(OP stolen from ndou's teambuilding competition thread)
beautiful art by LessThanThreeMan! say thanks the next time you see them :)
Approved by Aawin & etern
Welcome to NU Teambuilding Competition! In this project, a Pokemon, Core, or Teamstyle each week will be presented for you to build a team around and then submit. There may also be weeks with certain bans to increase creativity and originality. We will then vote on the best team! This project is hosted by yours truly, POM, and LessThanThreeMan!
Anyways, first core for you guys to build around should be announced later today by LessThanThreeMan!
beautiful art by LessThanThreeMan! say thanks the next time you see them :)
Approved by Aawin & etern
Welcome to NU Teambuilding Competition! In this project, a Pokemon, Core, or Teamstyle each week will be presented for you to build a team around and then submit. There may also be weeks with certain bans to increase creativity and originality. We will then vote on the best team! This project is hosted by yours truly, POM, and LessThanThreeMan!
- Entry submission:
- Please use the six sprites and a paste of your team when submitting for easy viewing.
- Your post must contain a description of your team, preferably in hide tags. You can include a brief overview unhidden. (If you're confused, copy the example submission below.)
- When you are submitting a team, do not to slash movesets items in the importable. Other options may be mentioned in the description, but the finished product should be the build you are most confident in. It is fine to do minor set changes throughout the week.
- All submitted teams must have at least one replay.
- All teams must also have a descriptive name whether in parentheses or otherwise such as Air Balloon Spam Electric Terrain, Expert Belt Cloyster Rain, or Choice Scarf Chandelure Ice Spam. (You are allowed to shorten the terminology to recognizable terms like CB, Scarf, BO, HO, Chandy, Cloy, Gatr, etc. Contact me or LessThanThreeMan for questions!)
- Teams that don’t contain the given pokemon, core, or style, and joke teams will all be disqualified.
- Consider a like rating from myself or LessThanThreeMan approval for your team!
- Currently, teambuilding timeframe is Friday-Tuesday, and voting timeframe is Wednesday-Thursday. However, this is subject to change.
- If you'd like to submit an idea for a week, PM me or LessThanThreeMan through Smogon or Discord. We would love to hear your ideas!
- Disputes / Copying: If your team entry has the same cores of Pokémon and similar move sets to an earlier entry, it may be disqualified. If anyone tries to abuse this by reserving an early post in the thread for their entry, please bring it to my attention and they'll be disqualified. If you are caught doing this, there is a high possibility you will not be allowed to post in the building stage for an indefinite amount of time. Whether or not team is copied or too similar will be up to my and LessThanThreeMan's discretion, as there will be times when being lax or strict will be needed for certain weeks.
- Discussion and team changes: One part of the process is to have discussion about the teams and the core. While I'd like to keep this from being a speedy RMT thread, suggestions of improvements to entered teams are allowed. In the interests of fairness, suggestions shouldn’t involve anything more major than move set change. Once a team is submitted, keep the same 6. It is fine to do minor changes throughout the week, but try to stick to the original six pokemon once submitted. Make sure you are happy with it before posting!
- Clean and Tidy: I'd like to keep the thread as clean and uniform as possible, as for ease of browsing, so this means keep formatting consistent, using the provided links for sprites and avoid posting one liners during the submission phase.
- Sprites: Please use this sprite option below:
https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/xyani/Alternatively, you may use the :pokemon: or :gen/pokemon: format to get your sprites. For example,Code::inteleon:
- Voting Phase: To vote, users will list their top three favorite teams. 1 would be their favorite and 3 their least (out of chosen three). If I were to say, "1. Team B, 2. Team E, 3. Team A", then Team B would receive three points, Team E gets two, and Team A only wins one.
- Have fun! :D
- Tournaments:
- At the end of every season (dates to be announced later) we will be hosting a tournament showcasing the teams submitted to the NUTC!
- All community members are allowed to join.
- They will be a best of 1 format in which each side must bring a team that has been submitted during the current season of the NU Teambuilding Competition.
- Each round will last a week for participants to schedule and fight. It will continue until one player is left standing.
- Participants are allowed to and encouraged to switch teams between rounds.
- Example submission:
Mixed Legion Volt-Turn

I'm back again with another team! This time I'm posting the team I made using the mixed legion set me and Diamonds_realm worked on! This a momentum based team that uses pivoting to gain positioning and chip down the opposing team. Legion is sporting a mixed set with shadow ball where wave crash into shadow ball kills slowbro (if they are lefties and there are no hazards its like an 80% roll in your favor, otherwise it is 100%). Luring slowbro opens up for mienshao to clean late game. More detail description below!
Legion kills muk bro and ohkoes cloyster
Replay vs Balance
Long Replay Where Bro + Legion Win in the End
Detailed Description
I won't go into too much detail on the set here, check out the breakdown Diamonds did on the underrated sets thread! This legion is a great mixed wallbreaker noticeably luring slowbro, but also hitting a lot of physical walls hard with shadow ball while maintaining the same power as scarf legion on its water moves. Wave crash is your main stab, shadow ball hits slowbro (after a wave crash) and 2 hits a lot of other physical walls, jet is nice priority and flip turn gets you chip and momentum.
After we lure slowbro we need to have something that appreciates it being gone! Mienshao is the premier scarfer in the tier for good reason, and has incredible longevity thanks to regenerator. I think most of us agree that shao is the second best mon in the tier after slowbro.
Speaking of the best mon in the tier, here he is! Slowbro provides a defensive backbone to the team helping it to not lose to a lot of the physical threats in the tier. Slowbro is very hard to kill after a cm, scald spam is great into basically all of the tier, and psychic noise prevents recovery which is another nice trick for it to have up its sleeve. Psyshock is also a perfectly workable option here.
AV Magnezone is a special tank for the team. While it doesn't have lasting recovery, it does check a lot of the special attackers in the tier and it also gains momentum into talonflame, another notable thorn in Mienshao's side. Modest and Analytic allow zone to still hit hard on the switch while maintaining solid bulk. Tera Dragon and mirror coat are on here mainly for the Sun matchup, allowing zone to check venusuar.
Talonflame is in my opinion, the best hazard removal in the tier. Having cleared hazards is very important for keeping this team healthy as it wants to switch around a lot by nature. It leverages its speed, typing, and burns to check many physical attackers and burn the opponents as they try to u turn. It is also the team's answer to krookodile (unless they have stone edge but that isn't common) and does a great job supporting the team.
The team needed a ground type (for a powerful EQ and a stop to volt switch) and a hazard in the last slot. While krook could also function here, flygon has access to a pivoting move in u turn, and priority in first impression.

I'm back again with another team! This time I'm posting the team I made using the mixed legion set me and Diamonds_realm worked on! This a momentum based team that uses pivoting to gain positioning and chip down the opposing team. Legion is sporting a mixed set with shadow ball where wave crash into shadow ball kills slowbro (if they are lefties and there are no hazards its like an 80% roll in your favor, otherwise it is 100%). Luring slowbro opens up for mienshao to clean late game. More detail description below!
Legion kills muk bro and ohkoes cloyster
Replay vs Balance
Long Replay Where Bro + Legion Win in the End
Detailed Description

I won't go into too much detail on the set here, check out the breakdown Diamonds did on the underrated sets thread! This legion is a great mixed wallbreaker noticeably luring slowbro, but also hitting a lot of physical walls hard with shadow ball while maintaining the same power as scarf legion on its water moves. Wave crash is your main stab, shadow ball hits slowbro (after a wave crash) and 2 hits a lot of other physical walls, jet is nice priority and flip turn gets you chip and momentum.

After we lure slowbro we need to have something that appreciates it being gone! Mienshao is the premier scarfer in the tier for good reason, and has incredible longevity thanks to regenerator. I think most of us agree that shao is the second best mon in the tier after slowbro.

Speaking of the best mon in the tier, here he is! Slowbro provides a defensive backbone to the team helping it to not lose to a lot of the physical threats in the tier. Slowbro is very hard to kill after a cm, scald spam is great into basically all of the tier, and psychic noise prevents recovery which is another nice trick for it to have up its sleeve. Psyshock is also a perfectly workable option here.

AV Magnezone is a special tank for the team. While it doesn't have lasting recovery, it does check a lot of the special attackers in the tier and it also gains momentum into talonflame, another notable thorn in Mienshao's side. Modest and Analytic allow zone to still hit hard on the switch while maintaining solid bulk. Tera Dragon and mirror coat are on here mainly for the Sun matchup, allowing zone to check venusuar.

Talonflame is in my opinion, the best hazard removal in the tier. Having cleared hazards is very important for keeping this team healthy as it wants to switch around a lot by nature. It leverages its speed, typing, and burns to check many physical attackers and burn the opponents as they try to u turn. It is also the team's answer to krookodile (unless they have stone edge but that isn't common) and does a great job supporting the team.

The team needed a ground type (for a powerful EQ and a stop to volt switch) and a hazard in the last slot. While krook could also function here, flygon has access to a pivoting move in u turn, and priority in first impression.
Anyways, first core for you guys to build around should be announced later today by LessThanThreeMan!
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