can bring in fat Water-types for Whimsicott. Also, a soft Fire-type check.

: Great special tank. Helps versus Thundurus, Munkidori, Sylveon, and more. Tera Grass Blast is nice here to surprise Swampert, Gastrodon, and Quagsire in case Whimsicott dies for Mienshao.

: Fire-type check + Water-type check + soft Fighting-type check. Scald + Flip Turn is annoying to deal with for most teams. Haze helps you not get taken advantage of by setup sweepers in general and specifically Slowbro which can be annoying for Milotic to deal with. Also, Marvel Scale is really nice against random Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave.

Welp, I was going to test my mew+thundy-i team, but I can't now :( I will still post it here because I want to. (It was going to be a volt-turn team, with mew using volt switch and thundy-i using u-turn, a sort of reversal of what you would think each mon would use)

SD U-turn Mienshao Balance
:krookodile: :mienshao: :diancie: :vaporeon: :talonflame: :brambleghast:

So after trying to cook up some cb meinshao (just to note, it can 2hit ko slowbro with tera fighting+reckless hjk after rocks damage unless you are unfortunate) I decided to go with more standard sets for krook and meinshao. This is a team that can go at either a slow pace or fast pace depending on the situation.

:krookodile: This is the standard scarf set to have more consistency. It's a simple set in order to clean up games effectively by acting as a fast, disruptive and powerful threat.

:mienshao: Mienshao was a mon that I was struggling to innovate with on this team, but I think this is the best I can do. It combines the pivoting ability of the scarf set while having the breaking power of the wallbreaker set. It can also take hits much more effectively due to HDB meaning it isn't taking hazard chip. I decided on cc+knock as the only fairy types in the tier are either neutral to fighting (diancie and klefki) or are sylveon (who falters to +2 cc if its chipped, which it will be). Tera dark lets it set up on psychic types and lets it devestate bro or reun.

:diancie: Standard rock diancie set that can set up rocks while being a good special wall. The only change is to tera ghost, which is a good neutral typing that doesn't have any of diancie's previous weaknesses (tera water leaves the grass weakness and tera steel left the ground weakness, both of which were annoying to deal with).

:vaporeon: Honestly, the star of the show, this vaporeon set is standard except for one moveset change, swapping out flip turn for calm mind. Calm mind along with covert cloak allows vaporeon to boost alongside slowbro and completely deny it from sweeping a team. It can also be a dangerous threat on its own, switching into many water types that may be passive and start setting up on them. Nothing really likes switching into boosted scalds as the burn chance can cripple the opponent permanently. Overall, Vaporeon fills both defensive and offensive roles on the team.

:talonflame: Talonflame is the hazard remover of the team that is able to spread burns and act as an annoying physical deterrence. The speed evs are in order to outspeed raikou, with the rest going into hp and defense.

:brambleghast: Finally, we have brambleghast, which is an interesting mon on the team. It kinda just fits every necessary hole in the team. It acts as a fighting type switchin, a secondary electric resistance and a speed control option. I decided to drop rapid spin as talon already had defog for removal, so I was able to put shadow sneak in order to revenge kill other mons that are really fast, such as smash cloyster at low health. With tera ghost, brambleghast can pose a big threat to teams and is able to clean up games. Strength sap allows bramble to keep itself healthy over a game and potentially win against mons it has no right winning against.

With that we conclude submissions for our first week of NUTC! On to voting! Anyone may vote for their top 3 favorite teams in ranked order. Your first choice gets 3 points, second choice gets 2, and third choice get 1. The choices are:

Inteleon Volt-Turn by Klamalam

Protective Pads Shao Balance by LTTM
:krookodile: :mienshao: :noivern: :rotom-heat::slowbro: :diancie:

Scale Shot Krookodile Balance by Hammer798
:krookodile: :mienshao: :thundurus: :swampert: :incineroar: :tsareena:

Specs Whimsicott VoltTurn by POM
:krookodile: :mienshao: :whimsicott: :talonflame: :magnezone: :Milotic:

SD U-turn Mienshao Balance by Heatranator
:krookodile: :mienshao: :diancie: :vaporeon: :talonflame: :brambleghast:

Meganium Core by Executive Exeggcute
:Krookodile: :Mismagius: :Meganium: :Mienshao::Skuntank: :Bastiodon:

Voting closes on Thursday June 20th at around 8pm EST (GMT-5)! May the best team win!
1. Balance by Shengineer
2. Hyper Offense by POM
3. Bulky Offense by LTTM
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Meganium Core (ZU strikes back!)
:Krookodile: :Mismagius: :Meganium: :Mienshao::Skuntank: :Bastiodon:


As you know, I love using non-meta pokemon and making teams where they can shine. This team is a bulky(ish) balance team focused on both offense and defense.

Mismagius @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hex
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave

Spamming status and crippling threats is what this does. Hex doubles this and substitute is a safeguard for it.

Bastiodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press
- Foul Play
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Defense

This bulky mon values great support and potential sweeps with body press. Foul Play keeps annoying ghost in check.

Skuntank (M) @ Black Glasses
Ability: Aftermath
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Temper Flare

This mon loves priority stab with sucker punch. It's great at 1v1ing pokemon that would otherwise win if not for sucker punch. It's also great at revenge killing

Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Ice Spinner

This classic pick is great at revenge killing and keeping momentum and health while doing so.

Meganium @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Leaf Guard
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Leech Seed
- Synthesis
- Knock Off
- Encore

The core of this team. This mon checks dangerous setup mons with encore. knock off helps make progress and leech seed and synthesis makes sure that it stays healthy.

Krookodile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Gunk Shot

This hazard controller helps keeps volt switchers in check. This mons holds the team together so it won't get overwhelmed by fast electric pivots.

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Season 0, Week 2: Rhyperior

For the second week of the NU teambuilding competition we decided to go for a single Pokemon!


Rhyperior's vast movepool can give many unique options to try out! Everyone knows the obvious stuff: it has Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Megahorn etc., but have you checked it out recently? With moves like Rock Polish, Iron Defense + Body Press, Ice Punch, Supercell Slam, Heat Crash, and more, whichever way you go you're nearly bound to find a unique set. Remember to read through the original posts for formatting and submission requirements. Don’t forget to post at least one replay!

With the current state of SV NU and a tier shift around the corner, we understand that there may be important meta changes in the near future and many of the early submissions may not remain legal NU teams very long. Consider the first few weeks of NUTC tester weeks or “Season 0.” Following the upcoming tier shift we will start Season 1 where teams submitted can be used in the upcoming Season 1 Tournament!


Submissions are open now and close Thursday June 27th
at around 8pm (GMT-6)!

Happy building!
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I gonna just submit my bazaar/NUPL team to see how it will be voted.

Rhyperior here is the standard Rocks+Phasing+EQ+ Rock move

I used this team on week 7. Because I was playing a friend and we both had our fates decided on the tour i tried to have some fun wile doing a competitive team. The first idea was to find a budget Mew, that failed the best suitors are Uxie and Mesprit but both lacked in different aspects, but the core of the team was performing well whatsoever . So in the day of the game PowerOfMemes came with the final piece of the puzzle Mirror Herb Swagger Thundurus.


This team is really straight forward get the hazards you can get, keep them up and in the openings position Hera/Thundy so they can setup and break the opposition and let a easy job for the rest to clean.

:SS/Vaporeon: Maybe the star of the team. It provides great defensive utility, can clean up games with CM and pass huge wishes to its bulky teammates like Dragalge and Rhyp. You lack that amazing slow flip turn, but the wish pass is safe enough and has the game winning possibility that normal Vapo doesn't have.

:ss/Heracross: Heracross is here to break holes in the teams, it has a easy time cashing on Trailblazes after a slow flip turn from Dragalge. After a Speed Boost and Burned it's a huge threat. It could run Facade over Rock Slide but having Talonflame as it biggest enemy its good to have something that you can OHKO in the switch without wasting tera, plus the 30% flinch can save some games. But it's really preference would be great anyway going Facade.

:ss/Dragalge: It compress roles of a Slow Pivot, Toxic Spikes setter, Toxic absorber, SpD wall and Special Attacker. Does everything well above average. Great mon.

:ss/Rhyperior: Rocks setter and phaser. Can take some big hits wile shuffling the enemy team with Dragon Tail (when it hits use Roar if you like) it's our electric immunity to support Vapo and rock ground hits well enough even without investment. Obligatory Tera Ghost to prevent spin and maybe be used to avoid some Focus Blast/CC.

:sv/Brambleghast: Spike setter, Rapid Spin and Spin blocker. It has the moves to do some heavy damage and with spin can get fast enough to be a threat. But mostly is on support duty.

:ss/Thundurus: This guy is here is abuses mirror herb swagger to get plus 2 wile setting confusion and buffing acrobatics to disgusting levels. You can OHKO basically anything that isn't a resist. Tera Electric is there not only to buff Supercell Slam but because you are a flying type too you will never be targeted with a ground atk so it adds defensive value for a turn too.

Tour Game : Should have won this game, there was no good reason to click Supercell Slam there. But anyway great showing of the team against a great opponent.

Oath Game: Funny thing I'm the one that beats Oathkeeper with this team in the post just above and I could have won without his throw if I'm not greedy and just stall Bramble out of Poltergeists Vapo cleans house.
Rhyp Wish Balance
This team aims to chip away at cores with some VoltTurn while also having wallbreakers with defensive utility like Swords Dance Incineroar, offensive Rhyperior, and Nasty Plot Rotom-Mow, which can all eventually lead to a Mienshao sweep.
: Mienshao acts as speed control, and it's great at cleaning. Mienshao also draws in Water-types like Slowbro, Vaporeon, and Milotic for Rotom-Mow, and it appreciates Rhyperior's and Incineroar's ability to chip away at said Water-types.

: Rhyperior sets up entry hazards while also having the ability to wallbreak and chip away at Water-types for Mienshao. The EV spread is to 2HKO Slowbro with Megahorn while also outspeeding 4 Speed Vaporeon.

: Vaporeon can Wish pass to Rhyperior and Rotom-Mow, but it most importantly helps keep Incineroar healthy, allowing the team the play longer games if needed (shown in first replay). I chose Haze as the last move because I can't deal with set up way too easily if they get a few boosts. (Incineroar and Rhyperior are fatter than you think, though.) Vaporeon also greatly improves the matchup against Rain.

: Noivern works well here as an offensive Defogger. (I hated this set until I used it; LessThanThreeMan has shown me the light.) Draco Meteor + Flamethrower is a pain to switch in to for many teams, and the Fighting resistance along with its Speed definitely helps out.

: Incineroar takes advantage of its defensive utility with Swords Dance, letting it be strong offensively as well. Incineroar also provides a much needed Grass resistance, Psychic immunity, special tank, and wallbreaker all in one. It also synergizes quite well with Vaporeon, and enjoys its Wish quite a bit. The EV spread is to outspeed Brute Bonnet while being as bulky as possible.

: Rotom-Mow acts like Incineroar in the fact that it works well offensively with Nasty Plot and defensively with its great typing. On top of that, it can also pivot while taking care of Swampert and Quagsire for the rest of the team.