OU Nihilego


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Smiling Performer

Nihilego @ Power Herb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Meteor Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Grass Knot
- Pain Split

This gelatinous jellyfish has seen some usage in SCL as a late-game cleaner with the combination of Meteor Beam and Beast Boost. Meteor Beam's raw power lets it heavily dent a good majority of the tier, especially since Rock-resistant foes are lacking. It nukes common stopgaps such as Corviknight, Heatran, and Landorus-T, allowing Nihilego to snowball very quickly. Sludge Wave is a more reliable STAB move. Grass Knot is great coverage against Gastrodon and Hippowdon, which would wall Nihilego. Pain Split gives it longevity against Blissey, Galarian Slowking, and Melmetal. The EV spread makes Beast Boost raise Speed to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele; however, maximum Special Attack and Speed is also viable if your team can handle such threats well. Magnezone is able to remove Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Melmetal, and Corviknight that Nihilego can't break through. Nihilego appreciates Weavile and Kyurem breaking down Steel-types and forcing out Landorus-T. Landorus-T and Corviknight are able to check Ground-types such as Garchomp.

Here’s a replay showing off its wallbreaking capabilities:
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Smiling Performer

Nihilego @ Power Herb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Meteor Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Grass Knot
- Pain Split

This gelatinous jellyfish has seen some usage in SCL as a late-game cleaner with the combination of Meteor Beam and Beast Boost. Meteor Beam's raw power allows it to OHKO a good majority of the tier like? and the ability nuke common stop gaps such as Corviknight, Heatran, and Landorus-T after a bit of chip allows it to snowball very quickly. Sludge Wave is the most reliable STAB, dealing good neutral damage to most of the tier. Grass Knot is great coverage against Gastrodon and Hippowdon which would wall Nihilego. Pain Split allows it to retain longevity against Blissey. The EV spread allows Nihilego to boost its Speed with Beast Boost to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Tornadus-T, Tapu Koko, and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele replace torn with dragapult since torn cant do much to nihi; however, max Special attack and Speed is also viable if speed boosting is not necessary for your team. Magnezone is able to remove Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Melmetal, and Corviknight. Weavile and Kyurem appreciates Nihilego breaking down Steel-types while they can threaten out Landorus-T in return. mention more teammates.

characters w/o spaces: 850

Here’s a replay showing off it’s wallbreaking capabilities:
lmk when implemented
Smiling Performer

Nihilego @ Power Herb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Meteor Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Grass Knot
- Pain Split

This gelatinous jellyfish has seen some usage in SCL as a late-game cleaner with the combination of Meteor Beam and Beast Boost. Meteor Beam's raw power allows it to OHKO a good majority of the tier like Slowbro, Toxapex, and Zeraora it ohkos none of them replace this with "meteor beams raw power allows it to dent a good majority of the tier because of the lack of rock resists" or you could find examples of things it does ohko, either works, with the ability to nuke common stop gaps such as Corviknight, Heatran, and Landorus-T after a bit of chip allows Nihilego to snowball very quickly. Sludge Wave is the most reliable STAB, dealing good neutral damage to most of the tier. Grass Knot is great coverage against Gastrodon and Hippowdon which would wall Nihilego. Pain Split allows it to retain longevity against Blissey anything else? think glowking or melmetal. The EV spread allows Nihilego to boost its Speed with Beast Boost to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele; however, max Special attack and Speed is also viable if speed boosting is not necessary for your team. Magnezone is able to remove Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Melmetal, and Corviknight mention that this is very useful as it has next to no way of breaking through steel-types. Weavile and Kyurem appreciates Nihilego breaking down Steel-types while they can threaten out Landorus-T in return nihilego doesnt really beat down steels, its more weavile and kyurem that can punish steels, say smth like nihilego appreciates kyurem and weavile breaking.... Landorus-T and Corviknight are able to check Ground-types such as Garchomp.

Here’s a replay showing off it’s wallbreaking capabilities:

characters w/o spaces: 964
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Nihilego @ Power Herb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Meteor Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Grass Knot
- Pain Split

This gelatinous jellyfish has seen some usage in SCL as a late-game cleaner with the combination of Meteor Beam and Beast Boost. Meteor Beam's raw power allows it dent a good majority of the tier due to the lack of Rock-resists. This gives it the ability to nuke common stop gaps such as Corviknight, Heatran, and Landorus-T after a bit of chip, lets it heavily dent a good majority of the tier, especially since Rock-resistant foes are lacking. It nukes common stopgaps such as Corviknight, Heatran, and Landorus-T, (I imagine this makes sense?) allowing Nihilego to snowball very quickly. Sludge Wave is the most reliable STAB, dealing good neutral damage to most of the tier. a more reliable STAB move. Grass Knot is great coverage against Gastrodon and Hippowdon, (AC) which would wall Nihilego. Pain Split allows it to retain gives it longevity against Blissey, Galarian Slowking, and Melmetal. The EV spread allows Nihilego to boost its Speed with Beast Boost makes Beast Boost raise Speed to outspeed faster Pokemon such as Dragapult, Tapu Koko, and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele; however, maximum Special Attack and Speed is also viable if speed boosting is not necessary for your team. your team can handle such threats well. (I imagine?) Magnezone is able to remove Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Melmetal, and Corviknight since Nihilego can’t break to them. It that Nihilego can't break through. Nihilego appreciates Weavile and Kyurem breaking down Steel-types while they can threaten out Landorus-T in return. and forcing out Landorus-T. Landorus-T and Corviknight are able to check Ground-types such as Garchomp.

Here’s a replay showing off its (removed apostrophe) wallbreaking capabilities: