Hello, welcome to the sign ups for Pay To Slay Mafia, where I'm looking for between 12 and 20 players. This has been on the books for a very long time, whoops.
[Image credit: not mine where I very lazily put text over it. Might have better images by the time the real thread is up]
Short Description: The basic gist of the game is that you and your partner have to work together and spend a set amount of money to buy powers that will allow you to battle and slay your many mafia opponents. In the event that 2 pairings / 2 partial pairings survive to the end of the game, then the game is reset into a final death match scenario where the players left standing receive money based on the number of kills they got earlier in the game, and they use the new money to buy new powers.
In addition to this game's rules, all circus-wide rules and standard NOC rules are in effect (no screenshotting, no copy/pasting role PMs or any communications from host(s), etc.)
Long Description: Two players work together as partners/teams against all other players. Players sign up as individuals, but may request to be on the same team by contacting the host(s) privately. When signing up, if you have your partner already you may choose your powers. All sign ups are to be private, not in this thread. If you don't have a partner in mind while signing up, one will be randomly assigned to you based on other solo-sign ups if any are available (if you're signing up alone, it's in your best interest to wait until you know who your partner is to choose powers). You will know who your partner is, but you will not know the other partner teams at the start of the game (there will be a full playerlist, but you won't know the partners within it) There will be a list of aliases to target each day/night cycle, and some of the aliases will be NPC "villagers" that lack role powers. During Night, partners may talk privately to each other, but talking to anyone but your partner is not allowed. Night actions are sent privately to the host(s). During day, everyone (including partners) may only talk publicly via thread posts. Lynch votes are public in the thread.
All players will receive 10,000 Mafia Bucks to spend on an assorted list of role powers. Each role power is sold for a fixed cost and multiple players may buy the same role power. A single player may buy multiples of certain role powers, which will be marked accordingly. During this stage, players may not share money with their partners and may not buy stuff for their partners (partners can of course plan and coordinate how to spend money, though). By default, every player starts with one Bulletproof Vest. For every successful night kill a player gets during a night that they themselves survive, they earn 1,000 Mafia Bucks for their team's wallet, which will be available only when the game's final starts [EDIT: Due to the playersize, I'm upping the cash payout for successful nightkills from 1,000 to 1,500 mafia bucks. Note that the payout is only useful if we go to a f2 scenario, and a f2 pair scenario involves all players dropping their currently held gear and having to buy new stuff for the finals. This effectively means that your pair needs to get at least 2 nightkills through the normal game to even have enough money to buy a single gun for the f2, or to have saved up enough money from the opening, or to have a combination of nightkill money and saved money. Successfully killing an NPC will still net the cash payout. It is still completely possible to not have a f2 scenario, in which case the dropping of gear and final spending round will not happen. In the event that a nightkill is shared between two or more players that live the night cycle of the nightkill, the 1,500 mafia bucks will be split evenly between the killers.] When only 2 teams are left standing, all players lose their equipment/roles and the store reopens for the finalist players to buy more role powers with the money they earned from night kills; this time, during the finals, partners have a shared wallet. Players may choose to not spend all of their money at the beginning of the game, and if they do so, their saved money carries over to their team's wallet if they make it to the finals. If the two finalist teams reach a stalemate, the game will end in a draw. [If the game jumps from a situation where more than two teams are left in contention to win to the next cycle only 1 team left to win, then a finals situation is removed and the 1 team wins automatically]
When purchasing role powers / before the game starts, players also decide on an alias to give themselves. The majority of role powers will target alias names, but a few, more expensive versions of powers will allow a player to target another player's name instead of their alias name.
The game will have day cycles for lynching aliases in which players publicly argue/vote which alias should be lynched and night cycles for assassinating aliases. The last player standing wins the game for both them and their partner, even if their partner died earlier.
The game will start on Night 1, then go to Day 1, Night 2, Day 2, etc (night comes before day). In order for a lynch to count, more than half of the available votes must go onto a single alias; if half or less than the votes are on a single alias, then there will be no lynch. NPCs will not have any power in any votes.
Upon someone being lynched or night killed, their role powers will be revealed to the playerbase.
I personally like faster games so I'd probably try for 48 hour days and 24 hour nights, though would be flexible to players if this needs to slightly change. If you'd rather have a different length of time for days/nights, please let me know and if there's enough people going one way I can change it.
Role Powers available to be bought from the shop. If there's no usage quantity attached to a power, that means it can be used once every night.
Again, don't sign up via posting in the thread, sign up privately to me (Doggo Plays on discord or send me a smogon PM). If you have any questions, feel free to ask either in the thread or in private.
Whew, that's a lot of reading, I know. Sorry :blobsweat:
Let's see if YOU can... pay to slay!
[Image credit: not mine where I very lazily put text over it. Might have better images by the time the real thread is up]
Short Description: The basic gist of the game is that you and your partner have to work together and spend a set amount of money to buy powers that will allow you to battle and slay your many mafia opponents. In the event that 2 pairings / 2 partial pairings survive to the end of the game, then the game is reset into a final death match scenario where the players left standing receive money based on the number of kills they got earlier in the game, and they use the new money to buy new powers.
In addition to this game's rules, all circus-wide rules and standard NOC rules are in effect (no screenshotting, no copy/pasting role PMs or any communications from host(s), etc.)
Long Description: Two players work together as partners/teams against all other players. Players sign up as individuals, but may request to be on the same team by contacting the host(s) privately. When signing up, if you have your partner already you may choose your powers. All sign ups are to be private, not in this thread. If you don't have a partner in mind while signing up, one will be randomly assigned to you based on other solo-sign ups if any are available (if you're signing up alone, it's in your best interest to wait until you know who your partner is to choose powers). You will know who your partner is, but you will not know the other partner teams at the start of the game (there will be a full playerlist, but you won't know the partners within it) There will be a list of aliases to target each day/night cycle, and some of the aliases will be NPC "villagers" that lack role powers. During Night, partners may talk privately to each other, but talking to anyone but your partner is not allowed. Night actions are sent privately to the host(s). During day, everyone (including partners) may only talk publicly via thread posts. Lynch votes are public in the thread.
All players will receive 10,000 Mafia Bucks to spend on an assorted list of role powers. Each role power is sold for a fixed cost and multiple players may buy the same role power. A single player may buy multiples of certain role powers, which will be marked accordingly. During this stage, players may not share money with their partners and may not buy stuff for their partners (partners can of course plan and coordinate how to spend money, though). By default, every player starts with one Bulletproof Vest. For every successful night kill a player gets during a night that they themselves survive, they earn 1,000 Mafia Bucks for their team's wallet, which will be available only when the game's final starts [EDIT: Due to the playersize, I'm upping the cash payout for successful nightkills from 1,000 to 1,500 mafia bucks. Note that the payout is only useful if we go to a f2 scenario, and a f2 pair scenario involves all players dropping their currently held gear and having to buy new stuff for the finals. This effectively means that your pair needs to get at least 2 nightkills through the normal game to even have enough money to buy a single gun for the f2, or to have saved up enough money from the opening, or to have a combination of nightkill money and saved money. Successfully killing an NPC will still net the cash payout. It is still completely possible to not have a f2 scenario, in which case the dropping of gear and final spending round will not happen. In the event that a nightkill is shared between two or more players that live the night cycle of the nightkill, the 1,500 mafia bucks will be split evenly between the killers.] When only 2 teams are left standing, all players lose their equipment/roles and the store reopens for the finalist players to buy more role powers with the money they earned from night kills; this time, during the finals, partners have a shared wallet. Players may choose to not spend all of their money at the beginning of the game, and if they do so, their saved money carries over to their team's wallet if they make it to the finals. If the two finalist teams reach a stalemate, the game will end in a draw. [If the game jumps from a situation where more than two teams are left in contention to win to the next cycle only 1 team left to win, then a finals situation is removed and the 1 team wins automatically]
When purchasing role powers / before the game starts, players also decide on an alias to give themselves. The majority of role powers will target alias names, but a few, more expensive versions of powers will allow a player to target another player's name instead of their alias name.
The game will have day cycles for lynching aliases in which players publicly argue/vote which alias should be lynched and night cycles for assassinating aliases. The last player standing wins the game for both them and their partner, even if their partner died earlier.
The game will start on Night 1, then go to Day 1, Night 2, Day 2, etc (night comes before day). In order for a lynch to count, more than half of the available votes must go onto a single alias; if half or less than the votes are on a single alias, then there will be no lynch. NPCs will not have any power in any votes.
Upon someone being lynched or night killed, their role powers will be revealed to the playerbase.
I personally like faster games so I'd probably try for 48 hour days and 24 hour nights, though would be flexible to players if this needs to slightly change. If you'd rather have a different length of time for days/nights, please let me know and if there's enough people going one way I can change it.
Role Powers available to be bought from the shop. If there's no usage quantity attached to a power, that means it can be used once every night.
These powers may be bought in multiples:
- Additional Bulletproof Vest (3,000 Mafia Bucks each): Survive one additional assassination (night kill) attempt. Multiple vests can be bought by a single player. (reminder: all players start the game with one BPV for free).
- Rufflet Praiser (1,600 Mafia Bucks each): This player will survive the first time that they have the majority of the lynch votes, resulting in a no lynch for the day. Does not protect against the King’s lynch. Can be bought multiple times to survive multiple lynches.
- Fast Bullet (600 Mafia Bucks each): Gain the ability for your bullet to have priority, allowing you to live if both you and your target targeted each other for the night kill. If both you and your target targeted each other with Fast Bullets, then both die. Multiple fast bullets can be bought by a single player, and you cannot use this power more than the number of bullets you bought.
- Alias Detection Silver (800 Mafia Bucks): Target an alias and learn the player's name who has that alias.
- Alias Detection Gold (1,500 Mafia Bucks): Target a player’s name and learn their alias.
- Partner Detection (2,400 Mafia Bucks): Target an alias and learn the alias name of their partner. Using partner detection on an NPC will give a failed action result. Targeting an alias that has a dead partner will still give the alias name of that dead partner.
- Gun (3,000 Mafia Bucks): Gain the ability to target an alias for assassination (night kill). A gun may only be used to shoot one bullet per night. The purchase of a gun includes an unlimited supply of normal bullets.
- Silver Doctor (3,500 Mafia Bucks): Gain the ability to protect one other alias (not yourself) from being assassinated per night. If the protection saves the targeted alias, your target loses one vote during the next lynch while you gain a temporary extra vote during the next lynch. If this happens, your target is notified of their lost vote at the day cycle's start, and you are notified of your extra vote. You cannot target the same person in back to back nights with this role.
- Gold Doctor (5,000 Mafia Bucks): Gain the ability to protect one other alias and one other player (not yourself) from being assassinated per night. If the player name and the alias name of your targets happen to be the same person, then your action fails. If the protection saves the targeted alias or player, your target loses one vote during the next lynch while you gain a temporary extra vote during the next lynch. If this happens, your target is notified of their lost vote at the day cycle's start, and you are notified of your extra vote. You cannot target the same person in back to back nights with this role. If you target a player's name one night and their alias name the next night, your entire Gold Doctor action will fail and you'll get a failed result.
- Strongman (4,500 Mafia Bucks): Gain the ability to kill aliases who have 1 layer of protection or less (still must have bought a gun to be able to kill an alias). If a targeted player has multiple BPV, two BPV (1 from normal gun, 1 from strongman) will be used up and destroyed but the player will still live the attack. If a player has a BPV and is also protected by a doctor (or two doctors), the player’s BPV count will go down by one but the player will still live. If a player is protected by two separate doctors and has no BPV, the player will not lose a BPV or die. If a player is protected by only one doctor and has no BPV, the player will die.
- Silver Role Cop (1,500 Mafia Bucks): Learn all role powers of a targeted alias per night.
- Gold Role Cop (2,000 Mafia Bucks): Learn all role powers of a targeted player per night.
- Roleblocker (5,000 Mafia Bucks): Block one alias from performing any and all actions during that night. The same alias cannot be roleblocked in back-to-back nights. Multiple Roleblockers targeting each other at the same time will all be unable to perform other actions. Roleblocking blocks every night action, including night kills performed by the targeted alias.
- Role Remover (3,200 Mafia Bucks): Every night, name an alias and any possible role power, other than Gun. If your targeted alias has the role power you named, your target permanently loses that role power. You will be notified if this role's ability is successful. If the targeted alias and named role power is a multiple item, then only one item will be removed from the item stack.
- Doublevoter (3,600 Mafia Bucks): May send in two votes to lynch an alias during the day; one vote is public in the thread, the other vote is private and sent to the host(s). The votes may be for different aliases if desired.
- King (1,500 Mafia Bucks): If this player survives to the last four players left in the game, they alone decide which one of the final four players is lynched during the first day that this power is applicable. If multiple died the previous night and less than four players are alive, the king still may decide which person to lynch. This power can only be used once. If multiple kings are left standing at the point where their powers activate, rather than choosing who is lynched, the lynch works as normal (via lynch votes/hammer) except all kings will be publicly declared immune and no one can lynch them.
- Persuader (4,800 Mafia Bucks): This player targets an alias at night and names a list of different alias names in a priority order. If the player targeted is still alive during the next day cycle, they will be told by the hosts that they are required to lynch-vote for the alias that is alive with the highest priority on the list given. None of the aliases on the priority list may be the same alias targeted for vote persuasion. If the player that is targeted has multiple votes, only one vote will be persuaded. If the same alias is successfully targeted by multiple persuasions during a single night, then the persuasions will all equally fail.
- Day Canceler (1,600): Once per game, you may use this as a night action. The next day cycle is canceled without any lynch, and the next night resumes right after the current night cycle's results are delivered.
Priority of Night actions:
Roleblock > Role Remove > Information Roles > Persuade > Protection Roles/Strongman > Fast Bullets > Guns (with normal bullets).
Priority of Day actions:
Any role power impacting lynch's result > hammer
All guns will shoot bullets at the same time (unless it's a fast bullet vs a normal bullet), so two unprotected players aiming at each other will both die.
Roleblock > Role Remove > Information Roles > Persuade > Protection Roles/Strongman > Fast Bullets > Guns (with normal bullets).
Priority of Day actions:
Any role power impacting lynch's result > hammer
All guns will shoot bullets at the same time (unless it's a fast bullet vs a normal bullet), so two unprotected players aiming at each other will both die.
Again, don't sign up via posting in the thread, sign up privately to me (Doggo Plays on discord or send me a smogon PM). If you have any questions, feel free to ask either in the thread or in private.
Whew, that's a lot of reading, I know. Sorry :blobsweat:
Let's see if YOU can... pay to slay!
Randomized Player List:
- Samoyed
- vooper
MathTurtle- Belt SanderMewtwoHidden- Popsicle- [
USER=88480]JALMONT[/USER] - Palm Sander Duskfall98- Saw HorseHannahh- Fruit Cupacidphoenix- BlueberryFormer- Formertropiusisbae- Watermelon- zorbees
bluedoom- Sandpaper
- Wood Glue
Jigsaw- NPC- Circular Saw
Popsicle- M2H- Jell-O
- NPC_refriDgerAtor
CheesecakeKilled Night 1 - NPCBelt Sander- MathSaw Horse- DuskSandpaper- Bluedoom- Coleslaw
Palm Sander- Jalmont- Drill Bits
Blueberry- AcidFruit Cup- Hannah- Table Saw
Watermelon- Tropius- Tossed Salad
Miter Saw-- FormerIce CreamLynched Day 1 -NPC
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