Not So Fast!


I love weather; Sun for days
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INTRO: Well look here it's a team which needs to be rated, though with the new platinum changes giving more pokemon usage (Kingdra, Scizor, Zapdos, Heatran) it's good to see that some idea's are still as fresh as when D/P first came out. This being Trick Room. It's a wonderful little move that for once, let's the slower Pokemon go first and hit the opposing pokemon HARD. Trick Room is a difficult "weather" to use instead of getting the full five turns of it, the first turn you use it is turn number one. So after that you use another turn to switch to your Sweeper and then you have three turns to Sweep. Against a competent player it will be difficult be the rewards are well worth it.
Here's the team:

Changes are in red


Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 240 HP/164 Def/12 SAtk/92 SDef
Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spe)
- Magic Coat
- Recover
- Thunderbolt
- Trick Room

Porygon2 is a great lead, counters gyrados makes it so he cannot be taunted. Can switch into a natural cure pokemon so he can heal if he gets burned or paralized. Set's up Trick Room then switches to a pokemon who wants to sweep at the moment.

Uses/Synergy: Well here he is, the lead. The Lead is always the hardest pokemon to use, because this is the part of the game which is a flip of a coin. Heads good match up, or tails you're pretty much fucked. Porygon though defies this rule. With his amazing ability and Magic Coat you have distroyed all Taunter, Trickers, Sleepers and everything in the start. He ALWAYS get's a Trick Room off helping me game momentum.

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/152 Atk/8 Def/96 SDef
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Hypnosis
- Gyro Ball
- Explosion

The Second Trick Roomer, he helps as he's the only pokemon on my team that actually causes a status on purpose. Gyro Ball can 1-2HKO a T-Tar and Explosion is for some pokemon that have been causing me a LOT of grief.

Uses/Synergy: Well this is a giant floating bell which can do much anything in this game. Wall, Sleep, hurt other Pokemon and set up Trick Room. He comes in, sleeps an opponent, uses Trick Room and if health is running low, he will explode. Though he will have to watch out for FIRE type attacks the most common user(s) of those are Infernape, Heatran and Zapdos. Heatran will get walled by Porgyon 2 Infernape is walled by the next Pokemon and Zapdos I'm having a little trouble with. Other wise he works out well.

Slowking @ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SpAtk/ 6 Def
-Trick room
-Nasty plot
-Slack off

Slowking is without a doubt one of my most favorite pokemon on this team. Not only is he vital in the fact he can Trick Room but he can also take a hit and deal one back. Even with Surf as his only attack, it deals a lot of damage to grass types (celebi) after a nasty plot or two.

Uses/Synergy: As the only thing I could call a "bulky water" on this team he does the job quite well. He takes hits, heals, Trick Room's then sweeps if the opportunity presents itself.

Magnezone @ Life Orb
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SAtk
Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spe)
- Magnet Rise
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Explosion

Since I no longer need those speed Ev's I put them into HP for some extra sturdy-ness. He can almost OHKO a full HP Metagross. a gaurenteed OHKO if they don't invest in HP. Magnet Rise is there so if I can't OHKO a pokemon, then I can rise and avoid the Earthquake

Uses/Synergy: Well the first (or second counting Slowking) Special Sweeper in my team and he sure packs a punch. With Life Orb and his high Special Attack stat the only things that have a chance to wall this guy is Blissey and Cresselia. Everything else seems to fall in his wake of terror and chaos. If he's about to die, and Trick Room is coming to a close he will explode, killing the pokemon in and allowing me to get to my Trick Roomer safely.

Azumarill (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Brick Break
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch

He's a powerhouse of Pokemon. Aqua Jet is so he can occasionally sweep. I mean do I really need to explain a choice user?

Uses/Synergy: Probably the most powerful (yet less diverse) sweeper on my team. He's slow and that's great, he's powerful and that's awesome. He'll do about 35% to a Gyrados switch in with Waterfall, that's a lot factoring in intimidate. Not much to say.
1) Pick a move
2) Use the move
3) ?????
4) Profit

Tyranitar (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk/252 SAtk
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Crunch
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Tyranitar is one of theose pokemon that is almost required on a Trick Room team. He has a monsturous Attack stat and a pretty good Special Attack stat. He has good type coverage and can take a hit.

Uses/Synergy: He has a huge attack that can kill almost anything that is doesn't resist and has a movepool which destroys the world. He brings in Sand which is helpful to wear down pokemon that don't carry leftovers and that take damage from Sandstorm. Though he is my fourth fighting weaknesses he is always welcome in my team.

A few things to note:
Skymin: goes right through this team without a second glance, I'm going to pray he gets bumped to Ubers though
Heracross: He walks down and punches four members of my team and they go down. I don't know how to fix this
Lucario: Same as Heracross except if he get's a Sword Dance up then I might as well say "GG" if Trick Room isn't up.
Scizor: Pretty much the same reason as Lucario except Magenzone can take him down as he usually doesn't carry Super Power.
Zapdos: Heat Wave, Thunder Bolt, Hidden Power [ICE]. I have NOTHING besides T-Tar that can take a hit from her. If Trick Room is down and she appears I am done. Not as much as Skymin, but pretty much done.
Infernape: Takes down everything in this team. I'm not even joking. Everything is gone. So that's three pokemon (Zapdos, Skymin and Infernape) which by themselves own my team.

OUTRO: Well over all I think this team is doing really well you don't see Trick Room being used that often and it is really such a waste as it's an amzing move. It opens up an entire new game to you and let's you think outside the box.
Outrage isn't useful at all on Tyranitar, especially as it only does as much as STAB Crunch. Sure, it hits Dragons, but Ice Punch is more useful for them, and doesn't leave you trapped.

This team is lacking in terms of resistances against Pokemon like Heracross. Magnezone is the only Pokemon that can conceivably defend against its Megahorn, and it will be drained by Life Orb and lack of healing. Replacing Bronzong with Gliscor will help against Heracross and many other physical attackers; you don't really need 3 Trick Roomers anyways.
Watch out for mixape, if azumarill is gone and trick room isnt up, ur done... So dont even think about changing aqua jet. And..I think 3 trick roomers is too much. Slowbro isnt that necessary (sorry spelling), and magnezone as ur special sweeper doesnt pack a punch, so u can use this:

Slowking w/ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SpAtk/ 6 Def
-Trick room
-Nasty plot
-Ice beam/Slack off/Grass knot/ HP electric
This will help u beat physical walls bulky grounds that magnezone fear.
Hope i helped! B-)
I always found having two Trick Roomers was kind of hard as they will be taking heavy damage. So I went with three.

but if you guys suggest it I'll replace Slowbro with either Gliscor or Slowking.

Yeah, I'll give T-Tar Ice punch as it seems to work there. Thanks for the rating guys
I'm digging this team. Magic coat on your lead = Brilliant!

The only recommendation I can provide is Swapping in Confuse Ray over Hypnosis or Explosion on your Bronzong. This is for instances where you have Trick Room set up and you're in for a tough fight (For example: against Infernape). Instead of takiing it on the chin or risking Hypnosis missing, use Confuse Ray. Sure, it will take a bit of luck to have your opponent smack themselves a bunch. However, a 50% chance of getting tagged by a fire attack sure beats a 100% chance...

Confuse Ray is also an amazing way to stall if you are on your last Trick Room Turn. It increases your chances of setting up another Room and continuing your onslaught of Greek Sandwich (Gyro) Ball.