Nig Cage's Face on Pokemon

Even if you didn't tell me it was nick cage's face on a pokemon.. I would still be able to tell its nick cages face on a pokemon. Strange.

"Krabby, there is no one else in all of Red's boxes that I could possibly ask to share such a horrible job. You're the lowest on the totem pole here, Krabby. The lowest. Do you realize that? Every other Pokemon here has been here longer than you, Krabby. Every one. And even if there was someone here who was here even one day longer than you, I still wouldn't ask that Pokemon to partake in such a miserable job as long as you were around. That's right, Krabby. It's a horrible, horrible job; pushing through boulder after boulder. I couldn't think of a more horrible job if I wanted to. And you have to do it! You have to or I'll fire blast you. You understand? Do you? Good."

"Don't you wanna use your water gun, Krabby?"
my god, if i wasn't changing my avatar so frequently lately i would definitely change it to this:

shit is so good